Mar's Bluff, SC to Masonville, Al
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Mars' Bluff, p-o., Marion dist., S. C, 122 e. Columbia, 466 W.
Marseilles, p-v., Noble co., Ia., 164 N. N. E. Indianapolis, 576
Marseilles, p-v., La Salle co., HI., 141 n. n. e. Springfield,
776 W. Situated on the N. side of Illinois r., at the Grand
Rapids, which afford an immense water power. It has several
mills, and produces extensively lumber and flour. The Wabash and
Erie Canal passes through it.
Marsh, p-o., Chester co., Pa., 61 e. by s. Harrisburg, 139 W.
Marshall, County, Va. Situated in the n. part
of the state, and contains 350 sq. ms. The surface is hilly;
soil, fertile, adapted to grain and grazing. Drained by Grave
cr. and other small streams that flow into the Ohio r., which
runs on its w. border. It contains many remains of ancient
fortifications. Capital, Elizabethtown. There were in 1340, neat
cattle 4,640, sheep 7,173, swine 9,091; wheat 82,829 bushels
produced, rye 2,036, Indian corn 145,822, buckwheat 3,590, oats
103,195, Potatoes 29,672, sugar 3,820 pounds; 6 stores, cap.
$19,450; 2 tanneries, 16 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$12,635. 3 sch. 70 scholars. Pop. whites 6,854, slaves 46, free
col'd 37; total, 6,937.
Marshall, County, Tenn. Situated s. of the
center of the state, and contains 200 square miles. Drained by
Duck r. and its branches. Surface, undulating; soil, fertile.
Capital, Lewisburg. There were in 1840, neat cattle 14,263,
sheep 16,604, swine 67,739; wheat 89,923 bush, prod., rye 3,405,
Ind. corn 1,019,863, oats 121,561, Potatoes 16,071, tobacco
119,165 lbs., cotton 489,831; 17 stores, cap. $61,487; 9
tanneries, 28 distilleries. Cap. in manufac. $24,237. 21 sch.
743 scholars. Pop. whites 11,468, slaves 3,075, free col'd 12;
total, 14,555.
Marshall, County, Ala. Situated toward the n.
e. part of the state, and contains 600 sq. miles. Tennessee r.
passes through it on the n., by small blanches of which it is
drained. Capital, Warrenton. There were in 1840, neat cattle
9,417, sheep 2,403, swine 26,329; wheat 8,996 bushels produced,
Indian corn 382,680, oats 23,344, Potatoes 16,058, tobacco
17,918 pounds, cotton 4,335,967; 13 stores, cap. $66,600; 5
tanneries, 15 distilleries, 13 grist m., 16 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $10,660. 16 sch. 436 scholars. Pop. whites 6,688,
slaves 841, free col'd 24; total, 7,553.
Marshall, County, Miss. Situated in the n. part
of the state, and contains 800 square miles. Drained by head
branches of Tallahatchee and Coldwater rivers. Surface,
undulating; soil, fertile. Capital, Holly Springs. There were in
1840, neat cattle 14,621, sheep 6,044, swine 51,276; wheat
19,113 bushels produced, Indian corn 733,511, oats 32,540,
Potatoes 50,559, tobacco 9,336 pounds, cotton 1,064,425; 26
stores, cap. $161,000; 4 tanneries, 2 flouring m., 19 grist m.,
18 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in
manufac. $76,480. 9 acad. 292 students, 26 sch. 583 scholars.
Pop. whites 9,253, slaves 9,258, free col'd 8; total, 17.526.
Marshall, County, la. Situated toward the N.
part of the state, and contains 440 sq. miles. Drained by Yellow
and Tippecanoe rivers. Capital, Plymouth. There were in 1840,
neat cattle 2,137, sheep 822, swine 5.378; wheat 5,510 bushels
produced, Ind. corn 37,570, oats 16,198, Potatoes 13,810, sugar
13,655 pounds; 2 stores, cap. $1,900. 3 sch. 40 scholars. Pop.
Marshall, County, Ill. Situated a little n. of
the center of the state, and contains 334 sq. ms. Watered by
Illinois r. Capital, Lacon. There were in 1840, neat cattle
2,422, sheep 1,865, swine 6,495; wheat 31,889 bushels produced,
Indian corn 90,620, oats 21,405, Potatoes 11,990; 8 stores, cap.
$25,000; 1 flouring m., 3 grist m. 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$18,300. 1 acad. 50 students, 3 sch. 100 scholars. Pop. 1,819.
Marshall, pt., Oneida co., N. Y., 12 s. w Utica, 93 w. n. w.
Albany, 379 W. The surface is rolling; soil, a fertile sandy
loam, well cultivated. Drained by Oriskany cr. The Chenango
canal passes through it. It has 3 stores, cap. $7,500; 3 fulling
m., 1 woolen fac, 1 furnace, 1 forge, 3 tanneries, 1 distillery,
5 grist m., 10 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $86,250. 16 sch. 749
scholars. Pop. 2,251.
Marshall, pt., capital of Calhoun co., Mich 105 w. Detroit, 570
W. The soil is fertile, adapted to grain. The v. is pleasantly
situated, on Kalamazoo r., at the confluence of Rice ct. It
contains a court house, jail, bank, 3 churches, 14 stores, 3
flouring m., and 1 furnace, and is one of the most flourishing
villages in the state. It is the seat of Marshall College,
recently founded, which has a president and 1 professor, 62
students, and 3,700 vols, in it libraries. First settled in
1831. There are in the t., 14 stores, cap. $83,900; 2 lumber
yards, cap. $1,300; 1 furnace, 2 printing offices, 2 weekly and
1 periodical newspapers, 3 flouring m., 1 grist m., 3 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $32,900. 1 acad. 68 students, 8 sen. 238
scholars. Pop. 1,763.
Marshall, p-v., capital of Clark co., Ill., 123 E. s. E.
Springfield, 661 W. It is pleasantly situated on the national
road, and contains a court house and several dwellings.
Marshall, p-v., capital of Saline co., Mo., 87 N. w. Jefferson
City, 1,001 W. It contains a court house, 1 church, 4 stores,
and 150 inhabitants.
Marshall, p-v., Marshall co., Ala., 131 n. e. Tuscaloosa, 703 W.
Marshall's Ferry, p-o., Granger co., Tenn., 232 e. Nashville,
456 W.
Marshallsville, p-v., Baughman t., Wayne co., O., 107 n. e.
Columbus, 342 W.
Marshallsville, p-v., Macon co., Ga., 70 8. w. Milledgeville,
726 W.
Marshallton, p-v., Chester co., Pa., 73 e. s. e. Harrisburg, 122
Marshfield, pt., Washington co., Vt., 15 n. e. Montpelier, 528
W. The surface is uneven; soil, adapted to grazing. Watered by
Onion r. There are in the t. 1 store, cap. $2,700; 2 grist m., 1
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,100. 12 sch. 324 scholars. Pop.
Marshfield, pt., Plymouth co., Mass., 31 s. e Boston, 453 W. It
is pleasantly situated on Massachusetts Bay, with a tolerable
harbor, and some navigation. Drained by North and South River.
Incorporated in 1640. It contains 6 churches, 3 Congregational,
1 Baptist, 1 Episcopal, and Methodist. It has some manufactures
and ship building. It contains 6 stores, capital $5,900;
furnace, 6 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac $39,300. 8 sch.
450 scholars. Pop. 1,761.
Marshy Hope Bridge, p-o., Kent co., Del., 3 Dover, 121 W.
Marshpee, t., Barnstable co., Mass., 12 8. t Barnstable, 65 s.
E. Boston. This is an ancient Indian settlement, which is still
inhabited chiefly by their descendants, of a mixed blood. It
contains 10,500 acres, or about 16 sq. ms. The land is secured
to the Indians in perpetuity, and, excepting so much as each can
cultivate, is held by them in common. They have a church; in
which has been a succession of preachers, sometime Indians, from
the earliest times. It has the Atlantic on the s., from which
several inlets set up. The inhabitants are agriculturists or
fishermen, and are a quiet and orderly people. It has 2 sch. 60
scholars. Pop. 309.
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Mars Hill, Me., lying nearly on the E. boundary of the United
States, is an isolated mountain with 2 peaks, one 1,506 feet,
and the other 1,363 feet, above the waters of St. John's r. It
has derived its importance from the fact that the British
commissioners fixed on it as the commencement of the highlands
described in the treaty of 1783, though far s. of the true
highlands, and much s. of the boundary as recently settled.
Marston's Mills, p-o., Barnstable co., Mass., 70 s. e. Boston,
47 W.
Martha Furnace, p-o., Centre co., Pa., 101 N. w. Harrisburg, 193
Martha's Mills, p-o., Fleming co., Ky., 90 e. Frankfort, 493 W.
Marthasville, p-v., Warren co., Mo., 73 E. by x. Jefferson City,
873 W.
Martha's Vineyard, Island, Mass., lies off the s. shore of
Mass., s. of Falmouth, and w. n. w. of Nantucket Island. It is
21 ms. long, and from 2 to 5 ms. broad, and contains 3 towns,
Edgartown, Tisbury, and Chilmark; and with several small islands
in the vicinity, constitutes Dukes co., which contains 120 sq.
miles. The capital is Edgartown. The soil is poor, and some
cattle and sheep are raised; but the inhabitants are chiefly
employed in the fisheries. There is a lighthouse at Gay Head, in
Chilmark. In the wars with Great Britain the inhabitants have
been chiefly without protection. An Indian church was formed
here in 1666. Their government was at first independent of the
other provinces in 1664 it was united to New York, and in 1692
to Massachusetts.
Martha's Vineyard, p-o., Chatham co., N. C, 3 w. Nashville, 326
Marticville, p-v., Martic t, Lancaster co., a., 48 e. s. e.
Harrisburg, 122 W. It contains 10 or 12 dwellings.
Martic, t., Lancaster co., Pa., 10 s. Lancaster, he surface is
hilly; soil, calcareous loam, rained by Beaver, Muddy, and
Pecquea crs., which afford water power. McCreary's ferry, below
the mouth of Pecquea cr., crosses the Susquehanna r., which
bounds it on the s. w. It has 5 stores, cap. $11,600; 2
tanneries, 1 distillery, 6 flouring m , 6 grist m., 4 saw m.
Cap. in manufac $16,500. 9 sch. 320 scholars. Pop. 2,453.
Martin, County, N. C. Situated toward the part
of the state, and contains 481 sq. miles. The surface is level,
and in part marshy. Roane r. runs on its n. e. boundary.
Capital, Williamston. There were in 1840, neat cattle 4,333,
sheep 4,262, swine 17,704; wheat 5,158 bush, proved, Indian corn
251,463, oats 7,475, Potatoes 39,639, rice 37,457 pounds, cotton
291,686; 7 stores, cap. $33,500; 12 grist m., 9 saw m. Cap.
manufac. $16,950. 6 sch. 130 scholars. Pop. Whites 4,438, slaves
2,816, free col'd 383; total, 7,637.
Martin, County, la. Situated toward the s. w.
part of the state, and contains 300 sq. miles. Lined by the e.
fork of White r., the branches of which afford water power. East
of White r. the surface is broken and hilly; and w. of it level,
or gently undulating. Capital, Mount Pleasant. There were in
1840, neat cattle 4,159, sheep 4,261, swine 11,046; wheat 9,884
bushels produced, Ind. corn 87,032, oats 19,164, Potatoes 7,433,
sugar 15,287 pounds; 6 stores, cap. $19,900; 3 tanneries, 3
distilleries, 9 grist m., 10 saw m. Capital in manufac. $23,265.
3 sch. 96 scholars. Pop. 3,875.
Martin, t., Pope co., Ark. Pop. 120. 49
Martin, t., Allegan co., Mich. It has 1 saw m., cap. $3,000; 3
sch. 46 scholars. Pop. 116.
Martindale, p-o., Mecklenburg co., N. C, 164 w. s. w. Raleigh,
403 W.
Martins, p-o., Philips co., Ark., 132 e. Little Rock, 1,001 W.
Martinsburg, pt., and capital of Lewis co., N. Y., 134 n. w.
Albany, 433 W. The surface is undulating; soil, a fertile loam.
Drained by Martin's cr., which flows into Black r. The v.,
situated on the post road from Utica to Ogdensburg, contains a
court house, jail, 3 churches, a banking house, a female
academy, 6 stores, 1 flouring m., 2 saw m., 1 woolen fac, 100
dwellings, and about 600 inhabitants. Lead is found here. There
are in the t. 7 stores, cap. $15,700; 1 fulling m., 2 tanneries,
1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper, 2 grist, m., 9 saw m.
Capital in manufac. $12,015. 17 sch. 733 scholars. Pop. 2,272.
Martinsburg, p-v., Woodberry t., Bedford co., Pa., 1 12 w.
Harrisburg, 145 W. Situated on the head waters of Frankstown
branch of Juniata r. It contains 3 stores, and 50 or 60
Martinsburg, p-v., capital of Berkley co., Va., 21 n. w.
Harper's Ferry, 169 n. by w. Richmond, 77 W. It contains a court
house, jail, county offices, 2 academies, an almshouse, 4
churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Lutheran, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Roman
Catholic, 12 stores, cap. $67,500; 1 furnace, 3 tanneries, 1
flouring m., 2 grist m., 1 printing office, issuing a weekly
newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $55,695. It has about 1,700
Martinsburg, p-v., Monroe co., Ky., 149 s. s. w. Frankfort, 638
W. Situated in the s. e. corner of the county.
Martinsburg, p-v., Clay t., Knox co., O., 57 n. n. e. Columbus,
366 W. It contains 2 churches, 7 stores, 2 high schools, 1 for
males and 1 for females, 75 dwellings, and about 450
Martinsburg, p-v., Washington co., Ia., 13 s. e. Salem, 105 s.
Indianapolis, 616 W. It contains about 125 inhabitants.
Martin's Creek, p-o., Northampton co., Pa., 114 n. e.
Harrisburg, 207 W. The creek rises at the foot of Blue Mountain,
and running s. w., enters Delaware r. 26 ms. above Easton. It is
not navigable, but affords good water power.
Martin's Creek, p-o., Carroll co., Tenn.
Martin's Creek, p-o., Pickens dist., S. C, 154 w. n. w.
Columbia, 560 W.
Martin's Ferry, p-o., Belmont co., O., 127 e. by n. Columbus,
267 W.
Martin's Hill, p-o., Catlin t., Chemung co., N. Y., 207 w. by s.
Albany, 291 W.
Martin's Stand, p-o., Blount co., Ala., 114 n. n. e. Tuscaloosa,
731 W.
Martinstown, p-v., Eagle t., Hancock co., O., 89 n. n. w.
Columbus, 460 W.
Martin's Store, p-o., Macon co., Ga. Martinsville, p-v.,
Somerset co., N. J., 35 n. by E. Trenton, 206 W.
Martinsville, p-v., capital of Henry co., Va., 194 s. w.
Richmond, 269 W. Situated on Smith's r., a branch of Dan r. It
contains a court house, jail, 2 stores, 1 tannery, and about 100
Martinsville, p-v., Northampton co., N. C, 150 n. e. Raleigh,
219 W.
Martinsville, p-v., Warren co., Ky., 152 s. w. by w. Frankfort,
676 W.
Martinsville, p-v., Clinton co., O., 82 s. s. w. Columbus, 455
W. It contains 6 stores, 1 steam mill, 35 dwellings, and about
200 inhabitants.
Martinsville, p-v., capital of Morgan co., Ia., 23 s. w.
Indianapolis, 599 W. Situated half a mile e. of the e. branch of
While r., on a beautiful plain. It contains a court house, jail,
3 stores, and about 125 inhabitants.
Martinsville, p-v., Clarke co., Ill., 127 e. s. e. Springfield,
673 W. Situated on the national road, on the e. side of the n.
fork of Embarrass River.
Martville, p-v., Sterling t., Cayuga co., N. Y., 175 w. Albany,
358 W. Situated on Sodus cr., and contains 1 store, 1 flouring
m., 1 saw m. 1 distillery, 30 dwellings, and about 200
Marvin's Mill, p-o., Hancock co., O. river.
Mary Ann, t., Licking co., O. Pop. 866.
Maryland, State of
Page 389
Maryland Line, p-o., Baltimore co., Md., 62 n. Annapolis, 72 W.
Marysville, p-v., Union co., O., 41 n. w. Columbus, 431 W.
Situated on the w. side of Mill cr., a branch of Little Scioto
r. It contains a court house of brick, a jail, 3 stores, 50
dwellings, and about 300 inhabitants.
Marysville, p-v., Campbell co., Va., 137 s. w. by w. Richmond,
218 W. Situated on the n. side of Stanton r.
Marysville, p-v., capital of Blount co., Tenn., 18 s. s. w.
Knoxville, 183 e. s. e. Nashville, 523 W. Situated on a branch
of Pistol cr., flowing into Little r., a branch of Holston r.,
and contains a court house, a church, and about 500 inhabitants.
It is the seat of the South Western Theological Seminary, under
the direction of the Presbyterians, founded in 1821 has 2
professors, 24 students, 90 have completed their education, and
6,000 vols, in its libraries.
Marysville, p-v., Lawrence co., Ia., 63 s. s. w. Indianapolis,
630 W.
Mascoutah, p-v., St. Clair co., Ill., 110 s. Springfield, 819 W.
Mashulaville, p-v., Noxubee co., Miss., 113 n. e. Jackson, 897 W
. Situated a little w. of the w. fork of Tombigbee r.
Maskegon, r., Mich., rises in several lakes in Mikenauk co., and
after a course of 175 miles enters Lake Michigan 14 ms. n. of
the entrance of Grand r.
Maskegon, pt., Ottowa co., Mich., 227 w. n. w. Detroit, 708 W.
The v. is situated on the south of an expansion of the r. called
Maskegon. It contains 1 store and a few dwellings. There are in
the t. 6 saw m., with a cap. of $40,500.
Mason, County, Va. Situated in the w. part of
the state, and contains 875 sq. ms. Ohio r. bounds it on the n.
and w. Watered by Great Kanawha r. and its tributaries, and
small creeks lowing into Ohio r. The surface is broken; oil,
generally fertile. Salt is found near Kanawha r. Capital, Point
Pleasant. There were a 1840, neat cattle 7,889, sheep 9,292,
swine 7,169; wheat 69,503 bush, produced, rye 1,914, Ind. corn
298,720, Potatoes 20,316, tobacco 9,478 pounds, sugar 27,108; 11
stores, cap. $33,500; 4 tanneries, 1 flouring m., 4 grist m., 5
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $8,050. 11 sch. 241 scholars. Pop.
whites 5,923, slaves 808, free col'd 46; total 6,777.
Mason, County, Ky. Situated toward the n. part
of the state, and contains 260 sq. ms. The Ohio r. bounds it on
the n. Drained by forth Lick, a branch of Licking r. Capital,
Washington. There were in 1840, neat cattle 1,315, sheep 21,340,
swine 29,554; wheat 220,738 bush. produced, rye 24,250, Ind.
corn 666,526, oats 91,804, Potatoes 20,630; hemp and flax 1,065
tons; tobacco 1,122,749 pounds; 11 commission houses, cap.
$113,900; 63 stores, cap. $416,100; 2 woolen fac, 1 cotton fac.
1,100 sp., 8 tanneries, 6 distilleries, 1 brewery, 3 potteries,
4 rope fac, 18 flouring m., 19 grist m., 4 saw m., 2 printing
offices, 3 weekly and 1 semiweekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac.
$210,915. 1 acad. 70 students, 36 sch. 1,006 scholars. Pop.
whites 11,138, slaves 4,309, free col'd 272; total, 15,719.
Mason, pt., Hillsboro' co., N. H., 44 s. s. w. Concord, 450 W.
The surface is uneven; soil, fertile, particularly in the w.
part. Drained by Souhegan r. and branches of Nashua r. Chartered
in 1768, first settled in 1751. It has 3 stores, cap. $1,400; 1
woolen fac, 1 cotton fac. 2,048 sp., 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 2
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $29,700. 10 sch. 357 scholars. Pop.
Mason, p-o., Warren co., O., 93 s. w. Columbus, 477 W.
Mason, t., Lawrence co., O. Symmes' cr. runs near its w. border
and once enters the t. It has 6 sch. 86 scholars. Pop. 635.
Mason, t., Cass co., Mich. The soil is fertile, well adapted to
grain. It has 1 sch. 40 scholars. Pop. 318.
Mason, t, Ingham co., Mich. It has 2 sch. 40, scholars. Pop.
Mason, p-v., Clinton co., Mo.
Mason, t., Marion co., Mo. It has 4 sch. 155 scholars. Pop.
Mason Centre, p-v., Ingham co., Mich., 85 w. by n. Detroit, 571
W. Situated on Sycamore cr., and contains 1 store, 1 saw m., and
several dwellings.
Mason Hall, p-o., Orange co., N. C, 49 n. w. Raleigh, 283 W.
Mason Hall, p-o., Obion co., Tenn., 153 w. Nashville, 835 W.
Mason Grove, p-o., Madison co., Tenn., 149 s. w. Nashville, 834
Masontown, p-o., Fayette co., Pa., 190 s. w Harrisburg, 198 W.
Mason Village, p-v., Mason t., Hillsboro' co., N. H., 44 s. s.
w. Concord, 450 W.
Masonville, pt., Delaware co., N. Y., Ill s. w. Albany, 313 W.
The surface is hilly and mountainous, with a large growth of
pine and other timber. Drained by small branches of Susquehanna
and Delaware rivers. The v. contains 1 Presbyterian and 1
Methodist church, 3 stores, 35 dwellings, and about 200
inhabitants. There are in the t. 2 stores, cap. $3,000; 1
fulling m., 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 15 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$7,050. 11 sch. 455 scholars. Pop. 1,420.
Masonville, p-v., Lauderdale co., Ala., 145 n. Tuscaloosa, 770
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
This book is a joint project between
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