American History and Genealogy Project

 Wabash, IN to Wallingford, VT

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Wabash, r., Ia., rises in Darke co., O., and flowing into Ia., pursues a n. w. course to Huntington co., where it approaches the junction of St. Joseph's r. with the St. Mary's to form Maumee r., receiving Little r. from the n. e. at this point. It then crosses the state in a w. and s. w. direction, receiving on the s. side Salamanic and Missisinewa rivers, and on the n. side Eel and Tippecanoe rivers; and a little below Terre Haute it becomes the boundary between Ia. and Ill. to its entrance into the Ohio, 127 miles above the Mississippi, and 68 miles above the mouth of Cumberland r. It is the largest tributary of the Ohio on the n. side, and probably the second in its whole course. It is navigable for steamboats to La Fayette, and, by means of the Wabash and Erie canal, connects Lake Erie with the Ohio r.

Wabash, County, Ia. Situated centrally in the n. part of the state, and contains 415 sq. ms. Watered by Wabash, Eel, and Salamanic rivers. The surface and the soil are various. Organized in 1832. Capital, Wabash. There were in 1840, neat cattle 2,775, sheep 1,065, swine 9,468; wheat 8,705 bushels produced, Indian corn 75,644, oats 9,556, potatoes 14,397, sugar 20,190; 11 stores, capital $26,190; 4 tanneries, 6 grist m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,300. 2 schools 45 scholars. Pop. 2,756.

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Wabash, County, Ill. Situated toward the s. e. part of the state, and contains 180 square ms. Wabash r. runs on its e. and s. border, and Bon Pas cr. on its w. border. Drained by Crawfish, Jordan, and Coffee creeks. The soil is generally fertile. Organized from Edwards co., in 1824. Capital, Mount Carmel. There were in 1840, neat cattle 5,570, sheep 3,602, swine 10,392; wheat 19,156 bush. produced, Ind. corn 166,659, barley 1,394, oats 51,002, potatoes 12,533, tobacco  9,978 pounds, sugar 2,295; 11 stores, cap. $50,900; 6 tanneries, 4 distilleries, 1 flouring m., 5 grist m., 8 saw m., 1 oil m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $55,200. 2 acad. 32 students, 2 sch. 60 scholars. Pop. 4,240.

Wabash, p-v., capital of Wabash co., Ia., 93 n. by e. Indianapolis, 582 W. Situated on the n. side of Wabash r. It contains a court house, jail, and about 125 inhabitants.

Wabash, t., Adams co., Ia. Pop. 206.

Wabash, t., Fountain co., Ia. It has 170 scholars in schools. Pop. 1,135.

Wabash, t., Gibson co., Ia. Pop. 331.

Wabash, t., Tippecanoe co., Ia. It has 3 sch. 85 scholars. Pop. 1,009.

Wabash, p-o., Wayne co., Ill., 155 s. e. Springfield, 741 W.

Wabassee, County, Mich. Situated toward the n. w. part of the peninsula, and contains 576 sq. ms. Drained by Manistee and Grand Traverse rivers. (It is unorganized.)

Wableau, t., Henry co., Mo. It has 2 sch. 53 scholars. Pop. 886.

Waccamaw, p-o., Brunswick co., N. C., 151 s. Raleigh, 436 W.

Wachusett, mt., Princeton t., Worcester co., Mass., is an isolated peak in the n. part of the t., rising 3,000 feet above the level of the sea, and is the highest land in the state e. of Connecticut r. The view from its summit is extensive, beautiful, and grand, and it is frequently visited.

Wacoochee, p-v., Russell co., Ala., 187 e. s. e. Tuscaloosa, 774 W. Situated n. of Wacoochee r.

Waconda Creek, t, Carroll co., Mo. It has 1 sch. 26 scholars. Pop. 1,041.

Wacousta, p-v., Clinton co., Mich., 101 n. w. Detroit, 604 W.

Waddam's Grove, p-t., Stephenson co., Ill., 212 n. Springfield, 844 W. It has 2 sch. 34 scholars. Pop. 347.

Waddington, p-v., Madrid t., St. Lawrence co., N. Y., 228 n. n. w. Albany, 495 W. Situated on the s. e. side of St. Lawrence r., opposite to Ogden's island, with which it is connected by a bridge. Incorporated in 1839, and contains an Episcopal church, 12 stores, 1 flouring m., 1 grist m., 2 saw m., 1 paper m., 1 woollen fac., 1 furnace, 1 tannery, 90 dwellings, and about 600 inhabitants.

Wade's, p-o., Bedford co., Va., 137 w. Richmond, 212 W.

Wadesborough, p-v., capital of Anson co., N. C., 143 s. e. Raleigh, 412 W. Situated on the n. side of Neuse r., and contains a court house, jail, several stores, and about 600 inhabitants.

Wadesborough, p-v., capital of Callaway co., Ky., 255 s. w. Frankfort, 782 W. It contains a court house, jail, and 165 inhabitants.

Wadeville, p-v., Owen co., Ia., 47 s. w. Indianapolis, 617 W.

Wadham's Mills, p-o., Westport t., Essex co., N. Y., 131 n. Albany, 502 W.

Wading River, p-v., Riverhead t., Suffolk co., N. Y., 215 s. s. e. Albany, 295 W. Situated on a small inlet of the same name, about 1 mile from Long Island sound. It contains a church, a grist m., and about 30 dwellings.

Wadley's Falls, p-v., Strafford co., N. H., 36 e. Concord, 483 W.

Wadsworth, p-t., Medina co., O., 127 n. n. e. Columbus, 342 W. It has 3 stores, capital $11,000; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 3 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $11,085. 1 acad. 73 students, 8 sch. 252 scholars. Pop. 1,481.

Wagontown, p-v., Chester co., Pa., 62 e. s. e Harrisburg, 132 W.

Wahorlock, p-o., Kemper co., Miss., 130 e. n. E. Jackson, 891 W.

Waite, p-o., Washington co., Me., 229 e. Augusta, 815 W.

Waitsfield, p-t., Washington co., Vt., 19 s. w. Montpelier, 506 W. The surface is uneven; soil, fertile, particularly along the streams, where are fine intervales. Watered by Mad r., and its tributaries, which afford water power. It contains 3 churches--1 Congregational, 1 Baptist, and 1 Union. It has 2 stores, cap. $8,600; 2 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 3 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $8,475. 9 sch. 396 scholars. Pop. 1,048.

Wakatomika, p-o., Washington t., Coshocton co., O., 75 n. e. Columbus, 351 W.

Wake, County, N. C. Situated in the centre of the state, and contains 1,140 sq. ms. Drained by Neuse r. and its branches. Capital, Raleigh. There were in 1840, neat cattle 15,248, sheep 11,574, swine 38,883; wheat 38,379 bushels produced, rye 79,011, Ind. corn 535,274, oats 79,011, potatoes 55,965, rice 550 pounds, tobacco 54,247, cotton 2,391,996; 53 stores, capital $223,320; 67 distilleries, 2 flouring m., 32 grist m., 16 saw m., 1 paper fac., 4 printing offices, 5 weekly and 1 semi-weekly newspapers. Capital in manufac. $1,514. 1 college 77 students, 13 acad. 283 students, 10 sch. 169 scholars. Pop. whites 12,113, slaves 7,996, free col'd 1,009; total, 21,118.

Wakefield, p-t., Carroll co., N. H., 46 n. e. Concord, 527 W. Province pond is in its n. extremity, and discharges its waters into Saco r. Lovell's pond, in the s. part of the t., is celebrated for a memorable battle with the Indians, in 1725, in which Capt. Lovell and his party were destroyed. The pond has received the name of the unfortunate commander. Incorporated in 1774. Salmon Falls r. rises in several ponds in the t. It has 5 stores, cap. $5,500; 2 fulling m., 1 cotton fac. 500 sp., 1 tannery, 4 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $8,600. 9 sch. 361 scholars. Pop. 1,396.

Wakefield, p-v., Kingston t., Washington co., R. I., 37 s. Providence, 393 W. It contains a church and about 30 inhabitants.

Wakefield, p-v., Carroll co., Md., 68 n. n. w. Annapolis, 69 W.

Wakefield, p-v., Wake co., N. C., 20 n. Raleigh, 278 W.

Wake Forest, p-o., Wake co., N. C., 15 n. Raleigh, 273 W.

Wakeman, p-t., Huron co., O., 12 e. Norwalk, 107 n. n. e. Columbus, 385 W. It was formerly called Jessup, and has 6 stores, cap. $45,000; 5 commission houses, cap. $23,000; 2 fulling m., 1 woollen fac., 2 flouring m., 2 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $42,350. 5 sch. 155 scholars. Pop. 702.

Walden, p-t., Caledonia co., Vt., 29 n. e. Montpelier, 544 W. The head branches of Onion and Lamoille rivers rise here. Joe's pond, in the s. part, discharges its waters into Pasumpsic river. The surface is elevated and uneven; soil, fertile, particularly in the n. w. part. It contains a church, common to several denominations. Chartered in 1780; first settled in 1789. It has 2 stores, cap. $5,300; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac., 1 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,050. 10 sch. 266 scholars. Pop. 913.

Walden, p-v., Montgomery t., Orange co., N. Y., 90 s. by w. Albany, 292 W. Situated on the e. bank of Wallkill r., and contains 1 church, 3 stores, 1 woollen fac., 1 satinet fac., 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 70 dwellings, and about 400 inhabitants.

Waldensville, p-o., Schoharie co., N. Y., 27 w. Albany, 391 W.

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Waldo, County, Me. Centrally situated in  the s. part of the state, and contains 812 sq. ms. Bounded e. by Penobscot r. and bay. The surface is undulating; soil, fertile. Watered by St. George and Marsh rivers, and branches of Sebasticook r. Penobscot bay and river afford great facilities for navigation. Capital, Belfast. There were in 1840, neat cattle 27,826, sheep 55,318, swine 10,451; wheat 78,304 bush. produced, rye 6,749, Ind. corn 52,784, barley 30,103, oats 84,088, potatoes 1,066,424, sugar 4,675 pounds; 196 stores, cap. $368,895; 18 lumber yards, cap. $54,400; cap. invested in fisheries, $72,373; 13 fulling m., 26 tanneries, 41 grist m., 117 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $398,437. 4 acad. 1,946 students, 267 sch. 14,740 scholars. Pop. 41,509.

Waldo, p-t., Waldo co., Me., 7 w. n. w. Belfast, 47 e. n. e. Augusta, 641 W. Drained by streams flowing into Belfast bay, and which afford water power. The soil is fertile, adapted to grain. It has 8 saw m., 4 sch. 329 scholars. Pop. 721.

Waldo, p-v., Moore co., N. C., 62 s. w. Nashville, 350 W.

Waldoborough, p-t., and port of entry, Lincoln co., Me., 30 s. e. Augusta, 606 W. Watered by Muscongus r., which enters Muscongus bay. The bay bounds it on the s. w. The surface is gently uneven; soil, fertile. Incorporated in 1773. It has considerable navigation and ship-building, and contains 22 stores, cap. $29,900; 3 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper, 4 grist m., 10 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $113,421. 1 acad. 45 students, 22 sch. 1,168 scholars. Pop. 3,661.

Waldren's Creek, p-o., Sevier co., Tenn., 221 e. Nashville, 502 W.

Waleasborough, p-o., Emanuel co., Ga., 84 s. e. Milledgeville, 646 W.

Wales, p-t., Lincoln co.. Me., 23 s. w. Augusta, 582 W. The surface is level; soil, fertile, adapted to grain. Drained by a branch of Androscoggin r. It has 1 store, cap. $1,000; 1 saw m., 7 sch. 258 scholars. Pop. 658.

Wales, p-t., Hampden co., Mass., 74 w. s. w. Boston, 374 W. Formerly called South Brimfield. A branch of Quinnebaug r. issues from a considerable pond near its centre, and affords water power. The surface is uneven; soil, adapted to grazing. The v. at the n. extremity of the above pond, at its outlet, contains 1 Baptist and one Methodist church, a woollen fac., and about 30 dwellings. There are in the t. 1 store, cap. $2,000. Cap. in manufac. $3,500. 5 sch. 195 scholars. Pop. 686.

Wales, p-t., Erie co., N. Y., 18 s. e. Buffalo, 272 w. Albany, 369 W. The surface is undulating; soil, gravelly and sandy loam, with some clay. Drained by Seneca cr. It has 3 stores, cap. $12,000; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac., 1 tannery, 1 pottery, 3 grist m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $17,750. 16 sch. 678 scholars. Pop. 1,987.

Walesville, v., Whitestown t., Oneida co., N. Y. It contains 1 church, 1 store, 1 woollen fac., 2 paper m., 1 clothier's works, 1 grist m., and a few dwellings.

Walhonding, r., O., one of the main branches of Muskingum r., formed by the junction of Mohiccan and Vernon rivers. It receives Kilbuck cr. from the n., and joins Tuscarawas r., opposite to Coshocton. It was formerly called White Woman r.

Walhonding, p-o., Coshocton co., O., 76 n. e. Columbus. 355 W.

Walker, County, Ga. Situated in the n. w. part of the state, and contains 700 square miles. Drained by Chattooga r., flowing s. w. into Coosa r., and Chickamauga r., flowing n. into Tennessee r. The surface is uneven, and the soil, in the valleys, fertile. Crawfish spring, 12 ms. n. of the C. H., affords water sufficient, where it issues from the hill, to float a small vessel, and 50 yards from this would float a large steamboat. It contains a large cavern. Capital, La Fayette. There were in 1840, neat cattle 6,396, sheep 2,087, swine 15,012; wheat 17,363 bush. produced, rye 1,014, Ind. corn 236,494, oats 16,650, potatoes 6,985, tobacco 14,468 pounds, cotton 76,307; 7 stores, cap. $47,000; 2 tanneries, 8 distilleries, 8 grist m., 14 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $13,620. 1 college, 15 students, 9 sch. 172 scholars. Pop. whites 5,583, slaves 946, free col'd 43; total, 6,572.

Walker, County, Ala. Situated centrally toward the n. w. part of the state, and contains 1,500 sq. miles. Drained by Sipsey r. and its numerous branches, a branch of Black Warrior r. Capital, Jasper. There were in 1840, neat cattle 5,943, sheep 1,493, swine 12,360; wheat 5,587 bush. produced, Ind. corn 128,030, oats 7,584, potatoes 4,767, rice 1,210 pounds, tobacco 4,588, cotton 110,917; 1 store, cap. $3,000; 1 tannery, 1 distillery, 6 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,100. 111 scholars in schools. Pop. whites 3,820, slaves 211, free col'd 1; total, 4,032.

Walker, p-t., Centre co., Pa., 94 n. w. Harrisburg, 186 W. The surface is diversified; soil, in the valleys, calcareous loam. Drained by Little Fishing cr. It has 4 stores, cap. $10,500; 1 furnace, 2 tanneries, 2 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $6,900. 4 sch. 160 scholars. Pop. 1,180.

Walker's, p-o., Livingston co., Ky., 257 w. s. w. Frankfort, 789 W.

Walker's Church, p-o., Prince Edward co., Va., 86 s. w. by w. Richmond, 176 W.

Walker's Grove, p-o., Mason co., Ill., 7 s. Macomb.

Walker's Mills, p-o., Alleghany co., Pa., 208 w. Harrisburg, 253 W.

Walkersville, p-v., Frederick co., Md., 81 n. w. Annapolis, 49 W.

Walkersville, p-v., Mecklenburg co., N. C., 194 s. w. by w. Raleigh, 431 W.

Walkertown, p-v., King and Queen co., Va., 40 n. e. Richmond, 128 W. Situated on the n. e. side of Mattapony r.

Walkerville, p-o., Lycoming co., Pa., 103 n. Harrisburg, 213 W.

Wallabout, bay, Brooklyn, N. Y. Situated in the n. e. part of the city of Brooklyn. The United States Navy Yard is on the s. side of it. (See Brooklyn.) Here the British prison-ship, the Jersey, was moored, in the revolutionary war, on board of which 11,500 American prisoners died, and were buried on the adjoining beach.

Wallace, p-v., Jones co., Ga., 13 s. w. Milledgeville, 661 W. Situated on the road from Milledgeville to Macon.

Wallace, p-v., Fountain co., Ia., 70 n. w. Indianapolis, 638 W.

Walled Lake, p-o., Novi t., Oakland co. Mich., 38 n. w. Detroit, 554 W. The lake lies on the n. border of the t., and its outlet forms the w. branch of Rouge r.

Wallingford, p-t., Rutland co., Vt., 71 e. e. w. Montpelier, 452 W. The surface is uneven, and on the e. part mountainous; soil, fertile, particularly on the streams. Drained by Otter Creek r., and its branch, Mill r. It has several ponds, one of which, in its s. e. part, covers 350 acres. There are 4 churches in the t. The v. is on Otter Creek in the n. part, and contains several stores, mechanic shops, and dwellings. There are in the t. 6 stores, cap. $22,150; 2 tanneries, 2 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $10,220. 12 sch. 583 scholars. Pop. 1,608.

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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