State of Vermont
Vermont, one of the northern United
States, is bounded n. by Lower Canada; E. by New Hampshire; s.
by Massachusetts; and w. by New York, from which it is chiefly
separated by Lake Champlain. It lies between 42° 44' and 45° N.
lat., and between 71° 38' and 73° 26' w. Ion. It is 157 miles
long from N. to s., and 90 miles broad on the northern boundary,
and 40 on the southern, and contains 10,212 square miles, or
6,535,680 acres. The population in 1790, was 85,589; in 1800,
154,465; in 1810, 217,895; in 1820, 235,764; in 1830, 280,679;
in 1840, 291,948. Of these 146,378 are white males; 144,840 do.
females; 364 colored males; 366 do. females. Employed in
agriculture, 73,150; in commerce, 1,303; in manufactures and
trades, 13,174; navigating the ocean, rivers, &c, 187; learned
professions, &c, 1,563.
The state is divided into 14 counties, which, with their
population in 1840, and their capitals, were as follows:
County, Population, Capital
Addison, 23,533, Middlebury |
Lamoille, 10,475, Hydepark |
Bennington, 16,872, Bennington
and Manchester |
Orange. 27,873, Chelsea |
Caledonia, 21,891, Danville
Orleans, 13,634, Irasburg |
Chittenden, 22,977. Burlington
Rutland, 30,699, Rutland |
Essex, 4,226, Guildhall |
Washington, 23,506, Montpelier
Franklin, 24,531, St. Albans
Windham, 27,442, Newfane |
Grand Isle, 3,883, North Hero |
Windsor, 40,356, Windsor and
Woodstock |
Montpelier, on Winooski river, 38 miles e. s. e. from
Burlington, is the capital.
Vermont is a hilly or mountainous country. To the distance of
from 5 to 10 miles e. of Lake Champlain the country is
moderately uneven, and generally very fertile. A chain of
mountains, called the Green mountains, from which the state
takes its name, runs almost the whole length of the state, being
in the south part from 10 to 15 miles wide, with some
intervening valleys. Near the centre of the state the range
divides into two parts; the western continues n., and, though
broken, has the highest summits; while the eastern passes in a
n. e. direction, in an unbroken chain. It is a curious fact that
this immense barrier has a passage through it, without even any
high hills. The southern branch of Onion River, which flows into
Lake Champlain, has its source very near to if not in the same
swamp with the head of White river, which flows into the
Connecticut. The road passes along these streams from Burlington
through Montpelier to Hartford, Vt., without any considerable
elevations or depressions, and is called the valley road,
presenting much grand and beautiful scenery. It passes near the
base of Camel's Rump, one of the highest peaks of the Green
mountains. Before the mountain divides, Killington Peak, 3,675
feet above the level of the sea, is the highest summit, but
there are two higher summits after it divides, which arc in the
western range. These are Camel's Rump, on the s. side of Onion
River, which is 4,18S feet high, and Mansfield Mountain, the
highest of all, on the n. side of Onion River, which is 4,279
feet high. The land in the part of the state e. of the mountain
ridge is more hilly than that on the western side.
Page 679
The soil of the state may be regarded as fertile, but is
generally better fitted for grazing than for grain. Excellent
land for wheat is found throughout the western border of the
state near Lake Champlain, and summer wheat succeeds well in
most parts of the state. Corn produces the best on the margin of
the streams, though it does well in other parts. Even among the
Green mountains are fine grazing farms. The productions of the
state are wheat, rye, Indian corn, oats, buckwheat, peas, and
flax. The natural growth of the soil, on the e. of the
mountains, is birch, beech, maple, ash, elm, and butternut; and
on the w. the growth of hard wood is intermixed with pine and
other evergreens.
In 1840 there were in this state, 62,402 horses and mules;
384,341 neat cattle; 1,681,819 sheep; 203,800 swine; poultry to
the value of $131,578. There were produced 495,800 bushels of
wheat; 54,781 of barley; 2,222,584 of oats; 230,993 of rye;
228,416 of buckwheat; 8,869,751 of potatoes; 1,119,678 of Indian
corn; 836,739 tons of hay; 29 of hemp and flax; 4,286 pounds of
silk cocoons; 3,699,235 of wool; 4,647,934 of sugar; 48,137 of
hops; 4,660 of wax. The products of the dairy amounted to
$2,008,737; of the orchard to $213,944; of lumber to $349,939;
718 tons of pot and pearl ashes.
The exports consist of pot and pearl ashes, beef, pork, butter,
cheese, flax, live cattle, &c. The trade e. of the mountains is
chiefly to Boston and Hartford; and w. of the mountains to New
York and Montreal, to which it has an easy access through Lake
Champlain and the Champlain canal to the Hudson river.
The climate is healthy, though the winters are cold. The snow
generally lies from December to March, and is often 4 feet deep
on the mountains. It is on an average several degrees colder on
the eastern than on the western side of the mountains. Lake
Champlain is not wholly frozen over until about the 1st of
The most important rivers are on the w. side of the state, and
flow into Lake Champlain. They are the Otter Creek, 85 miles
long, and navigable for sloops 6 miles to Vergennes; Onion
River, which is 80 miles long, and enters the lake 4 miles n. of
the village of Burlington; Lamoille, which is 70 miles long, and
Missisque, which has about the same length. Small boats may
penetrate these rivers to their lower falls, and they all have
sets of fine falls, which furnish excellent mill seats. The
principal rivers on, the e. side of the mountains, which flow
into the Connecticut, are Deerfield, White, Black, and Pasumsic
Lake Champlain, more than two thirds of which is in this state,
is estimated to contain 600 square miles. Lake Memphremagog lies
partly in this state and partly in Canada, and is 40 ms. long,
and 7 or 8 wide. Lake Bombazine in Castleton, and Salisbury Pond
in Salisbury, are considerable bodies of water. The islands of
Lake Champlain are considerably numerous, and some of them are
large, fertile, and populous, and, with the peninsula of Alburgh,
constitute Grand Isle county. The principal are North Hero,
South Hero, and La Motte. There are various harbors on Lake
Champlain, the principal of which are those of St. Albans,
Burlington, and Vergennes.
Burlington is the largest and most commercial town in the state.
The other principal towns are Middlebury, St. Albans, Rutland,
and Bennington on the w., Montpelier in the centre, and Windsor,
Woodstock, Danville, and Newbury on the e. side of the
The exports of this state in 1840, amounted to $305,150; and the
imports to $404,617.
Vermont is an agricultural, rather than a commercial or
manufacturing state. There were in the state in 1840, 747 retail
stores, groceries, &c, which employed a capital of $2,964,060.
There was employed in the lumber trade a capital of $45,506. The
home-made or domestic manufactures amounted to $674,548. There
were in the state 95 woolen manufactories, and 239 fulling
mills, which employed 1,450 persons, and produced articles to
the amount of $1,331,953, with a capital of $1,406,950; there
were 7 cotton manufactories with 7,254 spindles, which
manufactured articles to the amount of $113,000, and employed a
capital of $118,100; 26 furnaces produced 6,743 tons of cast
iron, and 14 forges produced 655 tons of bar iron, employing 788
persons, and a capital of $664,150; hats and caps were
manufactured to the amount of $62,432, and straw bonnets to the
amount of $2,819, employing 126 persons, and a capital of
$32,875; 17 paper manufactories produced articles to the amount
of $179,720; all other manufactories of paper produced 835,000,
the whole employing 195 persons, and a capital of $216,500; 2
glass houses employed 70 persons, producing articles to the
amount of $55,000, with a capital of $35,000; 8 potteries
produced articles to the amount of $23,000, with a capital of
$10,350; 261 tanneries employed 509 persons, with a capital of
$403,093; 399 other leather manufactories, as saddleries, &c,
manufactured articles to the amount of $361,468, with a capital
of $168,090; granite and marble were manufactured to the amount
of $62,515; bricks and lime were made to the amount of $402,218;
2 distilleries and 1 brewery employed 5 persons, and a capital
of $8,850; 87 persons produced machinery to the amount of
$101,354; 33 persons produced hardware and cutlery to the amount
of $16,650; 437 persons produced carriages and wagons to the
amount of $162,097, with a capital of $101,570; 190 persons
manufactured furniture to the amount of $83,275, with a capital
of $49,850; 72 stone or brick houses, and 468 wooden houses were
built by 912 persons, and cost $314,896; 42 persons manufactured
1,158 small-arms; vessels were built to the amount of $72,000;
29 printing offices, 14 binderies, 2 daily newspapers, 26 weekly
do., 2 semi-weekly do., and 3 periodicals, employed 156 persons,
and a capital of $194,200. The total amount of capital employed
in manufactures in the state was $4,326,440.
Page 680
There are three colleges in Vermont. The University of Vermont,
in Burlington, was founded in 1791; Middlebury College in 1800;
and Norwich University in 1834. In these institutions, there
were in 1840, 233 students. There were in the state 46
academies, with 4,113 stude.iis; and 2,402 primary and common
schools, with 82,817 scholars; and 2,270 persons over 20 years
of age who could neither read nor write.
The principal religious denominations are the
Congregationalists, the Baptists, and the Methodists. In 1836,
the Congregationalists had 186 churches, 114 ministers, and
20,575 communicants; the Baptists, 125 churches, 78 ministers,
and 10,525 communicants; the Methodists had 75 itinerant
preachers; the Episcopalians, 1 bishop and 18 ministers. Besides
these there is a considerable number of Universalists and
Christians, and a few Unitarians and Roman Catholics.
In September, 1839, there were 19 banks, with an aggregate
capital of $1,325,530, and a circulation of $1,966,812. Vermont
has no state debt.
There is a Penitentiary located at Windsor.
The first constitution of this state was formed in 1777. The
present constitution was adopted July 4th, 1793. The legislative
power is vested in the House of Representatives, elected
annually, and every town is entitled to one representative. The
"General Assembly of the State of Vermont" meet annually at
Montpelier in October. The executive power is vested in a
governor, lieutenant-governor, and a council of 12 persons
chosen annually by the people. They commission all officers, sit
as judges to consider and determine on impeachments, prepare and
lay before the general assembly such business as appears to them
necessary, and have power to revise and propose amendments to
the laws passed by the House of Representatives. The judiciary
power is vested in a supreme court, consisting of 5 judges; and
one judge of the Supreme Court, with two assistant judges in
each county, constitute a county court. The judges of the
supreme and county courts, judges of probate courts, sheriffs
and justices of the peace, are elected annually by the general
assembly. A council of censors, consisting of 13 persons, are
chosen every 7 years, who meet at Montpelier in June, to inquire
whether the constitution has been preserved inviolate, whether
the executive and legislative branches of the government have
performed their duty as guardians of the people, whether taxes
have been justly laid and collected, in what manner the public
moneys have been disposed of, and whether the laws have been
duly executed.
Every person of 21 years of age, who has resided in the state
one year immediately previous to the election of
representatives, and is of quiet and peaceable behavior, has the
right of suffrage. The pay of the councilors and representatives
is $1.50 a day, during the session, and 6 cents a mile for
travel, going and returning. The lieutenant-governor and speaker
of the house receive $2.50 a day. The salary of the governor is
$750 a year.
Several charters have been granted by the legislature for works
of internal improvement, but it is doubtful whether any of them
will soon be undertaken. Several short canals have been
constructed for the improvement of the navigation of Connecticut
The first settlement of the state was at Fort Dummer, in the s.
e. part of the state, by settlers from Massachusetts. New
Hampshire claimed the territory from 1741 to 1761, and granted
many townships in the state to proprietors. New York also
claimed the territory, and obtained a grant of it from the
British Parliament in 1764. These conflicting claims produced
great difficulties. When the revolutionary war commenced,
Congress dared not admit Vermont to the con-federacy, for fear
of offending New Hampshire and New York. But the inhabitants
were determined to be independent, and the British hoped to be
able to detach them from the American cause. Vermont had a
difficult part to act. But her wise leaders outwitted the
British, by cherishing their hopes, and thus saving themselves
from attack; and gave the most demonstrative proof of their
exalted courage, and their devoted patriotism.
In 1790, New York was induced, by the payment of $30,000, to
withdraw its claims; and in 1791, Vermont was admitted into the
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
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