A Complete Descriptive and Statistical Gazetteer of the United States of America provides detailed descriptions of the states, territories, counties, districts, parishes, cities, towns, and villages, as well as mountains, rivers, lakes, canals, and railroads. Additionally, it includes an abstract of the 1840 census and statistics, offering a comprehensive overview of the agricultural, commercial, manufacturing, and educational conditions and resources of the nation at that time.
Before proceeding to the Table of Contents below, please take a moment to read this page; it contains important explanations that will help you better understand the organization of states, counties, and towns. A word of caution: it seems the compilers of this book had some difficulties with alphabetical order, so don’t be surprised if counties aren’t listed exactly as expected. Also, note that "Ia" is used to represent Indiana, while "Io" or "Iowa" refers to the state of Iowa.
Abbreviation |
Word |
Abbreviation |
Word |
acad. |
Academy |
Miss. |
Mississippi |
Ala. |
Alabama |
Mo. |
Missouri. |
Ark. |
Arkansas |
mt. mts. |
Mountain(s) |
bush. |
Bushels. |
Md. |
Maryland. |
Cap. |
Invested capital in manufactures |
N. C. |
North Carolina |
C. H. |
Court house |
N. H. |
New Hampshire |
CO. |
County |
N. J. |
New Jersey |
Ct. |
Connecticut |
N. Y. |
New York |
Del. |
Delaware |
O. |
Ohio |
Dist. |
District. |
Pa. |
Pennsylvania |
for. |
Foreign |
par. |
Parish |
fac. |
Factory. |
Pop. |
Population |
Flor. |
Florida |
p-t. |
Post township |
Ga. |
Georgia |
p-v. |
Post village |
hund. |
Hundred |
p-b. |
Post borough |
isl. |
Island |
ret. |
Retail |
Ia. |
Indiana |
R. I. |
Rhode Island |
Ill. |
Illinois |
sq. ms. |
Square miles |
Io. |
Iowa |
S. C. |
South Carolina |
Ky. |
Kentucky |
sch |
Common school, or schools. |
La. |
Louisiana |
Te. or Tenn. |
Tennessee. |
m. |
Mill or mills |
t. |
Township. |
m. ms. |
Mile, miles |
Va. |
Virginia |
manufac. |
Manufactures. |
Vt. |
Vermont |
Me. |
Maine |
Wis. |
Wisconsin |
N. S. E. W |
Points of the Compass |
W. |
Following a number, Washington City. |
Ms. or Mass |
Massachusetts |
yds. |
Yards. |
Where no date is attached to the population, it is understood to be that of 1840
Auburn, p-v., capital of Cayuga co., N. Y., 154 w. Albany, 333 W. There are 59 stores, cap. $341,447; 1 woolen fac, 1 cotton fac, 1 tannery, 1 distillery, 1 brewery, 4 flouring m., 2 saw m., 3 furnaces, 4 printing offices. Cap. in manufac. $643,550. 1 college, 48 students, 2 acad. 250 students, 9 sch. 740 scholars. Pop. 5,626:
Which should be read
Auburn, post village, capital of Cayuga county, New York, 154 miles west of Albany, 333 miles from Washington City. There are 59 stores, with a capital invested of $341,447; 1 woolen factory, 1 cotton factory, 1 tannery, 1 distillery, 1 brewery, 4 flouring mills, 2 saw mills, 3 furnaces, 4 printing offices. Capital invested in manufactures, 8043,550. 1 college, with 48 students, 2 academies, with 250 students, 9 common schools, with 740 scholars. Population, 5,626.
In the Northern states, every county is divided into townships, generally from 4 to 6 miles square, though their dimensions vary. In New England, the principal village takes the name of the township in which it is situated; but in some parts of the township, a village occasionally has a different name from that of the township. In New York, the villages have frequently an incorporation distinct from that of the township in which they are situated, and the village is often more prominent than the township; and in some instances, persons who know well the location of a prominent village, might not be able to name the township in which it is situated. The same is to a degree true in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. In the states south of Pennsylvania and of the Ohio River, and in Illinois, there is no such subdivision as townships; as an incorporated district, and a collection of houses, whether few or many, is called a town. In the following work, t. denotes a township, and v. a village, or collection of houses, whether few or many, whether with or without an incorporation. In South Carolina, districts answer to counties in other states, and in Louisiana, parishes. In Delaware, hundreds answer to towns. In those states where the division of townships does not obtain, the census was taken only by counties, and the statistics, therefore, will be found under the heads of the counties.
Table of Contents
- General Description of the United States
- States in this Gazetteer
- Aaronsburg to Adams County IA
- Adams Berkshire County, MA to Albany County, NY
- State of Alabama
- Albany City NY to Allen, County, KY
- Allen MI to Anamickee, County, MI
- Annsville, NY to Anandale, PA
- Annsburg ME to Armstrong, County, PA
- State of Arkansas
- Armstrong PA to Atlantic, County, N J
- Atlas Ill. to Avoyelles, Parish, LA
- Babylon, NY to Bangor, ME
- Bangor NY to Bartholomew, County, IN
- Bartholomew AR to Big Beaver, PA
- Beaver County, PA to Belleview AL
- Belleville PA to Berks, County, PA
- Berkshire County, MS to Bethlem CT
- Bethsaida IL to Black Warrior, AL
- Blackwater NH to Blue Sulphur Springs, VA
- Blue Wing, NC to Boothbay, ME
- Boothsville VA to Bracken, County, KY
- Boston City Massachusetts
- Bradford NY to Bridgeport, CT
- Bridgeport MD to Brockett's, IL
- Brockport NY to Brownsville PA
- Brownsville MD to Bull Creek, VA
- Bureau County IL to Butler, County, OH
- Butler NY to Byron IL
- Cabahatchee, AL to Callaway, County, Ky
- Callaway, County, Mo to Campbell's Station, TN
- Campbell's Store, VA to Canton, IL
- Canton, GA to Carroll, County Ky
- Carroll County, OH to Castleton, VT
- Castleton, NY to Central, PA
- Central Bridge, NY to Chaplain, KY
- Chaplin, CT to Charlottesville, VA
- Charlottesville, IN to Cherokee, County, N. C
- Cherokee, County, GA to Chesterfield, MA
- Chesterfield, CT to Cicero, IN
- Cincinnati, Ohio
- Cincinnati, MO to Clarkstown, NY
- Clarksville, NY to Clermont County, OH
- Cleveland, City Ohio
- Cleveland, NC to Cobb's Store, AL
- Coberlys, OH to Collinsville, CT
- District Of Columbia
- Collinsville, NY to Columbia, OH
- Columbia, OH to Conemaugh, PA
- Conemaugh, GA to Conquest, NY
- State of Connecticut
- Conquest, OH to Cornwall, CT
- Cornwall, NY to Covington, County, AL
- Covington County, MS to Croghan, OH
- Crogansville, PA to Cummington, MA
- Cummington, IL to Cyruston, TN
- Dabneys Mills, VA to Dardanelle, AR
- Dardenne, MO to Decatur, County, IN
- Decatur, NY to Delaware Bay, DE
- State of Delaware
- Delaware County, NY to Derry, PA
- Derry, PA to Dillon's Run, VA
- Dillonsville, NC to Dover, AR
- Dover, AL to Dunningsville, PA
- Dunstaable, MA to Dyre, AR
- Eagle NY to East Hartford CT
- East Harwich, MA to Eastville, VA
- Eastville AL to Edwards, NY
- Edwardsburg, MI to Elk Ridge Landing, MD
- Elk River, MO to Epping, NH
- Epson, NH to Experiment Mills, PA
- Faber's Mills, VA to Fallsburgh, NY
- Fallsburg, OH to Fayette, ME
- Fayette NY to Fleming, County, Ky
- Fleming NY to Fordham, NY
- Florida Territory
- Fordville, MS to Frankford, PA
- Frankford, PA to Franklin, PA
- Franklin, PA to Freedom, NH
- Freedom, NY to Furnace Village, CT
- Gaddysville, NC to Garrard, County, Ky
- Garrattsville, NY to Georgetown Cross Roads, MD
- State of Georgia
- Georgia, VT to Glade Run, PA
- Glade Mills PA to Goshen, NY
- Goshen, NJ to Gray, ME
- Gray MO to Greenfield, OH
- Greenfield, OH to Griggstown, NJ
- Griggsville, IL to Gwynned, PA
- Habersham County, GA to Hamburg, MI
- Hamburg, IA to Hancock, County GA
- Hancock County, MS to Hardwich, VT
- Hardwick, MA to Harrison, ME
- Harrison, NY to Hartwood, NY
- Hartford City, Connecticut
- Hartwood, VA to Heidelberg, PA
- Helderbergs, NY to Hereford, PA
- Hereford MD to Hillsboro, MO
- Hillsborough Bridge, NH to Homer, NY
- Homer, OH to Houston, County, GA
- Houston, PA to Huntingdon, PA
- Huntingdon, PA to Hyndsville, NY
- Iberia, OH to Indian Tavern, TN
- State of Illinois
- State of Indiana
- Indian or Western Territory
- Indian Town, NC to Izard, AR
- Iowa Territory
- Jacinto, MS to Jackson, LA
- Jackson, TN to Jay, VT
- Jay, NY to Jefferson City, MO
- Jefferson, MO to Johnstown, NY
- Johnstown, PA to Jykill Island, GA
- Katskill Mountains to Kennebec River ME
- Kennebec County, ME to Killingly, CT
- State of Kentucky
- Killingworth CT to Knox, County, TN
- Knox County, KY to Kyserick, NY
- Lackawack, NY to Lamoille, County, VT
- La Moine, IL to Laurel Grove, VA
- Laurel Hill, PA to Lebanon, OH
- Lebanon, VA to Leominster, MA
- Leon County, FL to Lexington City, KY
- Lexington, MI to Livingston, ME
- Lincoln County, ME to Little Falls, NY
- Little Falls, NJ to Locust Mount, TN
- Locust Post, KY to Loudon Ridge, NH
- Loudonville, OH to Lower Salem, OH
- State of Louisiana
- Lowell City, MA
- Lower Salford, PA to Lysander, NY
- Mabbettsville, NY to Macon, County, AL
- Macon County, IL to Madison Cross Roads, AL
- Madison Springs, GA to Manchester, AR
- State of Maine
- Manchester, IL to Mariaville, ME
- Mariaville, NY to Mars, IN
- Mar's Bluff, SC to Masonville, Al
- State of Maryland
- State of Massachusetts
- Massanutten, VA to Mechanic, OH
- Mechanic Grove, AL to Mercer County, OH
- Mercer County, IL to Middleburg, OH
- State of Michigan
- Middlebury, VT to Midway, TN
- Midway, KY to Mill Haven, GA
- Millheim PA to Mississinewa OH
- Mississippi River
- State of Mississippi
- Mississippi County, AR to Monohan, PA
- Monongahela, PA to Monrovia, IN
- State of Missouri
- Monrovia, AR to Montpelier, VT
- Montpelier, VA to Morgan, PA
- Morgan, OH to Mount Hawley, IL
- Mount Healthy OH to Mount Willing, AL
- Mount Yonah, GA to Mystic Bridge, CT
- Nacoochee, GA to Narrows, NY
- Narrows, MD to Neshaminy River, PA
- Neshanock, PA to New Bridge, GA
- New Bridge, PA to New Fairfield, CT
- New Fane, VT to New Ipswich, NH
- State of New Hampshire
- New Haven Connecticut
- State of New Jersey
- New Jerusalem, PA to New Paltz, NY
- New Orleans, Louisiana
- New Platz, NY to Newton, NJ
- Newton, NJ to Nimmon's Cross Roads, DE
- State of New York
- Nine Mile Prairie, IL to North Berwick, ME
- North Bethel, ME to North Hartland, VT
- State of North Carolina
- North Craven, MA to North Mount Pleasant, MS
- North Newburg, ME to Norwich, CT
- Norwich, NY to Nyack Turnpike, NY
- Oakey Hill, FL to Ohio River
- State of Ohio
- Ohio County, VA to Onondaga Hollow, NY
- Oregon Territory
- Onslow Bay, NC to Oriskany Creek, NY
- Oriskany, NY to Otisco, NY
- Otisco, MI to Ozark, MO
- Pace's KY to Panton, VT
- Paoli, Pa to Pawtucket, MA
- Pawtucket Falls, MA to Pennsvile, OH
- State of Pennsylvania
- Penn Township, PA to Perry, OH
- Perry, OH to Philadelphia, NY
- City of Philadelphia Pennsylvania
- Philadelphia, MS to Piketon, IN
- Pike Township, PA to Pittsburgh City, PA
- Pittsburg, IN to Pleasant, OH
- Pleasant, OH to Point Coupee, LA
- Point of Rocks, MD to Port Crane, NY
- Port Deposit, MD to Potts Grove, PA
- Pottstown, PA to Princess Ann, County, VA
- Princess Ann, MD to Pulaski, TN
- Pulaski, OH to Pyrenna, GA
- Quaker Bottom, OH to Quogue, NY
- Raby, OH to Randolph, LA
- Randolph, IN to Red Oak, GA
- Red Oak Grove, VA to Richland, PA
- State of Rhode Island
- Richland, PA to Ridgefield, CT
- Ridgeville, NY to Rochester, City, NY
- Rochester, NY to Rocky Mount, VA
- Rocky Mount, NC to Ross, PA
- Ross, PA to Russell, County, AL
- Russell County, KY to Rye Ridge, TN
- Sabatus, ME to Saint Croix, County, WI
- Saint Croix, WI to Saint Louis County, MO
- Saint Louis City, Missouri
- Saint Louisville, OH to Salem, OH
- Salem, OH to Sandgate, IL
- Sand Hill, MO to Sargeantsville, NJ
- Satartia, MS to Schroon, NY
- Schroon Lake, NY to Searcy, County, AR
- Searcy, AR to Sharon, VT
- Sharon, MA to Shenandoah River VA
- Shenandoah, County, VA to Silver Creek, KY
- Silver Creek, TN to Smithville, NY
- Smithville, NY to Southampton, NH
- Southampton, MA to South Hartford, NY
- State of South Carolina
- South Harwich, MA to Sparta, GA
- Sparta, AL to Springfield, IL
- Springfield IA to Stark, NY
- Starkey, NY to Stockbridge, NY
- Stockbridge, MI to Streetsborough, OH
- Streets Run, PA to Summersville, VA
- Summerville, GA to Sutton, VT
- Sutton, MA to Syracuse, IN
- Taberg, NY to Taunton, MA
- Taxahaw, SC to Texas, MI
- State of Tennessee
- Texas, GA to Tippecanoe, County, IN
- Tippecanoe, OH to Townsend, VT
- Townsend, MA to West Troy, NY
- Troy, PA to Tunnell, PA
- Tunnell Hill, GA to Tywapity, MO
- Uchee, AL to Union Hill, GA
- Union Iron Works, PA to Uxbridge, NY
- Valatie, NY to Vermilionville, IL
- State of Vermont
- Vermont, NY to Virgil, NY
- State of Virginia
- Virginia, IL to Volusia, NY
- Wabash, IN to Wallingford, VT
- Wallingford, CT to Warren, County, PA
- Warren County, VA to Warsaw, OH
- Warsaw, KY to Washington, County, AR
- Washington, ME to Washington, OH
- Washington City, Dist. of Columbia
- Washington, OH to Waterford, NJ
- Waterford, NJ to Wayne, County KY
- Wayne County, OH to Wesley, ME
- Wesley, PA to Westernville, NY
- Westernville, OH to Westmoreland, County, PA
- Westmoreland County, VA to West Union, VA
- West Union, OH to White, County, IN
- White County, IL to Whitlocksville, NY
- Whitneys Point, NY to Williamstown, VT
- Williamstown, MA to Winchester, CT
- Winchester, VA to Winston, County, MS
- Winston, TN to Woodsfield, OH
- State of Wisconsin
- Wood's Hill, TN to Wysox, PA
- Xinia, OH to York Sulphur Springs, PA
- Yorktown, NY to Zoar Bridge, CT
- Appendix A - M
- Appendix N - Z
Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843.