American History and Genealogy Project

Bangor NY to Bartholomew, County, IN

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Bangor, p-t., Franklin co., N. Y., 6 w. Malone, 219 n. n. w. Albany, 530 W. The surface is level; and the soil, a sandy loam, is fertile. It is watered by the tributaries of Salmon r. It has 3 stores, cap. $7,500; 1 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 3 grist m., 2 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $12,620. 7 sch. 400 scholars. Pop. 1,289.

Bangor, p-o., Richland co., O., 65 n. by e. Columbus, 390 W.

Bannister, r., waters Pittsylvania and Halifax counties, Va., and falls into Dan r. 10 ms. above the junction of the latter with Roanoke r.

Bantam, p-o., Clermont co., O., 108 s. w. Columbus, 479 W.

Bantam Fall, p-o., Litchfield co., Ct., 36 Hartford, 328 W.

Baptistown, p-v., Kingwood t., Hunterdon co., N. J., 33 n. n. w. Trenton, 190 W. It contains a Baptist church, a store, and 10 or 12 dwellings. There is a Presbyterian church within 1 mile of the v. The country around has a fertile soil, and is well cultivated.

Barber's Cross Roads, p-o., Isle of Wight co., Va.

Barbour, ounty, Ala., in the E. border of the state, has the Chattahoochee r. on the E., and Pea r. on the w. Drained principally by branches of the Chattahoochee r. The surface is rolling, soil on the margins of streams fertile. Capital, Clayton. There were in 1840, neat cattle 18,544, sheep 2,063, swine 28,465; wheat 6,239 bush, produced, rye 123, Ind. corn 327,936, barley 295, oats 4,039, potatoes 12,204, rice 4,860 pounds, cotton 2,959,109; 36 stores, cap. $184,196; 2 tanneries, 22 grist m., 22 saw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $22,094. 1 acad. 50 students, 22 sch. 549 scholars. Pop. whites 6,469, slaves 5,548, free col'd 7; total, 12,024.

Barbour's Mills, p-o., Lycoming co., Pa., 113 N. by w. Harrisburg, 223 W.

Barboursville, p-o., Tompkins t., Delawuio co., N. Y., 117 w. by s. Albany, 307 W.

Barboursville, p-v., Orange co., Va., at the foot of S. Mountain, 80 n. w. Richmond, 107 W.

Barboursville, p-o., Chautauque co., N. Y.,

Barboursville, p-o., capital Knox co., Ky., 119 s. e. by s. Frankfort, 519 W. Situated on the n. side of Cumberland r. It contains a court house, jail, several stores and dwellings, 2 sch. 54 scholars, and 224 inhabitants.

Barboursville, v., capital of Cabell co., Va., 352 n. n. w. Richmond, 389 W. On the e. bank of Great Guyandot r., 5 ms. above its entrance into Ohio r. (See Cabell, C. H.)

Barcelona, p-o., and port of entry, Westfield t., Chautauque co., N. Y., 51 s. w. Buffalo, 343 w. Albany, 346 W. Situated on Lake Erie, the west- ernmost village in the state, and is a place of considerable trade. It has 10 stores and ware- houses, and 50 dwellings. Pop. 300.

Barcelona, p-o., Bloomfield t., Richland co., O., 14 Mansfield, 60 n. n. e. Columbus, 393 W.

Bardstown, p-t., Nelson co., Ky. (See Bairdstown.)

Bares, p-o., Monroe co., O., 144 e. Columbus, 278 W.

Bargaintown, p-v., Egg Harbor t., Atlantic co., N. J., 87 s. by e. Trenton, 197 W. It has a Methodist church, 1 store, 1 grist m., and 30 dwellings.

Barges, p-o., Wilcox co., Ala., 122 s. by e. Tuscaloosa, 903 W.

Barhamsville, p-o., New Kent co., Va., 40 E. Richmond, 157 W.

Bar Harbor, p-o., Hancock co., Me., 109 n. w. Augusta, 691 W.

Bairfield's Point, p-o., Crittenden co., Ark.

Baring, p-t., Washington co., Me., 201 e. n. e. Augusta, 871 W. It lies s. of the St. Croix r., and has a railroad 4 ms. to Calais. It contains 1 store, cap. $1,500; 1 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $39,160. 2 sch. 162 scholars. Pop. 376.

Bark Camp, p-o., Burke co., Ga., 68 e Milledgeville, 642 W.

Barker, t., Broome co., N. Y., 12 n. Binghamton, 135 s. w. Albany. The surface is uneven, and the soil good for grazing. Watered by Tioughnioga cr. It has 3 stores, cap. $9,000; 1 fulling m., 1 grist m., 7 saw m., 14 sch. 419 scholars. Pop. 1,259.

Barker's, p-o., Greene co., Pa., 219 w. s. w. Harrisburg, 235 W.

Barker's Settlement, p-o., Randolph co., Va., 221 n. w. Richmond, 248 W.

Barkhamstead, p-t., Litchfield co., Ct., 24 n. w. Hartford, 360 W. The surface is rough, but the soil is good for grazing. Watered by branches of Farmington r. Incorporated, 1779. It has 4 stores, cap. $17,500; 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $25,527. 8 sch. 308 scholars. Pop. 1,571.

Bark River, t., Jefferson co., Wis. It has 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,500. Pop. 53.

Barksdale, p-o., Halifax co., Va., 132 s. w. Richmond, 219 W.

Barnard, t., Piscataquis co., Me. It has 2 sch. 80 scholars. Pop. 153.

Barnard, p-t., Windsor co., Vt., 10 n. Woodstock, 42 s. Montpelier, 491 W. The surface is hilly, but the soil is good for grazing. It is watered by tributaries of White and Queechee rs. Near the centre of the town is a pond, covering 100 acres, from which a small mill stream issues. It has 3 stores, cap. $15,000; 3 tanneries, 1 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $13,300. 15 sch. 628 scholars. Pop. 1,774.

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Barnardsville, p-v, Roane co., Tenn., 151 e. by s. Nashville, 546 w.

Barlow, p-t, Washington co., O., 10 w. Marietta, 98 s. buy e Columbus, 310 w. The surface is moderately uneven. Pop. Ill.

Barnegat, v, Poughkeepsie t., Dutchess co N Y., E. side of Hudson r., 4 ms. s. of the village of Poughkeepsie. It has 1 store, and 25 or 30 dwellings. Lime is extensively produced here. Pop. 180.

Barnegat, p-v., Stafford t., Monmouth co.,N. J 56 s. e. Trenton, 205 W. It is on a sandy soil, surrounded by pine forest, has 4 stores, and 50 dwellings.

Barnegat Bay, is separated from the ocean by Island Beach, and Squam Beach, and extends from Barnegat Inlet, by which it is entered, 20 miles to Metetecunk r., and is from 1 to 4 miles wide.

Barnes, p-o., Richland co., O., 67 N. Columbus, 379 W. m

Barnes, p-o., Dallas co., Ala., 97 s. by E. Tuscaloosa, 858 W.

Barnes' Bridge, p-o., Richmond co., N. C, 100 s. w. Raleigh, 396 W.

Barnesville, v., Warren t., Belmont co., O. 30 s. w. by w. Wheeling, 101 e. Columbus, 299 W. It has 9 stores, 1 Methodist church, 130 dwellings, 40 mechanic shops, 6 large tobacco warehouses, 1 steam woollen fac, 1 do. saw m., 1 do. large grist m.; 1 select female school, 2 com. schools. Incorporated 1835. Pop. 700.

Barnesview, v., Clark co., Mo., 2 ms. e. Wiaconda r.

Barnet, p-t., Caledonia co., Vt., 10 s. by e. Danville, 48 E. Montpelier, 535 W. It lies on Connecticut r. at the Fifteen-miles Falls, opposite to Lyman, N. H. It has a good soil, and is watered by Pasumsic and Stevens' rivers, the latter of which has falls of 100 feet in 10 rods, affording good mill privileges. The t. contains slate and iron ore. It has 8 stores, cap. $20,300; 4 woollen fac, 4 tanneries, 3 grist m., 10 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $88,100. 14 sch. 607 scholars. Pop. 2,030.

Barnett's Creek, p-o., Ohio co., Ky., 162 s. by w. Frankfort, 706 W.

Barnetts' Mills, p-o., Fauquier co., Va., 91 n. by w. Richmond, 79 W.

Barnhart's Mills, p-o., Butler co., Pa., 212 w. by n. Harrisburg, 254 W.

Barnstable, County, Mass., includes the whole of Cape Cod, in the e. part of the state. The cape is 65 ms. long, and has a medium breadth of 5 ms. A greater portion of the cape is sandy and dry, and incapable of furnishing the necessary subsistence to the inhabitants, who depend chiefly upon the cod, mackerel, and other fisheries. Salt is extensively made from sea water, evaporated by the heat of the sun. Most of the male inhabitants are sailors; and the dangers of the sea are evinced by the great number of widows found in the population. There are 13 towns in the county. Capital, Barnstable. There were in 1840, neat cattle 6,797, sheen 6,207, swine 4,153; wheat 3,107 bush, produced, rye 13,256, Ind. corn 59,55 3, oats 10,281, potatoes 75,759, domestic salt 311,326; 186 stores, cap. $303,925; cap. in fisheries $739,455; 3 fulling m. 1 woollen fac, 9 tanneries, 1 glass fac, 1 pottery, 1 rope walk, 61 grist m., 1 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $441,220. 11 acad. 557 students, 167 sch. 10,359 scholars. Pop. 1830,28,525; 1840,32,513.

Barnstable, p-t., seaport, and capital of Barnstable co., Mass., 74 s. e. Boston, 475 W. The t. extends across the cape, and the village is on the s. side of Barnstable Bay, which opens into Cape Cod Bay. The mouth of the bay has a bar, with 6 or 7 feet water. Between 50 and 60 fishing and coasting vessels belong to the place. The tonnage of the port in 1840, was 56,556. The land of the t. is much better than that of most parts of Cape Cod. It has 29 stores, cap. $41,750; cap. in fisheries $57,000; salt produced, $22,585 bushels; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 1 pottery, 9 grist m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac $30,500. 2 acad. 87 students, 22 sch. 1,193 scholars. Pop. 4,301. Barnstead, p-t., Belknap co., N. H., 18 n. e. Concord, 499 W. Incorporated, 1767. The surface is rolling, but not mountainous; soil, well adapted to grazing. It has several ponds which discharge their waters into Suncook r. It has 7 stores, cap. $12,500; 1 tannery, 3 grist m., 11 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $17,850. 17 sch. 702 scholars. Pop. 1,945.

Barnsville, p-o., Montgomery co., Md., 79 w. by n. Annapolis, 39 W.

Barnsville, p-v., Pike co., Ga., 40 Macon, 65 w. Milledgeville, 687 W. It has 1 Baptist church, 1 academy, and 8 stores. The Monroe railroad passes through it.

Barnwell, s. w. district of S. C, contains an area of 1,680 sq. ms. It lies between the Savannah r. on the s. w. and the S. Ediston on the n. e. Soil, moderately good. Cotton is the chief production. It communicates with Savannah by the Savannah r., and with Beaufort, and the adjoining islands, by the Salkahatchie r., and with Charleston by the Charleston and Hamburg railroad, which passes through it. There are several sulphur springs in the district, one of which affords water sufficient to propel an ordinary grist mill. Capital, Barnwell C. H. There were in 1840, neat cattle 28,117, sheep 6,201, swine 47,724; wheat 15,889 bush, produced, rye 4,525, Ind. corn 670,581, oats 16,700, potatoes 45,952, rice 18,000 pounds, cotton 2,804,067, silk cocoons 240; 38 stores, cap. $196,450; 1 cotton fac. 1,308 sp., 7 flouring m., 66 grist m., 75 saw m. Cap. in manufac $183,475. 4 acad. 95 students, 20 sch. 481 scholars. Pop. 1830, 19,236; 1840, whites 10,533, slaves 10,503, free col'd 435; total, 21,471. '

Barnwell, p-v., capital of Barnwell dist., S. C, 100 s. by w. Columbia, 604 W. Situated on Turkey creek, near the Great Salkahatchie r. It contains a court house, jail, market house, 3 churches, 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist, 1 Roman Catholic It has 3 academies, 7 stores, and 35 dwellings. Pop. 400.

Barre, p-t., Washington co., Vt., 7 s. Montpelier, 48 n. by w. Windsor, 520 W. The soil is good, particularly for grazing. Watered by branches of Onion r. which afford water power. Organized in 1793. There is 1 Congregational, 1 Methodist, 1 Baptist, and 1 Universalist church. This town furnishes an inexhaustible quantity of fine building granite, of which the state house in Montpelier was constructed. It is also wrought into mill stones. It has 6 stores, cap. $22,300; 4 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 2 flouring m., 4 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $17,000. 15 sch. 610 scholars. Pop. 2,126.

Barre, t., Huntingdon co., Pa. 8 stores, cap. $35,900; 1 furnace, 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 3 tanneries, 3 distilleries, 3 grist m., 19 saw m. Cap. in manufac. 22,540. 10 sch. 331 scholars. Pop. 2,225.

Barre, p-t., Worcester co., Ms., 65 w. Boston, 409 W. It is on elevated ground, has a good soil, particularly for grazing, and is watered by Ware r. and its branches, supplying good water power, which has been employed in manufactures. 1 woollen fac, 1 cotton fac. 2,500 sp., 1 powder m., 3 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac 121,300. 1 acad. 40 students, 13 sch. 712 scholars. Pop. 2,751.

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Barre, p-t., Orleans co., N. Y., 252 w. Albany, 390 W. The surface is undulating, the soil a fertile loam, adapted both to grain and grazing. The Erie canal passes through the town. It contains several villages, the chief of which are Albion and Barre Centre. It has 26 stores, cap. $108,800; 1 fulling m., 2 furnaces, 3 tanneries, 1 flouring m., 2 grist m., 5 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $61,140. 2 acad. 344 students, 34 com. schools, 1,746 scholars. Pop. 5,539.

Barre Centre, p-v., Barre t, Orleans co., N. Y., 254 w. by N. Albany, 383 W. It has 1 church, 2 stores, 1 steam flouring m., and 20 dwellings.

Barren, County, in the s. part of Ky., contains 540 sq. ms. Watered by Little Barren r., and Beaver branch of Big Barren r. The surface is moderately uneven, and the soil tolerably fertile. Capital, Glasgow. There were in 1840, neat cattle 18,472, sheep 24,916, swine 60,932; wheat 80,346 bush, produced, rye 5,087, Indian corn 697,578, oats 229,403, potatoes 28,109, tobacco 2,321,283 pounds, cotton 15,040, sugar 22,390, salt 9,000 bush.; 24 stores, cap. $106,400; 17 tanneries, 43 distilleries, 2 flouring m., 55 grist m., 22 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $68,883. 2 acad. 32 students, 33 sch. 739 scholars. Pop. 1830,15,079; 1840, whites 13,147, slaves 4,065, free col'd 76; total, 17,238.

Barren, 2 small rivers of Kentucky, called Big Barren and Little Barren rivers, tributaries of Green r. The former falls into Green r. in the n. w. corner of Warren co.; the latter, w. of Greensburg.

Barren, p-o., Harrison co., In., 118 s. Indianapolis, 622 W.

Barren, p-o., Williamson co., Tenn., 25 s. Nashville, 709 W.

Barren Creek Springs, p-o., Somerset co., Md., 84 s. e. Annapolis, 124 W.

Barren Hill, p-o., Montgomery co., Pa., 96 e. by s. Harrisburg, 149 W.

Barren Hill, p-o., Henry co., Tenn., 105 w. N. w. Nashville, 791 W.

Barren Plain, p-o., Robertson co., Tenn., 32 N. Nashville, 714 W.

Barretsville, p-v., Lumpkin co., Ga., 20 s. w. Dahlonega, 124 n. n. w. Milledgeville, 645 W. Situated near the Etowah r.

Barrington, p-t., Strafford co., N. H., 20 n. w. Portsmouth, 35 e. Concord, 505 W. The surface is uneven, and the soil a gravelly loam. It has 13 ponds, the outlets of some of which furnish mill seats. Incorporated 1722. There is a curious cave in this town, called the Devil's den, having several chambers, one of which is 60 feet long, 10 or 15 high, and 6 or 8 wide. It has 2 stores, cap. $2,300; 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,100. 12 sch. 535 scholars. Pop. 1,844.

Barrington, p-t., Bristol co., R. I., 8 e. s. e. Providence, 408 W. Soil, fertile sandy loam, manured by sea weed. Incorporated 1771. It is connected with Warren by a bridge. It has 1 store, cap. $500; 1 grist m.; 3 sch. 90 scholars. Pop. 549.

Barrington, p-t., Yates co., N. Y., 8 s. Penn Yan, 201 w. Albany, 322 W. Surface slightly uneven, soil a fertile gravelly loam. It lies on the e. side of Crooked Lake, and has 1 store, cap. $2,000; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 2 tanneries, 1 brewery, 3 flouring m., 2 grist m., 11 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly papers. Cap. in manufac. $199,450. 12 sch. 578 scholars. Pop. 1,868. v

Barrington, Great, p-t., Berkshire co., Mass. (See Great Barrington.)

Barrowdale, p-v., Fairfield dist., S. C, 26 n. Columbia, 479 W.

Barry, county, in the w. part of Michigan proper, has an area of 576 sq. ms. Drained chiefly by Thorn Apple r. The surface is undulating and sometimes broken, and the soil fertile. The natural growth is beech, sugar-maple, whitewood, ash, &c. Capital, Hastings. There were in 1840, neat cattle 991, sheep 86, swine 1,307; wheat 12,884 bush, produced, Ind. corn. 9,435, barley 563, oats 13,775, potatoes 13,255, sugar 10,950 pounds; 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,800. 12 sch. 240 scholars. Pop. 1,078.

Barry, County, Mo., in the s. w. part of the state, contains 830 sq. ms. The surface is hilly, and the soil generally good. It contains an intermixture of woodland and prairie. There were in 1840, neat cattle 6,490, sheep 2,918, swine 18,672; wheat 13,157 bush, produced, Ind. corn 280,140, oats 17,735, potatoes 8,585, cotton 10,001 pounds; 9 stores, cap. $52,210; 2 tanneries, 5 distilleries, 4 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $6,650. 10 sch. 278 scholars. Pop. whites 4,515, slaves 269, free col'd 8; total, 4,795.

Barry, p-o., Frederick co., Md., 91 n. w. Annapolis, 59 W.

Barry, p-t., Schuylkill co., Pa., 76 Harrisburg, 186 W. It has broad mountains and fruitful valleys. Watered by Deep cr., a tributary of the Susquehanna r. It contains 2 stores, cap. $800; 1 forge, 3 grist m., 23 saw m. Pop. 639.

Barry, p-o., Cuyahoga co., O., 158 n. e. Columbus, 346 W.

Barry, p-v., Sandstone t., Jackson co., Mich., 85 w. Detroit, 555 W.; on Sandstone creek, and has 2 stores, a saw mill, and a quarry of sandstone. It is on the route of Detroit and St. Joseph railroad.

Barry, p-o., Campbell co., Ky., 86 n. by E. Frankfort, 501 W.

Barry, p-o., Pike co., Ill., 78 w. s. w. Springfield, 858 W.

Barry, p-o., Clay co., Mo., 169 w. by n. Jefferson city, 1,082 W.

Barry, t., Barry co., Mich. It has 1 saw m., 3 sch. 70 scholars. Pop. 343.

Barry's Bridge, p-o., Lunenburg co., Va. r 119 s. w. Richmond, 235 W.

Barryton, p-o., capital Washington co., Ala. r 133 s. s. w. Tuscaloosa, 951 W. It contains a court house and a few dwellings.

Barrytown, p-o., Redhook, Dutchess co., N. Y., 53 s. Albany, 325 W. It is on the e. side of Hudson r. It has a convenient landing, 2 stores, and several dwellings.

Barryville, p-o., Forrestburgh t, Sullivan co., N. Y., 137 s. s. w. Albany, 295 W.

Barryville, p-o., Stark co., O,, 131 n. e. Columbus, 310 W.

Barryville, p-o., Fayette co., Ga., 93 w. n. w. Milledgeville, 697 W.

Bart, p-t., Lancaster co., Pa., 55 e. Harrisburg, 112 W. Drained by a head branch of the Octarara cr. 7 stores, cap. $18,000; 1 furnace, 2 tanneries, 1 distillery, 3 flouring m., 4 grist m., 4 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $28,500. 7 sch. 245 scholars. Pop. 1,859.

Barter Brook, p-o., Augusta co., Va., 114 Richmond, 156 W.

Bartholomew, County, In., a little s. of the centre of the state, contains 480 sq. ms. Watered by Clifty and Flat Rock crs., and Driftwood r., a large branch of White r. The soil is very fertile Capital, Columbus. There were in 1840, neat cattle 7,324, sheep 7,061, swine 25,244; wheat 37,149 bush, produced, rye 2,127, Ind. corn 470 630, oats 53,277, potatoes 10,861, tobacco 1,454 pounds, sugar 20,758; 20 stores, capital $42,500; 1 lumber yard, cap. $2,000; 4 tanneries, 4 distilleries, 2 flouring m., 10 grist m., 11 saw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $49,495. 28 sch. 943 scholars. Pop. 10,042.

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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