American History and Genealogy Project

Bureau County IL to Butler, County, OH

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Bureau, County, Ill., toward the N. part of the state contains 648 square miles. The surface is undulating, but in some parts level, and in some parts it is swampy. It has some prairie land, and some groves of timber. Watered by Bureau creek. Capital, Princeton. There were in 1840, neat cattle 4,001, sheep 2,06, , swine 12,056; wheat 55,724 bushels produced, Indian corn 120,389, oats 51,860, potatoes 35,112: 6 grist m , 10 saw m. Cap. in manufac 29,776. 1 acad. 45 students, 13 sch. 321 scholars. Pop. 3,067.

Burgess's Store, p-o., Northumberland co., Va., 107 n. N. E. Richmond, 166 W.

Burgettstown, p-o., Washington co., Pa., 227 w. Harrisburg, 250 W.

Burke, p-t., Caledonia county, Vt., 51 n. e. Montpelier, 561 W. Watered by branches of Pasumpsic river, which afford good water power. Burke mountain, in the s. E. part of the town, is 3,500 feet high. It was chartered m 1782— first settled in 1790. The surface is uneven, and the soil is generally good. Oil stones of a superior quality, from an island in Lake Memphremagog, are manufactured here. It has 4 stores, cap. $6,500; 2 fulling m., 1 tannery, 4 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $11,630. 10 schools, 332 scholars. Pop. 997.

Burke, County, N. C, in the w. part of the state. Watered by Catawba r. and its branches. It contains 1,625 sq. miles. The surface is elevated, though a mountain valley, and the soil is generally fertile. Capital, Morgan town. There were in 1840, neat cattle 16,529, sheep 12,663, swine 39,556; wheat 45,976 bushels produced, rye 14,753, Ind. corn 620,996, oats 77,691, potatoes 37,809, tobacco 17,718 lbs., cotton 43,644; 20 stores, capital $57,400; gold, value produced, $38,122; 11 tanneries, 183 distilleries, 8 flouring m., 66 grist m., 32 saw m., 3 oil m. Cap. in manfac. $50,580. 1 acad. 25 students, 8 schools, 204 scholars. Pop. 1830, 17,727; 1840, whites 12,319. slaves 3,216, free col'd 264; total, 15,799.

Burke, County, Ga., in the e. part of the state, on Savannah r. It has an area of 1,200 square miles. The Ogeechee river bounds it on the s. Watered also by Brier cr., a branch of the Savannah r. Capital, Waynesboro. There were in 1840, neat cattle 14,956, sheep 4,756, swine 26,728; wheat 7,698 bush, prod., rye 800, Ind. com 508,503, oats 10,877, potatoes 35,465, rice 665 pounds, cotton 6,359,303; 15 stores, capital $71,741; 36 grist m., 22 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $25,400. 1 acad. 25 students, 5 schools, 103 scholars. Pop. 1830, 11,833; 1840, whites 4,609, slaves 8,408; free col'd 159; total, 13,176.

Burke Garden, p-o., Tazewell co., Va., 274 w. by s. Richmond, 340 W.

Burksville, p-v., Prince Edward co., Va., 81 s. w. by w. Richmond, 176 W.

Burksville, p-v., capital of Cumberland co., Ky., 124 w, by s. Frankfort, 637 W. Situated on the w. bank of Cumberland river.

Burketsville, p-v., Frederick co., Md., 92 n. w. Annapolis, 60 W.

Burlingham, p-v., Mamakating t., Sullivan co., N. Y. It contains 2 stores, 1 Methodist church, 1 tannery, 30 dwellings, and 175 inhabitants.

Burlingham, p-v., Bedford t., Meigs co., O., 86 s. e. Columbus, 341 W.

Burlington, County, N. J., lies chiefly on the Delaware r., but extends across the state, to the Atlantic ocean. The soil is chiefly alluvial, consisting of sand, gravel, loam and clay, variously mixed. It furnishes valuable pine timber, and bog iron ore. Marl abounds, particularly in the w parts. Watered by Assunpink, Crosswick's, Black's, Craft's, Assiscunk, Rancocus, and Pensauken creeks, which flow into the Delaware. In Springfield t. is a well, which converts wood into stone. Blocks of hickory, cut in the form of hones, have been converted into stone in 5 years. There were in 1840, neat cattle 16,863, sheep 15,102, swine 20,396; wheat 90,836 bush, produced, rye 253,346, Ind. corn 577,520, buckwheat 39,542, oats 197,180, potatoes 193,126; 129 stores, cap. $364,450; 4 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 1 cotton fac. 2,500 sp.; 1 dyeing and printing est., 3 furnaces, 7 tanneries, 19 distilleries, 3 potteries, 3 paper fac, 34 grist m., 46 saw m., 1 printing office, 3 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $807,670. 6 acad. 135 students, 101 sch. 7,125 scholars. Pop. 1830, 31,066; 1840, 32,831.

Burlington, p-t., Penobscot co., Me., 120 n. e. Augusta, 713 W T . It has a fertile soil, producing good crops of wheat, and contains 3 sch. 105 scholars. Pop. 350.

Burlington, p-t., port of entry, and capital of Chittenden co., Vt., 40 w. N. w. Montpelier, 80 s. s. e. Montreal, L. C, 22 s. e. Plattsburg, 75 n. Whitehall, 513 W. Situated in 44° 27' n. lat. and 73° 10' w. lon. Pop. 1830, 3,525; 1840, 4,271. This beautiful village is situated on a bay which, in the form of a regular curve, sets up a little on the e. side of Lake Champlain. Toward the s. part of the village, the shore is low, but toward the n. it rises to a high bluff, on the level top of which, the barracks for the U. S. soldiers were situated during the last war, and on the brow of which, was a powerful battery. From the s. part of the village, the ground rises, by a gradual slope, for the distance of a mile, to its eastern boundary, which is 250 feet above the level of the lake. The streets extend from e. to w. to the lake shore, and are crossed by others at right angles, dividing the whole into regular squares. Near the centre of the village is a handsome public square, on which the court house is situated. The village contains many elegant houses, generally surrounded by shrubbery, with fine gardens in the rear; and many large and commodious stores and warehouses. It has a rich and extensive back country, and is the largest and most commercial place in the state. A steamboat from Whitehall to St. Johns, stops daily at this place. There are 3 substantial wharves, and on Juniper Island, which contains about 11 acres of ground, and 4 miles from the shore, is a lighthouse. The U. S. have also erected a breakwater here, as a protection against westerly winds. The lake is here 10 miles across, with several islands in view; and a more beautiful sheet of water cannot well be conceived. The view from the cupola of the college, as respects natural scenery, is second to none in the United States. In addition to the beautiful village, the meanderings of Onion river, the broad water view of the lake with its islands, its vessels, and its steamboats; it has in front, on the opposite shore of the lake, in the state of New York, the grand Adirondack mountains, nearly or quite as high as the White mountains; and on the e., in full view, the Green mountains, with their two highest peaks, Camels Rump, and Mansfield mountain. This mountain scenery elevates the beautiful into the sublime, and contributes to form an assemblage of objects which never becomes tame by familiarity. The buildings of the University of Vermont, 4 in number, are on high ground at the e. side of the village. This institution was founded m 1791, and received as an endowment from the state about 30,000 acres of land, located in the various towns granted by the state of Vermont. It has a President and 5 professors, or other instructors, 211 alumni, 110 students, and 9,2001 volumes in its libraries. The commencement I is on the first Wednesday in August. It has a medical department attached to it, and is flourishing. Here is a court house, a jail, 2 banking houses, 6 churches, for Congregationalists, Episcopalians, Unitarians, .Methodists, and Roman Catholics, some of which are elegant buildings, an academy and a female seminary, which are fine edifices. About a mile and a half n. e. of the court house, is a fine manufacturing village, on the falls of Onion r., denominated Winooski city. Beside rapids, the river here has a perpendicular fall of about 20 feet, and affords a great water power. This village is situated partly in Burlington, and partly in Colchester, and the parts are connected by a fine covered bridge across Onion r. The mills and manufactories of this place are already considerable. The t. contains some good land, and some less fertile. The first had a natural growth of hard wood, and the latter of pine. The first permanent settlement was made in 1783. It has 49 stores, cap. $352,830; 1 tannery, 1 rope fac, 1 brewery, 1 glass fac, 1 pottery, 1 grist m., 3 saw m., 3 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $84,408. 1 acad. 104 students, 17 sch. 835 scholars.

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Burlington, p-t., Middlesex co., Mas., 13 n. w. by n. Boston, 453 W. Watered by a branch of Shawsheen r. It has a light soil. It contains 2 stores, cap. $7,000; 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $6,100. 4 sch. 180 scholars. Pop. 510.

Burlington, p-t., Hartford co., Ct., 19 w. Hartford, 339 W. Watered by Farmington r. and its branches. The surface is diversified, and the soil a gravelly loam. It has 2 stores, cap. $400; 2 fulling m., 2 woollen fac, 1 tannery, 3 distilleries, 4 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $21,500. 9 sch. 335 scholars. Pop. 1,201.

Burlington, p-t., Otsego co., N. Y., 79 w. Albany, 356 W. The surface is rolling, and the soil a fertile gravelly loam. At the v., are a church, 2 stores, and 15 or 20 dwellings. There are in the t., 7 stores, cap. $25,500; 4 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 4 grist m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $42,405. 13 sch. 558 scholars. Pop. 2,154.

Burlington, city, p-t., and port of entry, Burlington co., N. J., 12 s. Trenton, 17 n. e. Philadelphia, 156 W. 40° 5' 10" n. lat. and 72° 52' 37" w. lon. Pop. 1830, 2,670; 1840, 3,434. It is pleasantly located on the E. bank of the Delaware. Encircled on the s. and E. by a small stream, so as to form an island, 11 mile long and 1 m. wide, connected with the main land by 4 bridges and causeways. It has 6 churches, 1 Episcopal, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Friends, 2 Methodist and 1 Baptist, a city hall, a lyceum, a bank, a library, three extensive boarding schools, and a free school, established in 1682. It is regularly laid out, with streets intersecting each other at right angles. The bank of the river is a beautiful grassy plain, bordered by elegant dwellings, chiefly country seats of gentlemen of Philadelphia. The residence of the Bishop of New Jersey is a handsome Gothic structure. Burlington was founded in 1678, and incorporated as a city in 1784. Tonnage, 1840, 3,851. It has 15 stores, cap. $57,500; 1 tannery, 1 pottery, 4 grist m., 2 saw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $89,650. 9 sch. 180 scholars.

Burlington, p-t., Bradford 00., Pa., 144 n. Harrisburg, 254 W. The surface is hilly, and soil gravelly loam. Drained by Sugar cr. and its branches. It has 2 stores, cap. $8,000; 1 grist m., 11 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $13,445. 7 sch. 245 scholars. Pop. 1,118.

Burlington, p-v, Fayette t., capital of Lawrence co., O. Situated on the w. bank of Ohio r., at the extreme s. point of the state. It contains a court house, a jail, 2 churches, I Presbyterian and 1 Methodist, a steam saw mill, 2 carding machines, and various manufactories.

Burlington, p-t., Calhoun co., Mich., Ill w. Detroit, 572 W. It has 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,050. 4 sch. 84 scholars. Pop. 411.

Burlington, p-v., Hampshire co., Va., 198 n. w. Richmond, 126 W. it has a church, free to all denominations, 1 store, and several mechanic shops.

Burlington, p-v., capital of Boone co., Ky., 82 n. by e. Frankfort, 508 W.

Burlington, p-v., Carroll co., In., 53 n. n. w. Indianapolis, 611 W.

Burlington, p-o., Racine co., Wis., 82 s. e. Madison, 791 W.

Burlington, p-v., capital of Des Moines co., Iowa, 871 W. It is handsomely situated on the w. bank of the Mississippi, 1,429 ms. above New Orleans, and 248 above St. Louis. It is surrounded by hills, to which the ground rises by a gentle acclivity, affording many commanding situations on the high grounds. It is regularly laid out, and has a court house, and jail, and several commodious brick churches, and many neat private residences. It has 2 steam ferry boats. The commerce of the place is considerable. It contains a U. S. land office, between 20 and 30 stores, and a variety of mechanical and manufacturing establishments. It has 2 printing offices, each of which issues a weekly newspaper.

Burlington, t., Licking co., O. It has 5 sch. 284 scholars. Pop. 1,222.

Burlington, t., Calhoun co., Mich.

Burlington Flats, p-o., Burlington t., Otsego co., N. Y., 83 w. Albany, 360 W.

Burnington, t., Shiawassee co., Mich. Pop. 403.

Burnersville, p-o., Lewis co., Va., 231 n. w. Richmond, 243 W.

Burns, t., Allegany co., N. Y., 237 w. by s. Albany. The surface is broken; soil, a fertile clay loam. Drained by Canaseraga cr. It contains 3 stores, cap. $12,000; 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $5,800. 7 sch. 299 scholars. Pop. 867.

Burns, t., Shiawassee co., Mich. It has 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,000. 1 sch. 25 scholars. Pop. 257.

Burnettston, t., Franklin co., Mass. It has 2 stores, cap. $4,000; 1 fulling m., 2 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,650. 6 sch. 252 scholars. Pop. 992.

Burnham, p-t., Waldo co., Me., (post office called Burnham village,) 34 e. Augusta, 630 W. It has 1 store, cap. $3,000; 1 tannery, 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $15,800. 7 sch. 266 scholars. Pop. 602.

Burnside, p-t., Clearfield co., Pa., 156 n. w. Harrisburg, 234 W. Pop. 556.

Burnsville, p-o., Yancey co., N. C, 245 Raleigh, 475 W.

Burnsville, p-o., Dallas co., Ala.

Burnt Cabins, p-o., Bedford co., Pa., 67 w. s. w. Harrisburg, 111 W.

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Burnt Corn, p-o., Monroe co., Ala., 142 s. Tuscaloosa, 931 W.

Burnt Hills, p-o., Ballston t., Saratoga co., N. Y., 25 N. Albany, 393 W.

Burnt Ordinary, p-o., James City co., Va., 46 e. by. s. Richmond, 163 W.

Burnt Prairie, p-v., White co., Ill., 155 s. s. E. Springfield, 761 W.

Burnt Tavern, p-o., Monmouth co., N. J., 27 e. by s. Trenton, 193 W.

Burnt Tavern, p-o., Garrard co., Ky., 49 s. by e. Frankfort, 547 W.

Burrilville, p-t., Providence co., R. I., 19 N. w. Providence, 398 W. Watered by Branch r., a tributary of Blackstone r., which affords good water power. The soil is rough, but adapted to grazing. It has 4 stores, cap. $13,869; 2 woollen fac, 1 cotton fac. 1,056 sp., 5 grist m., 15 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $39,860. 10 sch. 448 scholars. Pop. 1,982.

Burr Oak Grove, p-o., Stephenson co., Ill., 215 n. Springfield, 847 W.

Burr Oak, p-t., St. Joseph co., Mich., 128 s. w. Detroit, 576 W. It has 5 sch. 80 scholars. Pop. 286.

Burr's Mills, p-o., Jefferson co., N. Y., 166 N. w. Albany, 411 W.

Burrsville, p-v., Caroline co., Md., 71 E. Annapolis, 111 W.

Burshley Creek, p-o., Cattahoola par., La., 251 n. w. N. Orleans, 1,165 W.

Burnt Quarters, p-o., Dinwiddie co., Va., 44 s. by w. Richmond, 163 W.

Bursonville, p-o., Bucks co., Pa., 119 e. Harrisburg, 184 W.

Burton, p-t., Cattaraugus co., N. Y., 297 w. by s. Albany, 312 W. Watered by Alleghany r. and its tributaries. The line of the New York and Erie railroad passes through the t. Pop. 530.

Burton, p-t., Geauga co., O., 165 n. e. Columbus, 330 W. Watered by the head branches of Cuyahoga r. It has 6 stores, cap. $6,800; 3 grist m., 7 saw m., 5 sch. 357 scholars. Pop. 1,022.

Burton, t., Luzerne co., Pa. It has 1 store, cap. $2,000; 2 flouring m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $10,000. Pop. 733.

Burton, p-o., Parke co., In., 78 w. Indianapolis, 649 W.

Burton, p-o., Adams co., Ill.

Burtons, p-o., Tishamingo co., Miss.

Burtonsville, p-o., Charleston t., Montgomery co., N. Y.

Burtonsville, p-o., Greene co., Va., 89 Richmond, 109 W.

Burtonton, p-o., Copiah co., Miss., 59 s. by w. Jackson, 1,076 W.

Burwell Bay, p-o., Isle of White co., Va., 69 s. e. Richmond, 192 W.

Busbayville, p-o., Houston co., Ga., 47 s. s. w. Milledgeville, 703 W.

Busbee's Store, p-o., Wake co., N. C, 9 Raleigh, 397 W.

Bush Creek, p-o., Bureau co., Ill., 131 Springfield, 802 W.

Bush Creek, t, Washington co., Ark. Pop. 298.

Bush Creek, t., Sciota co., O. It has 2 sch. 45 scholars. Pop. 401.

Bushkill, p-o., Pike co., Pa., 142 n. e. Harrisburg, 236 W.

Bushkill, t., Northampton co., Pa. Watered by Bushkill cr. The surface is hilly; the soil, white gravel, red shale and slate, and moderately fertile. It has 1 store, cap. $3,000; 1 forge, 1 tannery, 4 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $38,500. 3 sch. 160 scholars. Pop. 1,716.

Bushnell's Basin, p-v., Perrinton t., Monroe co., N. Y., 217 w. by n. Albany, 366 W. Situated on the Erie canal, and has 1 Presbyterian church, 2 stores, and 12 or 15 dwellings.

Bush's Mills, p-o., Lewis co., Va., 291 n. w. Richmond, 259 W.

Bush's Store, p-o., Laurel co., Ky., 107 s. s. e. Frankfort, 552 W.

Bushwick, t., Kings co., N. Y., 3 e. Brooklyn, 148 s. Albany. The surface is somewhat broken, and the soil moderately good, and well cultivated. Drained by Newtown cr. It has 10 stores, cap. $33,000; 4 rope walks. Products of the dairy, $13,200. Cap. in manufac. $55,000. 6 sch. 155 scholars. Pop. 1,295.

Buskirk's Bridge, p-v., Cambridge t., Washington co., N. Y., 29 n. by e. Albany, 399 W. Situated on Hoosick r., and has 2 stores, 1 Dutch Reformed church, and about 200 inhabitants. Here is a bridge across Hoosick r.

Buskville, p-o., Franklin co., Ga., 109 n. by e. Milledgeville, 618 W.

Busroen Mills, p-o., Sullivan co., In., 88 s. w. Indianapolis, 659 W.

Busti, p-t., Chatauque co., N. Y., 323 w. by s. Albany, 336 W. The surface is hilly and broken, and the soil good. 16 sch. Pop. 1,894.

Bustleton, p-v., Philadelphia co., Pa., 110 E. by s. Harrisburg, 11 n. e. Philadelphia, 150 W.

Butler, County, Pa., in the w. part of the state, contains 800 sq. ms. Alleghany r. touches the co. in the n. e. and s. e. angle. Drained by Slippery Rock and Connequenessing creeks and their branches, which flow w. into Beaver river. The surface is uneven, but the soil is fertile, and adapted both to grain and to grazing. Capital, Butler. There were in 1840, neat cattle 26,051, sheep 51,191, swine 40,141; wheat 254,9 14 bush, produced, rye 107,703, Ind. corn 125,097, buckwheat 91,261, oats 629,179, potatoes 286,158; 59 stores, cap. $172,850; 3 furnaces, 3 fulling m., 4 woollen fac, 22 tanneries, 13 distilleries, 2 powder m., 5 potteries, 54 grist m., 64 saw m., 4 oil m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $249,662. 2 acad, 119 students, 134 sch. 5,252 scholars. Pop. 1830, 14,683; 1840, 22,378.

Butler, County, Ala., in the s. part of the state, contains 1,000 sq. ms. Drained by branches of Conecuh r. The surface is undulating, and the soil moderately productive. Capital, Greensville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 5,550, sheep 1,112, swine 10,757; wheat 3,193 bushels produced, Ind. corn 116,766, oats 4,293, potatoes 8,392, rice 500 pounds, cotton 696,302; 14 stores, cap. $55,500; 1 cotton fac. 934 sp., 4 tanneries, 23 grist m., 16 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $41,850. 6 acad. 236 students, 9 sch. 233 scholars. Pop. 1830, 5,650; 1840, whites 6,192, slaves 2,470, free col'd 23; total, 8,685.

Butler, County, Ky., central in the w. part of the state. Watered by Green r., which is navigable through this county. It contains 570 sq. ms. Capital, Morgantown. There were in 1840, neat cattle 5,784, sheep 4,978, swine 21,564; wheat 15,313 bush, produced, Ind. corn 183,088, oats 35,424, potatoes 4,103, tobacco 170,776 pounds, cotton 16,409, sugar 10,254, 6 stores, cap. $15,300; 1 tannery, 3 distilleries, 2 flouring m., 7 grist m., 1 acad. 51 students, 3 sch. 98 scholars. Pop. 1830, 3,053; 1840, whites 3,379, slaves 515, free col'd 4; total, 3,893.

Butler, County, O., in the s. w. part of the state, contains 480 sq. ms. The Miami r. and Miami canal cross it, and it is a populous and wealthy co. Capital, Hamilton. There were in 1840, neat cattle 21,903, sheep 29,172, swine 63,828; wheat 318,720 bush, produced, rye 29,291, Indian corn 2,243,561, buckwheat 1,760, barley 12,656, oats 550,990, potatoes 46,035, sugar 39,860 pounds; 121 stores, cup. $208,430; 2 lumber yards, cap. $6,200; 1 fulling m., 6 woollen fac, 10 tanneries, 49 distilleries, 2 breweries, 3 potteries, 17 flouring m., 21 grist m., 33 saw m., 4 oil m., 2 paper fac., 3 printing offices, 1 daily, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $196,775. 2 colleges, 25 1 students, 1 acad. 62 students, 79 sch. 3,237 scholars. Pop. 1830, 27,044; 1840, 28,173.

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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