American History and Genealogy Project

White County, IL to Whitlocksville, NY

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White, County, Ill. Situated toward the s. e. part of the state, and contains 480 sq. ms. Wa-bash r. bounds it on the e. Drained by Little Wabash r. and Skillet Fork. Between Great and Little Wabash are fine prairies, and the margins of these streams are heavily timbered. Capital, Carmi. There were in 1840, neat cattle 6,912, sheep 6,602, swine 30,987; wheat 32,953 bush, produced, Ind. corn 382,710, oats 42,262, potatoes 6,232, tobacco 68,061 pounds, cotton 2,208; 1 commission house, cap. $500; 20 stores, cap. $72,760; 7 tanneries, 3 distilleries, 2 flouring m., 8 grist ra., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufactures $19,230. 14 sch. 352 scholars. Pop. 7,919.

White, County, Ark. Situated a little n. e. of the centre of the state, and contains 1,000 sq. ms. White r. runs on its e. border. Drained by Little Red r. Capital, Searcy. There were in 1840, neat cattle 3,155, sheep 367, swine 3,827; wheat 327 bush, produced, Indian corn 37,910, oats 1,745, potatoes 3,879; 3 stores, cap. $ 12,750; 5 grist m., 1 saw m. Pop. whites 841, slaves 88; total, 929.

White, t., Cambria co., Pa. It has 2 saw m., 3 sch. 90 scholars. Pop. 438.

White, p-o., Hancock co., Ia., 39 Indianapolis, 550 W.

White, t., Carroll co., Ark. It has 1 grist m., 1 sch. 20 scholars. Pop. 222.

White Chimneys, p-o., Caroline co., Va., 30 n. Richmond, 90 W.

White Clay Creek, p-h., New Castle co., Del. The cr. is a branch of Christiana cr.

White Cottage, p-o., Muskingum co., O., 60 Columbus, 345 W.

White Cross, p-o., Orange co., N. C.

White, C. H., p-v., capital of White co., Ark., 50 n. n. e. Little Rock, 1,076 W. Situated in Searcy v., on the s. w. bank of Little Red r. It contains a court house, jail, and a number of dwellings.

White Creek, p-t., Washington co., N. Y., 12 s. Salem, 43 n. e. Albany, 413 W. The surface is hilly; soil, a fertile sandy loam, highly cultivated. Drained by Owl and Little White creeks, flowing into Hoosic r., which bounds it partly on the s. The v. is situated on White cr., and contains 1 Baptist and 1 Friends church, 3 stores, 1 woolen fac, 2 tanneries, 100 dwellings, and about 700 inhabitants. It is surrounded by a fertile agricultural region, particularly adapted to grazing. There are in the t. 8 stores, cap. $16,000; 1 fulling m., 2 woolen fac, 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,000. 8 sch. 230 (scholars. Pop. 2,195.

White Creek Springs, p-o., Davidson co., Tenn., 11 n. Nashville, 695 W.

White Day, p-o., Monongalia co., Va., 284 n. w. Richmond, 217 W.

White Deer, mt., a chain of the Alleghany Mountains, running e. and w. The w. branch of Susquehanna r. washes its eastern base.

White Deer, p-v., Lycoming co., Pa., 78 n. Harrisburg, 188 W.

White Deer, t., Union co., Pa. The surface is mountainous; soil, calcareous loam, gravel, and alluvion. Bounded n. by White Deer mountain. Drained by White Deer cr., which flows into Susquehanna r. It contains the v. of New Columbia. It has 2 stores, cap. 86,000; 2 fulling m, 2 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 2 grist m., 6 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $10,150. 5 sch. 500 scholars. Pop. 1,252.

White Deer Mills, p-o., Union co., Pa., 75 n. Harrisburg, 185 W.

White Eyes, t., Coshocton co., O. Organized in 1823. Drained by small branches of Tuscarawas r. It has 2 distilleries, 1 grist m., 4 saw m. Pop. 997.

White Eyes Plains, p-o., Coshocton co., O., 88 n. e. Columbus, 329 W. The plains are on the s. side of Tuscarawas r., and are named from a Delaware Indian chief.

Whitefield, p-t., Lincoln co., Me., 14 n. Wiscasset, 16 s. e. Augusta, 602 W. Drained by Sheepscot r., which affords good water power. Incorporated in 1809. It has 7 Stores, capital $7,400; 2 fulling m., 6 tanneries. Cap. in manufac. $1,700. 16 sch. 917 scholars. Pop. 2,150.

Whitefield, p-t., Coos co., N. H., 9 s. Lancaster, 93 n. Concord, 554 W. Drained by John's r. It has several ponds. The soil is light and moderately fertile. Chartered in 1774. It has 1 store, cap. $3,000; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $17,000. 5 sch. 235 scholars. Pop. 751.

Whiteford, p-o., Lucas co., O., 146 n. w. Columbus, 477 W.

White Gate, p-o., Giles co., Va., 241 w. Rich-mond, 301 W.

White Hall, p-t., Washington co., N. Y. 21 n. Sandy Hill, 73 n. Albany, 443 W. The surface is hilly; soil, generally clay, adapted to grass. Drained by Wood cr. and Pawlet and Poultney Rivers, which enter into the head of Lake Champlain. The v. is situated at the head of Lake Champlain, and contains 3 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Methodist, a bank, 30 stores and groceries, 2 forwarding houses, 1 woolen fac, 1 flouring m., 2 saw m., 1 planing machine, 1 machine shop, 2 ship yards, and 2 dry docks, 1 tannery, 300 dwellings, and 2,400 inhabitants. Two large steamboats sail from this place for the conveyance of passengers and merchandise, and 2 steam tow-boats, 50 sloops and schooners, and 70 canal boats. Two daily lines of canal packets, when the canal is open, leave this place for Troy. This is the N. termination of the Champlain canal. There are in the t. 27 stores, cap. $94,000; 1 tannery, 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper, 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $18,550. 3 acad. 164 students, 16 sch. 859 scholars. Pop. 3,813.

White Hall, p-v., Madeira t., Columbia co., Pa., 87 N. Harrisburg, 197 W. It contains a store and 5 or 6 dwellings.

White Hall, p-o., Tuscarawas co., O., 107 e. n. e. Columbus, 302 W.

White Hall, p-v., Frederick co., Va., 154 n. n. w. Richmond, 82 W. It contains 1 Methodist church, 2 stores, 18 dwellings, and 75 inhabitants.

White Hall, p-o., Baltimore co., Md.

White Hall, p-v., Mecklenburg co., N. C, 166 w. s. w. Raleigh, 405 W. It contains about 75 inhabitants.

White Hall, p-v., Abbeville dist., S. C, 93 w. Columbia, 545 W. It contains about 50 inhabitants.

White Hall, p-v., Marengo co., Ala , 94 s. Tuscaloosa, 894 W.

White Hall, p-v., St. Joseph co., Ia., 133 N. Indianapolis, 630 W.

White Hall, p-v., Greene co., Ill., 59 s. w. Springfield, 841 W. It contains 1 Baptist and 1 Methodist church, 11 stores, 1 steam saw m., and 295 inhabitants.

White Hall, p-v., Fayette co., Tenn., 190 s. w. Nashville, 875 W.

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White Hare, p-o., Barry co., Mo., 155 s. w. Jefferson City, 1,101 W.

White Haven, p-v., Luzerne co., Pa., 114 n. e. Harrisburg 222 W.

White Haven, p-v., Somerset co., Md., 103 b. E. Annapolis, 143 W. Situated on Wicomico r., and contains about 75 inhabitants.

White House, p-o., Readington t., Hunterdon co., N. J., 40 n. n. w. Trenton, 205 W. Situated on Rockaway creek, and contains 1 Presbyterian and 1 Dutch Reformed church, 3 stores, and 15 or 20 dwellings.

White House, p-o., Cumberland co., Pa., 21 W. s. w. Harrisburg, 110 W.

White House, p-o., Mecklenburg co., Va., 129 s. w. Richmond, 234 W.

White House, p-o., Henry co., Ga., 72 w. n. w. Milledgeville, 676 W.

White House, p-o., Lewis co., Ky., 101 e. n. e. Frankfort, 434 W.

White Lake, p-o., Bethel t., Sullivan co., N. Y., 118 s. w. Albany, 302 W.

White Lake, p-t., Oakland co., Mich., 43 n. vv. Detroit, 567 W. It has 1 sch. 15 scholars. Pop. 549.

Whiteley, p-t., Greene co., Pa. The surface is rolling; soil, loam. Drained by Whiteley cr., which flows into Monongahela River, and by branches of Dunkard's creek. It has 10 stores, cap. $103,800; 1 woolen fac, 3 tanneries, 3 distilleries, 3 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $5,845. 7 sch. 114 scholars. Pop. 2,043.

Whiteleysburg. p-v., Kent co., Del., 20 s. w. Dover, 103 W.

White Marsh, p-t., Montgomery co., Pa., 11 n. w. Philadelphia, 104 e. Harrisburg, 150 W. The surface is level; soil, red shale. Drained by Wissahickon cr. The v. is situated on Wissahickon cr., and contains 1 Episcopal Church, 1 store, 1 flouring m., and 1 grist ra. Lime is manufactured. It has 12 stores, cap. §27,000; 2 lumber yards, cap. $10,200; 1 fulling m., 2 cotton fac. 72 sp., 5 flouring m., 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. §48,090. 6 sch. 246 scholars. Pop. 2,079.

White Marsh, p-o., Columbus co., N. C, 135 s. by w. Raleigh, 423 W.

White Mountains, p-o., Coos co., N. H., 101 n. Concord, 562 W.

White Oak, p-o., Rutherford co., N. C, 226 w. s. w. Raleigh, 463 W.

White Oak, p-o., Columbia co., Ga., 105 e. n. e. Milledgeville, 597 W.

White Oak, p-o., Humphreys co., Tenn., 67 w. Nashville, 751 W.

White Oak, t., Highland co., O. Drained by branches of White Oak cr. It has 4 sch. 117 scholars. Pop. 887.

White Oak, t., Ingham County, Mich. Pop. 270.

White Oak Flats, p-o., Sevier co., Tenn., 237 e. by s. Nashville, 510 W.

White Oak Grove, p-o., Greene co., Mo., 164 s. s. w. Jefferson City, 1,081 W.

White Oak Springs, p-o., Barbour co., Ala., 189 s. e. Tuscaloosa, 821 W.

White Oak Springs, p-v., Iowa co., Wis., 92 s. w. Madison, 876 W.

White Pigeon, p-t., St. Joseph co., Mich., 148 w. s. w. Detroit, 593 W. The v. is situated on White Pigeon cr., and contains 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist church, 5 stores, several mechanic shops, and a few dwellings. It is a place of considerable business. There are in the t. 1 tannery, 1 distillery, 3 flouring m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $28,000. Pop. 680.

White Plains, p-t., semi capital of Westchester co., N. Y., 129 s. Albany, 254 W. The sur-face is uneven; soil, loam, adapted to grass, and well cultivated. Drained by Bronx River and Mamaroneck cr. The v. contains a court house, jail, county clerk's office, 4 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, and 2 Methodist, an academy, a female seminary, 4 stores, 1 woolen fac, 100 dwellings, and about 700 inhabitants. There are in the t. 4 acad. 100 students, 4 sch. 102 scholars. Pop. 1,087.

White Plains, p-o., Brunswick co., Va., 90 s. s. w. Richmond, 206 W.

White Plains, p-o., Anderson dist., S. C, 135 w. n. w. Columbia, 531 W.

White Plains, p-o., Greene co., Ga., 13 e. by s. Greensboro', 56 n. Milledgeville, 616 W. It contains 2 churches, an academy, and 2 stores.

White Plains, p-o., Benton co., Ala., 146 e. n. e. Tuscaloosa, 724 W.

White Plains, p-o., Jackson co., Tenn., 96 e. n. e. Nashville, 618 W.

White Post, p-v., Clarke co., Va., 140 n. n. w. Richmond, 71 W.

White Post, p-o., Pulaski co., Ia., 96 n. n. w. Indianapolis, 655 W.

White River, p-o., Desha co., Ark., 139 s. e. Little Rock, 1,065 W.

White River, t., Benton co., Ark. Pop. 231.

White River, t., Gibson co., Ia. It has 2 sch. 64 scholars. Pop. 700.

White River, t., Hamilton co., Ia. It has 2 sch. 95 scholars. Pop. 1,343.

White River, t., Izard co., Ark. It has 3 stores, cap. $9,700; 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $8,350. 2 sch. 52 scholars. Pop. 551.

White River, t., Independence co., Ark. It has 2 sch. 45 scholars. Pop. 556.

White River, t., Marion co., Ark. It has 1 grist m. Pop. 339.

White River, t., Randolph co., Ia. It has 4 stores, cap. $10,500; 3 tanneries, I distillery, 1 flouring m., 3 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,490. 4 sch. 105 scholars. Pop. 2,227.

White River, t., Washington co., Ark. Pop. 492.

Whites, p-o., Elbert co., Ga., 114 n. N. E. Milledgeville, 593 W.

Whites Bend, p-o., Davidson co., Tenn., 8 Nashville, 692 W.

Whitesborough, Oneida co., N. Y. (See Whitestown.)

Whitesburg, p-v., Madison co., Ala., 143 n. n. e. Tuscaloosa, 718 W.

White Stone, p-o., Lancaster co., Va., 95 e. by n. Richmond, 156 W.

Whitesides, County, Ill. Situated in the n. w. part of the state, and contains 770 sq. miles. Formed in 1836 from Jo-Daviess co. Watered by Rock River and its branches. The surface is level or undulating; soil, fertile. Capital, Lyndon. There were in 1840, neat cattle 2,832, sheep 765, swine 6,751; wheat 27,206 bushels produced, Indian corn 80,680, oats 26,886, potatoes 33,918, sugar 1,020 pounds; 12 stores, cap. $32,500; 4 grist m., 12 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $24,700. 8 sch. 194 scholars. Pop. 2,514.

White's Store, p-o., Norwich t., Chenango co., N. Y., 102 w. by s. Albany, 335 W.

White's Store, Sullivan co., Tenn.

White's Store, p-o., Anson co., N. C, 159 s. w. Raleigh, 428 W.

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Whitestown, p-t., semi-capital of Oneida co., N. Y., 96 w. n. w. Albany, 392 W. The surface is undulating; soil, calcareous loam, and fertile. Drained by Oriskany and Sadaquada creeks, flowing into Mohawk r., which bounds it on the N. E. Whitesborough v., situated on the s. side of Mohawk r., contains a court house, jail, 4 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Congregational, 1 Baptist, and 1 Methodist, 8 stores, 1 large cot-ton fac. 3,000 sp., 1 large flouring m., an academy, 300 dwellings, and about 1,800 inhabitants. It is chiefly on one street, over one mile long, finely shaded with trees, with graveled sidewalks. It contains the Oneida Institute, a manual labor institution, which has a president and several professors. Incorporated in 1829. It has attached to it a farm of 114 acres, and has several convenient buildings. There are in the t. 24 stores, cap. $114,700; 10 fulling m., 5 woolen fac, 2 cotton fac. 15,100 sp., 2 tanneries, 1 paper fac, 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper, 2 flouring m., 2 grist m., 5 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $652,020. 2 acad. 284 students, 15 sch. 851 scholars. Pop. 5,156.

Whitestown, p-o., Butler co., Pa., 211 w. n. w. Harrisburg, 253 W.

Whitestown, p-o., Ottowa co., O., 125 n. Columbus, 443 W.

Whitestown, p-v., Benton co., Mo.

White Sulphur, p-o., Scott co., Ky.

White Sulphur Springs, p-v., Greenbrier co., Va., 205 w. by n. Richmond, 242 W. This celebrated mineral spring discharges 18 gallons a minute, at a uniform temperature of 60 degrees of Fahrenheit. It contains sulphate of lime, sulphate of soda, carbonate of magnesia, chloride of calcium, sulphohydrate of sodium, organic matter, iodine, sulphate of magnesia, carbonate of lime, chloride of sodium, per oxide of iron, phosphate of lime, precipitated sulphur; and the gaseous contents are carbonic acid, sulphuretted hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. It is found to be highly efficacious in dyspepsia, liver com-plaints, jaundice, gout, rheumatism, diseases of the skin, and various other complaints. The accommodations are elegant and extensive, sufficient for 1,500 persons. From 4,000 to 6,000 per-sons visit it annually, and the water is extensively exported. It retains its most valuable properties when removed from the spring.

White Sulphur Springs, p-o., Meriwether co., Ga.

Whitesville, p-v., Independence t., Alleghany co., N. Y., 265 w. by s. Albany, 301 W. It contains 1 Baptist and 1 Methodist church, 2 stores, 1 woolen fac, 1 grist m., 2 saw m., 1 tannery, 40 dwellings, and about 300 inhabitants.

Whitesville, p-v., capital of Columbus co., N. C, 125 s. by w. Raleigh, 413 W. Situated on the e. side of Beaver Dam cr., a branch of Waccamaw r., and contains a court house, jail, and about 75 dwellings.

Whitesville, p-v., Harris co., Ga., 148 w. s. w. Milledgeville, 766 W. It contains a Methodist church, an academy, and 3 stores.

Whitesville, p-v., Duval co., Flor., 262 e. Tallahassee, 826 W. Situated on s. side of Black r., at Gareys ferry.

Whitesville, p-v., Wilkinson co., Miss., 136 s. w. Jackson, 1,136 W.

Whitesville, p-v., Hardeman co., Tenn., 172 w. s. w. Nashville, 857 W. Situated on a branch of Big Hatchee r., and contains about 75 inhabitants.

White Top, p-o., Sullivan co., Tenn.

Whitewater, r., Ia., rises in Randolph co., and flows s. and s. e. until it enters the Great Miami r., in the s. w. part of Ohio, 20 ms. below Brookville. Flat-boats of the largest size pass down this r., in the time of spring floods.

Whitewater, t., Hamilton co., O. Watered by Whitewater r. It has 8 sch. 344 scholars. Pop. 1,883.

Whitewater, p-o., Wayne co., Ia., 83 e. Indianapolis, 502 W.

Whitewater, p-o., Walworth co., Wis., 91 e. s. e. Madison, 824 W.

Whitfield, t., Indiana co., Pa. It has 4 stores, cap. $8,200; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1 tannery, 2 distilleries, 4 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $11,025. 1 sch. 119 scholars. Pop. 1,664.

Whitford, t., Monroe co., Mich. It has 3 sch. 57 scholars. Pop. 363.

Whiting, p-t., Washington co., Me., 169 e. n. e. Augusta, 755 W. Machias bay lies on its s. e. border, into which a pond near its centre has its outlet. A larger pond in its n. part flows into Cobscook bay. Incorporated in 1825. It has 1 grist m., 5 saw m., 6 sch. 195 scholars. Pop. 462.

Whiting, p-t., Addison co., Vt., 69 s. w. Montpelier, 471 W. Otter Creek r. bounds it on the e., which affords water power. In the e. part is a swamp of 2 or 3,000 acres. The surface is moderately uneven; soil, fertile, adapted to grain and to grazing. It contains a Congregational and a Baptist church. Chartered in 1763, first settled in 1773. It was abandoned during the revolutionary war, but resettled at its close. It has 2 stores, cap. $25,000; 1 saw m., 5 sch. 142 scholars. Pop. 659.

Whitingham, p-t., Windham co., Vt., 141 s. by w. Montpelier, 422 W. The surface is uneven; soil, fertile. Drained by Deerfield r. and its branches. Limestone is abundant. It contains a valuable mineral spring. First settled in 1770. It contains a church, and has several religious denominations. It has 5 stores, cap. $20,200; 2 tanneries, 2 grist m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $11,250. 13 sch. 480 scholars. Pop. 1,391.

Whitinsville, p-v., Worcester co., Mass., 39 w. Boston, 404 W.

Whitley, County, Ky. Situated in the s. e. part of the state, and contains 600 sq. ms. Drained by Cumberland r., which flows circuitously through it, and by its branches. Capital, Williamsburg. There were in 1840, neat cattle 6,174, sheep 5,059, swine 15,991; wheat 4,949 bush, produced, Ind. corn 191,170, oats 35,099, potatoes 9,459, tobacco 8,297 pounds, cotton 14,725, sugar 2,418; 10 stores, cap. $12,700; 8 distilleries, 44 grist m., 5 saw m., 2 sch. 44 scholars. Pop. whites 4,508, slaves 146, free col'd 19; total, 4,673.

Whitley, County, Ia. Situated toward the n. e. part of the state, and contains 324 sq. ms. The soil is fertile. Drained by Eel r. and its branches, which afford water power. Capital, Columbia. There were in 1840, neat cattle 9,207, sheep 407, swine 3,067; wheat. 5,688 bush, produced, Ind. corn 27,135, oats 3,074, potatoes 90,091, sugar 22,595 pounds; 2 stores, cap. $1,300; 1 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $5,700. 1 sch. 30 scholars. Pop. 1,237.

Whitley, C. H., Whitley co., Ky., 125 s. s. e. Frankfort, 543 W. Situated in Williamsburg v., on the s. side of Cumberland r., and contains a court house, jail, and about 50 inhabitants.

Whitley, p-v., Whitley co., Ia., 120 n. n. e. Indianapolis, 585 W. Situated on the n. w. side of Eel r.

Whitleysville, p-o., Jackson co., Tenn., 82 e. by n. Nashville, 640 W.

Whitlocksville, p-v., Bedford t., Westchester co., N. Y., 125 s. Albany, 268 W. Situated at the junction of Croton and Cross rivers, and contains 1 church, 2 stores, 1 grist m., 1 clothier's works, and about 20 dwellings.

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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