American History and Genealogy Project

Sutton, MA to Syracuse, IN

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Sutton, p-t., Worcester co., Mass., 46 w. by s. Boston, 400 W. The surface is hilly; soil, productive. Watered by Blackstone r., along which passes Blackstone canal, in its n. part. Soapstone and granite are found. It contains 5 churches, 2 Congregational, 2 Baptist, and 1 Episcopal. It has 6 stores, cap. $10,800; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 4 cotton fac. 6,928 sp., 12 sch. 762 scholars. Pop. 2,370.

Sutton, t., Meigs co., O. It has 6 schools 253 scholars. Pop. 1,099.

Suwannee, r., Fl., rises in Okefinokee swamp, in Ga., and receives the Allapahaw from the n., and the Withlacoochee from the n. w., and flows into the Gulf of Mexico. Its bed is rocky, and it empties its waters into the Gulf of Mexico through numerous shallow channels. The bar at its mouth has not more than 5 feet water, but above that it has 15 feet for 55 miles. The banks in some places are 100 feet high, perpendicular, and of beautiful granite rock.

Suwannee, p-o., Gwinnett co., Ga., 90 n. w. Milledgeville, 654 W.

Swainsboro', p-v., capital of Emanuel co., Ga., 98 n. w. Savannah, 96 s. e. by e. Milledgeville, 668 W. Situated near Cannouehee r. It contains a court house, jail, and 12 or 15 dwellings.

Swan, p-o., Chester co., Pa., 57 e. s. e. Harrisburg, 117 W.

Swan Creek, t., Lucas co., O. It has 4 sch. 168 scholars. Pop. 494.

Swan, t., Hocking co., O. It has 2 schools 39 scholars. Pop. 759.

Swan, p-t., Noble co., Ia., 156 n. n. e. Indianapolis, 573 W. Pop. 207.

Swan, p-t., Taney co., Mo. Pop, 669.

Swan Creek, p-o., Gallia co., O., 27 s. s. e. Columbus, 385 W.

Swan Creek, p-o., Warren co., Ill., 102 n. w. Springfield, 868 W.

Swangstown, p-v., Cleveland co., N. C., 197 w. by s. Raleigh, 434 W.

Swannano, p-o., Buncombe co., N. C., 244 w. Raleigh, 474 W.

Swan Quarter, p-o., Hyde co., N. C., 203 e. by s. Raleigh, 400 W.

Swansborough, p-v., Onslow co., N. C., 160 s. e. Raleigh, 400 W. Situated on the w. side of the estuary of Whittock r., opposite to Bogue inlet, and contains about 50 inhabitants.

Swan's Island, t, Hancock co.. Me. It has 1 grist m., 2 sch. 134 scholars. Pop! 283.

Swanton, p-t., Franklin co., Vt., 71 n. w. Montpelier, 545 W. Bounded w. by Lake Champlain. Watered by Missisque r., on which are fine intervals. Six miles from its mouth is a fine fall of 20 feet, affording extensive water power. Excellent variegated marble is found here, and extensively exported. The quarry covers over 300 acres, and extends to an unknown depth. It is generally obtained from 2 to 8 feet below the surface, and conveyed half a mile to the falls to be sawed. The v. at the falls contains a church, several stores, various mills, and about 80 dwellings. Canal boats come up the r. 6 miles to the place. It is only one mile from the lake at the nearest point. There are in the t. 8 stores, cap. $8,920; 2 tanneries, 1 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $34,800. 16 sch. 945 scholars. Pop. 2,312.

Swanton, p-v., Lucas co., O., 139 n. w. by n. Columbus, 470 W.

Swanton Centre, p-o., Swanton t., Franklin co., Vt., 67 n. Montpelier, 541 W.

Swanville, p-t., Waldo co., Me., 50 e. by n. Augusta, 644 W. The surface is diversified; soil, fertile. Drained by a small stream rising in a pond in its n. part, and flowing into Belfast bay. It has 1 store, cap. $2,000; 1 grist m., 2 saw m 8 sch. 300 scholars. Pop. 919.

Swanzey, p-t., Bristol co., Mass., 48 s. by w. Boston, 414 W. An arm of Mount Hope bay sets up into the t., on which stands a small v., containing 1 church and about 12 or 14 dwellings, and it has some navigation and ship build-ing. The t. contains 3 Baptist churches. Incorporated in 1667. King Philip's Indian war commenced in this t. June 20th, 1675. It has 9 stores, cap. $18,400; 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 2 tanneries, 2 paper fac. Capital in manufac. $44,750. 7 sch. 137 scholars. Pop. 1,484.

Swanzey, p-t., Cheshire co., N. H., 53 s. w. Concord, 429 W. The surface is partly level and partly uneven; soil, various. Watered by Ashuelot r., which is navigable for boats to Keene, n. of this place, excepting a short carrying place around rapids in Winchester. Iron ore is found. Chartered by Mass. in 1733, by N. H. in 1753. It has 4 stores, cap. $7,000; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1 cotton fac. 680 sp., 1 tannery, 4 grist m., 14 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $55,835. 12 sch. 577 scholars. Pop. 1,755.

Swatara, river, Pa., rises in Schuylkill co., on the s. side of Broad mountain, and after a course of about 50 ms., flows into Susquehanna r., 8 miles below Harrisburg. The Union canal passes along this r.

Swatara, t., Lebanon co., Pa., 9 n. Lancaster. The surface is hilly n. and s., level in the centre; soil, gravelly. Drained by Swatara cr. and its branches. It has 6 stores, capital $16,800; 2 lumber yards, cap. $5,500; 1 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 1 distillery, 1 pottery, 4 grist m., 4 saw m. Capital in manufac. $18,635. 2 sch. 60 scholars. Pop. 1,506.

Sweden, p-t., Oxford co., Me., 59 w. s. w. Augusta, 582 W. The soil is fertile, adapted to grain. It has a considerable pond, the outlet of which affords water power, and flows into Long pond, which is connected to Portland by a canal. It has 7 sch. 168 scholars. Pop. 670.

Sweden, p-t., Monroe co., N. Y., 237 w. by H. Albany, 336 W. The surface is undulating; soil, moist, argillaceous loam, and fertile. Drained by Salmon cr. It has 1 store, cap. $4,000; 2 saw m., 10 sch. 604 scholars. Pop. 1,884.

Sweden, p-b., Potter co., Pa., 171 n. n. w. Harrisburg, 281 W. It mostly remains in a wild and uncultivated state. Pop. 153.

Sweedsborough, p-v., Woolwich t., Gloucester co., N. J., 47 s. s. w. Trenton, 158 W. Situated at the head of sloop navigation on Racoon cr., about 5 miles from its mouth, and contains 1 Episcopal and 1 Methodist church, an academy, 4 stores, 1 flouring m., and about 100 dwellings.

Sweet Gum Tree, p-o., Elbert co., Ga., 102 N. N. e. Milledgeville, 574 W.

Sweet Home, p-o., Mecklenberg co., N. C, 190 w. s. w. Raleigh, 427 W.

Sweet Home, p-o., Washington co., Ark., 86 n. w. Little Rock, 1,195 W.

Sweet Springs, p-y., Monroe co., Va., 209 w. Richmond, 256 W. This is one of the oldest watering places in Virginia. The water resembles the Bristol Hot Wells, England. It has accommodations for 300 persons, and the waters are efficacious in many complaints. The spring is so copious as to turn a mill at the distance of 200 yards from its source.
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Sweet Water, p-o., Gwinnett co., Ga., 90 n. w. Milledgeville, 661 W.

Sweet Water, p-o., St. Tammany par., La., 58 n. New Orleans, 1,160 W.

Sweet Water, p-o., Monroe co., Tenn., 165 e. s. e. Nashville, 538 W.

Swift Creek, p-o., Hamilton co., Flor.

Swift Creek Bridge, p-o., Craven co., N. C., 137 e. s. e. Raleigh, 331 W.

Switzerland, County, la. Situated in the s. e. part of the state, and contains 216 square ms. Bounded e. and s. by Ohio r. Drained by Log Lick, Indian, Plum, Brian's, and Grant's creeks, which flow into Ohio r. The surface is various, the bottom lands level and very fertile, the table land rolling. The vine is cultivated. Capital, Vevay. There were in 1840, neat cattle 6,737, sheep 9,672, swine 11,254; wheat 76,889 bushels produced, Ind. corn 262,385, oats 79,531, potatoes 35,375, tobacco 55,167 pounds, sugar 3,148; 29 stores, cap. $47,450; 5 tanneries, 1 flouring m., 8 grist m., 15 saw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $10,751. 22 sch. 210 scholars. Pop. 9,920.

Switzerland, t., Monroe co., O. It has 3 sch. 122 scholars. Pop. 982.

Sycamore, p-t., Crawford co., O., 75 n. Columbus, 423 W. It has 8 sch. 508 scholars. Pop. 960.

Sycamore, t., Hamilton co., O. Watered by Mill creek and its branches. It has several villages. Pop. 3,207

Sycamore, p-o., Putnam co., O.

Sycamore, p-o., Claiborne co., Tenn., 226 e. by n. Nashville, 463 W.

Sycamore, p-o., De Kalb co., Ill., 208 n. n. e. Springfield, 779 W.

Sycamore Alley, p-o., Halifax co., N. C., 85 n. r. Raleigh, 231 W.

Sydnorsville, p-v., Franklin co., Va., 183 w. by s. Richmond, 253 W.

Sykesville, p-v., Carroll co., Md., 61 n. n. w. Annapolis, 56 W.

Sylacauga, p-o., Talladega co., Ala., 97 e. Tuscaloosa, 780 W.

Sylva, p-o., Washington co., Ark.

Sylvan, p-o., Washtenaw co., Mich., 59 w. Detroit, 547 W.

Sylvan Grove, p-o., Jefferson co., Ga., 67 e. Milledgeville, 625 W.

Sylvania, p-o., Bradford co., Pa., 150 n. by e. Harrisburg, 260 W.

Sylvania, t., Lucas co., O. It has 1 sch. 25 scholars. Pop. 426.

Sylvanus, p-o., Hillsdale co., Mich., 97 w. s. w. Detroit, 545 W.

Sylvian, p-o , Jackson co., Ia.

Symmes, t., Hamilton co., O. Situated on the w. side of Little Miami r. Organized in 1822. Pop. 1,034.

Symmes, t., Lawrence co., O. Symmes creek runs within its e. border, and near the boundary. It has 3 sch. 57 scholars. Pop. 472.

Syracuse, p-v., Salina t., capital of Onondaga co., N. Y., 131 w. by n. Albany, 348 W. Situated on the Erie canal, at the junction of the Oswego canal. Incorporated in 1825, and contains a court house, clerk s office, jail, an academy, 2 banking houses, 6 churches, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Baptist, Methodist, &c., 130 stores of different kinds, 2 flouring m., 1 saw 1m., 1 plaster m., 3 machine shops, 3 iron foundries, 1 tannery, 800 dwellings, and 6,500 inhabitants. This v. and t. are celebrated for the great amount of fine salt manufactured from brine springs, which abound here. Coarse salt is also produced by solar evaporation. The total amount of salt of all kinds in 1840, was 524,461 bushels. A new spring was discovered in 1840, of great strength, of which 30 gallons of water produced 1 bushel of fine salt. The location of this place, on the line of the western railroad, and at the junction of 2 important canals, gives it great facilities for trade, and its growth has been rapid.

Syracuse, p-v., Kosciusko co., Ia., 141 n. by e. Indianapolis, 596 W.

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

This book is a joint project between members of AHGP, Paula Franklin, Judy White, Sheryl McClure and Susan Dorris our finder!

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