Georgia, VT to Glade Run, PA
Georgia, p-t., Franklin co., Vt., 40 n.
w. Montpelier, 535 W. It lies on Lake Champlain, which bounds it
on the w. Along the lake shore the surface is level, and the
soil is exceedingly fertile. The soil in the s. part is sandy,
and covered with pine. Lamoille r. crosses the s. part, and
affords water power. It has 1 Congregational and 1 Baptist
church; 3 stores, capital s3,000; 2 tanneries, 2 grist m., 3 saw
m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $3,000. 1 acad. 18 students, 8
sch. 177 scholars. Pop. 2,106.
Gerard, p-v., Russell co., Ala., 193 e. by s. Tuscaloosa, 758 W.
Situated on the w. bank of the Chattahoochee r. It contains
several stores and dwellings.
Gerardstown, p-v., Berkley co., Va., 165 n. Richmond, 87 W. It
contains 3 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist, and 1
Lutheran, 2 stores, 1 tannery, 35 dwellings, and about 85
German, p-t., Chenango co., N. Y., 123 w. Albany, 326 W. The
surface is hilly, and the soil well adapted to grazing. It has 1
store, 4 saw m., 10 sch. 428 scholars. Pop. 965.
German, p-t., Darke co., O., 97 w. Columbus, 491 W. It has 3
sch. 60 scholars. Pop. 1,178.
German, t., Allen co., O. It has 2 sch. 45 scholars. Pop. 856.
German, t., Clark co., O. It has 10 sch. 135 scholars. Pop.
German, t., Harrison co., O. It has 5 sch. 224 scholars. Pop.
German, t., Holmes co., O. It has 1 store, cap. $300; 1 fulling
m., 1 tannery, 1 brewery, 1 m., 4 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in
manufac. $3,340. Pop. 1,295.
German, t., Lucas co., O. It has 2 sch. 108 scholars. Pop. 452.
German, t., Bartholomew co., Ia.
German, t., Cape Girardeau co., Mo. Pop. 771.
German, t., Madison co., Mo. It has 4 sch. 84 scholars. Pop.
German Flats, t., Herkimer co., N. Y., 83 w. N. w. Albany. The
surface is undulating; but on the Mohawk r., which runs on its
n. border, are extensive and fertile alluvial flats. First
settled by Germans, whence it derived its name. The Erie canal
passes through it. It has 14 stores, capital $39,800; 2 forges,
1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 2 tanneries, 1 grist m., 4 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $32,935; 11 sch. 440 scholars. Pop. 3,245.
Germanno, p-v., German t., Harrison co., O., 120 e. n. e.
Columbus, 236 W.
German Settlement, p-v., Preston co., Va., 242 n. w. Richmond,
166 W. It has 1 church, free to all denominations, 2 stores, 3
grist m., 4 saw m., 1 carding machine, 2 tanneries, 100
dwellings, and about 500 inhabitants.
Germanton, p-v., capital, Stokes co., N. C, 123 n. w. Raleigh,
319 W. Situated on the s. side of the town fork of Dan r. It has
a brick court house, jail, a Methodist church, 4 stores, and
about 130 inhabitants.
Germantown, p-t., Columbia co., N. Y., 46 s. Albany, 334 W. The
surface is gently undulating; soil, clay loam, and well
cultivated. It has 1 Presbyterian and 1 Lutheran church, and 3
landings, with storehouses, on Hudson r. It has 4 stores, cap.
$10,000; 4 sch. 65 scholars. Pop. 969.
Germantown, t, Fayette co., Pa. It has 5 stores, cap. $17,400; 2
tanneries, 3 distilleries, 5 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$9,175. 9 sch. 572 scholars. Pop. 2,310.
Germantown, p-t., Philadelphia co., Pa., 6 n. w. Philadelphia,
104 E. s. E. Harrisburg, 144 W. The surface is hilly, and the
soil loam and alluvial bottoms. Watered by Wissihickon cr. and
its branches, and Wingohocking cr. It lies on a street 3 ms.
long, which contains 700 dwellings, many stores and mechanic
shops, 10 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 German Calvinist, 2
Lutheran, 2 Friends, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, 1 Tunker, and 1
Menonist. It was founded by Quaker Germans. Germantown may be
regarded as a suburb of Philadelphia, and many of its
inhabitants are those who have sought retirement from the bustle
of the city. A hard fought battle of the revolution took place
here, in October, 1777, in which the loss of the Americans, in
killed and wounded, was about 700, and of the British 500. It
has 43 stores, cap. $104,820; 2 lumber yards, cap. $22,000; 2
woolen fac, 3 cotton fac 100 sp., 2 dyeing establishments, 1
tannery, 1 brewery, 1 paper fac, 1 printing office, 1 weekly
newspaper, 5 flouring m., 1 grist m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac.
$263,100. 4 acad. 70 students, 20 sch. 709 scholars. Pop. 5,482.
Page 237
Germantown, p-v., Hyde co., N. C, 185 e. Raleigh, 371 W.
Situated at the mouth of Tar r., on a branch of Pamlico sound.
Germantown, p-v., Shelby co., Tenn., 219 w. s. w. Nashville, 902
Germantown, p-v., Marion co., Ia., 16 n. e. Indianapolis, 573 W.
Germantown, p-v., Mason co., Ky., 71 e. n. e. Frankfort, 479 W.
Germantown, p-v., German t., Montgomery co., O., 82 w. Columbus,
475 W. Situated on a beautiful valley, near the junction of Big
and Little Twin creeks, and surrounded on the n. and e. by
hills. It was settled from Pa., by descendants of Germans, and
contains 4 churches, 14 stores, 2 tanneries, 1 brewery, 1
printing office, 150 dwellings, and about 1,200 inhabitants.
There are many mills in the vicinity.
Germanville, p-v., Edgefield dist., S. C, 32 w. Columbia, 536 W.
Germany, t., Adams co., Pa., 10 s. e. Gettysburg. The surface is
level; soil, calcareous loam and gravel. Drained by Piney cr. on
the s., and the head waters of Connewago cr. on the N. It has 7
stores, cap. $26,000; 1 lumber yard, can. $1,000; 3 tanneries, 1
distillery, 1 brewery, 3 flouring m., 4 grist m., 4 saw m., 1
oil m. Cap. in manufac. $15,950. 12 sch. 475 scholars. Pop.
Gerry, p-t., Chautauque co., N. Y., 330 w. Albany, 330 w. The
surface is undulating, and the soil gravelly loam, well
cultivated. Drained by Cassadaga cr. and its tributaries. It has
1 store, cap. $2,000; 2 tanneries, 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac
$12,500. 8 sch. 417 scholars. Pop. 1,238.
Gettysburgh, p-b., capital, Adams co., Pa., 35 E. n. E.
Harrisburg, 75 W. It is situated at the point where the roads
from Philadelphia and Baltimore to Pittsburgh unite. It is on
elevated ground, and surrounded by a fine country. The
Theological Seminary of the Lutheran Church was established here
in 1826. It has 3 professors, 26 students, 130 have completed
their education, and it has 7,000 volumes in its libraries. The
public buildings are a court house, jail, county offices, an
academy, a bank, 6 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist, 2
German Lutheran, 1 Roman Catholic, and one Independent. 3 weekly
newspapers, 1 of which is in German. It manufactures carriages
extensively. The place is supplied by water in pipes from a
neighboring spring. The Baltimore and Ohio railroad will come
within a little over 8 ms. of the place, and it is designed to
meet it by a railroad from this place. The t. has 9 stores, cap.
$66,500; 1 furnace, 2 tanneries, 1 brewery, 1 foundry, 1
pottery, 4 printing offices, 3 weekly newspapers, 1 periodical.
Cap. in manufac. $32,900. 2 colleges, 190 students, 1 acad. 42
students, 8 sch. 330 scholars. Pop. 1,908.
Gettysburgh, p-v., Preble co., O., 102 w. I Columbus, 495 W.
Ghent, p-t., Columbia co., N. Y., 27 s. Albany, 351 W. The
surface is somewhat broken; soil, gravelly loam, and well
cultivated. Drained by: Claverack creek. The v. contains 1 Dutch
Reformed church, 1 store, 20 dwellings, and about 100
inhabitants. There are in the t. 2 stores, cap. $3,500; 1
fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 3 grist m., 1, saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$18,500. 1 acad. 33 students, 9 sch. 519 scholars. Pop. 2,558.
Ghent, p-v., Carroll co., Ky., 59 n. Frankfort, 543 W. Situated
on s. side of Ohio r. Pop. 300.
Gholson, p-v., Noxubee co., Miss., 113 n. e. Jackson, 901 W.
Gholsonville, p3. Richmond, 201 W. Brunswick co., Va., 85
Situated on the n. bank of Meherin r.
Gibbon's Tavern, p-o., Delaware co., Pa., 92 E. s. E.
Harrisburg, 126 W.
Gibraltar, p-v., Brownstown t., Wayne co., Mich., 31 s. Detroit,
510 W. Situated on the w. bank of Detroit r., at its entrance
into Lake Erie. It has a good harbor, with an extensive wharf,
and a lighthouse. It contains 2 stores and a large warehouse.
The Gibraltar and Clinton canal, a few miles of which are
completed, affords, by its waste water, a good water power.
Gibson, County, Tenn. Situated in the w. part
of the state, and contains 660 square miles. Drained by branches
of Obion and Forked Deer creeks. The surface is undulating;
soil, fertile. Capital, Trenton. There were in 1840, neat cattle
12,775, sheep 8,830, swine 55,128; wheat 62,839 bushels
produced, rye 2,630, Indian corn 634,595, oats 34,566, potatoes
21,797, tobacco 414,595 pounds, cotton 239,044; 14 stores, cap.
$100,000; 6 tanneries, 8 distilleries, 15 grist m., 8 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $3,700. 1 acad. 20 students, 24 schools, 520
scholars. Pop. whites 10,612, slaves 2,969, free colored 108;
total, 13,689.
Gibson, County, Ia. Situated in the s. w. part
of the state, and contains 450 sq. ms. Surface, undulating.
White river runs on its n. border. Drained by Patoka and Big
Pigeon creeks. Organized in 1813. Capital, Princeton. There were
in 1840, neat cattle 8,409, sheep 8,945, swine 23,245; wheat
62,611 bush, produced, Ind. corn 490,962, oats 73,620, potatoes
9,940, tobacco 6,690 pounds, sugar 12,365; 23 stores, capital
$27,560; 4 tanneries, 5 flouring m., 10 grist m., 8 saw m., 1
oil m. Cap. in manufac. $'26,170. 1 acad. 20 students, 17 sch.
486 scholars. Pop. 8,977.
Gibson, p-t., Susquehanna co., Pa., 177 n. n. e. Harrisburg, 231
W. The surface is hilly; soil, clay and gravel. Watered by
Tunkhannock and Lackawannoc creeks. It has 5 stores, cap.
$31,500; 2 fulling m., 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $7,745. 9 sch. 235 scholars. Pop. 1,219.
Gibson, t, Washington co., Ia. It has 1 store, cap. $2,000; 2
grist m., 2 saw m. 1 sch. 30 scholars. Pop. 733.
Gibson, t., Gasconade co., Mo. Pop. 808.
Gibsonville, p-o., Leicester t., Livingston co., N. Y.
Gilbertsborough, p-o., Limestone co., Ala., 170 n. Tuscaloosa,
749 W.
Gilbertsville, p-v., Butternuts t., Otsego co., N. Y., 95 w.
Albany, 335 W. It contains 4 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1
Episcopal, 1 Baptist, and 1 Methodist, an academy, 5 stores, 1
oil m., and 1 tannery, 150 dwellings, and about 250 inhabitants.
Gilboa, p-v., Broome t., Schoharie co., N. Y., 51 w. Albany, 367
W. Situated on Schoharie cr. It contains 1 church, 3 stores, 1
woolen fac, 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 1 furnace, 2 tanneries, 35
dwellings, and about 200 inhabitants.
Gilead, p-t., Oxford co., Me., 71 w. Augusta 602 W. Situated on
both sides of Androscoggin r., between two mountains. Much of
the surface is rough and fit only for grazing; but the soil on
the river is well adapted to cultivation. Incorporated in 1804.
It has 1 grist m., 1 sch. 34 scholars. Pop. 313.
Gilead, p-v., Hebron t., Tolland co., Ct., 21 e. s. E. Hartford,
349 W. It has a handsome Gothic Episcopal and a Congregational
church, and commands a fine prospect.
Page 238
Gilead, t., Marion co., O. It has 5 stores, cap. $12,000; 6 sch.
250 scholars. Pop. 1,150.
Gilead, p-v., Weston t., Wood co., O., 136 n. n. w. Columbus,
474 W. Situated on the s. e. bank of Maumee r., where a great
water power can be easily obtained. Small steamboats navigate
the r. above this place, as far as Fort Wayne, but below, to
Perrysburg, it is not navigable. It has several stores, and
about 200 inhabitants.
Gilead, p-t., Branch co., Mich., 128 w. s. w. Detroit, 577 W. It
is a fertile township, producing grain and cattle, and has 1 saw
m., 2 sch. 25 scholars. Pop. 214.
Gilead, p-v., Calhoun county, Ill., 105 s. w. Springfield, 855
W. Situated at the foot of the bluffs, three fourths of a mile
from Salt Prairie slough.
Giles, County, Va. Situated in the w. part of
the state, and contains 935 sq. ms. The surface is mountainous,
and its mean elevation 1,600 feet above the ocean. Organized in
1806. The soil is barren and rocky on the high grounds, but
fertile in the valleys and on the streams. Watered by New r. It
has White Sulphur Springs, which are much celebrated, situated
on the bank of New r. Capital, Parisburg. There were in 1840,
neat cattle 7,023, sheep 10,217, swine 13,189; wheat 45,413
bush, produced, rye 35,463, Indian corn 163,052, buckwheat
6,221, oats 69,036, potatoes 16,761, tobacco 13,430 pounds,
sugar 21,433; 8 stores, cap. $31,200; 1 forge, 6 tanneries, 34
distilleries, 2 powder m., 2 flouring m., 30 grist m., 18 saw
m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $32,784. 1 acad. 30 students, 9
schools, 193 scholars. Pop. whites 4,684, slaves 574, free
colored 49; total, 5,307.
Giles, County, Tenn. Situated in the s. part of
the state, and contains 600 sq. ms. Drained by Richland and
other branches of Elk cr. The surface is moderately uneven;
soil, fertile. Capital, Pulaski. There were in 1840, neat cattle
18,560, sheep 13,980, swine 108,473; wheat 92,244 bush,
produced, rye 7,461, Ind. corn 1,453,243, oats 97,049, potatoes
24,198, tobacco 19,528 pounds, cotton 2,446,923; 21 stores, cap.
$133,1 10; 1 cotton fac. 160 sp., 9 tanneries, 58 distilleries,
1 powder m., 1 rope fac, 2 flouring m., 35 grist m., 19 saw m.,
2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac.
$19,100. 4 acad. 165 students, 20 schools, 589 scholars. Pop.
whites 14,425, slaves 7,030, free col'd 39; total, 21,494.
Giles, C. H., p-v., Giles co., Va., now called Parisburg, 240 w.
by s. Richmond, 293 W. Situated on the s. bank of New r., just
above the gap, where it passes through Peters Mountain, the w.
branch of the Alleghany chain. See Parisburg.
Gilford, p-t., capital of Belknap co., N. H., 38 N. Concord, 509
W. Situated on the s. side of Winnipiseogee lake, which bounds
it on the n. e. and n. w. Suncook mountain lies in the s. e.
part of the t. Drained by Miles'r. and the head ranches of
Suncook r. The soil is generally ferule. Incorporated in 1812,
when it was separated from Gilmanton. It has 5 stores, capital
$11,300; 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac.
$14,550. 13 sch. 666 scholars. Pop. 2,072.
Gilford Village, p-v., Gilford t., Belknap co., N. H., 33 n.
Concord, 514 W. Pleasantly situated on the outlet of
Winnipiseogee lake into Great Bay.
Gill, p-t., Franklin co., Mass., 98 w. by n. Boston, 4l0 W. It
is situated on the w. side of Connecticut r. Organized in 1793,
from Greenfield. It has excellent interval land on a bend in
Connecticut r. Fall r. divides it from Greenfield. It has 1
store, cap. $3,000; 1 tannery, 3 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $2,990. 6 sch. 217 scholars. Pop. 798.
Gillespieville, p-o., Ross co., O., 60 s. Columbus, 385 W.
Gilliams, p-o., Baker co., Ga., 45 s. s. w. Milledgeville, 802
Gillisonsville, p-o., Beaufort dist., S. C.
Gills Mills, p-o., Bath co., Ky., 87 e. Frankfort, 509 W.
Gill's Store, p-o., Lincoln co., Tenn., 84 s. Nashville, 707 W.
Gillsville, p-o., Hall co., Ga., 131 N. n. w. Milledgeville, 630
Gillman's, p-o., Sumner co., Tenn., 45 n. e. Nashville, 686 W.
Gilman, p-t., Hamilton co., N. Y., 68 n. n. w. Albany. The
surface is diversified, and most of it is a wilderness. It
contains several small lakes, and is mountainous in its n. part.
It has 1 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,500. 21 scholars
in sch. Pop. 98.
Gilmanton, p-t., Belknap co., N. H., 20 n. by E. Concord, 501 W.
The surface is hilly and rough, and the soil, though hard, is
fertile. Watered by Suncook and Soncook Rivers. First settled in
1761. It has a well endowed and flourishing academy, with which
the "Gilmantown Theological Seminary" is connected. This
seminary was founded in 1835; has 3 professors, 26 students, 21
have completed their education, and it has 2,200 vols, in its
libraries. There are in the t., 12 stores, cap. $22,000; 1
cotton fac. 1,000 sp., 4 tanneries, 1 printing office, 7 grist
m., 11 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $59,900. 1 college, 26
students, 1 acad. 293 students, 28 sch. 1,035 scholars. Pop.
Gilmanton Iron Works, p-v., Gilmanton t,, Belknap co., N. H, 23
n. Concord, 504 W.
Gilmer, County, Ga. Situated in the n. part of
the state, and contains 680 sq. ms. Drained by Coosawatee and
Aquokee rivers and their branches. Capital, Ellijay. There were
in 1840, neat, cattle 3,402, sheep 1,044, swine 8,149; wheat
4,379 bush, prod., Ind. corn 97,560, oats 4,940, potatoes 3,835,
tobacco 5,648 pounds, cotton 10,534; 1 store, capital $2,000; 2
sch. 70 scholars. Pop. whites 2,441, slaves 92, free col'd 3;
total, 2,536.
Gilsum, p-t., Cheshire co., N. H., 56 w. s. w. Concord, 444 W.
Situated about 10 e. Connecticut r. The soil, in some parts, is
fertile. Watered by Ashuelot r. which affords water power.
Chartered in 1763. It has 2 stores, cap. $2,300; 3 woolen fac, 1
grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $30,973. 8 sch. 218
scholars. Population, 656.
Ginseng, p-o., Logan co., Va., 326 w. n. w. Richmond, 363 W.
Girard, p-t., Branch co., Mich., 110 w. s. w. Detroit, 570 W. It
has 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,500. 4 sch. 63 scholars. Pop.
Girard, p-v., Trumbull co., O., 173 n. e. Columbus, 294 W.
Girard, p-t., Erie co., Pa., 264 n. w. Harrisburg, 337 W. It has
6 stores, cap. $29,200; 2 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 3 grist m.,
10 saw m. Cap. in manufac $3,200; 14 sch. 663 scholars. Pop.
Girl's Flats, p-o., Tioga t., Tioga co., N. Y., 185 av. s. w.
Albany, 231 W.
Gladdens Grove, p-o., Fairfield dist., S. C, 43 n. Columbia, 464
Glades Cross Roads, p-o., Putnam co., Ga., 31 n. w.
Milledgeville, 617 W.
Glade Hill, p-o., Franklin co., Va.
Glade Run, p-o., Armstrong co., Pa., 184 w. n. w. Harrisburg,
237 W.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
This book is a joint project between
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