American History and Genealogy Project

Fordville, MS to Frankford, PA

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Fordsville, p-v., Marion co., Miss., 128 s. s. E. Jackson, 1,078 W.

Forest, p-o., Mercer co., Pa., 228 w. n. w. Harrisburg, 281 W.

Forestburg, p-t., Sullivan co., N. Y., 120 s. s. w. Albany, 278 W. The surface is hilly; soil, gravelly loam, having a large natural growth of yellow and white pine. Drained by Neversink r., which affords water power. The v. contains 1 store, 1 grist m., 1 plaster m., 4 saw m., 15 dwellings, and about 90 inhabitants. Pop. of the t.,433. It has 3 stores, cap. $3,000; 2 grist m., 21 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $61,565. 4 sch. 70 scholars.

Forest Lake, p-t., Susquehanna co., Pa., 181 N. n. e. Harrisburg, 291 W. It has 1 store, cap. $3,000; 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,775. 5 sch. 120 scholars. Pop. 606.

Forest Retreat, p-o., Nicholas co., Ky., 50 E. N. e. Frankfort, 493 W.

Forestville, p-v., Wake co., N. C, 15 w. Raleigh, 273 W.

Forge Village, p-v., Middlesex co., Mass., 30 Boston, 434 W.

Fork Inn, p-o., Dinwiddie co., Va., 31 s. s. w. Richmond, 150 W.

Forkland, p-o., Greene co., Ala.

Fork Meeting House, p-o., Baltimore co., Md., 46 n. by w. Annapolis, 56 W.

Fork Road, p-o., Floyd co., Va., 217 w. s. w. Richmond, 294 W.

Forks, t., Northampton co., Pa. Situated near the confluence of the Delaware and Lehigh rivers. Drained by Bushkill cr. and its tributaries. The surface is level, and the soil calcareous loam. It has 1 store, cap. $3,500; 1 tannery, 3 distilleries, 7 flouring m., 2 grist m. Cap. in manufac. $50,510. 2 sch. 80 scholars. Pop. 2,166.

Forks, t., Lycoming County, Pa. It has 1 woolen fac, 1 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,600. 3 sch. 90 scholars. Pop. 224.

Forks of Pigeon, p-o., Haywood co., N. C.

Forked Deer River, Tenn., rises by several branches in Carroll and Henderson counties, and after a course of about 100 miles, enters the Mississippi r., in Tipton County.

Forkston, p-o., Luzerne co., Pa., 165 n. e. Harrisburg, 270 W.

Forksville, p-o., Mecklenburg co., Va., 87 s. w. Richmond, 203 W.

Forktown, p-v., Somerset co., Md., 99 s. s. e. Annapolis, 139 W.

Forneys, p-o., Lincoln co., N. C.

Forsyth, County, Ga. Centrally situated toward the n. part of the state, and contains 290 square miles. The Chattahoochee r. runs on its e. and s. e. border. The Etowah r. runs through its n. w. corner. Drained by branches of these rivers. Capital, Cumming. There were in 1840, neat cattle 5,823, sheep 3,151, swine 9,663; wheat 27,957 bushels produced, Ind. corn 206,875, oats 17,815, potatoes 4,985, tobacco 4,278 pounds, cotton 97,190; value of gold produced, $8,000; 20 stores, cap. $47,000; 3 tanneries, 18 distilleries, 1 flouring m., 20 grist m., 11 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $8,430. 1 acad. 51 students, 8 sch. 263 scholars. Pop. whites 5,060, slaves 550, free col'd 9; total, 5,619.

Forsyth, p-v., capital of Monroe co., Ga., 55 w. Milledgeville, 677 W. Organized in 1823. It contains an elegant court house, a jail, 3 churches, several stores, an 'academy, and about 70 dwellings. The Towelaggee r., a branch of the Ocmulgee r., runs a little n. of it A railroad, 25 miles long, connects it with Macon.

Forsyth, p-v., capital of Taney co., Mo., 201 s. Jefferson City, 1,118 W. Situated on the e. side of White r., at the entrance of Swan cr. It contains a court house and a few dwellings.

Fort Adams, p-v., Wilkinson co., Miss., 158 s. w. Jackson, 1,168 W.

Fort Ann, p-t., Washington co., N. Y., 68 N. by E. Albany, 432 W. The surface is hilly and mountainous, with valleys and plains. The soil is various, consisting of sand, clay, and alluvion. Lake George lies on its n. w. border. Drained by Wood cr. The v. is situated on the Champlain canal, which has here 3 locks, and its summit level in the t. Incorporated in 1820. It contains 3 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist, 6 stores, 2 tanneries, 70 dwellings, and about 500 inhabitants. Fort Ann, erected here in 1756, at the head of batteaux navigation, on Wood cr., was celebrated in the French and Revolutionary wars. There are in the. t., 19 stores, cap. $26,900; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1 furnace, 3 forges, 3 tanneries, 1 powder m., 1 grist m., 21 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $45,330. 24 sch. 1,036 scholars. Pop. 3,559.

Fort Atkinson, p-o., Jefferson co., Wis., 43 e. Madison, 827 W.

Fort Armstrong. (See Rock Island, Ill.)

Fort Argyle, Bryan co., Ga., (now in ruins,) on the w. bank of Ogechee r., 6 miles above Ogechee Bridge, built in 1733, to protect the early settlers against the Spaniards. Here the canal from Savannah enters the Ogechee.

Fort Barrington, Ga., on the e. bank of Alatamaha r., 14 ms. above Darien, was built by the Carolinians in 1720, to prevent the escape of the Negroes to the Spaniards, at St. Augustine. There is now a settlement in the vicinity.

Fort Brady, Mich. (See Sault St. Marie.)

Fort Blunt, p-o., Jackson co., Tenn., 68 E. by n. Nashville, 432 W.

Fort Covington, p-t., Franklin co., N. Y., 266 n. n. w. Albany, 546 W. Surface, level; soil, sand and clay loam of good quality. Drained by Salmon and Little Salmon rivers. The v. is situated on Salmon r., which is navigable from this place to the St. Lawrence r., 5 ms. below. It contains 4 churches, an academy, 7 stores, 2 woolen fac, 3 grist m., 1 plaster m., 3 saw m., 120 dwellings, and about 800 inhabitants. There are in the t., 15 stores, cap. $42,181; 3 fulling m., 2 woolen fac, 1 forge, 3 tanneries, 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper, 3 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $37,050. 11 sch. 637 scholars. Pop. 2,094.

Fort Decatur, p-o., Mercer co., Ala.

Fort Defiance, p-o., Caldwell co., N. C.

Fort Edward, p-t., Washington co., N. Y., 49 n. Albany, 419 W. The surface is gently undulating, and the soil a fertile clay and loam. Drained by Moosekill and other streams. The v. is situated on the E. side of Hudson r., and contains 1 church, 6 stores, 1 grist m., 80 dwellings, and about 500 inhabitants. The remains of old Fort Edward are seen hi the centre of the v., erected in 1755; and the spot is shown, a little n., where Miss Jane McCrea was barbarously murdered by the Indians, in the revolutionary war. There are in the t., 11 stores, cap. $25,000; 2 grist m., 1 saw m., 6 sch. 195 scholars. Pop. 1,726.

Fort Gaines, p-o., Early co., Ga., 183 s. w. Milledgeville, 830 W.

Fort Gratiot, p-v., St. Clair co., Mich., 60 n. e. Detroit, 584 W. Situated at the head of a rapid, at the outlet of Lake Huron, the entrance of which it commands. Built in 1814, at the close of the late war. It consists of a stockade, including a magazine, barracks, and other accommodations for a garrison of one battalion.

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Fort Hamilton, p-v., New Utrecht t., Kings co., N. Y. Here is a strong fortification, on the extreme w. end of Long Island, adjoining the Narrows, through which is the main entrance to New York harbor, here about one third of a mile wide. Connected with it is Fort La Fayette or Fort Diamond, in the channel, and Fort Rich-mond opposite, on Staten Island. Fort Hamilton is strongly built of solid masonry, and mounts 70 guns, 42, 32, and 24 pounders. The v. at this place contains 1 church, 2 stores, and 15 or 20 dwellings. It has a fine view of the lower bay and the Atlantic Ocean, is a place of summer re-sort, and has a convenient boarding house for the accommodation of visitors.

Fort Henderson, p-o., Macon co., Ala., 156 s. e. Tuscaloosa, 789 W.

Fort Hill, p-o., York dist., S. C.,88 n. Columbia, 419 W.

Fort Hill, p-o., Lake co., Ill., 233 N. N. E. Springfield, 748 W.

Fort Hunter, p-o., Florida t., Montgomery co., N. Y., 33 w. by n. Albany, 406 W. Here are the ruins of an old fortification, distinguished in colonial history.

Fort Jefferson, p-o., Neave t., Dark co., O., 95 w. Columbus, 489 W. The v. contains 1 store and a number of houses.

Fort Jesup, p-o., Natchitoches par., La., 393 w. N. w. New Orleans, 1,312 W. Situated about midway between Sabine and Red rivers.

Fort Leavenworth, p-v., adjoining Platte r., Mo., on the w. side of Missouri r., within the Indian Ter. Here are situated extensive military works.

Fort Littleton, p-o., Bedford co., Pa., 71 w. by s. Harrisburg, 115 VV.

Fort Madison, p-v., capital of Lee co., Iowa. Situated on the w. bank of the Mississippi r. A fortification was here established in 1808, as a defense against the Indians, who obliged the garrison to abandon it, and to bum the fort, in 1813, of which few remains are now seen. It has be-come the site of a beautiful v., founded in 1835, and containing a Presbyterian, Baptist, and Methodist church, 5 stores, 4 commission and forwarding houses, several groceries, various mechanics, and about 700 inhabitants. The territorial penitentiary is established here, and a ferry crosses the Mississippi r.

Fort Miller, p-v., Fort Edward t., Washington co., N. Y. Situated on the e. side of Hudson r., where is a fall of about 20 feet, and a state dam 8 feet high, for feeding the Champlain canal, which passes through the place. The village contains 1 church, 5 stores, 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 1 fulling m. and carding machine, 40 dwellings, and about 300 inhabitants.

Fort Osage, p-o., Jackson co., Mo., 158 w. by N. Jefferson City, 1,074 W.

Fort Pickering, p-o., Shelby co., Tenn.

Fort Plain, p-v., Minden t., Montgomery co., N. Y. Situated on the s. side of the Mohawk, on the Erie canal. Incorporated in 1834. It contains 1 Dutch Reformed and 1 Universalist church, 1 bank, 16 stores, 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 1 plaster m., 1 furnace, 1 distillery, 200 dwellings, and about 1,400 inhabitants. Fine stone is here quarried for canal locks.

Fort Pleasant, p-o., St. Joseph co., Mich., 131 w. s. w. Detroit, 587 W.

Fort Recovery, p-o., Dark co., O., 114 w. by n. Columbus, 508 W. Established by Gen. Wayne.

Fort Seneca, p-o., Seneca co., O., 95 n. by w. Columbus, 432 W. Situated on the w. side of Sandusky r., and occupied during the late war.

Fort Smith, p-v., Crawford co., Ark., 161 w. N. w. Little Rock, 1,226 W. Situated on the s. side of Arkansas r., at the entrance of Poteau r., on the extreme western border of the state. An extensive fortification is now being erected here, for the protection of the western frontier.

Fortsmouth, p-o., Warren co., Va., 147 Richmond, 93 W.

Fort Snelling, p-V., Iowa, 1,237 n. w. W. It is situated on the s. side of the Mississippi r., a short distance above the entrance of St. Peter's r. Here are situated extensive military works, for the protection of the northwestern frontier.

Fortsville, p-o., Moreau t., Saratoga co., N. Y., 48 n. Albany, 418 W.

Fort Towson, p-v., Indian ter., W. Arkansas, 184 s. w. by w. Little Rock, 1,239 W. Situated a little n. of Red r.

Fort Valley, p-o., Houston co. Ga.

Fort Wayne, C. H., p-v., cap. of Allen co., la., 131 n. n. E. Indianapolis, 544 W. Beautifully situated on the s. side of 3Iaumee r. It is incorporated as a city, and contains a court house, jail, 5 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist, 1 Lutheran, and 1 Roman Catholic, 1 academy, 9 stores, 500 dwellings, and about 2,000 inhabitants. It is on the line of the Wabash and Erie canals, and surrounded by a rich and fertile country.

Fort Winnebago, p-v., Portage co., Wis., 42 n. 3Iadison, 889 W. Situated at the portage, between Wisconsin and Fox rivers.

Foster, p-t., Providence co., R. I., 19 w. by s. Providence, 336 W. The surface is uneven and rough, but the soil is adapted to grazing. Watered by the head branches of the north branch of Pawtuxet River, which afford water power. Incorporated in 1781. There are in the t., 11 stores, cap. $11,000; 2 furnaces, 1 fulling m. 1 cotton fac. 624 sp., 1 tannery, 8 grist m., 12 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $18,645. 19 sch. 618 scholars. Pop. 2,181.

Fosterdale, p-o., Cochecton t., Sullivan co., N. Y., 126 s. w. Albany, 293 W.

Foster's, p-o., Marion co., Ill., 95 s. s. e. Springfield, 755 W.

Foster's, p-o., Tuscaloosa co., Ala., 12 Tuscaloosa, 830 W.

Foster's, p-o., Union co., Ark. 175 s. Little Rock, 1,220 W.

Foster's Cross Roads, p-o., Bledsoe co., Tenn., Ill E. s. E. Nashville, 596 W.

Foster's 3Ieadows, p-o., Queens co., N. Y., 162 s. e. Albany, 242 W.

Fostersville, p-o., Aurelius t., Cayuga co., N. Y., 159 w. Albany, 338 W.

Fosterville, p-v., Henry co., Ga., 75 w. u. w. Milledgeville, 679 W.

Fosterville, p-v., Rutherford co., Tenn., 46 s. E. Nashville, 677 W.

Foundryville. p-o., Columbia co., Pa., 99 n. n. E. Harrisburg, 209 W.

Fountain, County, la. Situated in the w. part of the state, and contains 390 square miles. Organized in 1825. Wabash river runs on its w. border. Watered also by Coal cr. and Shawnee cr., tributaries to the Wabash, which afford good water power. The surface is undulating, and the soil very fertile. The Wabash and Erie Canal passes through the co. Capital. Covington. There were in 1840, neat cattle 11,272, sheep 15,175, swine 30,551; wheat 111,118 bushels produced, rye 7,976, Ind. corn 711,128, buck-wheat 2,103, oats 80,769, potatoes 23,476, sugar 118,613 pounds, bituminous coal 10,000 bushels; 40 stores, cap. §135,090; 2 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 6 tanneries, 9 distilleries, 10 flouring m., 8 grist m., 36 saw m., 1 oil m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $128,690. 30 sch. 3,075 scholars. Pop. 11,218.

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Fountain Dale, p-o., Adams co., Pa., 47 s. w. Harrisburg, 71 W.

Fountain Green, p-o., Chester co., Pa.

Fountain Green, p-o., Hancock co., Ill., 162 w. n. w. Springfield, 875 W.

Fountain Head, p-o., Sumner co., Tenn., 33 n. n. E. Nashville, 632 W.

Fountain Inn, p-o., Greenville dist., S. C, 89 n. w. Columbia, 503 W.

Fountain Inn, p-o., Callaway co., Ky.

Fountain of Health, p-o., Cumberland co., Pa., 36 s. w. Harrisburg. 114 W.

Fountain Powder Mills, p-o., Hart co., Ky., 105 s. w. Frankfort, 622 W.

Fountain Spring, p-o., Schuylkill co., Pa., 75 N. E. Harrisburg, 185 W.

Fountain Spring, p-o., Warren co., Tenn., 83 s. e. by E. Nashville, 637 W.

Fourche a Renault, p-v., Washington co., Mo., 103 s. e. Jefferson city, 887 W. Situated on the w. side of Mineral fork of Big r., in the midst of the mineral region.

Fourche Dumas, p-o., Lawrence co., Ark., 154 n. n. e. Little Rock, 983 W.

Four Corners, p-o., Ridgefield t., Huron co., O., 8 w. Norwalk, 110 n. by e. Columbus.

Four Mile Branch, Barnwell dist., S. C, 104 s. by w. Columbia, 600 W.

Four Mile Branch, Monroe co., Tenn., 178 e. s. e. Nashville, 542 W.

Fowler, p-t., St. Lawrence co., N. Y., 187 n. n. w. Albany, 456 W. The surface is moderately uneven; soil, chiefly a fertile clay and sandy loam. Drained by Oswegatchie r. and its tributaries. It has 5 stores, cap. $5,600; 1 fulling m., 1 furnace, 2 forges, 4 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,700. 4 sch. 173 scholars. Pop. 1,752.

Fowler, p-t., Trumbull co., O., 10 n. Warren, 183 n. E . Columbus, 303 W. It has 5 sch. 340 scholars. Pop. 935.

Fowler's Mills, p-o., Geauga co., O., 169 n. e. Columbus, 343 W.

Fowlstown, p-v., Decatur co., Ga., 11 s. w. Bainbridge.

Fox, p-t., Clearfield co., Pa., 143 n. w. Harrisburg, 235 W. Pop. 319.

Fox, t., Carroll co., O. Situated in the e. part of the county. It has 16 stores, cap. $39,500; 4 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 2 printing offices, 2 weekly papers, 5 flouring m., il grist m., 14 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $30,250. 1 sch. 20 scholars. Pop. 1,491.

Foxborough, p-t., Norfolk co., Mass., 27 s. s. w. Boston, 418 W. Organized in 1778. Watered by Rumford and Cocasset rivers, branches of Taunton r., which afford water power. It has considerable manufactures. It has 4 stores, cap. $6,000; 2 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $96,900. 7 sch. 327 scholars. Pop. 1,293.

Foxchase, p-o., Philadelphia co., Pa., 108 e. by s. Harrisburg, 148 W.

Fox Creek, p-o., St. Louis co., Mo., 94 e. Jefferson City, 842 W.

Foxcroft, p-t., Piscataquis co., Me., 83 n, e. Augusta, 630 W. It has 11 sch. 401 scholars. Pop. 926.

Fox, r., Ill., one of the principal branches of Illinois r., rises in Wisconsin ter., passes through a series of small lakes near the boundary of the state, and enters Illinois r. at Ottawa.

Foxville, p-v., Frederick co., Md., 100 n. w. Annapolis, 71 W.

Foxville, p-o., Fauquier co., Va., 116 n. by w. Richmond, 73 W. Situated on the Rappahannock r., 30 ms. above Fredericksburg. It contains 1 store, 2 flouring m., and 2 carding machines. Slate is found in the neighborhood, and a white sulphur spring, considerably resorted to.

Fox Springs, (white sulphur and chalybeate,) situated 10 e. from Flemingsburg, Ky., between two mountains. It is a pleasant resort, the country in the vicinity abounding with game.

Foy's Store, p-o., Onslow co., N. C, 139 s. e. Raleigh, 369 W.

Frakus Grove, p-o., Stark co., Ill., 115 n. by w. Springfield, 829 W.

Framingham, p-t., Middlesex co., Mass., 22 w. s. w. Boston, 418 W. Incorporated in 1700. The soil is fertile. Watered by Sudbury r., a branch of Concord r, which affords water power. It has a number of ponds, resorted to for fishing and fowling. Black lead is found. It has a pleasant and flourishing village. It has 6 stores, capital $31,800; 4 woolen fac., 1 tannery, 2 paper fac, 1 bindery, 4 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $396,900. 1 acad. 77 students, 12 sch. 898 scholars. Pop. 3,030.

Francistown, p-t., Hillsboro co., N. H., 25 s. w. Concord, 460 W. The surface is uneven and rough, but the soil is fertile, adapted to grazing. It has some rich intervals. Watered by branches of Piscataquog r., issuing from considerable ponds, which afford water power. The important road from Boston to Windsor, Vt., passes through it. It has a pleasant and flourishing village. There are in the t. 3 stores, cap. $12,500; 1 woolen fac, 2 tanneries, 5 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $16,100. 11 sch. 410 scholars. Pop. 1,307.

Francisville, p-v., Philadelphia co., Pa., 100 E. by s. Harrisburg, 140 W.

Francisville, p-v., Crawford co., Ga., 61 s. w. Milledgeville, 718 W.

Francisville, p-v., Boone co., Ky., 87 n. by E. Frankfort, 513 W.

Franconia, p-t., Grafton co., N. H., 75 n. Concord, 541 W. The surface is mountainous, and some of its elevations present wild and picturesque scenery. Profile Mountain, which rises 1,000 feet, in its bare rocky summit, is thought to present a striking profile of a human face, when seen from the n. Watered by the s. branch of Lower Amonoosuck r., which affords water power, and on which are extensive iron works and other mills. A rich iron ore is found 3 miles from the furnace, which yields from 56 to 63 per cent. The New Hampshire Iron Factory Company was incorporated in 1805, composed principally of gentlemen in Boston and Salem. It has 1 store, cap. $1,700; 1 furnace, 1 forge, 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,375. 5 sch. 175 scholars. Pop. 523.

Franconia, p-t., Montgomery co., Pa., 88 E. Harrisburg, 167 W. The surface is level, and the soil red shale. Drained by the n. e. branch of Perkiomen cr., Indian cr., Pike cr., and Shippack cr. It has 5 stores, cap. $12,000; 2 tanneries, 1 pottery. Cap. in manufac. $2,864. Pop. 1,183.

Franconia, p-v., Putnam co., O., 129 n. w. Columbus, 498 W.

Frankford, t., Sussex co., N. J. The surface is hilly toward the w., running on to Blue Mountain, the remainder is valley lands. The soil is fertile, underlain with lime and slate. Drained by Papakating cr., a branch of Wallkill r. It has 5 stores, cap. $37,900; 1 fulling m., 1 furnace, 1 forge, 3 tanneries, 6 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $45,405. 13 sch. 307 scholars. Pop. 2,410.

Frankford, p-b., Oxford t., Philadelphia co., Pa., 104 e. by s. Harrisburg, 5 n. e. Philadelphia, 144 W. Tacony cr. runs on its w. and s. border, and affords water power. It contains 1 Lutheran and 1 Friends church, 10 stores, several grist and saw m., 1 calico printing works, 2 acad. 25 students, 8 sch. 513 scholars. Pop. 2,376.

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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