American History and Genealogy Project

Nine Mile Prairie, IL to North Berwick, ME

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Nine Mile Prairie, p-o., Perry co., Ill., 156 s. Springfield, 831 W.

Nineveh, p-v., Colesville t., Broome co., N. Y 116 w. s. w. Albany, 310 W. Situated on the w. side of Susquehanna river, and contains 2 stores, 20 dwellings, and about 125 inhabitants.

Nineveh, p-o., Warren co., Va., 146 n. n. w. Richmond, 77 W.

Nineveh, p-v., Johnson co., Ia., 28 s. Indianapolis, 587 W.

Nippenose, p-t., Lycoming co., Pa., 96 n. Harrisburg, 206 W. The surface is hilly; soil, calcareous loam. Nippenose cr. runs on its w. boundary, and the n. branch of the Susquehanna r. on its n. border. It has 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,000 3 sch. 70 scholars. Pop. 319.

Nishnebatona, r., Mo., is a small r. which enters the Missouri r. on the n. side, in the n. w. corner of the state.

Niskayuna, t., Schenectady co., N. Y., 4 e. Schenectady, 12 n. w. Albany. The surface is moderately hilly, along the Mohawk r., which bounds it on the n., but is more level and sandy toward the s. It has 2 stores, cap. $2,500; 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,100. 3 sch. 94 scholars. Pop. 693.

Nittany, p-o., Centre co., Pa., 93 n. w. Harrisburg, 185 W.

Nixburgh, p-v., Coosa co., Ala., 129 e. s. e. Tuscaloosa, 812 W.

Nixon's, p-o., Randolph co., N. C., 81 w. Raleigh, 338 W.

Noah, p-o., Shelby co., Ia., 31 s. e. Indianapolis 559 W.

Noah's Fork, p-o., Coffee co., Tenn., 58 s. e. Nashville, 662 W.

Noank, p-o., New London co., Ct., 52 s. e. Hartford, 361 W.

Noble, county, Ia. Situated in the n. e. part of the state, and contains 432 sq. ms. Drained by Elkhart and Tippecanoe rivers. It has a number of small lakes. Capital, Augusta. There were in 1840, neat cattle 3,802, sheep l,585, swine 6,864; wheat 18,319 bush, produced, Ind. corn 66,716, oats 20,551, potatoes 22,377; 7 stores, cap. $16,700; 1 pottery, 4 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,628. 8 sch. Ill scholars. Pop. 2,702.

Noble, C. H., p-v., capital of Noble co., Ia., 159 n. n. e. Indianapolis, 578 W. Situated in Augusta v., a little n. e. of Elkhart r. It has 1 store, cap. $3,000; 1 grist m., 1 saw m.,2 sch. 16 scholars. Pop. 240.

Noble, t., Morgan co., O. It has 2 stores, $4,000; 2 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,200. 8 sch. 250 scholars. Pop. 1,308.

Noble, t., Shelby co., O. It has 1 store, cap. $1,000; 1 tannery, 3 grist m. Cap. in manufac. $4,450. 2 sch. 40 scholars. Pop. 1,394.

Nobleborough, p-t., Lincoln co., Me., 32 s. e. Augusta, 600 W. Situated on the e. side of Damariscotta pond and r. The outlet, of Damariscotta pond affords water power, where are mills, and a small v. on the borders of New Castle, containing a neat Roman Catholic church. At the bridge, at the head of navigation on Damariscotta r., is a considerable v., which has several stores. Ship building is extensively carried on, on the r. There are in the t., 23 stores, cap. $51,500; 9 lumber yards, cap. $62,000; 2 tanneries, 11 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,050. 9 sch. 873 scholars. Pop. 2,210.

Noblestown, p-v., Fayette t, Alleghany co., Pa., 10 s. w. Pittsburg, 214 w. Harrisburg, 238 W. Situated on a branch of Chartier's cr., and contains 1 store, and about 25 dwellings.

Noblesville, p-v., capital of Hamilton co., Ia., 20 n. e. Indianapolis, 574 W. Situated on the e. bank of the w. fork of White r. It contains a court house, 1 Methodist church, 3 stores, and about 200 inhabitants.

Nockamixon, p-t., Bucks co., Pa., 14 n. Doylestown, 40 n. Philadelphia. The surface is hilly; soil, gravelly. Delaware r. runs on its e. border, and has banks composed of high perpendicular rocks of red sandstone, below which are some extensive swamps. Gallows run flows into the Delaware on its n. boundary. It has 4 stores, cap. $6,500; 7 potteries, 2 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $11,321. 2 sch. 71 scholars. Pop.2,055.

Noddaway, r., Mo., rises in Iowa ter., and after a course of about 200 ms., enters the Missouri r. on the e. side, in the n. w. part of the state.

Noddaway, p-t., Buchanan co., Mo. 1,169.

Nolachucky, r., N. C. and Tenn., rises on the w. side of the Blue Ridge, in Buncombe co., N . C., and flowing into Tenn., it enters French Broad r.

Noland's Ferry, p-o., Loudon co., Va., 161 n. Richmond, 42 W. Situated a little above the mouth of Monocacy r.

Nolen, p-o., Hardin co., Ky., 89 s. w. Frankfort, 631 W.

Nolensville, p-v., Williamson co., Tenn., 17 s. by e. Nashville, 693 W.

No Man's Land, island, Dukes co., Mass., lies off the s. w. end of Martha's Vineyard, 7 s. Gayhead. It consists chiefly of a mass of rocks.

Nonconner, p-o., Fayette co, Tenn.

Norfield, p-v., Weston t., Fairfield co., Ct., 74 s. w. Hartford, 275 W. It has 1 Congregational church.

Norfolk, County, Mass. Situated in the e. part of the state, and contains 400 sq. ms. The surface is moderately uneven, and rocky; soil, generally fertile, and highly cultivated. Watered by Neponset and Charles rivers, and their tributaries. A fine granite is found in Quincy, from which quarry a railroad extends to Neponset r., the first railroad built in the United States. The Boston and Providence railroad passes through the co. Capital, Dedham. There were in 1840, neat cattle 15,110, sheep 2,297, swine 12,411; wheat 3,341 bush. produced, rye 19,866, Ind. corn 99,123, buckwheat 2,878, barley 18,902, oats 17,063, potatoes 425,961; 15 commercial and 22 commission houses in foreign trade, capital $826,000; 331 stores, cap. $l,737,650; 17 lumber yards, capital $135,400; value of hardware, cutlery &c., manufactured, $191,000; invested in fisheries, $90,500; 9,400 bush. of salt produced; 4 furnaces, 5 forges, 4 fulling m., 15 woollen fac., 38 cotton fac. 30,237 sp., 21 tanneries, 1 pottery, 6 rope fac., 1 flouring m., 44 grist m., 59 saw m., 13 paper fac., 7 printing offices, 3 binderies, 4 weekly newspapers. Capital in manufactures $2,834,180. 46 acad. 1,473 students, 197 schools 11,776 scholars. Pop. 53,140.

Norfolk, County, Va. Situated in the s. e. part of the state, and contains 544 square miles. Drained by Elizabeth and Pasquotank rivers. It contains the greater part of the Dismal swamp. Hampton roads lies on its n. border. Capital, Norfolk. There were in 1840, neat cattle 8,248, sheep 2,943, swine 18.615; wheat 2,797 bushels produced, Ind. corn 260,215, oats 34,745, potatoes 35,490, cotton 1,000 pounds; 8 commission and 9 commercial houses, cap. $204,500; 116 stores, cap. $1,781,350; 1 tannery, 10 grist m., 2 saw m., 4 printing offices, 1 bindery, 2 daily, 4 weekly, and 3 semi-weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $249,700. 19 acad. 545 students, 21 schools 535 scholars. Pop. whites 11,280, slaves 7,845, free col'd 1,967; total, 21,092.

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Norfolk, p-t., Litchfield co., Ct., 36 w. n. w. Hartford, 314 W. The surface is elevated and mountainous; soil, gravelly loam, adapted to grazing. Blackberry r. runs through the t., and has, a little w. of the central v., a fall of 30 feet, affording water power, where are some mills. This v. has a neat Congregational church, with a public square in front of it, and a number of dwellings. A mile n. is another v., containing 2 woollen fac., and 3 scythe fac. Both villages contain about 30 dwellings. It has 3 stores, cap. $19,000; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac., 4 tanneries, 1 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $64,670. 1 acad. 132 students. 11 sch. 371 scholars. Pop. 1,393.

Norfolk, p-t., St. Lawrence co., N. Y., 234 n. n. w. Albany, 513 W. The surface is undulating; soil, a fertile loam. Drained by Racket r. and its tributaries. The v. is situated on Racket r., and contains 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist church, 3 stores, 3 furnaces, 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 1 tannery, 2 trip-hammer works, 1 satinet fac., 50 dwellings, and about 300 inhabitants. There are in the t. 4 stores, cap. $16,200; 2 furnaces, 2 fulling m., 1 woollen fac., 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $18,805. 13 sch. 614 scholars. Pop. 1,728.

Norfolk, p-b., port of entry, and capital of Norfolk co., Va., on the n. e. bank of Elizabeth r., just below the confluence of its 2 branches, 8 ms. above its entrance into Hampton roads, and 32 ms. from the ocean, 110, by water, below City point, 106 e. s. e. Richmond, 230 W., 36° 50' 50" n. lat., and 76° 18' 47" w. lon. The situation is low, the streets are crooked and irregular, and most of the houses are not remarkable for elegance. It has a court house, jail, a market house, a theatre, 2 banks, 2 insurance offices, an academy, an orphan asylum, an atheneum, with a respectable library, and, in the vicinity, a marine hospital, and a U. S. navy yard. At the latter is a dry dock, constructed of hewn granite, which cost $974,536. There are 8 churches--2 Episcopal, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, 2 Methodist, 1 Roman Catholic, and 1 African. The harbor is spacious and safe, having 18 feet water. The entrance to it is over a mile wide, and is defended by forts Monroe and Calhoun. It has more foreign commerce than any other place in the state. The tonnage in 1840 was 19,079. The Dismal Swamp canal connects Chesapeake bay with Albemarle sound, and opens an extensive water communication from Norfolk to the south. There were in this place in 1840, 8 for. commercial and 8 commission houses, cap. $202,000; 35 retail stores, cap. $1,590,500; 2 printing offices, 1 bindery, 2 daily and 1 semi-weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $178,300. 18 acad. 515 students, 17 sch. 604 scholars. Pop. 1830, 9,816; 1840, 10,920.

Norman's Kill, N. Y., rises in Schenectady co., and enters the Hudson in Bethlehem t., 2½ ms. s. Albany. It affords good water power near its mouth.

Norridgewock, p-t., capital of Somerset co., Me., 32 n. Augusta, 627 W. Situated on both sides of Kennebec r. The surface is moderately hilly; soil, generally fertile, adapted to grain. The v. is pleasantly situated on the n. side of Kennebec r., across which is a fine bridge, connecting it with a v. on the s. side. It contains a court house, jail, a Congregational church, and a female academy. Its trade is extensive with the back country. There are in the t. 7 stores, cap. $18,500; 1 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 1 weekly newspaper, 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $13,725. 1 acad. 25 students, 20 sch. 835 scholars Pop. 1,865.

Norristown, p-b., Norriton t., capital of Montgomery co., Pa., 91 e. by s. Harrisburg, 154 W. Situated on the n. side of Schuylkill r. It contains a court house, jail, and public offices, of stone, an academy, of brick, a Presbyterian church, of stone, an Episcopal church, of Gothic architecture, of stone, a library of 1,200 vols., a literary society, with a cabinet of natural history, and about 400 dwellings. A bridge across the Schuylkill, resting on stone piers, is 800 feet long, with abutments of 1,050 feet, and cost $31,200. The streets are handsomely graded, and the sidewalks extensively laid with bricks or flagging-stones. Here is a dam across the Schuylkill, creating a great water power. It has 14 stores, cap. $85,000; 2 lumber yards, cap. $20,000; 1 forge, 3 cotton fac. 19,064 sp., 1 tannery, 2 printing offices, 2 semi-weekly newspapers, 2 flouring m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. 8297,475. 1 acad. 33 students, 6 sch. 600 scholars. Pop. 2,937.

Norristown, p-v., Carroll co., O., 130 e. n. e. Columbus, 299 W.

Norristown, p-v., capital of Pope co., Ark., 71 n. w. Little Rock, 1,136 W.

Norrisville, p-v., Wilcox co., Ala., 103 s. Tuscaloosa, 895 W.

Norristonville, p-v., Montgomery co., Pa., 93 e. Harrisburg, 158 W.

Norriton, t., Montgomery co., Pa. The surface is level; soil, red shale, and fertile. Drained by small streams, flowing into Schuylkill r. The b. is situated on Schuylkill r., and possesses great water power, derived from the dam, constructed here by the Schuylkill Navigation Company. The t. has 4 stores, cap. $4,000; 1 lumber yard, cap. $3,000; 2 cotton fac. 1,552 sp., 1 tannery, 6 grist m., 2 saw m., 2 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $5,337. 3 schools 80 scholars. Pop. 1,411.

North Adams, p-v., Adams t., Berkshire co., Mass., 126 w. n. w. Boston, 398 W. It contains 3 churches--1 Congregational, 1 Baptist, and 1 Methodist--a bank, printing offices, numerous mills and factories, and about 2,000 inhabitants. It is the largest manufacturing v. in the co. (See Adams t.)

North Adams, p-o., Adams t., Jefferson co., N. Y., 169 n. w. Albany, 410 W.

North Adrian, p-o., Adrian t., Lenawee co., Mich.

North Almond, p-o., Almond t., Alleghany co., N. Y., 250 w. by s. Albany, 325 W.

North Amherst, p-v., Amherst t., Hampshire co., Mass., 88 w. Boston, 388 W. It has 1 Congregational church, 2 scythe fac., and several stores and dwellings.

Northampton, County, Pa. Situated in the e. part of the state, and contains 1,100 square ms. The surface is uneven or mountainous; soil, highly productive. Delaware r. bounds it on the e. Drained by the Lehigh river, and numerous small creeks, flowing into Delaware r. It contains much wild and picturesque scenery. Capital, Easton. There were in 1840, neat cattle 19,471, sheep 19,207, swine 36,163; wheat 289,695 bush. prod., rye 526,157, Ind. corn 276,773, buckwheat 82,191, barley 12,650, oats 244,760, potatoes 203,600; 163 stores, cap. $650,150; 20 lumber yards, cap. $55,200; 6 furnaces, 4 forges, 8 fulling m., 1 woollen fac., 24 tanneries, 16 distilleries, 4 breweries, 3 powder m., 1 paper fac., 4 printing offices, 2 binderies, 5 weekly newspapers, 29 flouring m., 65 grist m, 69 saw m., 5 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $872,335. 2 colleges 68 students, 9 acad. 601 students, 76 schools 3,445 scholars. Pop. 40,996.

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Northampton, County, Va. Situated on the s. part of the eastern shore, having the Atlantic on the e., and Chesapeake bay on the w. It contains 320 sq. ms. The surface is diversified, and the shore has numerous small creeks, and several islands along the Atlantic. Capital, Eastville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 4,574, sheep 5,453, swine 12,269; wheat 279 bush. produced, Indian corn 296,718, oats 197,058, potatoes 51,546, cotton 6,003, sugar 685 pounds; 16 stores, cap. $39,500; 26 grist m., 1 saw m., 8 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $40,620. 7 sch. 186 scholars. Pop. whites 3,341, slaves 3,620, free col'd 754; total, 7,715.

Northampton, County, N. C. Situated toward the n. e. part of the state, and contains 516 sq. ms. Roanoke r. runs on its s. w. border, and Meherrin r. on its n. e. border. The soil is generally fertile. Capital, Jackson. There were in 1840, neat cattle 12,427, sheep 5,965, swine 40,545: wheat 20,308 bush. produced, rye 3,125, Indian corn 716,050, oats 78,650, potatoes 38,600; tobacco 66,064 pounds, cotton 5,210,724; 10 stores, cap. $50,000; 15 grist m., 3 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $10,400. 1 acad. 22 students, 10 sch. 147 scholars. Pop. whites 5,818, slaves 6,759, free colored 792; total, 13,369.

Northampton, t., Rockingham co., N. H., 50 s. e. by e. Concord, 9 s. by w. Portsmouth Drained by Little and Winnicut rivers. Incorporated in 1742. It has 1 store, cap. $2,000; 3 tanneries, 2 grist m., 3 saw m., 3 sch. 180 scholars. Pop. 885.

Northampton, t., Peoria co., Ill. It has 1 sch. 20 scholars. Pop. 316.

Northampton, p-t., capital of Hampshire co., Mass., on the w. bank of Connecticut r., 17 n. by w. Springfield, 93 w. Boston, 67 e. Albany, 39 n. Hartford, Ct., 380 W. 42° 19' 8" n. lat., and 72° 38' 21" w. lon. This beautiful t. was the third settled on Connecticut r. Incorporated in 1654. The surface is varied, and the soil good, particularly the extensive meadows on the river. The village is handsomely built, having many elegant houses. The public buildings are a court house, jail, and 5 churches, some of which are spacious and handsome--2 Congregational, 1 Baptist, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Unitarian--and a female seminary. The Round Hill School is a celebrated seminary, on the plan of a German gymnasium. There is a bank and an insurance co. A fine bridge, 1,080 feet long, and 26 wide, supported on piers, some of them 40 feet high from the bottom of the river, completed in 1826, connects this place with Hadley. A canal, which here joins Connecticut r., connects Northampton with New Haven, Ct. Mount Tom, in this t., and Mount Holyoke on the opposite side of the r., are lofty summits, often visited for their commanding prospects. A stream passes through the centre of the t. which affords good water power. There were in 1840, 34 stores, cap. $125,700; 2 fulling m., 2 woollen fac., cap. $110,000; 1 tannery, 1 flouring m., 3 grist m., 11 saw m., 1 paper fac., 4 printing offices, 2 binderies, 3 weekly papers. Cap. in manufactures $254,800. 1 acad. 56 students, 21 sch. 937 scholars. Pop. 1830, 3,613; 1840, 3,750.

Northampton, p-t., Fulton co., N. Y., 18 n. e. Johnstown, 47 n. w. Albany, 415 W. The surface is mostly level; soil, sand, and sandy loam. Watered by Sacandaga river and its branches. In the s. part is a marshy tract, occasionally overflowed by the Sacandaga r. and other streams, of from 5 to 20,000 acres, which produces large grass, and furnishes an extensive range for cattle. At the confluence of Mayfield cr. with Sacandaga r. stands the village of Fish House. There are in the t. 10 stores, cap. $11,000; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac., 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 12 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $24,800. 8 sch. 278 scholars. Pop. 1,526.

Northampton, t., Burlington co., N. J. The surface is generally level; soil, sand, and sandy loam, in the n. w. part fertile, in the s. and s. e. parts covered with pine and oak forests, and sterile. Drained by Rancocus cr., and tributaries of Little Egg Harbor river. It contains Mount Holly v., the capital of the county. The t. has 29 stores, cap. $112,100; 3 lumber yards, cap. $9,000; 2 fulling m., 1 woollen fac., 1 cotton fac. 2,500 sp., 2 tanneries, 5 distilleries, 1 pottery, 2 paper fac., 2 binderies, 2 weekly newspapers, 7 grist m., 11 saw in. Cap. in manufac. $238,100. 4 acad. 91 students, 6 sch. 386 scholars. Pop. 6,813.

Northampton, t., Bucks co., Pa., 10 s. e. Doylestown, 20 n. Philadelphia. The surface is level; soil, a fertile loam. Drained by branches of Neshaminy cr. It has 3 stores, cap. $9,000; 4 grist m., 3 sch. 114 scholars. Pop. 1,694.

Northampton, t., Lehigh county, Pa. It is a small t. which surrounds the borough of Allentown. The surface is level; soil, calcareous loam. It has 1 store, cap. $4,000; 1 flouring m. Cap. in manufac. $10,300. 1 sch. 40 scholars. Pop. 293.

North Andover, p-v., Andover t., Essex co., Mass., 23 n. Boston, 456 W. Situated near the s. end of Great Pond, which covers 450 acres, the outlet of which, into Merrimac r., affords water power. It contains a Congregational and a Unitarian church, and a woollen fac.

North Argyle, p-o., Argyle t., Washington co., N. Y., 50 n. n. e. Albany, 420 W.

North Ashford, p-v., Ashford t., Windham co., Ct., 35 e. n. e. Hartford, 371 W. It has 1 Baptist church.

North Attleborough, p-v., Attleborough t., Bristol co., Mass., 38 s. by e. Boston, 412 W. It has 1 Baptist church and several factories.

North Bangor, p-v., Bangor t., Penobscot co., Me., 71 e. n. e. Augusta, 667 W.

North Barnstead, p-o., Barnstead t., Belknap co., N. H.

North Barton, p-o., Barton t., Tioga co., N. Y., 185 w. s. w. Albany.

North Beaver, t., Beaver co., Pa. The surface is undulating; soil, a fertile calcareous loam. Drained by Hickory cr. It has 2 stores, cap. $1,400; 4 tanneries, 5 distilleries, 1 flouring m., 6 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $34,350. 14 sch. 431 sch. Pop. 2,293.

North Becket, p-v., Becket t., Berkshire co., Mass., 128 Boston, 392 W.

North Belgrade, p-o., Belgrade t., Kennebec co., Me., 17 n. e. Augusta, 613 W.

North Belmont, p-o., Belmont t., Waldo co., Me., 35 e. by n. Augusta, 631 W.

North Bend, p-o., Macon co., Ill., 78 e. Springfield, 705 W.

North Bennington, p-o., Bennington t. and co., Vt., 121 s. w. by s. Montpelier, 411 W.

North Benton, p-o., Columbiana co., O., 147 n. e. by e. Columbus, 300 W.

North Bergen, p-o., Bergen t., Genesee co., N. Y., 240 w. by n. Albany, 381 Washington.

North Berwick, p-t., York co., Me., 89 s. w. Augusta, 506 W. It has 4 stores, cap. $1,300; 4 fulling m., 1 woolen fac., 3 tanneries, 2 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $6,280. 17 sch. 568 scholars. Pop. 1,461.  

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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