American History and Genealogy Project

Princess Ann, MD to Pulaski, TN

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Princess Ann, p-v., capital of Somerset co., Md., 110 s. s. e. Annapolis, 150 W. Situated on the s. e. side of Manokin r., near the head of tide-water. It contains a court house, jail, a bank, 3 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal and 1 Methodist, and about 120 dwellings. It is regularly laid out, with streets crossing each other at right angles. The public buildings are of brick, and the private dwellings are of brick or of wood, neatly painted. Washington academy is in the vicinity.

Princess Ann, p-o., Robeson co., N. C, 111 s. s. w. Raleigh, 399 W.

Princess Ann, C. H., p-v., capital of Princess Ann co., Va., 132 s. e. Richmond, 256 W. It contains a court house, 2 Methodist churches, 1 store, 20 dwellings, and about 150 inhabitants.

Princeton, p-v., Washington co., Me., 219 n. e. Augusta, 805 W. Schoodic lakes and its outlet bounds it on the n. w. and n. A pond in its s. part gives rise to East Machias r. It has 2 sch. 50 scholars. Pop. 157.

Princeton, p-t., Worcester co., Mass., 16 n. by w. Worcester, 47 w. by n. Boston, 417 W. It contains Wachusett mountain, an isolated summit, which is 3,000 feet high, and 1,900 feet above the surrounding country, and it presents a grand view from its top. The surface of the t. is hilly; soil, fertile. Drained by branches of Nashua r. and Wave r. It contains 4 churches, 1 Congregational, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, and 1 Universalist, It has 3 stores, cap. $7,000; 2 tanneries, 3 grist m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $10,470. 10 sch. 404 scholars. Pop. 1,347.

Princeton, p-t., Schenectady co., N. Y., 8w. Schenectady, 19 n. w. Albany, 339 W. The surface is hilly; soil, clay, sand, and loam. Drained by Norman's Kill. It has 1 store, cap. $1,000; 3 saw m. 4 sch. 91 scholars. Population, 1,201.

Princeton, p-b., Mercer co., N. J., 11 n. e. Trenton, 177 W. It is pleasantly situated, and neatly built, chiefly on one extended street, and contains 4 churches, 2 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, and 1 African, numerous stores, and 200 dwellings, and about 1,200 inhabitants, exclusive of those connected with the literary institutions. The Delaware and Raritan canal runs within 1 mile of the b., and the office of the company is established here. It derives its greatest importance from the College of New Jersey, established here, founded in 1746, at Elizabethtown, removed to Princeton in 1757, which has a president, and 12 professors or other instructors, 2, 183 alumni, of whom 444 have been ministers of the gospel, 263 students, and 11,000 vols, in its libraries. The commencement is on the last Wednesday in September. Its buildings are neat, convenient, and spacious. The Princeton Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church is located here, founded in 1812, has 5 professors, 113 students, 714 educated, and 7,000 vols, in its libraries. Its buildings are neat and extensive. There are in the t. 9 stores, cap. $47,600; 1 lumber yard, cap. |2,50O; 1 tannery, 2 printing offices, 1 bindery, 1 weekly newspaper, 2 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. n manufac. $67,300. 2 colleges, 328 students, 2 acad. 90 students, 4 sch. 110 scholars. Pop. 3,055.

Princeton, p-v., Mercer co., Va.

Princeton, p-v., capital of Washington co., Miss., 119 n. w. Jackson, 1,154 W. Situated on the e. side of Mississippi r. It contains a court house, 8 stores, and 250 inhabitants.

Princeton, p-v., capital of Caldwell co., Ky., 225 w. s. w. Frankfort, 757 W. It contains a court house, jail, and about 100 inhabitants.

Princeton, p-v., Liberty t., Butler co., O.,

102 w. s. w. Columbus, 486 W. Princeton, p-v., capital of Gibson co., Ia.,

142 s. w. Indianapolis, 712 W. Situated 4 ms. s. of Patoka cr., which is navigable 3 months in the year. It contains a spacious court house, jail, and a seminary, all of brick, 2 churches, 5 stores, and about 800 inhabitants.

Princeton, p-v., capital of Bureau co., Ill., 135 n. Springfield, 803 W. It contains a court house, jail, and a number of dwellings. It was laid out in 1833.

Princeton, p-v., Scott co., Iowa. Situated on the w. side of Mississippi r.

Princetown, p-v., Berks co., Pa.

Princeville, p-v., Peoria co., Ill., 92 n. Springfield, 806 W.

Prince William, County, Va. Situated in the n. e. part of the state, and contains 370 sq. ms. It has the Potomac on the E. Drained by Occoquan r. Surface hilly; soil, moderately fertile. Capital, Brentsville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 6,614, sheep 8,202, swine 8,900; wheat 47,471 bush, produced, rye 3,704, Ind. corn 180,463, buckwheat 2,181, oats 105,374, potatoes 6,476, tobacco 4,974 pounds; 18 stores, cap. $66,500; 1 cotton fac. 1,038 sp., 5 distilleries, 10 flouring m., 13 grist m., 10 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $22,350. 5 sch. 118 scholars. Pop. whites 4,867, slaves 2,767, free col'd 510; total, 8,144.

Prince William, p-o., Carroll co., Ia., 56 n n. w. Indianapolis, 614 W.

Princepeo, p-o., Cecil co., Md.

Privateer, p-o., Sumter dist., S. C, 70 e. Columbia, 505 W.

Proctorsville, p-v., Windsor co., Vt., 73 e. Montpelier, 468 W.

Proctorsville, p-v., Crawford co., Ia., 109 s. by w. Indianapolis, 631 W. Situated on the w. side of Great Blue r.

Promised Land, p-o., Alleghany co., Md.

Prompton, p-o., Wayne co., Pa., 169 n. e. Harrisburg, 260 W.

Prospect, p-t., Waldo co., Me., 53 e. by n. Augusta, 649 W. Situated on the w. side of Penobscot r., at its entrance into Penobscot bay. It has a fertile soil, and great commercial advantages. Incorporated in 1794. It has 15 stores, cap. $41,700; 1 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 2 grist m., 12 saw. Cap. in manufac. $35,350. 20 sch. 1,416 scholars. Pop. 3,492.

Prospect, p-t., New Haven co., Ct., 54 s. Hartford, 320 W. Organized in 1827, from Cheshire and Waterbury. The surface is elevated, hilly, mountainous, and stony; soil, adapted to grazing. It contains 1 Congregational and 1 Methodist church. It has 1 store, cap. $1,800; 1 tannery, 2 distilleries, 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac $13,660. 4 sch. 83 scholars. Pop. 548.

Prospect, p-o., Remsen t., Oneida co., N. Y.,

103 w. n. w. Albany, 403 W.

Prospect, p-v., Muddy Creek t., Butler co., Pa., 212 w. n. w. Harrisburg, 254 W. It contains 1 store, and 8 or 10 dwellings.

Prospect, p-o., Prince Edward co., Va., 80 w. s. w. Richmond, 170 W.

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Prospect, p-o., Radnor t., Delaware co., O., 37 n. Columbus, 421 W.

Prospect, p-o., Giles co., Tenn., 97 s. by w. Nashville, 746 W.

Prospect Hall, p-o., Bladen co., N. C, 82 s. Raleigh, 370 W.

Prospect Harbor, p-o., Prospect t., Waldo co., Me., 119 e. Augusta, 701 W.

Prospect Hill, p-o., Pittstown t., Rensselaer co., N. Y., 21 n. e. Albany, 394 W.

Prospect Hill, p-o., Fairfax co., Va., 131 n. by e. Richmond, 12 W.

Prospect Hill, p-o., Caswell co., N. C, 60 n. w. Raleigh, 372 W.

Prospect Hill, p-o., Lincoln co., Tenn.

Prospect Ridge, p-o., Pike co., Ala., 161 s. e. Tuscaloosa, 876 W.

Prosperity, p-o., Moore co., N. C, 68 s. w. Raleigh, 356 W.

Providence, County, R. I. Situated in the n. part of the state, and contains 330 sq. miles. The surface is uneven and rough; soil, gravelly and calcareous loam. Watered by Pawtucket, Providence or Narraganset, Wanasquattuck, Moshassuck, and Pawtuxet rivers, and their branches. Several of these afford extensive water power. The agriculture of the co. is respectable, but its manufactures are very extensive, and more important, and its commercial advantages are great. Capital, Providence. There were in 1840, neat cattle 13,157, sheep 11,861, swine 10,669; wheat 641 bush, produced, rye 16,870, Ind. com 157,577, buckwheat 1,573, barley 13,374, oats 16,249, potatoes 347,339; 78 houses in foreign trade, cap. $1,583,850; 550 stores, cap. $1,987,200; 19 lumber yards, cap. $185,500; cap. invested in fisheries, $130,000; 5 furnaces, 18 fulling m., 6 woolen fac, 130 cotton fac. 367,251 sp., 15 dyeing and printing estab., 8 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 2 breweries, 2 rope fac, 59 grist m., 73 saw m., 2 paper fac, 10 printing offices, 6 binderies, 2 periodicals, 2 daily, 5 weekly, 4 semi-weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac $7,165,887. 2 colleges, 324 students, 37 acad. 2,935 students, 203 sch. 9,705 scholars. Pop. 58,073.

Providence, city, and port of entry in a county of the same name, is the semi-capital of R. I., is situated at the head of Narraganset bay, on the w. side of Seekonk or Providence River, 35 miles from the ocean, and is in 41° 51' n. lat. and 71° 16' w. Ion. from Greenwich, and 5° 37' E. Ion. from W. 30 n. from Newport, 42 s. s. w. from Boston, 55 n. e. from New London, 70 e. from Hartford. 173 e. from New York, 336 from w. Pop. in 1820, 1,767; 1830, 16,832; 1840, 23,171. Employed in commerce 929; manufactures and trades 3,948; navigating the ocean 422; do. rivers, &c. 90; learned professions, &c. 165.

It contains an area of about 9 square miles; and the compact part is nearly equally divided by Providence river. The principal business is done on 2 long and somewhat irregular streets on the w. side of the river; but there is also a fine range of large and handsome brick ware-houses on the e. side. It has many fine houses, particularly on the e. side of the river. It is the second city in New England in population. The two parts of the city are connected by 2 bridges, one of which is 90 feet in width. Vessels of 900 tons come to its wharves. Its commerce is extensive, and it has been successfully engaged hi a trade with China. The Blackstone canal from Worcester, Mass., terminates here. It has also a railroad from Boston, which is extended to Stonington, Ct. Several steamboats connect it daily with the city of New York, and other pack-et lines connect it with that and other cities.

Among the public buildings are the State House, built of brick; 2 Congregational, 1 Baptist, and the Episcopal church, which are among the finest buildings of the kind in the United States; the Arcade, on the w. side of the river, extending between two streets, with a fine Doric portico on each, consisting of 5 massive columns, 25 feet high, the shafts of which, 22 feet in length, are from single blocks of granite, of which material the building is constructed, 226 feet long, 72 feet wide, and 3 stories high, occupied below by stores, and above with offices, &c. Brown University occupies a commanding situation on the e. side of the river, and has 2 large brick edifices, 4 stories high. It has a president, and 8 professors and instructors, had had in 1841, 1,390 alumni, 474 of whom were ministers, about, 172 students, and 14,000 volumes in its various libraries. The philosophical apparatus is extensive and complete. The commencement is on the first Wednesday of September. A majority of the board of trustees and of the faculty are required to be of the Baptist denomination. It was originally established in Warren, in 1764, and was removed to Providence in 1770. The Friends Boarding School, belonging to the yearly meeting of this denomination in New England, is situated three quarters of a mile n. e. of the University, has a spacious edifice of stone and brick, in a commanding situation, has 10 instructors, and about 200 pupils, and is a flourishing institution. The Athenaeum, founded in 1836, has a handsome granite building, and a library of 7,000 volumes.

There are in the city 17 churches, 5 Baptist, 3 Congregational, 2 Episcopal, 1 Friends, 2 Methodist, 1 Universalist, 2 Unitarian, and 1 African.

It has 15 banks, with an aggregate capital of $4,500,000; 4 insurance companies, with a total capital of $360,000; and a savings bank.

The city is not less distinguished for its manufactures than for its commerce. The most extensive manufacturing establishments are situated at North Providence, where the falls of the Pawtucket afford an extensive water power The tonnage of this port in 1840, was 16,610.

There were in 1840, 23 for commercial and 55 commission houses, cap. $1,582,850; 392 retail stores, cap. $1,753,040; 18 lumber yards, cap. $170,500; fisheries, cap. $130,000; machinery 1 manufactured to the amount of $270,300; precious metals, $257,900; various metals, $147,550; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac. cap. $10,000; 32 cotton fac. 76,554 sp., 8 dyeing and printing estab., total cap. $1,449,000; 3 tanneries, cap. $22,000; 2 distilleries, 2 breweries, cap. $63,000; paints, drugs, &c, cap. $20,000; 1 paper fac. produced $15,000; 5 grist m., cap. $6,500; 8 printing offices, 5 binderies, 2 daily, 3 weekly, 4 semi-weekly newspapers, and 2 periodicals, cap. $23,100. Total cap. in manufac. $3,012,538. 2 colleges, 324 students, 21 acad. 2,299 students, 42 sch. 6,629 scholars.

This town was settled in 1636, by Roger Williams, who fled from Massachusetts, on account of his religious opinions, and who adopted in his establishment the principles of universal toleration. Providence originally included several adjacent towns. It suffered much in King Philip's war. In 1663 a charter was granted by the king to the Providence Plantations. This place has suffered severe disasters by fire and water. In 1801 an extensive fire occurred; and in 1815 a severe gale caused the tide to rise 12 feet above its ordinary height, spreading desolation along the wharves and bridges, destroying 500 buildings, and other property, to the amount, in the whole, of nearly $1,500,000. In 1831 it received a charter as a city.

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Providence, p-t., Saratoga co., N. Y., 15 n. w. Balston Spa, 41 n. n. w. Albany, 409 W. The surface is hilly; soil, clay and loam, adapted to grass. Watered by Sacandaga r. It has 2 stores, cap. $3,500; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 2 tanneries, 3 grist m., 30 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $33,650. 9 sch. 313 scholars. Pop. 1,507.

Providence, p-t., Luzerne co., Pa., 146 n. e. Harrisburg, 250 W. Lackawannock cr., and Roaring brook, afford extensive water power. Anthracite coal is abundant, and easily mined. The surface is a valley between two mountain ranges. It contains the v. of Centreville, and has 6 stores, cap. $15,800; 1 tannery, 3 flouring m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $14,900. Pop. 1,169.

Providence, (East and West,) t., Bedford co., Pa. It has 1 store, cap. $6,000; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 1 distillery, 1 pottery, 1 flouring m. Cap. in manufac. $6,650. 5 sch. 204 scholars. Pop. 2,632.

Providence, p-v., Fairfax co., Va., 120 n. Richmond, 207 W.

Providence, p-v., Mecklenburg co., N. C, 173 w. s. w. Raleigh, 412 W.

Providence, p-v., Pickens co., Ala., 71 w. Tuscaloosa, 873 W.

Providence, p-v., Hopkins co., Ky., 214 w. s. w. Frankfort, 755 W.

Providence, p-v., Bureau co., Ill., 114 n. Springfield, 819 W.

Providence, p-o., Wood co., O., 140 n. n. w. Columbus, 471 W.

Provincetown, p-t., Barnstable co., Mass., 123 Boston, 524 W. Situated on the extreme n. w. point of Cape Cod. The surface consists of beaches, sand hills, 8 shallow ponds, and a number of swamps. The harbor within the curve of the cape is easy of access, spacious and safe, with a sufficient depth of water for the largest ships. The v. is inhabited chiefly by fishermen, and the cod and mackerel fisheries employ about 1,000 men and boys. The houses are chiefly on one street 2 ms. long, following the course of the beach. It contains 3 churches, 1 Congregational, 1 Methodist, and 1 Universalist. The soil is a loose sand. Salt is extensively manufactured and there are many windmills to raise the water into vats for evaporation. Good water is obtained at a moderate depth, a little distance from the shore. There are in the t. 15 stores, cap. $30,100; 2 lumberyards, cap. $3,750. Cap. in manufac. $13,200. 2 acad. 109 students, 8 sch. 67 scholars. Pop. 2,122.

Prowsville, p-o., Washington co., Ia., 92 s. Indianapolis, 612 W.

Pruntytown, p-v., Harrison co., Va., 267 n. r. Richmond, 205 W. Situated on Tygart's valley r., and contains 1 Baptist and 1 Methodist church, 3 stores, 1 tannery, 20 dwellings, and about 125 inhabitants.

Public Square, p-o., Greene co., Ga., 58 n. Milledgeville, 590 W.

Pughtown, p-v., Coventry t., Chester co., a., 68 e. s. e. Harrisburg, 146 W. Situated on French cr. It contains a store, and about 15 dwellings.

Pulaski, County, Ga. Situated a little s. of the centre of the state, and contains 680 sq. ms. rained by Ocmulgee r. and its branches, and 7 brandies of Oconee r. Capital, Hawkinsville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 16,204, sheep 2.268, swine 15,015; wheat 7,439 bush, produced, rye 1,433, Ind. corn 153,764, oats 5,369, potatoes 21,778, cotton 1,735,783; 14 stores, cap. $80,000; 10 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,125. Pop. whites 2,972, slaves 2,385, free col'd 32; total, 5,389.

Pulaski, County, Va. Situated toward the s. w. part of the state, and contains 350 sq. ms. New r. bounds it partly on the e., and drains it on the s. Surface in part mountainous; soil, fertile. Capital, Newbern. There were in 1840, neat cattle 6,920, sheep 9,653, swine 11,752; wheat 46,098 bush, produced, rye 16,940, Ind. corn 144,037, buckwheat 2,446, oats 80,170, potatoes 15,064; 10 stores, cap. $54,500; 6 tanneries, 20 distilleries, 7 grist m., 5 saw m., 1 oil m., 1 paper fac. Cap. in manufac. $32,360. 7 sch. 136 scholars. Pop. whites 2,768, slaves 954, free col'd 17; total, 3,739.

Pulaski, County, Ky. Situated on the s. toward the e. part of the state, and contains 800 sq. ms. Cumberland r. runs on its s. border, by branches of which it is drained. Rockcastle cr. runs on its s. E. border. Capital, Somerset. There were in 1840, neat cattle 10,862, sheep 13,366, swine 19,490; wheat 43,985 bush, produced, Ind. corn 120,301, oats 94,655, potatoes 4,504; 10 stores, cap. $30,000; 4 tanneries. Cap. in manufac. $14,000. 29 sch. 754 scholars. Pop. whites 8,583, slaves 1,019, free col'd 18; total. 9,620.

Pulaski, County, Ia. Situated toward the n. w. part of the state, and contains 342 sq. ms. Drained by Tippecanoe r. and its branches. Capital, Winamac. There were in 1840, neat cattle 591, sheep 270, swine 1,589; wheat 1,399 bush, produced, Ind. corn 13,075, oats 1,825. potatoes 3,381, sugar 2,131 pounds: 1 store, cap. 1,000; 3 potteries, 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,500. Pop. 561.

Pulaski, County, Mo. Situated toward the s. part of the state, and contains 1,332 sq. ms. Drained by the head waters of Gasconade r., and by branches of Osage r. The surface is hilly; soil, fertile. Capital, Waynesville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 10,513, sheep 6,600, swine 25,131; wheat 18,680 bush, produced, Ind. corn 385,860, oats 23,143, potatoes 11,622, tobacco 19,091 pounds, cotton 7,727, sugar 2,602; 10 stores, cap. $24, 613; 1 tannery, 11 distilleries, 22 grist m., 15 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $40,280. 6 sch. 116 scholars. Pop. whites 6,338, slaves 190, free col'd 1; total, 6,529.

Pulaski, County, Ark. Situated near the centre of the state, and contains 2,050 sq. ms. Drained by Arkansas r. and its branches. Capital, Little Rock. There were in 1840, neat cattle 7,935, sheep 949, swine 12,031; wheat 559 bush, produced, Ind. corn 164,324, oats 6,920, potatoes 10,312, cotton 7,869 pounds; 5 commercial and 5 com. houses, cap. $15,000; 20 stores, cap. $218,500; 12 grist m., 10 saw m., 3 printing offices, 3 semi-weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $69,250. 1 sch. 48 scholars. Pop. whites 3,961, slaves 1.284, free col'd 105; total, 5,350.

Pulaski, v., Richland t., semi-capital of Oswego co., N. Y., 155 w. n. w. Albany, 335 W. Situated on Salmon r., 3 ms. from Lake Ontario. Incorporated in 1832. It contains a court house, jail, 3 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, and 1 Methodist, an academy, 8 stores, 1 woolen fac, 1 paper m., 2 grist m., 1 trip-hammer works, 1 furnace, 1 carriage fac, 2 tanneries, 100 dwellings, and about 700 inhabitants. There is an extensive water power.

Pulaski, p-v., Mercer co., Pa., 248 w. n. w. Harrisburg, 289 W.

Pulaski, p-v., capital of Giles co., Tenn., 74 s. by w. Nashville, 734 W. Situated on the e. side of Richland cr., a branch of Elk r. It contains a court house, a church, and about 900 inhabitants.

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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