American History and Genealogy Project

Adams Berkshire County, MA to Albany County, NY

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Adams, p-t., Berkshire co., Mass., 20 n. Pittsfield, 40 e. Albany, 132 w. n. w. Boston, 392 W. It is a valuable township, and contains 2 post villages, 5 or 6 ms. apart, each of which contains 3 churches. The N. village contains 1 Congregational, 1 Baptist, and 1 Methodist; the s. village, 1 Baptist, 1 Friends, and 1 free to all denominations. In the n. village is a bank, with a cap. of $200,000. Hoosack river passes through the town, and affords an extensive water power, which has been employed in manufactures. There were in 1840, 18 stores, with a cap. of $25,890; 14 cotton manufactories, with 18,320 spindles, 1 dyeing and printing establishment, the whole producing articles to the amountof $481, 107, employing a cap. of $316,000; 1 furnace, 5 tanneries, 2 grist m., 6 saw m. Manufactures of leather, $12,200. Cap. in manufac. $488,900. 1 acad. 45 students, 18 sch. 735 scholars. Pop. 3,703. There is a natural bridge in this town over Hudson's brook, a branch of Hoosack r., which is a great curiosity. The stream has worn a channel from 30 to 60 feet deep, and 30 rods in length, in a body of white marble or limestone, leaving, in one place, a natural bridge, 12 or 15 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 60 feet above the surface of the stream. Saddleback mountain is between this town and Williamstown, but mostly in this town. The highest peak, denominated Gray lock, is 3,600 feet above the level of the sea. The remains of old fort Massachusetts are still to be seen, on the N. end of Saddle mountain, erected as a defence against the savages.

Adams, p-t., Jefferson co., N. Y., 162 n. w. Albany, 403 W., situated on both sides of Sandy cr., where there is a fall of 15 feet, producing a good water power. It has 10 stores, cap. $32,200; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 1 flouring m., 2 grist m., 3 saw m., 1 tannery, and 1 brewery; 15 com. sch. with 581 scholars. Pop. 2,966. The v. has 120 dwelling houses, 1 Presbyterian, and 1 Methodist church, and a seminary for young ladies.

Adams, t., Coshocton co., O., on the n. side of Tuscarawas r. It contains 1 grist m., 2 saw m., and 1 distillery; 1 sch., with 25 scholars. Pop. 838.

Adams, t., Guernsey co., O., 5 ms. w. of Cambridge. The national road, and Crooked cr. pass through the s. E. corner. Pop. 867.

Adams, t., Henry co., O. It has 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $8,000. 2 sch., 34 scholars. Pop. 188.

Adams, t., Washington co., O., on the Muskingum r. It has 6 sch., with 200 scholars. Pop. 792.

Adams, t., in the n. part of Seneca co., O. Drained by Green cr. It has 2 stores, cap. $5,000. Pop. 1,250.

Adams, t., Allen co., O. 2 sch. 35 scholars. Pop. 363.

Adams, t., Monroe co., O., drained centrally by Sunfish cr. It contains 22 sq. ms. Pop. 898.

Adams t., Muskingum co., O., watered by Wills' cr. and the Muskingum r. Pop. 988.

Adams, t., Dark co., O., 3 ms. from Greenville, the co. seat. It is watered by Greenville and Panther crs. Pop. 687

Adams, t., Champaign co, O., 10 ms. n. w. Urbanna. It is drained by Stony and Tawawa crs.; has 1 store, cap. $1,200; 1 tannery, 2 saw m.; 5 sch. 93 scholars. Pop. 970.

Adams, p-t., Hillsdale co., Mich., 93 s. w. Detroit, 533 W. It has 2 saw m., and employs a manufacturing cap. of $3,000; 4 sch. 174 scholars. Pop. 331.

Adams, p-t., Decatur co., In., 54 s. e. by E. Indianapolis, 557 W.

Adams, t., Hamilton co., la. Pop. 512.

Adams, p-o., Irwin co., Ga., 97 s. Milledgeville, 761 W.

Adams Basin, p-v., Monroe co., N. Y., 230 w. Albany, 379 W. Situated on the Erie canal. It has 1 church, 1 store, 2 saw m., and 25 dwellings.

Adamsburg, p-v., Hempfield t., Westmoreland co., Pa., 183 w. Harrisburg, 209 W. The road from Greensburg to Pittsburg passes through it. It contains 4 stores, 1 grist m., and 30 dwellings.

Adams Centre, p-o., Jefferson co., N. Y., 162 N. w. Albany, 403 W.

Adams' Mills, p-v., Muskingum co., O., 61 E. Columbus, 346 W. It is situated on the Ohio canal, 6 n. e. Dresden. It has 1 store, a warehouse, a large flouring mill, supplied with water from the canal, and a few other buildings.

Adams' Mills, p-o., Pulaski co., Ky., 12 Somerset, 76 s. by E. Frankfort, 587 W.

Adamstown, p-v., Cocalico t., Lancaster co., Pa., 23 n. N. E. Lancaster, 47 Harrisburg, 136 W It contains 25 or 30 buildings, including dwellings, stores, &c.

Adamsville, p-o., Franklin co., Ms., 104 w. by n. Boston, 414 W.

Adamsville, p-o., Washington co., N. Y., in the town of Kingsbury, 58 N. Albany, 430 W.

Adamsville, p-o., Somerset co., N. J., 35 n. Trenton, 206 W.

Adamsville, p-o., Crawford co., Pa., 252 n. w. Harrisburg, 302 W.

Adamsville, p-v., Outwa t., Cass co., Mich., 172 w. by s. Detroit, 617 W. It lies on both sides of Christiana r., has 1 flouring m., 1 saw m., and 2 stores.

Adamsville, p-v., McNairy co., Tenn., 133 s. w. Nashville, 815 W.

Adamsville, p-v., Marlborough dist., S. C, 114 e. n. e. Columbus, 402 s. s. w. W.

Adamsville, p-o., Cass co., Ga., 157 n. w. Milledgeville, 653 W.

Adamsville, p-o., Panola co., Miss., 184 n. Jackson, 922 W.

Addison, County, Vt., on the west side of the state, lies on Lake Champlain. It was organized in 1787, and contains about 700 sq. ms. The surface is mostly level near the lake, but becomes hilly and mountainous towards the e. The land in the lake towns is of a superior quality, and in the hilly parts is well adapted to grazing. It is watered chiefly by Otter cr., and its tributaries. This is the longest r. in Vt., and has several sets of falls, which afford the finest water power; and it is navigable for sloops, 7 ms. to Vergennes. Lake Champlain has some good harbors in this county, and affords great commercial advantages. A quarry of beautiful white statuary marble is found at Middlebury, and is extensively wrought. Capital, Middlebury. There were in 1840, neat cattle 39,718, sheep 261,010, swine 14,305; wheat 31,322 bush, produced, rye 11,427, Ind. corn 95,304, buckwheat 7,219, barley 255, oats 141,794, potatoes 440.079, silk cocoons 299 pounds, sugar 132,013; 70 stores, cap. $347,600; 2 lumber yards, cap. $18,000; 1 furnace, 8 forges, 20 fulling m., 7 woolen fac, 1 cotton fee. 3,860 sp., 22 tanneries, 3 potteries, 1 glass fac, 17 grist m., 63 saw m., 1 oil m., 1 paper fac, 3 printing offices, 2 binderies, 1 periodical, 3 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac $37,375. 1 college, 62 students, 5 acad. 134 students, 177 sen. 6,449 scholars. Pop. 23,583.

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Addison, p-t., Washington co., Me., (p-o. Addison Point,) 138 ms. e. by N. Augusta, 720 W. Contains 3 stores, cap. $6,000; 2 tanneries, 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,350. 6 sch. 450 scholars. Pop. 1,053.

Addison, p-t., Addison co., Vt., 12 w. n. w. Middlebury, 72 s. w. Montpelier, 483 W., situated on Lake Champlain, opposite Crown Point, N. Y. The lake is here 3 miles broad. Settled in 1770. Otter cr. passes into the town, and Mill and Pike, small rs., enter into Lake Champlain. The surface is level and the soil good. It has 2 stores, cap. $7,000; 1 fulling m., 1 grist m., 1 saw m.; 10 sch. 260 scholars. Pop. 1,232.

Addison, p-t., Steuben co., N. Y., 18 s. Bath, 227 w. by s. Albany, 292 W. It is watered by Canisteo and Tuscarora crs., the former of which is navigable for boats. The land is broken, and the soil is poor. It furnishes sandstone, which is manufactured into grindstones. It has 2 saw m., 1 fulling m., 2 stores, cap. $13,000; a printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $14,490. 1 acad. 120 students, 10 sch. 463 scholars. Pop. 1,920.

Addison, p-t., Somerset co., Pa., ou the Youghiogheny r., 153 s. w. Harrisburg, 170 W. 10 stores, cap. $23,000; 1 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 3 distilleries, 1 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $8,500. 2 schools, 30 scholars. Pop. 1,301.

Addison, p-t., Gallia co., O., 107 s. by e. Columbus, 354 W. It lies on the Ohio r. a few miles above Gallipolis. It has 3 tanneries, 1 grist, m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,425. Pop. 692.

Addison, t., Oakland co., Mich., has 1 store, cap. $6000; 1 flouring m., 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $10,000. 5 sch. 125 scholars. Pop. 537.

Adelphia, p-v., Ross co., O., 67 s. w. Columbus, 412 W; in Colraine township, n. e. corner of the co., on the N. fork of Salt cr. It contains 3 stores and about 30 dwellings.

Adirondack Mountains, a name recently given to a cluster of mountains in the state of New York, s. w. of Lake Champlain. These mountains are little inferior in height, to the White Mountains in N. H. (See New York, state of.)

Adrian, p-t., capital of Lenawee co., Mich., opposite the junction of Beaver creek with the Kaisin r. 67 Detroit, 501 W. It has 3 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, and 1 Methodist, the two former of which are elegant buildings. It is one of the most flourishing towns in the state, and has 27 stores, cap. $116,800; 3 grist m., 6 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers; 16 schools, 671 scholars. Pop. 2,496. A railroad between this place and Toledo was opened in 1836.

Adriance, p-o., Dutchess co., N. Y., 98 s. Albany, 358 W. It is in the town of Fishkill, and settlement of Hopewell.

Agamenticus Mountain, in York co., Me., 4 miles from the ocean, 673 feet above tide water, a famous landmark for seamen.

Agawam, p-v., West Springfield t, Hampden co., Mass., 98 w. Boston. 358 W. Situated on the w. side of the Connecticut, just below the entrance of Westfield r. It has 2 churches, 1 Baptist and 1 Congregational, several stores, manufactories, and dwellings.

Agnews Mills, p-o., Venango co., Pa., 220 n. w Harrisburg, 274 W.

Ai, p-o., Grant co., In., 60 n. by e. Indianapolis, 568 W.

Aiken, p-v., Barnwell dist., S. C, 77 s. by w Columbia, 590 W.

Aischum co., Mich., in the n. western part of the state, contains 576 square miles, drained by the Notipekago and branches of the Manistee rivers; (unorganized.)

Aid, t., Lawrence co., O., 15 Burlington, the county seat. Watered by the branches of Symmes cr. It has 3 schools and 78 scholars. Pop. 609.

Air, t., Bedford co., Pa. The surface is mountainous with fertile valleys, drained by Big Cove cr. It contains 1 store, cap. $4,000; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 2 tanneries, 2 flouring m., 2 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $21,785. Pop. 1,453. Air Mount, p-o., Clarke co., Ala., 118 s. Tuscaloosa, 930 W.

Airy Grove, p-v., Lenoir co., N. C, 88 w. Raleigh, 310 W.

Akron, p-v., Erie co., N. Y., 268 w. Albany, 388 W. It is situated on Muddy cr., and contains 2 churches, 3 stores, 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 1 clothiers' works, and 50 dwellings. Pop. about 300.

Akron, p-v., Portage t., capital of Summit co., O., at the junction of the Ohio and Erie and the Ohio and Pennsylvania canals, 38 s. Cleveland, 1 16 w. Pittsburg, 123 n. e. Columbus, 321 W. By a succession of locks at Akron, the Ohio and Erie canal rises suddenly to the Portage summit, and presents many picturesque views. The Little Cuyahoga r. and the waste water of the canal afford extensive water power; and so great is the descent, that it is used several times over. By means of another canal, the water of the Great Cuyahoga r. is brought along a ridge of high land in the north part of Akron, by which a great water power is produced. Akron is a place of great activity in business, and has an extensive trade. It contains a court house and jail of stone, 5 churches, 1 Baptist, 1 Episcopal, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist, and 1 Universalist. It has 4 commission houses, cap. $4,500; 30 retail stores, cap. $64,850; 4 furnaces, 4 fulling m., 5 woollen factories, 1 powder m., 4 flouring m., 1 grist m., 1 oil m., 2 printing offices, and 3 weekly newspapers. Capital in manufactures $153,750. The village of Akron has 1 academy, 9 students, 6 schools, 269 scholars. Pop. 1,665; Portage t. exclusive of Akron, 718.

Alabama, State of

Alabama River, is formed by the junction of the Coosa and the Tallapoosa, and flowing s. s. w. it unites with the Tombigbee, 48 ms. above Mobile Bay, and after the junction, has the name of Mobile r. From the junction, 60 miles to Claiborne, it is navigable at all seasons, for vessels requiring 6 feet of water. From Claiborne, 150 ms., to the mouth of the Cahawba, the river has 4 or 5 feet of water. From the mouth of the Cahawba to the junction of the Coosa and Tallapoosa, its head branches, the river affords, in all places, 3 feet of water. The river is subject to great changes by rising and falling.

Alachua Savanna, a grassy and marshy plain in Alachua co., Florida, which is supposed to discharge its waters by an underground passage into Lake Orange.

Alachua, County of e. Florida, situated on the w. part of the peninsula, and contains about 2,500 square miles. It embraces one of the largest tracts of good land in the ter., and has long been densely populated. It has a number of ponds and prairies, and furnishes excellent pasture for numerous herds of cattle. Suwanee river runs on its w. border, and Withlacoochee river through its s. part. Wakassassee river passes through it. Some part of the surface is rolling, but toward the coast it is flat and wet. Capital, Newmansville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 5,665, sheep 87, swine 2,441; Ind. corn 27,365 bush, produced, potatoes 9,652, sugar 2,000 lbs. Pop. whites 1,719, slaves 562; total, 2,282.

Alamo, t, Kalamazoo co., Mich. 1 saw m., 1 sch. 23 scholars. Pop. 194.

Alamutcha, p-o., Lauderdale co., Miss.

Alapaha, p-o., Lowndes co., Ga., 262 s. Melledgeville, 861 W.

Alapapaha, a river of Geo., which flows into the Suwanee, and is about 100 miles in length.

Alaqua, a river of Florida, falls into Choctawhatchee Bay, and is navigable 15 miles, for vessels requiring 5 feet of water.

Alaqua, v., Walton co., Flor., 161 n. of w. from Tallahassee. It is situated on Alaqua river. Pop. 221.

Alatamaha or Altamaha, a navigable river of Georgia, formed by the union of the Ockmulgee and the Oconee. After the junction, the Alatamaha becomes a large river, flowing with a gentle current through forests and plains, upwards of 100 miles, and enters by several outlets into Alatamaha sound, 60 s. w. Savannah, through which it passes into the Atlantic. This sound contains a number of beautiful islands. The Alatamaha is navigable on the Oconee branch, 300 ms. from the ocean, for boats of 30 tons, and for steamboats to Milledgeville; and to an equal distance on the Ockmulgee branch. The bar at the mouth has 14 feet, at low water. The whole length of the river to its source, is about 500 miles.

Alba, p-v., Bradford co., Pa., 143 n. by e. Harrisburgh, 250 W.

Albany, t., Bradford co., Pa., the surface is hilly; soil gravelly loam. Drained by Towanda cr. and the w. branch of Mahoopeny cr. It contains 1 store, cap. $2,500; 1 gnst m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,050.

Albany, p-t., Oxford co., Me., 18 N. w. Paris, 62 w. Augusta, 597 W. It has 1 store, cap. $1,000; 1 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,400. 7 sch. 275 scholars. Pop. 691.

Albany, t., Strafford co., N. H., 6 n. by E. Concord. The surface is uneven and rough, but the soil is a fertile sandy loam, mixed with gravel. Watered by Swift r. and other streams, which afford water power. Chartered in 1766. It contains 5 sch. 153 scholars. Pop. 406.

Albany, p-t., Orleans co., V t., 9 s. Irasburgh, 39 n. Montpelier, 555 W. It was granted in 1781 by the name of Lutterloh, and received its present name in 1815. It is watered by Black river and its branches, and has a number of ponds. It has 1 Hon, cap. 13,000 dollars; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,150. 10 sch. 356 scholars. Pop. 920.

Albany County, N. Y., is situated 150 n. of the city of New York. It was organised in 1683. It lies on the w. side of Hudson r. The surface is uneven, and in the s. w. part hilly and mountainous. On the river the soil is good, and well cultivated, but in the interior it is sandy and unproductive. Among its mineral productions are og iron ore, and water limestone. There are also several mineral springs. Besides the Mohawk, on its n., and the Hudson on its e. boundary, its streams are Normanskill, Vlamanskill, Haivankrauskill and Coeyman's cr., which enter the Hudson, and some others. It has an area of 515 sq. miles. The Erie and Champlain canals form a junction in the n. e. part of this county. Capital, Albany. There were in 1840, neat cattle 25,784, sheep 57,478, swine 49,068; wheat 21,008 bushels produced, rye 145,941, Ind. corn 127,162, buckwheat 103,582, barley 155,902, oats 653,794, potatoes 540,582, sugar 24,366 pounds; 47 commission houses, cap. $650,000; 1,166 stores, capital $1,244,903; 27 lumber yards, cap. $464,000; 1 furnace, 11 fulling m., 8 woollen fac. 2 cotton fac, 5,160 sp., 20 tanneries, 8 breweries, 4 potteries, 6 flouring m., 22 grist m., 84 saw m., 1 paper factory, 1 1 pruning offices, 5 binderies, 1 periodical, 3 daily, 5 weekly, 2 semi-weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $2,712,825. 5 acad. 469 students, 119 sch. 9,319 scholars. Pop. 1830, 53,560; 1840,68,593.

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Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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