American History and Genealogy Project

Clarksville, NY to Clermont County, OH


Clarksville, p-o., New Scotland t., Albany co., N. Y., 14 s. w. Albany, 376 W. It has 1 store, and about 15 dwellings.

Clarksville, t., Coos co., N. H. It is situated on the e. side of Connecticut r., near its source, and was granted to Dartmouth College in 1789. Incorporated in 1832. It has 1 saw m., 1 sch. 20 scholars. Pop. 88.

Clarksville, p-v., Lebanon t., Hunterdon co., N. J., 45 n. by w. Trenton, 202 W. Situated on Spruce run, at the foot of Musconetcong mt. It has 1 store, 2 saw m., 2 grist m., and about 8 dwellings. Iron and plumbago are found in the mt., near the v.

Clarksville, t., Alleghany co., N. Y. It has 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. 83,200. 3 sch. 93 scholars. Pop. 326.

Clarksville, p-o., Anne Arundel co., Md., 50 w. by n. Annapolis, 35 W.

Clarksville, p-v., Greene co.. Pa., 203 w. s. w. Harrisburg, 219 W. It is situated at the junction of the n. and s. Forks of Ten Mile creek.

Clarksville, p-o., Mecklenburg co., Va., 121 s. w. Richmond, 226 W.

Clarksville, p-v., capital of Habersham co., Ga., 138 n. Milledgeville, 549 W. It contains a court house, jail, 2 churches, an academy, 50 dwellings, and about 300 inhabitants.

Clarksville, p-v., capital of Clarke co., Ala., 134 s. Tuscaloosa, 935 W. It has a court house, and several dwellings.

Clarksville, p-v., capital of Montgomery co., Term., 45 n. w. Nashville, 730 W. Situated at the junction of Red r. with Cumberland r.

Clarksville, p-v., Vernon t., Clinton co., O., 82 s. w. Columbus, 455 W. It contains 2 churches, and is a considerable village.

Clarksville, p-v., Pike co., Mo., 99 n. e. Jefferson city, 871 W. Situated on w. side of Mississippi r. It has several stores and dwellings.

Clarksville, p-v., Johnson co., Ark.

Claussville, p-v., Lehigh co., Pa., 83 e. n. e. Harrisburg, 175 W.

Claverack, t., Columbia co., N. Y., 4 e. Hudson, 34 s. Albany. The surface is hilly; soil, gravelly loam and clay, and generally fertile. Watered by Claverack cr. The v. contains 1 church, 2 stores, an academy, 50 dwellings, and 300 inhabitants. There are in the t., 4 stores, cap. $24,000; 1 woolen fac, 1 cotton fac, 2 flouring m., 4 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $33,700. 1 acad. 100 students, 12 sch. 880 scholars. Pop. 3,056.

Clay, County, Ky. Situated in the s. w. part of the state, and contains 880 sq. ms. Drained by the s. w. Fork of Kentucky r. The soil is generally light. Salt springs and mineral coal are found in the co. Capital, Manchester. There were in 1840, neat cattle 6,321, sheep 3,411, swine 13,043; wheat 2,476 bush, produced, rye 668, Ind. corn 153,140, oats 25,797, potatoes 6,961, tobacco 3,543 pounds, sugar 13,231, salt 106,000 bush., bituminous coal 83,950; 6 stores, cap. $11,500; 4 tanneries, 7 distilleries, 29 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,040. 2 sch. 19 scholars. Pop. 1830, 3,548; 1840, whites 3,954, slaves 503, free col'd 150; total, 4,607.

Clay, County, Ia. Situated in the w. part of the state, contains 360 sq. ms. Organized in 1825. It contains good land for cultivation, and large portions covered with heavy timber. In the s. w. part are some beautiful prairies. Watered by Eel r. and its branches. Capital, Bowling Green. There were in 1840, neat cattle 5,472, sheep 3,558, swine 12,019; wheat 10,874 bush, produced, Ind. com 202,250, oats 25,597, potatoes 11,177, tobacco 8,100 pounds, sugar 21,375; 14 stores, cap. $37,600; 4 tanneries, 3 distilleries, 11 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac, $23,825. 1 acad. 45 students. 10 sch. 356 scholars. Pop. 1830, 1,616; 1840, 5,567.

Clay, County, Ill. Situated in the s. e. part of the state. It contains 475 sq. ms. Surface level, soil fertile. Drained by Little Wabash r. Capital, Lewisville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 9,033, sheep 2,483, swine 12,033; wheat 4,050 bush, produced, rye 430, Ind. corn 144,189, oats 18,850, potatoes 8,770, tobacco 2,430 pounds, cotton 1,396, sugar 2,772; 5 stores, cap. $2,750; 2 tanneries, 6 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $12,880. 6 sch. 134 scholars. Pop. 3,228.

Clay, County, Mo. Situated in the x. w. part of the state, on the x. side of the Missouri r. It contains 432 sq. ms. The surface is undulating, and the soil excellent. Drained by Fishing and a branch of Little Platte rivers. Capital, Liberty. There were in 1840, neat cattle 12,271, sheep 18,803, swine 38,632; wheat 8,889 bush, produced, rye 4,382, Ind. corn 570,970, oats 96,333, potatoes 26,253, tobacco 32,593 pounds; 1 com. house, cap. $4,000; 24 stores, cap. $153,420; 4 tanneries, 21 distilleries, 41 grist m., 25 saw m., 1 oil m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers, 1 acad. 58 students, 11 sch. 338 scholars. Pop. 1830, 5,338; 1840, whites 6,373, slaves 1,875, free col'd 34; total, 8,282.

Clay, p-t., Onondaga co., N. Y., 142 w. n. w. Albany, 10 x. Syracuse, 359 W. The surface is undulating, and the soil productive, resting on Saliferous sandstone. Oneida and Seneca rivers here unite to form Oswego r. It has 1 acad. 224 students, 35 sch. 1.748 scholars. Pop. 5,648.

Clay, p-t., St. Clair co., Mich., 62 n. n. e. Detroit, 586 W. It has 3 stores, cap. $8,000; 1 lumber yard, cap. $5,000; 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $10,500. Pop. 387.

Clay, t, Lafayette co., Mo. Pop. 1,305.

Clay, t., Ralls co., Mo. It has 1 sch. 30 scholars. Pop. 1,049.

Clay, t., Tuscarawas co., O. It lies 10 or 15 ms. below New Philadelphia, on both sides of the Ohio canal and Muskingum r. It has 4 stores, cap. $1,050; 1 tannery, 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $300. 5 sch. 341 scholars. Pop. 864.

Clay, t., Scioto, co., O. The bottom land on the Scioto r., which washes its w. border, is extensive, and very fertile. The upland is hilly, but well fitted for the production of grain. It has 3 sch. 96 scholars. Pop. 696.

Clay, t,, Ottawa co., O., 16 w. Lower Sandusky, on Portage r. Organized in 1832. Pop. 176.

Clay, t., Montgomery co., O. It has 6 sch. 173 scholars. Pop. 1,633.

Clay, t., Highland co., O. Pop. 783.

Clay, t., Hamilton co., Ia. Pop. 730.

Clay, t., Allen co., O. Pop. 435.

Clay, t., Gallia co., O. It has 1 store, cap. $400; 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Pop. 745.

Clay, t., Knox co., O. It has 1 acad. 32 students. Pop. 1,302.

Clay, t., La Grange co., Ia. It has 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $800. Pop. 99.

Clay, t., Owen co., Ia. It has 2 sch. 40 scholars. Pop. 804.

Clay, t., Wayne co., Ia. It has 5 sch. 132 scholars. Pop. 923.

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Claypool, p-o., Kosciusko co., Ia.

Claysvillk, p-v., Washington co., Pa., 219 w. Harrisburg, 216 W. It contains a Presbyterian church, and about 80 buildings. It has 5 stores, cap. $12,300; 2 tanneries. Cap. in manufac. $5,550. Pop. 292.

Claysville, p-v., Westland t., Guernsey co., O., 87 K. Columbus, 320 W. It lies 6 s. of the national road. It contains 1 church, 2 or 3 stores, and 25 or 30 dwellings.

Claysville, p-o., Hampshire co., Va., 209 n. w. Richmond, 137 W.

Claysville, p-v., Marshall co., Ala., 133 n. e. Tuscaloosa, 700 W. Situated on the n. side of Tennessee r.

Claysville, p-v., Harrison co., Ky.. 49 e. n. e. Frankfort, 493 W.

Claysville, p-v., Washington co., Ia., 96 s. Indianapolis, 615 W.

Clayton, County, Iowa. Situated in the n. part of the Ter., and contains about 720 sq. ms. Drained by Turkey r. Navigable by steamboats to the junction of Volga r. These rivers afford good water power. Buck cr., Inymagill cr., Bloody run and Yellow r. flow into the Mississippi r., in its n. part. Some lead mines have been found. The land on Turkey r. is excellent, Capital, Prairie la Porte. There were in 1840, neat cattle 1,011, sheep 66, swine 941; wheat 1,586 bush, produced, Ind. corn 23,270, oats 2,960, potatoes 14,000, sugar 13,529 pounds; 9 com. houses, cap. $78,300; 4 stores, cap. $1,500; 1 grist m. Cap. in manufac. $8,000. 2 sch. 25 scholars. Pop. 1,101.

Clayton, p-t., Jefferson co., N. Y., 12 n. by w. Watertown, 186 n. w. Albany, 431 W. The surface is undulating; soil, fertile, sandy and clay loam. The St. Lawrence r. bounds it on the n. w. Drained by Chaumont r. and French cr. It has 13 stores, cap. $49,400; 1 furnace, 2 tanneries, 2 grist m., 11 saw m., 3 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $16,593; 7 sch. 214 scholars. Pop. 2,990.

Clayton, p-o., Montgomery co., O.

Clayton, p-v., capital of Rabun co., Ga., 181 n. Milledgeville, 585 W. Situated at the s. base of the Blue Ridge. It contains a court house, jail, an academy, 25 stores, and several dwellings.

Clayton, p-v., capital of Barbour co., Ala., 179 s. e. Tuscaloosa, 827 W. It contains a court house and a few dwellings.

Clayton, p-v., Adams co., Ill., 89 w. Springfield, 866 W.

Clayton, t., Perry co., O. It has 5 stores, cap. $6,500; 1 tannery, 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,425. 7 sch. 238 scholars. Pop. 1,602.

Claytonville, p-v., capital of Henderson co., N. C., 284 w. by s. Raleigh, 514 W. Situated on the n. side of French Broad r. It has a court house, jail, an academy, several stores and dwellings.

Clay Village, p-v., Shelby co., Ky., 17 w. Frankfort, 559 W.

Clear Branch, p-o., Washington co., Va., 314 w. by s. Richmond, 382 W.

Clear Creek, p-v., Ellington t., Chautauque co., N. Y., 319 w. by s. Albany, 335 W. It contains 2 churches, 3 stores, 2 saw m., 40 dwellings, and about 250 inhabitants.

Clear Creek, p-o., Mecklenburg co., N. C., 160 w. s. w. Raleigh, 397 W.

Clear Creek, p-o., Morgan co., Tenn.

Clear Creek, p-o., Lafayette co., Miss., 170 n. n. e. Jackson, 921 W.

Clear Creek Landing, p-v., Alexander co., Ill., 215 s. Springfield, 849 W.

Clear Creek, t., Fairfield co., O. It has 1 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,300. Pop. 1,698.

Clear Creek, t., Warren co., O., a rich agricultural township. It has 6 sch. 218 scholars. Pop. 2,882.

Clear Creek, t., Richland co., O It has 309 scholars in schools. Pop. 1,653.

Clearfield, County, Pa. Situated centrally toward the w. part of the state. It contains 1,425 sq. ms. Watered by the head branches of the w. fork of Susquehanna r. The surface is rough, and the soil sterile, with some exceptions. Capital. Clearfield. There were in 1840, neat cattle 5,624, sheep 6,499, swine 6,963; wheat 46,714 bushels produced, rye 26,910, Ind. corn 27,727, oats 81,037, potatoes 44,756, sugar 1,518 pounds; 13 stores, cap. $39,000; 1 furnace, 2 fulling m., 4 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 16 grist m., 49 saw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufactures $6,000. Pop. 1830, 4,803; 1840, 7,834.

Clearfield, t., Butler co., Pa. It has 2 distilleries, 2 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,725. 9 sch. 252 scholars. Pop. 1,113.

Clearfield, p-v., capital of Clearfield co., Pa., 126 n. w. Harrisburg, 218 W. It is situated on the s. bank of the w. branch of Susquehanna r., near the junction of Clearfield cr. It has a court house and several dwellings.

Clearfield, t., Cambria co., Pa. The surface is rolling; soil, clay and gravel. It has 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $800. 3 sch. 90 scholars. Pop. 300.

Clearfield Creek, p-o., Clearfield co., Pa., 127 n. w. Harrisburg, 217 W. Clearfield, cr., Pa., a considerable branch of the w. fork of Susquehanna r.

Clear Fork Mills, p-o., Johnson co., Mo.

Clear Fork, p-o., Whitley co., Ky., 137 s. s. e. Frankfort, 538 W.

Clear Mont, p-o., Cannon co., Tenn.

Clear Spring, p-v., Washington co., Md., 112 n. w. Annapolis, 80 W.

Clear Spring, t., Lagrange co., Ind. It has 1 grist m. Cap. in manufac. $550. 3 sch. 56 scholars. Pop. 226.

Clear Spring, p-o., Kosciusko co., Ind.

Clemmonsville, p-v., Davidson co., N. C, 130 w. Raleigh, 331 W.

Clendenin, p-o., Kanawha co., Va., 333 w. by n. Richmond, 338 W.

Clermont, p-t., Columbia co., N. Y., 13 s. Hudson, 41 s. Albany, 329 W. It lies on the e. side of Hudson r. The surface is undulating, and the soil a fertile clay and a gravelly loam. Watered by Ancram or Roeliff Jansen's cr. The v., on the road between New York and Albany, contains 1 church, 1 store, an academy, 25 dwellings, and about 150 inhabitants. Pop. of the t. 1,231. There are in the t., 1 store, cap. $6,000; 1 flouring m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,500. 1 acad. 27 students, 5 sch. 236 scholars.

Clermont, County, O. Situated in the s. w. part of the state, on the Ohio r. and contains about 450 sq. ms. A large part of the land is rich, but some is too wet for cultivation. On the r. it is hilly and broken. Watered by E. Fork, a branch of Little Miami r. Capital, Batavia. There were in 1840, neat cattle 13,190, sheep 27,127, swine 35,556; wheat 291,268 bushels produced, rye 5.448, Ind. corn 670,075, buckwheat 975, barley 623, oats 224,880, potatoes 32,139, tobacco 68,050 pounds, sugar 3,305; 63 stores, cap. $103,300; 3 lumber yards, cap. $1,428; 1 woolen fac, 12 tanneries, 5 distilleries, 7 flouring m., 17 grist m., 29 saw m., 1 oil m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Capital in manufactures, $166,215. 2 acad. 78 students, 66 sch. 3,289 scholars. Pop. 1830. 20,466; 1840,23,106.

Cleveland, p-v., Constantia t., Oswego co., N. Y. Situated on the n. side of Oneida lake. It contains 1 church, 3 stores, 1 grist ra., 2 saw m., 1 tannery, 1 glass fac, 1 clothier's works, 45 dwellings, and about 300 inhabitants.

Cleveland, p-v., capital of. Bradley co., Tenn., 156 s. e. by e. Nashville, 581 W. It contains a courthouse and a few dwellings.

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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