American History and Genealogy Project

Saint Louisville, OH to Salem, OH

Saint Louisville, p-o., Licking co., O.

Saint Marie, p-v., Jasper co., Ill., 139 s. e. Springfield, 716 W.

Saint Marks, r., Flor., a small r. which unites with Wakully r. at St. Marks, to form Appalachee r. It rises in a small pond 19 m. n. e. from its junction with the Wakully. Boats requiring 4 feet water ascend it to its source.

Saint Marks, p-v. and port of entry, Leon co.. Flor., 20 s. Tallahassee, 816 W. It is situated on St. Marks r., near the junction of Wakully r., which form Appalachee r. and constitutes the port of Tallahassee, with which it is connected by a railroad. It promises to be a place of considerable business. Below St. .Marks the navigation is very crooked and impeded by oyster bars. Congress, in 1829, appropriated a sum of money to improve the navigation. There is a light-house at the entrance of the r. St. Marks is 6 miles above the entrance of the r., which has 8 feet of water to this place.

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Saint Martins, r., Md., crosses the n. e. part of Worcester co. and enters Sinepuxent bay, in the Atlantic, opposite to Fenwick's island.

Saint Martin's, Parish, La. Situated toward the s. part of the state, and contains 850 sq. ms. The Atchafalaya bayou runs on its n. e. border. Watered by Teche r. In its s. e. part it is liable to submersion. It contains Chetimaches Lake and Grand Island in its s. e. part. It has some prairie and some arable soil on the banks of the streams, which is very fertile. It produces cotton, Indian corn, rice and indigo, and peaches and figs. Cattle are raised. Capital, St. Martinsville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 26,930, sheep 5,054, swine 7,297; Ind. corn, 96,939 bush, produced, cotton 1,783,233 pounds, sugar 2,474,700; 39 stores, cap. $294,100; 2 lumber yards, cap. $18,500; 2 tanneries, 1 printing office. Cap. in manufac. $126,000. 1 acad. 26 students, 6 sch. 110 scholars. Pop. whites 3,549, slaves 4,641, free col'd 484; total, 8,674.

Saint Martin's, p-v., Worcester co., Md., 131 s. e. Annapolis, 171 W.

Saint Martinsville, p-v., St. Martin's par., La., 178 w. New Orleans, 1,281 W. Situated on the w. side of Teche r. It is built chiefly on one street, on the elevated bank of the r. It contains a court house, a jail, a Roman Catholic Church, and is surrounded by a settlement of opulent planters. Pop. about 400.

Saint Mathew's, p-o, Orangeburg dist., S. C.

Saint Mary's, r., Ga. and Flor., rises in a swamp in the s. part of Ware co., Ga., and flowing s. for some distance, it suddenly turns n., and after a considerable distance, it takes an easterly course, until it falls into the Atlantic. Its length is 105 ms. It has a depth of water, on the bar at its mouth, of 13£ feet at low tide, and 19i feet at ordinary high tide. It forms the only good harbor from the boundary of Ga. to Florida point. It is susceptible of defense. This r. was formerly the boundary of the United States.

Saint Mary's, r., O. and Ia., rises in Mercer co., O., and flows n. w., and unites with St. Joseph's r., at Fort Wayne, to form Maumee r.

Saint Mary's, strait, Mich., forms the outlet of Lake Superior, and connects it with Lake Huron. It leaves Lake Superior in its s. e. part, and pursues a s. e. course for 60 m., and enters Lake Huron by three passages, the e., middle, and w. straits. It has four large islands, Sugar, Sailors' Encampment, Lime Kiln, St. Joseph's islands, and Drummond Island, at its mouth, besides some smaller ones. The usual ship channel is up the w. strait, and the navigation is difficult, and requires an experienced pilot. Its general width is three fourths of a mile, and the current 11 m. an hour. It is navigable above and below the rapids, which are 15 ms. from Lake Superior, for large vessels. The rapids are three fourths of a m. long, and have a fall of 22 feet 10 inches. The entire fall of the r., from Lake Superior to its mouth, is 44 feet 8 inches. A ship canal has been in contemplation around the falls. Large quantities of whitefish, trout, and other fish are taken in this r., and extensively exported.

Saint Mary's, County, Md. Situated in the s. w. part of the state, between the Potomac and Patuxent rivers, and contains 200 sq. ms. Several short rivers, with broad estuaries, flow into the Potomac r. The largest of these is the Wicomico r., which forms its western boundary for some distance. Capital, Leonardtown. There were in 1840, neat cattle 10,073, sheep 11,390, swine 17,320; wheat 68,372 bush, produced, rye 1,568, Ind. corn 255,955, buckwheat 83, oats 61,862, potatoes 1 1,723; tobacco 2,872,052 pounds; 30 stores, cap $59,650; 1 cotton fac. 224 sp., 4 flouring m., grist m.; 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $19,000. 4 acad. 54 students, 12 sch. 351 scholars. Pop. whites 6,070, slaves 5,761, free col'd 1,393; total, 13,224.

Saint Mary's, Parish, La. Situated in the s. part of the state, and contains 870 sq. ms. The surface is level, and the soil fertile, where it is not too wet for cultivation. Watered by Teche r. Chetimaches Lake lies on its n. e. border. Capital, Franklin. There were in 1840, neat cattle 16,806, sheep 8,211, swine 6,403; Ind. corn 153,410 bush, produced, potatoes 20,017, rice 4,741 pounds, cotton 1,436,000, sugar 13,291,000; 13 stores, cap. $112,600; 2 tanneries, 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $55,600. 8 sch. scholars. Pop. whites 2,366, slaves 6,286, free col'd 298; total, 8,950.

Saint Mary's, p-o., Chester co., Pa., 61 s; Harrisburg, 139 W.

Saint Mary's, p-v., Mercer co., O., 105 w. n. w Columbus, 498 W. Situated on the e. bank of St. Mary's r., at the head of boat navigation on the r. It contains 2 stores, 1 tannery, 1 printing office, issuing a weekly newspaper, 35 dwellings, and about 200 inhabitants. It was formerly the capital of the co.

Saint Mary's, p-v., and port of entry, Camden co., Ga., 293 s. s. e. Milledgeville, 802 W. Situated on St. Mary's r., 7 ms. from its mouth. It has a safe harbor, and vessels requiring 21 feet of water come to its wharves. It contains a Presbyterian church, an academy, several stores, 80 dwellings, and about 600 inhabitants. Tonnage, 1840, 2,754.

Saint Mary's, p-o., Jefferson co., Ark.

Saint Mary's, p-o., Hancock co., Ill95 w. w, w. Springfield, 873 W.

Saint Mary's Landing, p-v., St. Genevieve co., Mo., 202 e. s. e. Jefferson City, 856 W. Situated on the w. bank of the Mississippi r.

Saint Michaels, r., Talbot co., Md., flows 10 ms. s., and approaches Tread Haven bay, and then turns to the n. w., and after a course of about 6 ms. enters Chesapeake bay by a broad estuary, opposite the s. part of Kent island.

Saint Michaels, p-v., Talbot co., Md., 57 r. Annapolis, 97 W. Situated on the w. side of St Michael's r.

Saint Omer, p-v., Decatur co., Ia., 37 s. e. Indianapolis, 560 W. Situated on the N. side of Flat Rock cr., which affords water power. It contains about 150 inhabitants.

Saint Paris, p-v., Johnston t, Champaign co O., 57 w. by n. Columbus, 451 W.

Saint Patricks, p-o., Washington co., Ark 161 n. w. Little Rock, 1,200 W.

Saint Paul, p-o., Madison co., Ark., 151 n. w., Little Rock, 1,207 W.

Saint Paul's, p-o., Robeson co., N. C, 75 s. s. w. Raleigh, 363 W.

Saint Peter's, p-o., St. Charles co., Mo., 113 e. Jefferson City, 836 W.

Saint Stephens, p-v., Washington co., Ala., 149 s. by w. Tuscaloosa, 961 W. Situated on the w. bank of Tombigbee r., 120 ms. above Mobile, at the head of schooner navigation. It has a considerable number of houses, built chiefly stone, but wears the aspect of decay. It contains a U. S. land office, several stores, and about 150 inhabitants.

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Saint Tammany, Parish, La. Situated in the e. part of the state, and contains 972 sq. n Lake Pontchartrain bounds it on the s. Water by Chifuncte r. Pearl r. runs on its e. border, and Tangipola r. on its w. border. The surface is uneven; soil, sterile, extensively covered with nine. Capital, Covington. There were in 1810, neat cattle 25,000, sheep 1,250, swine 18,500; Ind. corn 12,150 bush, prod., oats 4,000, potatoes 18,350, rice 987,250 pounds, cotton 140,000, sugar 360,000; 25 stores, cap. $225,000; 18 grist m., 21 mw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper.; ap. in manufac. $2,183,879. 2 acad. 56 students, 1 sch. 15 scholars. Pop. whites 2,353, slaves 1,940, free col'd 305; total 4,598.

Saint Tammany, p-o., Mecklenburg co., Va., 97 s. w. Richmond, 213 W.

Saint Thomas, p-t., Franklin co., Pa., 7 w. by s. Chambersburg, 53 s. w. Harrisburg, 98 W. The surface is rolling; soil, slate with some calcareous loam. Drained by Back cr. and its tributaries. The v. contains 2 churches, common to several denominations, 3 stores, 100 dwellings, and about 600 inhabitants. There are in the t. stores, cap. $12,000; 1 woolen fac, 1 furnace, 2 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 5 grist m., 7 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $23,650. 11 sch. 364 scholars. Pop. 1,725.

Salem, County, N. J. Situated in the s. w. part of the state, and contains 320 sq. ms. Organized in 1763. Bounded s. w. and n. w. by Delaware Bay and river. The surface is level; oil, in the n. and w. parts, clay and loam mixed with sand, and fertile. In the s. e. part, the soil is sandy and gravelly and less fertile. It has extensive beds of marl. Watered by Oldman's, Salem, Alloway's and Stow creeks. Capital, Salem. There were in 1840, neat cattle 11,277, sheep 16,486, swine 26,339; wheat 94,484 bush, produced, rye 36,925, Ind. corn 371,984, buckwheat 30,529, barley 471, oats 306,691, potatoes 0,644; 48 stores, cap. $103,410; 3 woolen fac, tanneries, 1 pottery, 17 grist m., 12 saw m., 1 printing office, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $194,398. 2 acad. 71 students, 43 sch. 1,155 scholars. Pop. 16,024.

Salem, p-t., Franklin co., Me., 52 n. n. w. Augusta, 642 W. Watered by a branch of Seven Mile brook. The soil is fertile, adapted to grain, incorporated in 1823. It has 1 store, cap. $600; grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,400., sch. 256 scholars. Pop. 561.

Salem, p-t., Rockingham co., N. H., 37 s. s. e. Concord, 45S W. The surface is uneven; soil, generally fertile. It has a pond in the w., and another in the s. e. part. Watered by Spiggot r. and its branches, which afford water power. It is 4 stores, cap. $6,700; 2 fulling m., 2 woolen c, 5 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. 32,800. 10 sch. 467 scholars. Pop. 1,408.

Salem, p-t., Orleans co., Vt., 62 n. n. e. Montpelier, 578 W. The surface is level; soil, fertile. South bay of Lake Memphremagog lies on its n. w. border. Watered by Clyde r., which passes through a considerable pond on its n. e. border, and enters Lake Memphremagog in Derby Chartered in 1781. First settled in 1798. Pop. 299.

Salem, city, port of entry, and one of the caps of Essex co., Mass. Situated in 42° 34' n. lat, and 70° 5' w. Ion. from Greenwich, and in 6° e. Ion. from Washington. It is 14 n. n. w. from Washington, and 454 n. e. W. The population in 1810, was 12,613; 1820, 12,731; in 1830, 13,886; 1840, 15,032. Employed in commerce, 2S7; in manufactures and trades, 1,188; navigating the ocean, 1,301; learned professions, &c, 52.

It is chiefly built on a tongue of land formed 2 inlets from the sea, called North and South rs., over the former of which is a bridge, upwards of 1,500 feet long, connecting it with Beverly, and the latter forms the harbor. The harbor has good anchorage ground, but vessels drawing more than 12 or 14 feet of water must be partially unloaded before they can come to its wharves. The situation of Salem is low, but it is pleasant and healthy. It is well built, and latterly most of the houses which have been erected, are of brick, and many of them are tasteful and elegant. The compact part of Salem is about one and a half miles long, and half a mile wide. The streets are irregular, having been originally laid out without much regard to symmetry and beauty. In the northern part of the town there is an elegant public square or com-mon, containing about 10 acres, surrounded by a handsome public walk, ornamented with rows of trees. An aqueduct supplies the city with an abundance of excellent spring water. Salem was long the second town in New England in wealth, commerce, and population; but Providence and Lowell now exceed it in population and New Bedford in shipping. It was long distinguished for its East India trade, by which it was greatly enriched; but this branch of commerce, though still carried on, is less extensive than formerly. On a peninsula below the town are Fort Pickering and Fort Lee; and on Baker's island there is a light-house. The tonnage of this port in 1840, was 37,020.

Among the public buildings are a court house, a jail, an almshouse, a market house, an East India Marine Museum, and a Lyceum. It has 9 banks, with an aggregate capital of $2,000,000; 6 insurance companies, with a total capital of $950,000; a marine insurance company, and an institution for savings. There are 2 public libraries, an Atheneum containing 10,000 volumes, and a mechanics' library, containing 1,200 volumes. There are 16 churches, 4 Unitarian, 4 Congregational, 2 Baptist, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, 1 Christian, 1 Roman Catholic, 1 Friends, and 1 Universalist.

Among the public institutions is a society formed of those who, as captains or supercargoes, have doubled the Cape of Good Hope or Cape Horn, formed in 1801, for the relief, when necessary, of the families of its members, and for advancing the knowledge necessary for the East India trade. It has a splendid museum, consist-ing of curiosities collected from all parts of the world. To this museum strangers have free access when introduced by a member.

There were in 1840, 45 commercial houses; 80 retail stores, with a cap. of $430,000; capital invested in the fisheries, $200,000; 17 tanneries, cap. $75,000; 4 distilleries, cap. $35,000; paints, drugs, &c, cap. $140,000; 4 ropewalks, cap. $83,000; 2 grist m., 2 saw m., cap. $50,000; 3 printing offices, 2 weekly and 2 semi-weekly newspapers, cap. $9,000. Total cap. in manufac. $1,439,000. 1 acad. 32 students, 77 sch. 2,965 scholars.

Next to Plymouth, Salem is the oldest place in the state, having been settled in 1628. Its Indian name was Naumkeag or Naumkeek, by which it was designated in early times. The territory, which originally included Danvers, Beverly, and Marblehead, was purchased of the Plymouth colony by a company in England, and was settled by a colony under John Endicott, as agent, and John Winthrop was its first governor, appointed by the company in England. This colony so increased that in a few years Boston, Charlestown, and Dorchester, were settled by emigrants from it. In 1692, the celebrated delusion denominated "the Salem witchcraft" prevailed, and 19 persons were hanged as witches, this and some neighboring towns, including Charlestown and Boston. The first trial was of person living in what is now Danvers, and the trials were held, and the place of execution is now denominated "gallows hill," from which peaceful spot the most delightful view of the city is obtained. At length this severity was condemned, and the occasion of it was pronounced a delusion. These colonists undoubtedly erred exceedingly, but their error belonged to the age. The English laws at the time recognized witch-craft as a capital offence, and these laws were sanctioned by such men as the learned and up-right judge, Sir Matthew Hale.

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Salem was distinguished as the early supporter of the American Revolution. On the closing of the port of Boston, the general court was removed to this place, and General Gage hoped that the inhabitants would be conciliated by the prospect of increasing prosperity. But by a unanimous vote in a public town meeting they gave him to understand that they disdained to flourish on the ruin of Boston, and they offered resistance to an attempt to seize some military stores before the battle of Lexington. During the revolutionary war Salem was distinguished for the number, boldness, and success of its privateers, amounting to 60 vessels, manned by 4,000 men.

Salem became a city in 1836. The railroad from Salem to Boston was opened in 1838, and is passed in 50 minutes.

Salem, p-t., New London co., Ct., 30 s. e. Hartford, 354 W. It was taken chiefly from Colchester, and incorporated in 1819. The soil is generally fertile. Watered by a stream which flows into Connecticut r. in Lyme. Gardner's lake lies on its n. e. border. It contains 4 churches, 1 Congregational, 1 Methodist, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Baptist. It has 2 stores, cap. $4,100; 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,000. 7 sch. 297 scholars. Pop. 811.

Salem, p-t., and semi-capital of Washington co., N. Y., 46 n. n. e. Albany, 416 W. The surface is undulating and hilly; soil, sandy and clay loam, and well cultivated. Drained by Black and White creeks, branches of Battenkill River, which afford water power. The v. is pleasantly situated in a valley, on White cr., and contains a courthouse, jail, 1 Presbyterian and 1 Associate Reformed church, Washington academy, 5 stores, 1 grist m., 1 furnace, 1 machine shop, 100 dwellings, many of them neat, and about 700 inhabitants. The great northern turnpike from Lansingburg, one of the best roads in the country, passes through it, and it is a great thoroughfare. There are in the t. 11 stores, cap. $41,400; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper, 5 grist m., 5 saw m. Capital in manufac. $31,255. 1 acad. 50 students, 22 sch. 731 scholars. Pop. 2,855.

Salem, v., Portland t, Chautauque co., N. Y. It contains 1 church, 1 store, 1 grist m., 1 tannery, and about 30 dwellings.

Salem, p-t., and capital of Salem co., N. J., 64 s. Trenton, 175 W. The soil is a fertile sandy loam. Watered by Salem cr. and its tributaries. The v. is situated on Salem cr., 3½ miles from its mouth in Delaware bay, and contains a fine brick court house, 60 by 40 feet, with fire proof brick county offices adjacent, a stone jail, 7 churches, 1 Episcopal, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist, 1 Baptist, 2 Friends, (1 Orthodox and 1 Hicksite.) and 1 African Methodist, 1 market house, 1 bank, 1 academy, 2 printing offices, each issuing a weekly newspaper, 26 stores, 3 j lumber yards, 1 steam grist m., 1 horse m., and in about 250 dwellings. A steamboat runs daily to Delaware city and Newcastle, and connects with one from Philadelphia. Vessels of 50 tons come up to the v., but a bar at the mouth of the creek has but 8 feet water. There is a draw-bridge over the cr. This was the first place settled in West Jersey, having been founded in 1673. There are in the t. 17 stores, capital $47,490; 2 lumber yards, cap. $23,000; 2 tanneries, 1 pottery, 1 printing office, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $39,996. 2 acad. 71 students 4 sch. 130 scholars. Pop. 2,007.

Salem, p-t., Mercer co., Pa., 241 w. n. w. Harrisburg, 296 W. The surface is level; soil, clay and loam. Watered by Little Shenango and Crooked creeks, which unite in its w. part, and flow into Big Shenango cr. It has 1 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 1 distillery, 2 grist m., 13 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $3,600. 13 sch. 569 scholars. Pop. 1,980.

Salem, t., Wayne co., Pa. Drained by Waullenpaupack cr. It has 7 sch. 190 scholars. Pop 849.

Salem, t., Luzerne co., Pa. It has 2 stores, cap. $6,500; 3 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $11,800. 6 sch. 218 scholars. Pop. 1,009.

Salem, t., Westmoreland co., Pa. It has Loyal-hanna r. on the e. Drained by Beaver Dam r. The borough contains 204 inhabitants. There are in the t. 10 sch. 300 scholars. Pop. 1,892.

Salem, p-v., capital of Roanoke co., Va., 178 w. Richmond, 216 W. Situated on Roanoke r It contains a court house, jail, 1 store, and about 250 inhabitants.

Salem, p-v., Stokes co., N. C, 109 w. by x Raleigh, 320 W. It is a neat Moravian v., situated on a small branch of Yadkin r., built mostly on a single street, 1½ mile long, shaded with trees The houses are chiefly of brick. It contain 1 church, a Moravian female academy, of celebrity which has 4 brick buildings, 4 stories high, situated on a fine public square, a branch of Cape Fear Bank at Wilmington, a cotton fac, a pap fac, a printing office, 4 stores, and about 10 inhabitants.

Salem, p-v., Sumter dist., S. C, 91 e. Columbia, 507 W. Situated on e. side of Black r.

Salem, p-v., Clarke co., Ga., 58 n. by w. Milledgeville, 615 W. It contains 1 Methodic church, an academy, 2 stores, 1 tannery, an about 30 dwellings.

Salem, p-v., Russell co., Ala., 180 e. s. e. Tuscaloosa, 775 W.

Salem, p-v., Tippah co., Miss., 208 n. n. e. Jackson, 882 W.

Salem, p-v., Franklin co., Tenn., 104 s. s. e. Nashville, 674 W.

Salem, p-v., capital of Crittenden co., Ky., 24 w. s. w. Frankfort, 781 W. Situated between the Ohio and Cumberland rivers, and contains court house, jail, 3 stores, 1 school 25 scholar Pop. 233.

Salem, p-t., Columbiana co., O., 167 e. N. J Columbus, 289 W. It contains the villages of Washingtonville and Franklin Square. If has 1 sch. 324 scholars. Pop. 1,900.

Salem, v., Perry t., Columbiana co., O. has 4 sch. 339 scholars. Pop. 842.

Salem, t., Monroe co., O. It has 2 sch. 1 scholars. Pop. 900.

Salem, t., Champaign co., O. It has 1 tanner 2 flouring m., 1 sch. 47 scholars. Pop. 1,408.

Salem, t., Highland co., O. It has 6 sch. 233 scholars. Pop. 2,004.

Salem, t., Jefferson co., O. It contains sever villages. It has 9 stores, cap $10,400; 2 tanneries, 1 grist m. Cap. in manufac. $4,200. 6 sch. 375 scholars. Pop. 2,044.

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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