American History and Genealogy Project

Edwardsburg, MI to Elk Ridge Landing, MD

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Edwardsburg, p-v., Ontwa t., Cass co., Mich., 172 w. s. w. Detroit, 617 W. Situated on Beardsley's Like, and contains 4 stores. A prairie stretches to the s. w. It is pleasantly situated and flourishing.

Edwardsport, p-v., Knox co., Ia., 105 s. w. Indianapolis, 672 W.

Edwardsville, p-o., Edwards t., St. Lawrence co., N. Y.

Edwardsville, p-v., Salem t., Warren co., Ohio.

Edwardsville, p-v., capital. Madison co., Ill., 12 s. E. Alton, 74 s. by w. Springfield, 794 W. It contains a court house and jail, a U. S. land office, 2 churches, 1 Baptist and 1 Methodist, an academy, 7 stores, a castor oil fac, and about 70 or 80 dwellings. It. has an elevated and pleasant station, in the midst of a fertile country.

Eel, r., Ia., rises in Hendricks co., and after a winding course, falls into While r., at Point Commerce, in Greene co.

Ekl River, p-o., Plymouth co., Ms., 42 s. s. E. Boston, 450 W.

Eel River, p-o., Allen co., Ia., 143 n. n. e. Indianapolis, 556 W.

Effingham, County, Ga. Situated in the s. e. part of the state, and contains 396 sq. ms. Savannah r. runs on its e. boundary. Capital, Springfield. There were in 1840, neat cattle 6,931, sheep 2,153, swine 6,943; wheat 1,222 bush, produced, Ind. corn 54,830, potatoes 20,459, rice 69,313 pounds, cotton 240,603, sugar 3,670; 4 stores, cap. $7,690; 1 acad. 30 students. Pop. whites 2,924, slaves 1,433, free col'd 9; total, 3,075.

Effingham, County, Ill. Situated a little s. E. of the centre of the state, and contains 4S6 sq. ms. The surface is slightly undulating; soil, moderately good. Drained by Little Wabash r. and its tributaries, on which the land is rich, but liable to occasional inundation. Capital, Ewing-ton. There were in 1840, neat cattle 1,334, sheep 678, swine 3,296; wheat 1,499 bush, produced, Ind. corn 55,800, oats 1,755, potatoes 1,797, sugar 2,000 pounds; 5 stores, cap. $6,500; 1 distillery, 1 brewery, 5 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. 83,500. Pop. 1,675.

Effingham, p-t., Carroll co., N. H., 62 n. n. e. Concord, 540 W. A large pond lies on its n. border, the outlet of which forms Great Ossipee r. Providence pond in the s. e. part, discharges its waters through the t. into Great Ossipee r. Ossipee lake lies near its n. w. border. The surface is uneven, and the soil various. Incorporated in 1778. It has 4 stores, cap. $4,900; 2 fulling in., 2 tanneries, 2 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $9,700; 1 acad. 100 students, 9 sch. 377 scholars. Pop. 1,195.

Effingham, p-v., Darlington dist., S. C, 133 E. n. e. Columbia, 473 W.

Egg Harbor, Great, river and bay, N. J. The r. rises in Gloucester t. and co., and flows 45 miles, into Great Egg Harbor bay, which is about 5 ms. long, and from h to 4 ms. broad. The river is navigable for sloops over 25 ms. above May's landing, below which it flows through a marsh.

Egg Harbor, Little, bay and river, N. J. The r. rises in Burlington and Gloucester counties, and flows to the bay. It is navigable 25 miles, and is approached through New Inlet, which has a depth of water of from 15 to 18 feet.

Egg Harbor, Great, t., Atlantic co., N. J., 48 s. e. Woodbury. The surface is level. A marsh extends several miles from the shore, back of which the soil is sandy, and covered with pine forest. It contains the villages of Bargaintown and Somers' Point. It has 10 stores, cap. $10,600; 3 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $9,800. 10 sch. 810 scholars. Pop. 2,739.

Egg Harbor, Little, t., Burlington co., N. J., 35 s. E. Mount Holly. The surface is level; soil, gravel and sand. In the n. part are plains, covered with low pines and shrub oaks, in which deer and grouse are found. Drained by Bass r. and other branches of Little Egg Harbor r. It contains the v. of Tuckerton. There are in the t., 7 stores, cap. $17,000; 1 grist m., 1 saw mill. Cap. in manufac. $6,800. 7 sch. 285 scholars. Pop. 1,875.

Egremont, t., Berkshire co., Mass. The surface is mountainous. Watered by branches of Housatonic r. Incorporated in 1778. It has 5 stores, cap. $2,000; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 3 grist m., 6 saw m., 1 acad. 18 students, 5 sch. 280 scholars. Pop. 1,038.

Egypt, p-o., Perrington t., Monroe co., N. Y., 207 w. by n. Albany, 361 W.

Egypt, p-o., Monroe co., Va., 261 w. Richmond, 298 W.

Egypt, p-o., Fayette co., Tenn., 194 s. w. by w. Nashville, 879 W.

Elamsville, p-v., Patrick co.. Va., 216 w. s. w. Richmond, 291 W.

Elba, p-t., Genesee co., N. Y., 7 N. Batavia, 255 w. Albany, 330 W. The surface is undulating; soil, sandy and gravelly loam. Drained by Oak Orchard cr. It has 6 stores, cap. $31,500; 1 lumber yard, cap. $100; 3 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 2 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 1 flouring m., 3 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $60,710. 16 sch. 591 scholars. Pop. 3,161.

Elba, p-o., Washtenaw co., Mich., 59 w. Detroit, 535 W. Elba, t., Lapeer co., Mich. It has 1 grist m. t 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,700. Pop. 101.

Elbert, County, Ga. Situated in the n. e. part of the state, and contains 560 sq. ms. Savannah r. runs on its n. e. border, and Broad r. on its s. w. boundary. The surface is hilly; soil, productive red loam, in the s. part. Capital, Elberton. There were in 1840, neat cattle 9,431, sheep 5,983, swine 19,226; wheat 27,681 bush, produced, Ind. corn 294,423, oats 35,501, potatoes 10,778, silk cocoons 100 pounds, cotton 1,692,848; 13 stores, cap. $77,750; 7 flouring m., 19 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $36,740. 4 acad. 107 students, 6 sch. 146 scholars. Pop. whites 6,077, slaves 4,975, free col'd 73; total, 11,125.

Elberton, p-v., capital of Elbert co., Ga., Ill N. n e. Milledgeville, 568 W. It contains a court house, jail, 1 church, 2 academies, several stores, and 21 dwellings.

Elbridge, p-t., Onondaga co., N. Y., 13 w. Syracuse, 149 w. by n. Albany, 347 W. The surface is moderately uneven; soil, fertile. Watered by the outlet of Skaneateles lake, which flows n. into Seneca r. The Erie canal passes through the N. part, and the Utica and Albany railroad its s. part. It has 23 stores, cap. $63,400; 2 lumber yards, cap. $1,700; 1 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 1 distillery, 1 grist m., 10 saw m., 1 oil in. Cap. in manufac. $230,285. 1 acad. 300 students, 17 sch. 1,017 scholars. Pop. 4,647.

Elbridge, p-o., Edgar co., Ill., 123 e. Springfield, 655 W.

Elder Branch, p-o., Wilkes co., N. C, 102 w. by N. Raleigh, 369 W.

Eldersville, p-v., Cross Creek t., Washington co., Pa., 231 w. Harrisburg, 254 W. It contains about half a dozen houses.

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Elderton, p-v., Plumb Creek t., Armstrong co., Pa., 168 w. N. w. Harrisburg, 222 W. It contains 2 stores, and about 30 dwellings.

El Dorado, p-o., Clark co., Mo.

Eldred, p-o., Wayne co., Pa., 180 n. e. Harrisburg, 277 W.

Eldred, t., Jefferson co., Pa. Pop. 395.

Eldredville, p-o., Lycoming co., Pa., 116 n. Harrisburg, 226 W.

Eldridge, p-o., Buckingham co., Va., 71 w. Richmond, 149 W.

Eldridge, p-o., Walker co., Ala., 52 n. Tuscaloosa, 819 W.

Electra, p-o., Monroe co., Miss., 188 N. E. Jackson, 917 W.

Eleven Points, p-o., Ripley co., Mo., 204 s. a. E. Jefferson City, 978 W.

Eleysville, p-o., Erie co., N. Y., 282 w. Albany, 386 W.

Elgin, p-o., Lyndon t, Cattaraugus co., N. Y., 285 w. by s. Albany, 325 W.

Elgin, p-v., Kane co., Ill., 199 n. n. e. Spring-field, 752 W. Situated on the w. side of Fox r. It contains 3 churches, 1 Congregational, 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist, 1 academy, 4 stores, 3 saw m., 1 grist m., and 300 inhabitants.

Elimsport, p-o., Lycoming County, Pa., 78 n. Harrisburg, 194 W.

Eliza, p-o., Mercer co., Ill., 158 n. w. Springfield, 888' W.

Elizabeth, t., Essex co., N. J. The soil is red shale, clay, loam, and marsh, and fertile. Watered by Bound and Morss brooks. Large quantities of grass are cut on the marsh, chiefly for manure. Newark bay and Staten Island sound lie on its e. border. It has 22 stores, cap. $51,900; 2 lumber yards, cap. 30,000; 2 tanneries, 3 potteries, 2 printing offices, 1 bindery, 1 weekly newspaper, 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $297,250. 3 acad. 150 students, 10 sch. 393 scholars. Pop. 4,184.

Elizabeth, t., Alleghany co., Pa. It lies between Youghiogheny and Monongahela rivers, by branches of which it is watered, and which unite at its extreme n. point. The surface is hilly; soil, loam. Coal is found in abundance, and can be bought in the pit for half a cent per bushel. It has 7 stores, cap. $31,950; 1 woolen fac, 1 tannery, 2 distilleries, 1 glass house, 6 flouring m., 2 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $57,600. 11 sch. 520 scholars. Pop. 3,317.

Elizabeth, p-v., Elizabeth t. Alleghany co., Pa., 14 s. Pittsburg, 192 w. Harrisburg, 218 W. Situated on the e. side of the Monongahela. By means of a slack water navigation, steamboats of a large class come to this place, and many are built here. It contains 2 churches, 6 stores, 1 glass fac, 1 woolen fac, 1 steam flouring m., 1 saw m., and numerous mechanics.

Elizabeth, t., Lancaster co., Pa. The surface is hilly; soil, red shale and gravel. Trout creek runs on its e., and Hammer cr. on its w. boundary. Traversed by Middle cr. and its tributary, Seglock cr. It has 1 church, and contains the v. of Brickersville. There are in the t., 1 tannery, 2 distilleries, 12 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $7,000. Pop. 2,049.

Elizabeth, t, Lawrence co., O. It has 7 sch. 342 scholars. Pop. 1,540.

Elizabeth, t., Miami co., O. It has 6 sch. 294 scholars. Pop. 1,381.

Elizabeth, p-v., (post-office called Jacksonville,) Wood co., Va., 325 w. by n. Richmond, 304 W. Situated on the w. bank of Little Kanawha r.,25 ms. from its mouth. On the e. side of the r., 8 ms. above this place, is a remarkable burning spring.

Elizabeth, p-v., Harrison co., Ia., 138 s. Indianapolis, 635 W. It is situated 4 ms. n. of the Ohio River. It has 3 stores, and about 100 inhabitants.

Elizabeth, p-v., capital, Jackson co., Ark., 118 n. e. Little Rock, 1,003 W. Situated on the E. side of White r. a little below the entrance of Big Black r., and at the head of steamboat navigation. It has a court house and several dwellings.

Elizabeth City, County, Va. Situated in the e. part, of the state, and contains 64 sq. ms. It was one of the 8 original shires, into which Virginia was divided in 1634. It has Hampton roads, at the mouth of James r., on the s., and Chesapeake Bay on the E. The surface is level; soil, generally fertile. Capital, Hampton. There were in 1840, neat cattle 2,445, sheep 1,268, swine 5,044; wheat 18,559 bush, produced, lnd. corn 80,540, oats 13,727, potatoes 11,053, cotton 664 pounds; 31 stores, cap. $46,200; 2 grist m. Cap. in manufac. $23,475. 2 acad. 165 students, 3 sch. 109 scholars. Pop. whites 1,954, slaves 1,708, free col'd 44; total, 3,706.

Elizabeth City, p-v., capital, Pasquotank co., N. C, 40 s. w. Norfolk, Va., 215 E. by N. Raleigh, 283 W. Situated on Pasquotank r., 20 ms. from its mouth. Vessels requiring 7 feet wa-ter come up to the place. It has a water communication with Norfolk, 20 ms. up Pasquotank r., thence 22 ms. by the Dismal Swamp canal, to Elizabeth r., Va., thence 9 ms., to Norfolk. It exports shingles, staves, and pitch pine lumber to the West Indies, and contains a court house, and about 2,000 inhabitants.

Elizabeth Islands, Mass., consist of 16 small islands between Buzzard's bay and Vineyard sound, ranging n. e. and s. w. The principal are Nashawn, Pasqui, Nashawenna, Piniquese, and Cuttyhunk. Two of them are inhabited.

Elizabethport, p-v., Elizabeth t., Essex co., N. J., 47 n. e. Trenton, 12 s. w. New York. It is situated on Staten Island sound, near its junction with Newark bay. It contains a church, several manufactories, and about 100 dwellings. The Elizabethtown and Somerville railroad commences here. Steamboats ply several times daily between this place and New York.

Elizabeth River, Va., rises in Princess Ann and Norfolk counties, and flows N. w., 25 miles, into a large estuary at the mouth of James River, forming a fine harbor at Norfolk. It forms, with the Dismal Swamp canal, and Pasquotank r., a communication from Chesapeake bay to Albemarle sound.

Elizabethtown, p-t., capital of Essex co.. N. Y., 126 n. Albany, 501 W. The surface is mountainous, the Clinton range running through it from s. to n. Some of the peaks are elevated from 12 to 1,500 feet above the level of the plains. It is drained by the Boquet r. Iron ore of the best quality abounds here. The v. is on Boquet r., and contains a court house, jail, a state arsenal, 1 church, 5 stores, 45 dwellings, and about 300 inhabitants. There are in the t., 2 stores, cap. $4,000; 5 forges, 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 14 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $18,500. 1 acad. 20 students, 9 sch. 343 scholars. Pop. 1,061.

Elizabethtown, p-b., capital of Essex co., N. J., 44 n. E. Trenton, 213 W. Situated on Elizabethtown cr., 2½ ms. from its entrance into Staten Island sound. The New Jersey railroad, and the Elizabethtown and Somerville railroad, pass through it. It contains a court house, jail, a I bank, an insurance office, 5 churches, of which the Presbyterians have 2, the Episcopalians 1, and the Methodists 1, 12 stores, 2 male and 2 female academies, and about 500 dwellings. Its government resembles that of a city. Vessels of 30 tons come up to the place, and of 300 tons to the port at the mouth of the river. It contains about 2,500 inhabitants.

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Elizabethtown, p-v., Elizabeth t., Lancaster co., Pa., 18 e. Harrisburg, 123 W. Situated in the forks of Coney cr., and contains 2 stores, and about 40 dwellings. Incorporated in 1827.

Elizabethtown, p-v., Whitewater t., Hamilton co., O., 132 s. w. Columbus, 508 W. It contains a church, several stores, and about 200 inhabitants. The Whitewater canal passes through this place.

Elizabethtown, p-v., capital, Marshall co., Va. Situated on Grave creek, at its entrance into the Ohio, 12 ms. below Wheeling. The site of the v. is elevated, and it contains a court house and other county buildings. Here are very extensive ancient tumuli, scattered over a large plain, consisting of one main mound, 106 feet high, and 400 yards in circumference, surrounded by a ditch, and encompassed by other similar and smaller mounds. (See Grave Creek.)

Elizabethtown, p-v., capital of Hardin co., Ky., 79 s. w. Frankfort, 621 W. Situated on the N. side of Valley cr., a branch of Nolin's cr. It contains a court house and several dwellings.

Elizabethtown, p-v., capital of Bladen co., N. C, 99 s. Raleigh, 387 W. Situated on the w. side of Cape Fear r., 40 ms. above Wilmington, 55 below Fayetteville. It contains a court house, and several stores and dwellings.

Elizabethtown, p-v., capital of Carter co., Tenn., 301 e. Nashville, 414 W. Situated on the Watauga r., a branch of Holston r. It contains a court house, jail, several stores and dwellings. There are extensive manufactories of iron in the vicinity.

Elizabethtown, p-v., capital of Hardin co., EL, 219 s. s. e. Springfield, 786 W. It contains a court house and 1,050. inhabitants.

Elizabethville, p-o., Dauphin co., Pa., 39 n. Harrisburg, 149 W.

Elizaville, p-o., Columbia co., N. Y., 44 s. Albany, 333 W.

Elizaville, p-v., Fleming co., Ky., 5 w. Flemingsburg, 99 e. by n. Frankfort, 492 W. It contains 1 Methodist church and 200 inhabitants.

Elk, r., Md., rises in Pennsylvania, and flows by a broad estuary into the n. part of Chesapeake Bay. It is navigable 15 miles to Elkton.

Elk, r., Ala., rises in Tennessee, and flowing into Alabama, enters Tennessee, a little above the Muscle Shoals.

Elk Creek, p-t., Venango co., Pa., 122 w. n. w. Harrisburg, 231 W. The surface is level; soil, loam. Drained by Six Mile run, and by Canoe, Beaver, and Dyer Paint creeks. It has 5 stores, cap. 816,100; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1 tannery, 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper, 2 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $14,580. 1 sch. 25 scholars. Pop. 785.

Elk, t., Warren co., Pa. It has Alleghany r. on its E. and s. border, and Conewango cr. on its w. border. It has excellent land on its streams. It has 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $21,000. 4 sch. 36 scholars. Pop. 332.

Elk, t., Athens co., O. Situated on the waters of Racoon cr. It contains the v. of McArthurstown. It has 6 stores, cap. $3,100; 5 sch. 150 scholars. Pop. 1,261. Elk, t., Monroe co., O. Pop. 535. Elk Fork, t., Van Buren co., Mo. It has 1 sch. 12 scholars. Pop. 360.

Elk Fork, t., Pettis co., Mo. Pop. 454.

Elk Creek, p-t., Erie co., Pa., 16 s. w. Erie, 256 n. w. Harrisburg, 329 W. The surface is hilly; soil, gravelly loam. Drained by Cussawago cr., a branch of Elk cr., and tributary of Conneaut cr., on the last of which salt springs are found. It has 3 stores, cap. $5,300; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,600. 14 sch. 450 scholars. Pop. 1,645.

Elk Creek, p-o., Grayson co., Va., 277 w. by s. Richmond, 346 W.

Elk Cross Roads, p-o., Ashe co., N. C, 214 w. n. Raleigh.

Elk Furnace, p-o., Nelson co., Va.

Elk Garden, p-o., Russell co., Va., 320 w. by s. Richmond, 375 W.

Elk Grove, p-o., Iowa co., Wis., 71 s. w. Madison, 903 W.

Elk Grove, p-o., Cook co., Ill., 228 n. e. by N. Springfield, 741 W.

Elkhart, County, Ia. Situated in the n. part of the state, and contains 460 sq. ms. Watered by St. Joseph and Elkhart rivers, and their tributaries. The land is pleasantly interspersed with woodland and prairies, and watered by numerous springs and streams. Capital, Goshen. There were in 1840, neat cattle 4,842, sheep 2,925, swine 8,801; wheat 44.504 bushels produced, rye 8,763, Ind. corn 98,862, buckwheat 758, oats 45,877, potatoes 23,431, silk cocoons 150 pounds, sugar 73,697; 10 stores, cap. $46,500; 2 tanneries, 4 distilleries, 1 brewery, 2 potteries, 3 flouring m., 6 grist m., 12 saw m., 1 oil m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufactures $11,415. 22 sch. 473 scholars. Pop. 6,660.

Elkhart, p-v., Elkhart co., Ia., 154 n. Indianapolis, 609 W.

Elkhart, t., Noble co., Ia. It has 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 2 sch. 16 scholars. Pop. 240.

Elkhart, r., Ia., rises in Noble and La Grange cos., and flows into St. Joseph's r., in Elkhart co.

Elk Hill, p-o., Amelia co., Va., 32 s. w. Richmond, 149 W.

Elkhorn, r., Ky., after a course of 30 miles, enters Kentucky r., on the e. side, in Franklin County.

Elkhorn, p-o., Franklin County, Ky., 9 n. e. Frankfort, 551 W.

Elkhorn, t., Warren co., Mo. Pop. 642.

Elkhorn, r., Ill., rises in Washington co., runs n. w., and enters Kaskaskia r.

Elkhorn, p-o., Ray co., Mo., 149 w. n. w. Jefferson City, 1,054 W.

Elkhorn, p-v., capital of Walworth County, Wis., 68 s. e. Madison, 797 W.

Elkhorn Grove, p-o., Jo-Daviess co., Ill., 179 N. Springfield, 842 W.

Elkland, p-t., Tioga co., Pa., 170 n. Harrisburg, 280 W. The surface is hilly; soil, gravel, loam, and clay, heavily timbered. Drained by Cowanesque and Crooked creeks, branches of Tioga r. It has 7 stores, cap. $2,000; 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $16,125. 5 sch. 149 scholars. Pop. 710.

Elk Lick, p-o., Somerset co., Pa., 145 w. Harrisburg, 162 W. It has 4 stores, cap. $13,000; 2 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 10 distilleries, 3 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $6,800. 1 sch. 22 scholars. Pop. 1,495.

Elk Ridge, p-o., Giles co., Tenn., 65 s. Nashville, 719 W. Situated on Robison's Fork of Richland cr.

Elk Ridge Landing, p-v., Anne Arundel co., Md., 30 n. n. w. Annapolis, 30 W. Situated on the s. side of Patapsco r., 7 ms. w. s. w. of Baltimore, at the head of tide water. The Washington Branch railroad, and the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, intersect at this place; the former crossing the r. over a splendid viaduct, 700 feet long, and 59 feet above the r., on 8 arches, all of granite from the neighborhood. The v. has a Methodist church, a lyceum, with a library, 2 flouring m., 1 blast furnace, for the manufacture of cast iron pipe, employing 300 hands, a rolling mill and nail fac, and about 1,000 in-habitants.

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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