American History and Genealogy Project

Appendix A - M

Containing Several Omissions, New Counties, Post-Offices, &c.


Addison, t., Shelby co., Ia. Pop. 1,284.
Albany, t., Bedford co., Pa. Pop. 803.
Alexander, t., Licking co., O. Pop. 200.
Allen, t., Union co., O. Pop. 713.
Anderson, t., Warrick co., Ia. Pop. 348.
Andover, (north surplus,) Oxford co., Me. Pop. 45.
Arkansas, t., Arkansas co., Ark. Pop. 640.
Armstrong, t., Vanderburg co., Ia. Pop. 869.
Auburn, t., Richland co., O. Pop. 1,016.
Auvase, t., Callaway co., Mo. Pop. 1,164.


Barlow, t., Washington co., O. Pop. 1,011.
Bayou Mason, t., Chicot co., Ark. Pop. 455.
Benedicta, t., Aroostook co., Me. Pop. 222.
Berlin, t., Delaware co., O. Pop. 827.
Bethlehem, t., Northampton co., Pa. Pop. 2,989.
Black Lick, t., Indiana co., Pa. Pop. 2,088.
Blair, t., Huntingdon co., Pa. Pop. 1,370.
Blooming Grove, t., Richland co., O. Pop. 1,495.
Blue Creek, t., Adams co., Ia. Pop. 197.
Boggs, t., Centre co., Pa. Pop. 1,714.
Boone, t., Van Buren co., Mo. Pop. 445.
Boston, t., Wayne co., Ia. Pop. 656.
Bowerbank, t., Piscataquis co., Me. Pop. 165.
Bridgewater, t., Susquehanna co., Pa. Pop. 2,082.
Brookfieid, b., Jefferson co., Pa. Pop. 276.
Brookfield, t., Stark co., O. Pop. 315.
Brown, t., Montgomery co., Ia. Pop. 1,452.
Buffalo, t., Union co., Pa. Pop. 1,348.
Bull Skin, t., Fayette co., Pa. Pop. 1,275.
Butler, t., Knox co., O. Pop. 647.
Buston, t., Luzerne co., Pa. Pop. 733.
Byrd, t., Brown co., O. Pop. 2,421.


Cave Hill, t., Washington co., Ark. Pop. 923.
Centre, t., Butler co., Pa. Pop. 1,834.
Centre, t., Rush co., O. Pop. 1,385.
Chambersburg, v., West t., Columbiana co., O. Pop. 82.
Cherry, t., Lycoming co., Pa. Pop. 875.
Chest, t., Clearfield co., Pa. Pop. 138.
Clifford, t., Susquehanna co., Pa. Pop. 1,068.
Clinton Gore, Kennebec co., Me. Pop. 110.
Coleville, t., Ashtabula co., O. Pop. 530.
Columbia, t., Fayette co., Ia. Pop. 982.
Conemaugh, t., Somerset co., Pa. Pop. 882.
Connewago, t, Adams co., Pa. Pop. 899.
Covington, t., Clearfield co., Pa. Pop. 438.


Decatur, t., Clearfield co., Pa. Pop. 385.
Damascus, v., Columbiana co., O. Pop. 99.
Danbury, t., Washington co., Vt. Pop. 820.
Darby, t., Union co., O. Pop. 736.

Davies, County, Ky. Situated in the w. part of the state, and contains 600 sq. ms. It has the Ohio r. on the n., and Green r. on the s. Drained by small streams falling into them. Capital, Owenboro'. There were in 1840, neat cattle 8,939, sheep 7,929, swine 11,614; wheat 33,808 bush, produced, rye 2,538, Ind. corn 361,805, oats 52,325, potatoes 10,617, tobacco 8,598,900 pounds; 4 distilleries. Cap. in manufac. $2,900. 7 sch. 166 scholars. Pop. 8,331.

De Kalb, county, Ill. Situated in the n. part of the state, and contains 648 sq. ms. Drained by Kishwaukee cr. and a small branch of Fox r. Capital, Sycamore. There were in 1840, neat cattle 2,283, sheep 682, swine 7,800; wheat 38,095 bush, produced, Ind. corn 49,531, oats 36,305, potatoes 21,975, sugar 9,014 pounds; 4 stores, cap. $7,000; 1 distillery, 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $25,250. 11 sch. 216 scholars. Pop. 1,697.

Delavan, t., Walworth co., Wis. Pop. 154.
Delaware, t., Juniata co., Pa. Pop. 946.
Derry, t., Westmoreland co., Pa. Pop. 3,732.

Du Page, county, Ill. Situated in the n. e. part of the state, and contains 396 sq. ms. Drained by Des Planes r. and Du Page cr. Capital, Napierville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 5,617, sheep 831, swine 8,213; wheat 53,641 bush, produced, Ind. corn 65,261, barley 1,912, oats 136,413, potatoes 85,370, sugar 14,555 lbs.; 3 stores, cap. $13,000; 2 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $18,500. 18 sch. 337 scholars. Pop. 3,535.


East Brunswick, t., Schuylkill co., Po. Pop. 1,230.
East Lyme, t., New London co., Ct. Pop. 1,439.
East Pike Run, t., Washington co., Pa. Pop. 1,240.
East Providence, t., Bedford co., Pa. Pop. 1,019.
Ecore a Fabre, t., Union co., Ark. Pop. 232.

Eufaula, p-v., Barbour co., Ala., 201 n. e. Tuscaloosa, 809 W. Situated on the w. side of Chattahoochee r., and contains about 200 inhabitants. This place was formerly called Irwinton.


Fayette, t., Juniata co., Pa. Pop. 1,291.
Fell, t., Huntingdon co., Pa. Pop. 911.
Ferguson, t., Clearfield co., Pa. Pop. 168.
Fermaugh, t., Juniata co., Pa. Pop. 831.
Flat Rock, t., Bartholomew co., Ia. Pop. 922.
Fourche la Fave, t., Pope co., Ark. Pop. 167.
Fourche la Fave, t., Conway co., Ark. Pop. 343.

Franklin, county, Va. Situated in the s. part of the state, and contains 771 sq. ms. Drained by Roanoke r. and its branches. Capital, Rocky Mount. There were in 1840, neat cattle 11,590, sheep 11,967, swine 31,986; wheat 97,048 bush, produced, rye 7,166, Indian corn 130,251, oats 184,101, potatoes 17,745, tobacco 2,508, 115 pounds, cotton 2,749; 19 stores, cap. $118,900; 24 tanneries, 21 distilleries, 4 flouring m., 33 grist m., 36 saw m., 2 oil m. Cap. in manufac. §73,526. 16 sch. 367 scholars. Pop. 15,832.

Franklin, t., Lycoming co., Pa. Pop. 529.
Franklin, t., Portage co., O. Pop. 1,497.
Franklin, t., Summit co., O. Pop. 1,436.
Franklin, t., Warren co., O. Pop. 2,457.
Franklinton, Franklin co., O. Pop. 404.
Fulton, t., Sevier co., Ark. Pop. 3,052.


German, t., Mercer co., O. Pop. 1,499.
German, t., Montgomery co., O. Pop. 2,728.
Gibson, t., Clearfield co., Pa. Pop. 170.
Gibson, t., Darke co., O. Pop. 276.
Girard, t., Clearfield co., Pa. Pop. 349.
Glass Lake, t, Jackson co., Mich. Pop. 1,127.
Golden, t., Erie co., N. Y. Pop. 1,088.
Goshen Gore, t., Caledonia co., Vt. Pop. 144.
Granville, t., Mercer co., O. Pop. 339.
Granville, t., Muskingum co., O. Pop. 156.
Gratiot, t., Muskingum co., O. Pop. 108.
Grayson, t., Owen co., Ia. Pop. 475.
Greenbrier, t., Independence co., Ark. Pop. 550.
Greene, t, Franklin co., Pa. Pop. 2,518.
Greene, t., Pike co., Pa. Pop. 178.
Greene, t., Hamilton co., O. Pop. 2,939.
Greene, t., Monroe co., O. Pop. 937.
Greene, t., Richland co., O. Pop. 1,998.
Greene, t., Ross co., O. Pop. 1,889.
Greene, t., Scioto co., O. Pop. 974.
Greene, t., Summit co., O. Pop. 1,536.
Greene, t., Trumbull co., O. Pop. 646.
Greene, t., Wayne co., O. Pop. 1,751.
Greene, t., Randolph co., Ia. Pop. 596.
Greenfield, b., Washington co., Pa. Pop. 264.
Greenfield, t., Orange co., Ia. Pop. 635.
Greenfield, t., Poinsett co., Ark. Pop. 288.
Greensborough, t., Henry co., Ia. Pop. 945.
Greensburg, t., Greene co., Ky. Pop. 585.
Greenville, t., Erie co., Pa. Pop. 862.
Griggs, t., Van Buren co., Ark. Pop. 579.
Gum Log, t., Pope co., Ark. Pop. 205.


Hanover, b., York co., Pa. Pop. 1,070.
Hanover, t, Jefferson co., Ia. Pop. 840.
Hamilton, t., Franklin co., O. Pop. 1,119.
Hamilton, t., Jackson co., O. Pop. 1,711.
Hardin, t., Conway co., Ark. Pop. 428.
Harios, t., Centre co., Pa. Pop. 2,002.
Harmony, t., Perry co., la. Pop. 1,764.
Harmony, t., Van Buren co., Mo. Pop. 569.
Harrison, t., Ross co., O. Pop. 631.
Harrison, t., Fayette co., Ia. Pop. 1,690.
Harrison, t., Owen co., Ia. Pop. 401.
Harrison, t, Cole co., Mo. Pop. 547.
Hat Creek, t., Taney co., Mo. Pop. 181.
Haw Creek, t., Bartholomew co., Ia. Pop. 1,268.
Henry, t., Wood co., O. Pop. 213.
Henry, t., Henry co., Ia. Pop. 1,318.
Highland, t., Muskingum co., O. Pop. 844.
Hilbourne, t., Madison co., Ark. Pop. 367.
Horace, t. Tioga co., Pa. Pop. 82.
Howland, t., Trumbull co. O. Pop. 1,035.
Hurricane, t., Lincoln co., Mo. Pop. 1,795.


Independence, t., Washington co., O. Pop. 335,
Illinois, t., Pope co., Ark. Pop. 173.
Illinoy, t., Pope co., Ark. Pop. 208.


Jackson, t., Monroe co., O. Pop. 805.
Jackson, t., Preble co., O. Pop. 1,260.
Jackson, t., Sandusky co., O. Pop. 929.
Jackson, t., Wayne co., O. Pop. 1,645.
Jackson, t., Hamilton co., Ia. Pop. 1,209.
Jacksonburg, v., Butler co., O. Pop. 136.
Jailes, t., Van Buren co., Ark. Pop. 338.
James, t., Steuben co., Ia. Pop. 314.
Jefferson, t., Cambria co., Pa. Pop. 141.
Jefferson, t., Allen co., Ia. Pop. 108.
Jefferson, t., Grant co., Ia. Pop. 636.
Jefferson, t., Hamilton co., Ia. Pop. 167.
Jefferson, t., Switzerland co., Ia. Pop. 2,068.
Jefferson, t., Wayne co., Ia. Pop. 1,289.
Jefferson, t., Buchanan co., Mo. Pop. 448.
Jefferson, t., Sevier co., Ark. Pop. 280.
Jena, t., Livingston co., Mich. Pop. 141.
Jenks, t., Jefferson co., Pa. Pop. 20.
Jennings, t., Fayette co., Ia. Pop. 786.
Jerome, t., Union co., O. Pop. 865.
Johnson, t., Brown co., Ia. Pop. 342.
Johnson, t., Gibson co., Ia. Pop. 1,205.
Johnson, (extended,) Cambria co., Pa. Pop. 328.
Jordon, t., Clearfield co., Pa. Pop. 329. K.


King's River, t., Madison co., Ark. Pop. 345. L.


La Fayette, t., Van Buren co., Mich. Pop. 327.
La Fayette, t., Floyd co., Ia. Pop. 928.
La Fayette, t., Owen co., Ia. Pop. 511.
La Fayette, t., Union co., Ark. Pop. 337.
La Grange, t., La Fayette co., Ark. Pop. 362.
Lake, t., Allen co., Ia. Pop. 254.
Lake, t., Milwaukee co., Wis. Pop. 418.
Lanquille, t., Poinsett co., Ark. Pop. 494.
Larner, t., Preble co., O. Pop. 1,618.
Laurel, t., Hocking co., O. Pop. 836.
Lawrence, t., Clearfield co., Pa. Pop. 1,032.
Lebanon, t., Lawrence co., Ark. Pop. 412.
Lees Creek, t., Crawford co., Ark. Pop. 555.
Leesburg, t, Union co., O. Pop. 726.
Lehman, t., Pike co., Pa. Pop. 560.
Le Roy, t., Ingham co., Mich. Pop. 110.
Lesear, t., New Madrid co., Mo. Pop. 968.
Letter A., t., Aroostook co., Me. Pop. 177.
Letter A., Oxford co., Me. Pop. 54.
Lewistown, v., Columbiana co., O. Pop. 79.
Lewisville, t., Coshocton co., O. Pop. 64.
Liberty, t., Pope co., Ark. Pop. 300.
Liberty, t., Putnam co., O. Pop. 125.
Liberty, t., Ross co., O. Pop. 1,256.
Liberty, t., Trumbull co., O. Pop. 1,225.
Liberty, t., Union co., O. Pop. 927.
Liberty, t., Washington co., O. Pop. 515.
Liberty, t., Wood co., O. Pop. 215.
Liberty, t.. Pope co., Ark. Pop. 300.
Licking, t., Blackford co., Ia. Pop. 542.
Lick Mountain, t., Conway co., Ark. Pop. 174.
Limington, t., York co., Me. Pop. 2,210.
Lisbon, t., Milwaukee co., Wis. Pop. 116.
Little Black, t., Randolph co., Ark. Pop. 176.
Little Red River, t., Van Buren co., Ark. Pop. 317.
Little North Fork, t., Marion co., Ark. Pop. 190.
Logan, t., Fountain co., Ia. Pop. 949.
London, t., Seneca co., O. Pop. 763.
Long Island, Hancock co., Me. Pop. 114.
Lorain, t., Tippecanoe co., Ia. Pop. 1,482.
Lordstown, t., Trumbull co., O. Pop. 1,167.
Louisiana, t., Chicot co., Ark. Pop. 951.
Ludlow, t., Washington co., O. Pop. 539.
Lynn, t., Posey co., fa. Pop. 845.


McVeytown, b., Mifflin co., Pa. Pop. 348.
Madison, t., Montgomery co., O. Pop. 1,594.
Madison, t., Muskingum co., O. Pop. 1,070.
Madison, t., Richland co., O. Pop. 1,878.
Madison, t., Sandusky co., O. Pop. 316.
Madison, t., Scioto co., O. Pop. 830.
Madison, t., Lenawee co., Mich. Pop. 1,067.
Madison, t., Jefferson co., Ia. Pop. 2,757.
Marion, t., Mercer co., O. Pop. 1,010.
Marion, t., Shelby co., O. Pop. 965.
Marion, t., Livingston co., Mich. Pop. 345.
Marion, t., Union co., Ark. Pop. 278.
Maumee, t., Allen co., Ia. Pop. 272.
Meigs, t., Muskingum co., O. Pop. 1,333.
Meigsville, t., Morgan co., O. Pop. 1,159.
Miatt, t., Lawrence co., O. Pop. 366.
Middleburg, t., Shiawassee co., Mich. Pop. 32.
Milan, t., Allen co., Ia. Pop. 249.
Mill Grove, t., Steuben co., Ia. Pop. 206.
Millsford, t., Williams co., O. Pop. 175.
Milton, t., Jefferson co., Ia. Pop. 1,280.
Monroe, t., Grant co., Ia. Pop. 273.
Montgomery, t., Richland County, O. Pop. 2,445.
Montgomery, t., Owen co., Ia. Pop. 1,429.
Montgomery, t., Monroe County, Ark. Pop. 292.
Morgan, t. Harrison co., O. Pop. 1,157.
Morgan, t., Owen co., Ia. Pop. 580.
Morris, t., Clearfield co., Pa. Pop. 214.
Mount Sterling, t., Madison co., O. Pop. 152.
Mount Sterling t., Muskingum co., O. Pop. 177.

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

This book is a joint project between members of AHGP, Paula Franklin, Judy White, Sheryl McClure and Susan Dorris our finder!

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