American History and Genealogy Project

Gray MO to Greenfield, OH

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Gray, t. Gasconade co., Mo. Pop. 1,074.

Grayson, County, Va. Situated in the s., and toward the w. part of the state, and contains 92 sq. ms. Drained by Great Kanawha r., here called New r., and its branches. It is elevated about 1,600 feet above the level of the ocean. Capital, Greenville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 13,935, sheep 18,253, swine 21,502; wheat 27,863 , bush, produced, rye 16,958, Ind. corn 219,217, buckwheat 15,219, oats 142,715, potatoes 34,334; 11 stores, cap. $40,125; 3 forges, 5 woolen fac, 8 tanneries, 20 distilleries, 76 grist m., 21 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $5,350. 1 acad. 120 students, 10 sch. 252 scholars. Pop. whites 8,542, slaves 492, free col'd 53; total, 9,087.

Grayson, County, Ky. Central in the w. part of the state. It contains 800 sq. ms. A branch of Green r. runs on its N. border. Capital, Mayfield. There were in 1840, neat cattle 6,163, sheep 7,337, swine 15,199; wheat 18,907 bush. Produced, rye 473, Ind. corn 141,845, oats 58,509, potatoes 4,842, tobacco 242,372 pounds, sugar 30,133; 17 stores, cap. $34,405; 3 tanneries, 5 distilleries, 3 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. 816,375. 6 sch. 209 scholars. Pop. whites 4,262, slaves 199; total, 4,461.

Grayson, p-v., capital of Carter co., Ky., 128 e. Frankfort, 432 W. Situated ½ m. w. of Little Sandy r. It has a court house, 8 or 10 houses, and 50 inhabitants.

Grayson, C. H., p-v., capital of Grayson co., Va., called also Greenville, 261 s. Richmond, 336 W. Situated on the s. bank of New r. It contains a court house, jail, 3 stores, several mechanic shops, 12 dwellings, and about 75 inhabitants, fourth of whom are colored.

Grayson Springs, p-o., Grayson co., Ky.

Grayson Sulphur Springs, p-o., Grayson Co., Va.

Graysport, p-v., Muskingum co., O., 68 e. Columbus, 343 W

Grays Settlement, po N. w. Harrisburg, 332 W.

Grays Valley, p-o., Tioga co., Pa., 146 n. Harrisburg, 256 VV.

Graysville, p-v., Morris t., Huntingdon co., Pa., 101 w. Harrisburg, 170 W. It contains 1 store and 8 or 10 dwellings.

Graysville, p-v., Todd co., Ky., 55 Frankfort, 720 W.

Graysville, p-o., Monroe co., O., 124 e. Columbus, 231 W.

Graysville, p-v., White co., Ill., 61 s. e. Springfield, 841 W.

Greasy Creek, p-o., Floyd co., Va., 230 w. Richmond, 335 W.

Great Barrington, p-t., Berkshire co., Ms., 134 w. Boston, 355 W. It is situated on both sides of the Housatonic r. The surface is uneven, and adapted to grazing, except on the Housaionic, where the surface is level, and the soil very fertile. A branch of the Housatonic affords good water power. The v. is pleasantly situated, contains some good houses, and 2 churches, 1 Congregational and 1 Episcopal and some manufactures. There are in the t. 7 stores, capital $21,000; 1 furnace, 1 fulling m., 2 woolen fac 3 cotton fac. 6,094 sp., 2 tanneries, 1 printing office, 1 weekly paper, 3 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $138,000. 1 acad. 30 students, 16 sch. 634 scholars. Pop. 2,704.
Great Bend, p-v., Champion t., Jefferson co., N. Y., 159 n. w. Albany. Situated on Black r., and contains 1 flouring m., 1 saw m., 1 distillery, 1 cloth dressing works, 1 store and about 25 dwellings. A bridge here crosses the r.

Great Bend, p-o., Great Bend t., Susquehanna co., Pa., 191 n. e. Harrisburg, 295 W. Situated at the junction of Salt Lick cr. with the Susquehanna r., on an extensive flat, surrounded on all sides by high hills. It is built on both sides of the r., over which is a bridge 600 feet long and 20 feet wide, which cost $6,500. It has 2 churches, 1 Presbyterian and 1 Baptist, several stores, a seminary for young ladies, 40 dwellings, and about 240 inhabitants. There are in the t. 4 stores, cap. $21,500; 1 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $5,350. 7 sch. 210 scholars. Pop. 859

Great Bend, p-o., Meigs co., O., 112 s. s. e. Columbus, 341 W.

Great Bridge, p-v., Norfolk co., Va., 115 s. e. Richmond, 240 W. Situated on Southern r.

Great Crossings, p-v., Scott co., Ky., 15 n. e. Frankfort, 527 W. Situated on the s. side of Elkhorn cr. The Choctaw academy is located here, under the superintendence of the War Department. It had in 1841, 131 students, viz: 52 Choctaws, 21 Pottawatomies, 26 Chickasaws, 10 Creeks, 2 Quapaws, 3 Seminoles, 1 Miami, 10 miscellaneous.

Great Egg Harbor, collection district. Tonnage of 1840, 16,364. (See Egg Harbor, Great.)

Great Falls, p-v., Somerworth t., Strafford co., N. H., 34 e. Concord, 499 W. Here is a large and beautiful village and extensive manufactories. (See Somerworth.)

Great Valley, p-t., Cattaraugus co., N. Y., 300 w. by s. Albany, 328 W. The surface is somewhat broken, rising from the valley of Alleghany r. Watered on the s. by Tunianguant cr. and n. by Great Valley cr., tributaries of Alleghany r. At the post office is Peth v., containing 1 store, 2 saw m., and 15 dwellings. There are in the t., 4 stores, cap. $11,000; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 13 saw m. Cap. in manufac. 814,400. 6 sch. 235 scholars. Pop. 852.

Great Works, p-v., Penobscot co., Me., 80 e. Augusta, 675 W. Situated at the entrance of Great Works stream into the Penobscot r., opposite to Indian Oldtown. Here is a good water power, and a considerable village.

Great South Bay, N. Y. Situated on the s. side of Long Island, and is about 50 ms. long and 5 wide, enclosed by Great South Beach, which is 40 ms. long and half a mile wide. On the w. end is a lighthouse. The bay is navigable, has several inlets, and abounds with fine shell and other fish, and a variety of water fowls, and is a great resort of sportsmen.

Greece, p-t., Monroe co., N. Y., 6 n. Rochester, 226 w. by n. Albany, 375 W. The surface is undulating, and the soil sandy, gravelly and clay loam. Watered by small streams, flowing into Lake Ontario. It has 5 stores, cap. $5,400; 1 furnace, 2 grist m., 3saw m. Cap. in manufac. $6,510. 16 sch. 993 scholars. Pop. 3,669.

Greely, p-o., Somerset co., Me., 85 n. Augusta, 630 W.

Green Bank, p-o., Pocahontas co., Va., 189 w. N. w. Richmond, 216 W. Situated on Deer cr., 6 ms. above its entrance into Greenbrier r. It has 1 church, free to all denominations, a library, 2 stores, several mills, and various mechanics.

Green Bay, Wis., lies n. w. of Lake Michigan, connected with it by a broad opening, and running parallel with it. It is 100 ms. long, and from 15 to 30 broad. At its entrance is a string of islands, called Grand Traverse islands, extending for 30 ms. It is navigable for vessels of 200 tons to its head, and receives Fox and Menomine rivers.

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Green Bay, p-v., Brown co., Wis., 158 n. Madison, 933 W. Situated on the E. side of Fox r. at its entrance into Lake Michigan. The settlement extends on both sides of the r. for 4 miles. It has a U. S. land office, 40 stores, and about 1,500 inhabitants.

Greenberry, p-o., Grant co., Ia., 82 n. n. e. Indianapolis, 553 W.

Green Bottom, p-o., Cabell co., Va., 379 w. by n. Richmond, 334 W.

Green Bottom, p-o., Shelby co., Tenn., 213 w. Nashville, 898 W.

Greenbrier, County, Va. Central toward the w. part of the state, and contains 1,493 sq. ms. The surface is broken, elevated and mountainous. Drained by Greenbrier r. and its branches, and by branches of Gauley r. Capital, Lewisburg. There were in 1840, neat cattle 13,855, sheep 18,722, swine 12,373; wheat 69,151 bush, produced, rye 43,466, Ind. corn 207,055, buckwheat 3,031, oats 193,296, potatoes 31,916, sugar 114,932 pounds; 12 stores, cap. $112,000; 1 tannery, 19 distilleries, 30 grist m., 33 saw m., 4 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $63,534. 1 acad. 28 students, 23 sch. 505 scholars. Pop. whites 7,287, slaves 1,214, free col'd 194; total, 8,695.

Green Brier, r., Va., rises in Pocahontas co., and passing through Greenbrier co., and into Monroe co., enters the Great Kanawha r. near the boundary between the 2 latter counties, and at the passage through Laurel ridge.

Greenbrier, p-o., Northumberland co., Pa., 60 n. Harrisburg, 170 W.

Greenburg, t., Westchester co., N. Y. 130 s. Albany. The surface is hilly; soil, gravelly, clay and sand loam, well cultivated. Watered by Bronx and Sawmill rivers. Hudson r. bounds it on the w. It has 1 acad. 15 students, 10 sch. 324 scholars. Pop. 3,361.

Green Bush, p-o., Windsor co., Vt., 68 s. Montpelier, 468 W.

Greenbush, t., Penobscot co., Me. It has 3 sch. 108 scholars. Pop. 261.

Greenbush, p-t., Rensselaer co., N. Y., 1 e. Albany, 370 W. Situated on the e. side of Hudson r. opposite to Albany. The surface is hilly; soil, clay loam, with gravel and sand. The land along the r. is level and very fertile. The v. was incorporated in 1815, and contains 2 churches, 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist, 9 stores, 2 flouring m., 1 distillery, 1 tannery, 1 spirit gas fee, 100 dwellings, and about 900 inhabitants. The Albany and West Stockbridge railroad commences here, and a ferry crosses to Albany. There are in the t., 1 tannery, 1 flouring m., 2 grist m. Cap. in manufac. $1,000. 15 sch. 865 scholars. Pop. 3,701.

Greenbush, p-v., Warren co., Ill., 92 n. w. Springfield, 833 W.

Green Camp, t., Marion co., O. It has 2 sch. 70 scholars. Pop. 361.

Green Castle, p-b., Franklin co., Pa., 56 Harrisburg, 79 W. It contains 5 churches, several factories, 250 dwellings, and about 1,500 inhabitants. It is surrounded by a fertile country.

Green Castle, p-v., capital of Putnam co., Ia., 47 w. Indianapolis, 612 W. Situated on a high table land, 1 m. E. of the Walnut fork of Eel r. It contains a court house, jail, 1 seminary, 2 churches, 7 stores, and about 500 inhabitants. There are in the t., 13 stores, cap. $62,160; 2 tanneries, 1 grist m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $1 1,300. 1 acad. 87 students, 3 sch. 148 scholars. Pop. 2,258.

Green, cr., p-o., Sandusky co., O., 100 n. Columbus, 415 W.

Greene, County, N. Y. Situated in tho E. part of the state, and contains 533 sq. ms. The surface is diversified, being hilly and mountainous s. and w., and more level toward the N. E. The mountains are sterile, and the valleys productive. Watered by Catskill and Coxsackie creeks, which flow into the Hudson, and the head branches of Schoharie cr., which flows into the Mohawk r. Capital, Catskill. There were in 1840, neat cattle 22,495, sheep 39,326, swine 19,357; wheat 17,677 bush, produced, rye 86,840, Ind. corn 109,772, buckwheat 57,612, barley 2,368, oats 309,832, potatoes 302,902, 5 commission houses in for trade, cap. $131,330; 142 stores, cap. $396,510; 2 lumber yards, cap. $10,300; 3 furnaces, 10 fulling m., 5 woolen fee., 1 cotton foe. 363 sp., 29 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 1 powder m., 2 potteries, 3 flouring m., 29 grist m., 79 saw m., 3 paper foe, 3 printing offices, 1 bindery, 3 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $910,760. 3 acad. 97 students, 122 sch. 3,227 scholars. Pop. 30,446.

Greene, County, Pa. Situated in the s. w. part of the state, and contains 576 sq. ms. Drained by Ten Mile and Dunkards creeks e., and by Fish and Wheeling creeks vv. The surface is broken and mountainous, but the soil is productive. Capital, Waynesburg. There were in 1840, neat cattle 19,338, sheep 37,035, swine 36,199; wheat 251,823 bush, produced, rye 33,901, Ind. corn 436,607, buckwheat 31,366, oats 348,809, potatoes 60,883, sugar 111,107 pounds; 50 stores, cap. $140,885; 9 fulling m., 4 woolen foe, 15 tanneries, 34 distilleries, 1 glass foe, 1 glass cutting estab., 4 flouring m., 45 grist m., 62 saw m., 5 oil m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $290,732. 1 acad. 42 students, 74 sch. 1,723 scholars. Pop. 19,147.

Greene, County, Va. Situated in the central part of the state, and contains 190 sq. ms. The surface is hilly; soil, fertile. Capital, Stanardsville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 3,086, sheep 3,345, swine 7,130; wheat 39,731 bush, produced, rye 14,741, Ind. corn 124,241, buckwheat 233, oats 32,734, potatoes 7,616, hops 206 pounds, tobacco 439,933, cotton 1,143; 4 stores, cap. $21,000; 2 tanneries, 2 flouring m., 15 grist m., 12 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $23,855. 7 acad. 135 students, 6 sch. 136 scholars. Pop. whites 2,447, slaves 1,740, free col'd 45; total, 4,232.

Greene, County, N. C. Situated centrally in the e. part of the state, and contains 240 sq. ms. Drained by Moccason r., a branch of the Neuse r. Surface level, soil fertile. Capital, Snow Hill. There were in 1840, neat cattle 3,400, sheep 3,068, swine 25,456; wheat 8,824 bush, produced, rye 6,975, Ind. corn 279,730, oats 2,455, potatoes 44,404, rice 15,492 pounds, cotton 1,344,990; 10,035 barrels of tar, pitch, &c.; 8 stores, cap. $78,000; 30 distilleries, 27 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $16,500. 5 sch. 100 scholars. Pop. whites 3,375, slaves 2,971, free col'd 219; total, 6,595.

Greene, County, Ga. Situated n. e. of the centre of the state, and contains 504 sq. ms. The Oconee r. runs on its w. border. Surface undulating, soil fertile. Capital, Greensboro. There were in 1840, neat cattle 11,130, sheep 7,054, swine 23,164; wheat 53,563 bush, produced, rye 1,179, Ind. corn 400, 172, barley 1,193, oats 35,486, potatoes 12,693, cotton 2,756,469 pounds; 22 stores, cap. $128,000; 1 cotton fac, 6 tanneries. 5 flouring m., 24 grist m., 11 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $5,000. 1 college, 22 students, 5 acad. 323 students, 13 sch. 358 scholars. Population, whites 4,641, slaves 7,024, free colored 25; total, 11,690.

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Greene, County, Ala. Situated in the w. part of the state, and contains 836 sq. ms. The surface is hilly, but the soil on the river bottoms is excellent. Tombigbee r. runs on its w. boundary. Watered by Black Warrior, or Tuscaloosa r. Capital, Eutaw. There were in 1810, neat cattle 8,940, sheep 4,749, swine 18,492; wheat 18,336 bush, produced, rye 1,618, Ind. corn 520,198, oats 14,928, potatoes 48,369, silk cocoons 45 pounds, cotton 3,173,800; 18 stores, cap. $171,700; 3 tanneries, 1 flouring m., 3 grist m., 3 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $22,900. 242 students in academies, 173 scholars in schools. Pop. whites 7,556, slaves 16,431, free col'd 37; total, 24,024.

Greene, County, Miss. Situated in the s. e. part of the state, and contains 864 sq. ms. It is chiefly covered with pine forest, and the soil is sterile. Watered by Pascagoula r. and its branches. Capital, Leakesville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 10,513, sheep 915, swine 10,837; Ind. corn 34,264 bush, produced, potatoes 18,633, rice 10,365 pounds, cotton 40,260; 1 store, cap. $5,000; 8 grist m., 5 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $1,500. 3 sch. 40 scholars. Pop. whites 1,207, slaves 423; total, 1,636.

Greene, County, Tenn. Situated in the e. part of the state, and contains 700 The surface is elevated, and greatly diversified with hill and valley. Watered by Nolachucky r., and Licking cr. Capital, Greenville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 14,257, sheep 17,172, swine 49,011; wheat 142,332 bush, produced, rye 4,691, Ind. corn 683,295, buckwheat 2,233, oats 221,123, potatoes 23,128, tobacco 9,125 pounds, cotton 2,123; 15 stores, cap. $92,250; 1 furnace, 7 forges, 17 tanneries, 52 distilleries, 7 potteries, 4 flouring m., 54 grist m., 39 saw m., 6 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $5t,821. 1 college, 30 students, 2 acad. 93 students, 12 sch. 196 scholars. Pop. whites 14,410, slaves 1,006, free col'd 151; total, 16,076.

Greene, County, Ky. Situated in the middle of the state, and contains 460 sq. ms. Watered by Green r. and its tributaries. The surface is undulating; soil, fertile. Capital, Greensburg. There were in 1840, neat cattle 11,642, sheep 18,140, swine 46,691; wheat 75,221 bush, produced, rye 1,050, Ind. corn 333,664, oats 143,860, potatoes 12,971, tobacco 1,961,711 pounds, cotton 2,398, sugar 9,147; 14 stores, cap. $110,400; 2 forges, 1 cotton fac. 126 sp., 10 tanneries, 7 distilleries, 2 flouring m., 10 grist m., 8 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $43,034. 1 acad. 100 students, 13 sch. 309 scholars. Pop. whites 10,263, slaves 3,830, free col'd 119; total, 14,212.

Greene, County, O. Situated s. w. of the centre of the state, and contains 400 sq. ms. Watered by Mad r., and by Little Miami r., of which the following are branches; Caesar's, Braver, Massie's and Anderson's creeks. These with some smaller streams, afford extensive water power. The surface is undulating. Yellow Springs is a famous watering place. Capital, Xenia. There were in 1840, neat cattle 14,914, sheep 29,527, swine 26,770; wheat 257,465 bush, produced, rye 9,939, Ind. com 659,296, barley 1,757, oats 157,668, potatoes 19,016; 35 stores, cap. $143,350; 5 fulling m., 2 woolen fac, 3 tanneries, 18 distilleries, 1 brewery, 24 flouring m., 3 grist m., 27 saw m., 2 oil m., 3 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $248,580. 13 sch. 349 scholars. Pop. 17,528.

Greene, County, Ia. Situated toward the s. w. part of the state, and contains 456 sq. ms. The surface is generally level, and the soil fertile. Drained by the w. fork of White r., Eel r., and Richland cr. Capital, Bloomfield. There were in 1840, neat cattle 9,756, sheep 8,861, swine 24,131; wheat 27,953 bush, produced, Ind. corn 363,113, oats 66,435, potatoes 12,833, tobacco 215,389 pounds, sugar 30,152; 20 stores, cap. $31,910; 14 tanneries, 12 distilleries, 2 flouring m., 23 grist m., 11 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $46,086. 24 sch. 834 scholars. Pop. 8,321.

Greene, County, Ill. Situated in the w. part of the state, and contains 912 sq. ms. Organized in 1821. The Illinois r. runs on its w. border, and the Mississippi on the s. The bank of the Mississippi consists chiefly of perpendicular cliffs, from 80 to 200 feet high, containing horizontal strata of lime and sandstone, and abundance of coal is found a little within the surface. Drained also by Apple, Macoupin, Otter and Piasa creeks. The surface is generally level, and the soil fertile, consisting of timber and prairie land. Capital, Carrolllon. There were in 1840, neat cattle 17,211, sheep 14,856, swine 25,385; wheat 29,137 bush, produced, rye 2,447, Ind. com 320,402, buckwheat 2,263, oats 32,518, potatoes 30,233; 19 stores, cap. $17,500; 8 distilleries, 2 flouring m., 22 grist m., 18 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $37,400. 15 sch. 555 scholars. Pop. 11,951.

Greene, County, Mo. Situated in the s. w. part of the state, and contains 1,000 sq. ms. The surface is hilly; the soil is generally fertile, consisting of timber and prairie land. Drained by brandies of Osage and White rivers. Capital, Springfield. There were in 1840, neat cattle 7,623, sheep 5,540, swine 20,504; wheat 16,599 bush, produced, Ind. corn 322,715, oats 19,962, potatoes 15,667, tobacco 7,754 pounds, cotton 3,709; 10 stores, cap. $30,000; 3 tanneries, 4 distilleries, 7 grist m., 2 saw 7 m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $17,650. 11 sch. 233 scholars. Pop. whites 4,693, slaves 677, free col'd 2; total, 5,372.

Greene, County, Wis. Situated in the s. part of the ter., and contains 576 sq. ms. It has considerable prairie land. Watered by Peckatonakee r. and Sugar cr. Copper and lead are found. Capital, Monroe. There were in 1340, neat cattle 1,458, sheep 608, swine 3,605; wheat 11,953 bush, produced, Indian corn 25,610, buckwheat 783, oats 20,245, potatoes 15,603; 2 stores, cap. $6,000; 1 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $6,400. Pop. 933.

Greene, County, Ark. Situated in the n. e. part of the state, and contains 1,025 sq. ms. St. Francis r. runs on its e. border. Watered by Cache r. and its branches. Surface, level. Capital, Gainsville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 1,860, sheep 230, swine 3,259; wheat 1,132 bush. produced, Ind. corn 26,945, potatoes 488, cotton 3,578 pounds; 2 stores, cap. $1,300. 1 sch. 25 scholars. Pop. 1,586.

Greene, p-t., Kennebec co., Me., 25 s. w. Augusta, 533 W. It lies on the e. side of Androscoggin r. Incorporated in 1788. It has a good sod, adapted to wheat. It contains 4 stores, < ap. $9,000; 2 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,450. 12 sch. 455 scholars. Pop. 1,406.

Greene, p-t., Chenango co., N. Y., 120 w. s. w. Albany, 314 W. The surface is hilly and broken; soil, generally good. Drained by Chenango r. and its tributaries. The v. is situated on the w. bank of Chenango r., on the line of the Chenango canal. It contains 4 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, 1 Baptist, and 1 Methodist, 11 stores, 1 flouring m., 1 clothier's works, 1 faster m., J saw m., 2 tanneries, 100 dwellings, and about 750 inhabitants. There are in the t. 11 stores, cap. $62,500; 1 fulling m., I tannery, 2 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,400. 1 acad. 68 students, 30 sch. 1,098 scholars. Pop. 3,462.

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Greene, t., Sussex co., N. J., 7 s. w. Newton. The surface is hilly and mountainous. It contains Hunt's and Grass ponds. Drained by tributaries of Pequest cr. It has 1 store, cap. $2,500; 2 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $5,200. 5 sch. 112 scholars. Pop. 777.

Greene, p-o., Lancaster co., Pa., 56 e. Harrisburg, 93 W.

Greene, t., Greene co., Pa., 11 s. e. Waynesburg. The surface is rolling; soil, loam. Drained by Whiteley cr. It has 2 stores, cap. $6,400; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1 distillery, 3 grist m., 4 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $4,222. 3 sch. 75 scholars. Pop. 611.

Greene, t., Indiana co., Pa., 10 n. e. Indiana b. Drained by Two Lick, Yellow, and Cushcushion creeks. It has 6 stores, cap. $8,300; 2 tanneries, 5 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $9,250. 1 sch. 35 scholars. Pop. 2,321.

Greene, t., Beaver co., Pa., 12 s. w. Beaver. The surface is rolling; soil, loam. Ohio r. bounds it on the n. Drained by Mill cr. It has 7 stores, cap. $11,200; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 2 tanneries, 2 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $27,592. 4 sch. 180 scholars. Pop. 1,500.

Greene, t, Franklin co., Pa., 5 n. e. Chambersburg, 43 s. e. Harrisburg. The surface is level, and the soil rests on limestone and slate. Drained by the E. branch of Conecocheague cr. South mountain lies on the e. of the t. It has 9 stores, cap. $17,900; 1 furnace, 1 forge, 1 fulling m., 2 woolen fac, 2 distilleries, 1 tannery, 9 flouring m., 2 grist m., 19 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $47,300. 9 sch. 279 scholars. Pop. 2,518.

Greene, p-t., Harrison co., O. It has 5 sch. 260 scholars. Pop. 1,467.

Greene, t., Adams co., O. Situated on the Ohio r. Pop. 1,086.

Greene, t., Brown co., O. It has 1 sch. 20 scholars. Pop. 358.

Greene, t., Clark co., O. It has 13 sch. 264 scholars. Pop. 1,059.

Greene, t., Clinton co., O. Drained by East Fork and Todd's Fork of Miami r. It has 4 stores, cap. $4,675; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,500. 11 sch. 695 scholars. Pop. 1,833.

Greene, t., Columbiana co., O., 9 n. New Lisbon. It has 2 sch., 50 scholars. Pop. 1,612.

Greene, t., Gallia co., O. It has 4 stores, 1 fulling m., 3 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,950. Pop. 1,047.

Greene, t., Hocking co., O. Situated on both sides of Hockhocking r. It has 3 sch. 86 scholars. Pop. 1,189.

Greene, t., Fayette co., O. Drained by Rattlesnake fork of Paint cr. It has 3 stores, cap. $4,000; 1 distillery, 1 flouring m., 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,500. 12 sch. 240 scholars. Pop. 1,622.

Greene, t., Shelby co., O. It has 1 tannery, 3 saw m. Cap. in manufactures $1,800. Pop. 762.

Greene, t., Wayne co., O. It has 2 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,300. 1 sch. 16 scholars. Pop. 1,751.

Greene, t,, la. Pop. 99.

Greene, p-o., Cape Girardeau co., Mo., 214 s. E. Jefferson City. Situated on Crooked cr.

Green Oak, t, Livingston co., Mich. It has 1 flouring m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $10,500. 6 sch. 148 scholars. Pop. 764.

Greene, t., Iowa co., Wis. It has 2 stores, cap. $6,000; 1 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac $6,400. Pop. 933.

Greene, t., Hancock co., Ia. It has 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufactures $'2 250.

Greene, t., Polk co., Mo. Pop. 599.

Greene, t., Livingston co., Mo. Pop. 397.

Greenfield, t., Hancock co., Me. It has 1 saw m. 1 sch. 8 scholars. Pop. 223.

Greenfield, p-t., Hillsboro' co., N. H., 35 s. w. Concord, 454 W. Contoocook r. runs on its w. boundary. The surface is uneven, and the soil generally fertile. The hills are adapted to grazing, and the valleys to tillage. Incorporated in 1791. It has 2 stores, cap. $6,000; 2 tanneries, 6 powder m. Cap. in manufac. $12,722. 11 sch. 226 scholars. Pop. 834.

Greenfield, p-t., capital of Franklin co., Mass., 92 w. Boston, 402 W. Situated on the w. side of Connecticut r. Incorporated in 1753. Watered by Green r., which enters Deerfield r., and affords good water power. The v. is pleasantly situated, and neatly built, and contains 3 churches, 1 Congregational, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Methodist, a young ladies' seminary, and has considerable trade and manufactures. There are in the t. 14 stores, cap. $41,500; 6 fulling m., 1 woolen fac, 1 cotton fac 384 sp., 1 tannery, 3 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers, 2 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $92,128. 2 acad. 57 students, 8 sch. 486 scholars. Pop. 1,756.

Greenfield, t., Saratoga co., N. Y., 10 n. Ballston Spa, 40 n. by w. Albany. The surface is hilly and mountainous; the soil productive, and well cultivated. Drained by Kayaderosseras cr. It has 5 stores, cap. $4,600; 2 fulling m., 4 tanneries, 1 paper fac, 2 grist m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $25,432. 4 sch. 186 scholars. Pop. 2,803.

Greenfield, p-t., Erie co., Pa., 352 n. Harrisburg, 284 W. Drained by the n. branch of French cr. It has 1 grist m., 2 saw m. 10 sch. 696 scholars. Pop. 862.

Greenfield, t., Luzerne co., Pa., 30 n. e. Wilkesbarre. The Susquehanna r. runs on its n. boundary. The soil is fertile, but better adapted to grazing than to grain. The village of Carbondale is near its e. border. Drained by Elk wood brook, and the branches of Tunkhannock and Lackawannock rivers. It has 3 flouring m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $17,400. Pop. 1,730.

Greenfield, t., Bedford co., Pa., 23 n. Bedford. The surface is hilly; soil, clay and loam. It has the Alleghany mountain w., Dunning's mountain e., and spurs of the Alleghany n. e., which extend into it. Drained by Bob's and Dunning's creeks, and by the Frankstown, or s. w. branch of Juniata r. It has 1 store, cap. $2,500; 1 furnace, 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 1 distillery, 1 pottery, 1 flouring m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $9,070. 1 sch. 32 scholars. Pop. 1,830.

Greenfield, p-v., Madison t., Highland co., O., 72 s. w. Columbus, 427 W. Situated on the w. bank of Paint cr. It contains 4 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist, 1 Baptist, and 1 Associate Reformed, 9 stores, 2 tanneries, 30 mechanic shops, and about 600 inhabitants. Adjoining the v. are fine limestone quarries, suitable for building. There are in the vicinity 1 woolen fac, 1 grist m., and 1 saw m.

Greenfield, t, Fairfield co., O. It has fine land. The Lancaster lateral canal passes diagonally through it. Pop. 2,138.

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

This book is a joint project between members of AHGP, Paula Franklin, Judy White, Sheryl McClure and Susan Dorris our finder!

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