Canton, GA to Carroll, County Ky
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Canton, p-v., capital of Cherokee co., Ga. Situated on the n.
side of Etowah r. It contains a court house, several stores and
Canton, p-v., Wilcox County, Ala., 91 s. by e. Tuscaloosa, 883
Canton, p-v., Trigg co., Ky., 9 s. w. Cadiz, 235 s. w. by w.
Frankfort, 762 W. Situated on Cumberland r., 40 ms. from its
mouth. It is the centre of trade for the surrounding country,
and being on navigable waters, it does their shipping business.
Pop. about 200.
Canton, p-v., capital of Madison co., Miss., 23 n. by e.
Jackson, 993 W. It contains a court house and several dwellings.
Canton, p-v., Lawrence co., Ark., 164 n. n. e. Little Rock,
1,021 W.
Canton, t., Wayne co., Mich. Watered by the head branches of the
south branch of Rouge r. It has 1 saw m. Cap. in manufactures,
$300. There are in sch. 343 scholars. Pop. 1,081.
Canton Centre, p-v., Canton t., Hartford co., Ct.
Cantonment Gibson, p-v., and military station, in the Indian
Ter., 221 w. n. w. Little Rock, Ark., 1,286 W. Situated on the
e. side of the Neosho r., 5 ms. above its entrance into Red r.
Here are situated strong military works for the protection of
the western frontier.
Cantwell's Bridge, p-v., New Castle co., Del., 24 n. by w.
Dover, 133 W. It is situated on the n. side of Appoquinimink cr.
It contains several stores and dwellings.
Cape Bridge, p-o., Hampshire co., Va.
Cape Island, p-v., Cape May co., N. J., 108 s. Trenton, 218 W.
It is situated in the extreme s. point of the state, on the
shore of the Atlantic, and is much frequented as a watering
place from July to September. Here are 6 boarding houses, some
of them large, and several splendid hotels. The place affords
great facilities for sea bathing, and for fishing.
Cape May, N. J., situated on the n. side of the entrance into
Delaware Bay. On it is a light-house. It is 18 n. Cape Henlopen,
38° 57' n. lat., 74° 52' w. Ion.
Cape May, County, N. J. Situated in the s. part
of the state. The soil is wholly alluvial, and the surface is
level. Along its e. coast is a sand beach, which, from half a
mile to 2 miles in width, is covered with grass, which affords
pasture for neat cattle and sheep. It is broken by several
inlets by which the sea penetrates the marshes and forms lagunes
or salt-water lakes. Tuckahoe r. runs on its n. border, and
receives some streams from the co. Capital, Cape May C. H. There
were in 1840, neat cattle 4,875, sheep 5,778, swine 2,268; wheat
8,692 bush, prod., rye 7.573, Indian corn 69,975, buckwheat 882,
oats 24,404 potatoes 14,394; 29 stores, cap. $47,400; 8 grist
m., 12 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,700. 20 sch. 992 scholars.
Pop. 1830, 4,936; 1840, 5,324.
Cape May, C. H., p-v., Middle t., Cape May co., N. J., 93 s.
Trenton, 203 W. It has a court house, a stone jail, brick
fire-proof offices, a Baptist church of brick, and 10 or 12
Cape Cod, Ms., in 42° 5" n. lat, 70° 14' w. Ion., projects from
the shore of Massachusetts, and is curved inward, something in
the shape of the arm of a man, bent inward at the elbow and the
wrist. It is 65 miles long, and from 1 to 20 broad, and contains
the county of Barnstable.
Cape Elizabeth, t., Me., consists chiefly of a peninsula, 6 s.
Portland. Cape Elizabeth, in 43° 33' n. lat., 79° 11' w. long.,
is the s. e. point of the town. Another cape in the e. part of
the t., at the entrance of Portland harbor, contains a
light-house. It has 9 sch. 670 scholars. Pop. 1,666.
Cape Fear, N. C, is on the s. point of Smith's Island, in 33°
48' n. lat. and 78° 9' w. Ion., near the mouth of Cape Fear
Cape Fear, River, N. C. Its n. w. branch is formed by the union
of Deep and Haw rivers; thence flowing 103 miles, it receives
the N. E. branch of Clarendon r., above Wilmington; and 34 miles
below, it enters the Atlantic by 2 channels, one on each side of
Smith's Island. It affords the best navigation of any river in
the state. By means of embankments the channel has been
deepened, and steamboats now proceed 90 miles to Fayetteville at
the lowest water.
Cape Girardeau, County, Mo., situated in the s.
e. part of the state, lies on the Mississippi river. It contains
about 864 sq. ms. Drained chiefly by the sources of White Water
r. Iron ore and other minerals are found in the county. Capital,
Jackson. There were in 1840, neat cattle 12,857, sheep 10,300,
swine 33,528; wheat 41,235 bushels produced, Ind. corn 461,635,
oats 111,383, potatoes 24,577, tobacco 229,191 pounds, cotton
9,934, sugar 37,318; 26 stores, cap. $79,800; 12 tanneries, 35
distilleries, 7 flouring m., 16 grist m., 16 saw m., 1 printing
office, 1 weekly news-paper. Cap. hi manufac. $82,787. 7 sch.
175 scholars. Pop. 1830,7,445; 1840, whites 8,020, slaves 1,325.
free col'd 14; total, 9,359.
Cape Girardeau, p-v., Cape Girardeau co.. Mo., 1 207 s. e.
Jefferson City, 850 W., is on the w. bank of the Mississippi r.,
10 ms. from Jackson, the co. seat. It has 10 or 12 stores, and
about 500 inhabitants. It was agitated by earthquakes in 1810
and 12, and some chimneys were thrown down. It has a steam saw
m. The town has 2 acad. 40 students, 1 sch. 30 scholars. Pop.
Cape Neddock, York co., Me., a barren head-land, projecting into
the Atlantic Ocean, inhabited by a few fishermen.
Capeville, p-v., Northampton co., Va., 170 e. by s. Richmond,
246 W. It is on the e. shore of Chesapeake Bay, near Cape
Charles. It contains 2 stores, several mechanic shops, and 12 or
14 dwellings.
Cape Vincent, p-v., Lyme t., Jefferson co., N. Y., 190 n. w.
Albany, 442 W. Situated on the s. side of St. Lawrence r. It has
2 churches, 1 Presbyterian and 1 Episcopal, 5 stores, 2
warehouses, 1 steam flouring in., 1 saw m., 1 furnace and axe
factory, 1 tannery, and a ship yard. It is a port of entry, and
has a convenient steamboat landing. It has a regular
communication with Kingston, Canada.
Captina, p-o., York t., Belmont co., O., 134 e. Columbus, 295 W.
Capon Springs, p-o., Hampshire co., Va.
Carbondale. p-v., Luzerne co., Pa., 35 n. e. Wilkesbarre, 160 n.
n. e. Harrisburg, 261 W. The village is situated on Lackawanna
cr. It has 15 stores, 6 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, 1
Baptist, 2 Methodist, and 1 Roman Catholic and 500 dwellings.
This flourishing village owes its existence to the Lackawanna
coal mine. The mine is situated in the front of a hill. It is
quarried in a continuous line for 60 rods, and presents a front
of good coal, 20 feet in thickness, with several feet of
imperfect coal above it. Several stationary steam engines draw
up the coal in wagons, on a railway, by several inclined planes,
from the mine to the summit level, 850 feet above the mine,
whence it descends by another railway, 16 miles long, by several
inclined planes, 912 feet, to the canal at Honesdale, and thence
to the Delaware r., where it meets the Delaware and Hudson canal
through which it is conveyed to the Hudson r. There were 1
19,407 tons of coal raised in 1840, employing a capital of
$100,000, and 275 persons. The Delaware and Hudson Canal Company
mine and send to market from 180 to 200,000 tons of coal
annually. One mile w. of the village, Fall Brook, a considerable
stream, has a beautiful cascade, 80 feet high. There are in the
town 14 stores, cap. $54,500; 1 furnace, 2 tanneries, 1 brewery.
3 saw m. Cap. in manuf. $327,000. 4 sch. 190 scholars. Pop.
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Cardiff, p-v., Lafayette t., Onondaga co., N. Y., 132 w. n. w.
Albany, 335 W. It contains 2 stores, 1 flouring m., 1 tannery, 1
distillery, 25 dwellings, and 150 inhabitants.
Cardington, p-v., Morven t., Marion co., O., 36 n. Columbus, 405
W. It has a store, a woolen fac, and several mills in the
Carlinville, p-o., capital of Macoupin co., Ill., 39 s. s. w.
Springfield, 811 W. Situated on the n. side of Lake Fork of
Macoupin r. in a beautiful prairie. It has several stores, 1
sch. 61 scholars. Pop. 327. A theological seminary, under the
patronage of the Presbyterian Synod of Illinois, was established
at this place in i838. It has 700 volumes in its library.
Carlisle, p-t., Middlesex co., Ms., 19 n. w. Boston, 456 W.
Concord river runs on its s. e. border. Its soil is of a
secondary quality. Incorporated in 1805. It has 1 store, cap.
$5,000; 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $21,200. 5 sch.
204 scholars. Pop. 556.
Carlisle, p-t., Schoharie co., N. Y., 36 w. by N. Albany, 8 n.
w. Schoharie. The surface is uneven, and the soil a sandy loam,
underlaid with limestone. In the vicinity are numerous caverns.
The v. is on the Cherry valley turnpike, and contains 1
Presbyterian church, 2 stores, and 20 dwellings. It has 2
stores, cap. $4,000; 1 fulling m., 2 tanneries, 1 grist, m., 6
saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,900. 11 sch. 527 scholars. Pop.
Carlisle, p-v., capital of Cumberland County, Pa., 15 w. by s.
Harrisburg, 103 W. In 40° 12' n. latitude, 77° 10' w. longitude.
The place, founded in 1751, is regularly laid out, with streets
crossing each other at right angles, and is neatly built,
chiefly with brick or stone houses. Dickinson College is located
here, and in the w. part of the v. has an elegant building of
limestone, 4 stories high, 150 feet in length, and occupying a
commanding situation. It was founded in 1783, under the
direction of the Presbyterians; but has some time since gone
into the hands of the Methodists, and is flourishing. It has a
president and 6 professors, or other instructors, 650 alumni,
227 of whom have been ministers of the gospel, 147 students, and
4,500 volumes in its libraries. The commencement is on the last
Thursday in September. The other public buildings are, 9
churches, 2 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, 1 Ger-man Reformed, 1
Lutheran, 1 Methodist, 1 Associate Presbyterian, 1 Roman
Catholic, and 1 African, a court house, county offices, market
house, banking house, young ladies' seminary, &e. There are 6 or
700 houses. Pop. 4,351. The Cumberland Valley railroad,
extending from Harrisburg to Chambersburg, passes through the
place. The United States barracks, half a mile from the v., were
built in 1777, chiefly by the labor of the Hessians captured at
Trenton. They are sufficient for a garrison of 2,000 men, and
the general government have recently established a cavalry
school here. There are in the town 42 stores, cap. $90,446; 2
lumber yards, cap. $2,000; 6 tanneries, 3 distilleries, 2
breweries, 1 printing office, 1 bindery, 3 weekly papers. Cap.
in manufac. $68,750. 1 acad. 90 students, 16 sch. 855 scholars.
Carlisle, p-v., Troup co., Ga., 133 w. Milledgeville, 751 W.
Situated s. side of Flat Shoal cr.
Carlisle, p-v., capital of Nicholas co., Ky., 53 e. n. e.
Frankfort, 496 W. Situated on a small branch of Licking r. It
contains a court house, several stores, 2 sch. 50 scholars. Pop.
Carlisle, t., Lorain co., O., 3½ s. Elyria. It has a fine soil,
well watered by the w. branches of Black r., which afford good
mill seats. There is a considerable village on the e. branch of
Black r., which also runs through the town. The village has 1
store, 1 grist m., 1 saw m. and about 30 dwellings. The t. has 2
grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,300. 6 sch. 273 scholars.
Pop. 1,094.
Carlisle, p-v., Sullivan co., Ia., 100 s. w. Indianapolis, 671
W. Situated 2 ms. e. of Busseron creek.
Carlisle Mills, p-o., Perry co., Miss., 173 s. e. Jackson, 1,051
Carlisle Springs, p-o., Cumberland co., Pa., 19 w. by s.
Harrisburg, 107 W. Here are sulphur springs, 4 n. Carlisle v.
Carlow, p-o., Hopkins co., Ky., 216 w. s. w. Frankfort, 749.
Carlton, p-t., Orleans co., N. Y., 258 w. by N. Albany, 401 W.
It lies on Lake Ontario. The surface is level, and the soil
sandy and gravelly loam. Drained by Oak Orchard creek, which
enters Lake Ontario. It has 1 store, cap. $2,000; 2 fulling m.,
1 woolen fac, 2 tanneries, 1 flouring m., 2 grist m., 12 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $35,100. 15 sch. 793 scholars. Pop. 2,275.
Carlton's Store, p-o., King and Queen co., Va., 58 n. e. by e.
Richmond, 146 W.
Carlyle, p-v., capital of Clinton co., Ill., 96 s. by e.
Springfield, 771 W. It is situated on the w. side of Kaskaskia
r., 215 miles above its mouth, by the course of the r. Founded
in 1818, on the border of a prairie. It has a court house, 5
stores, 1 grist m., 1 saw m" and about 40 dwellings.
Carmel, p-t., Penobscot co., Me., 65 n. e. Augusta, 660 W.
Watered by Sowadabscook r. and its branches, which afford good
water power. It has 5 stores, cap. $3,825; 1 tannery, 2 saw m.
Cap. in manufac. $4,275. 195 scholars in sch. Pop. 520.
Carmel, p-t., capital of Putman co., N. Y., 100 s. Albany, 287
W. The surface is hilly, and the soil clay and sandy loam, and
very fertile. In this t. and the vicinity are several small
lakes, from which some of the head waters of Croton r. proceed.
The v. is pleasantly situated on the e. side of a small lake,
and contains a court house, a jail, 1 Baptist, and 1 Methodist
church, an academy, 3 stores, 40 dwellings, and 250 inhabitants
There are in the t., 7 stores, cap. $13,600; 3 fulling m., 1
tannery, 4 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $17,300. 11 sch.
520 scholars. Pop. 2,263.
Carmel, p-v., St. Joseph's co., Ia., 129 n. Indianapolis, 648 W.
Carmel, p-t., Eaton co., Mich. Pop. 868.
Carmel Hill, p-o., Chester dist., S. C., 71 n. Columbia, 460 W.
Carmi, p-v., capital of White co., Ill., 181 s. e. Springfield,
751 W. Situated on the w. bank of Little Wabash r., and contains
a court house and several dwellings. Pop. 350.
Carmichaels, p-o., Greene co., Pa., 190 w. by s. Harrisburg, 214
Carnesville, p-v., capital of Franklin co., Ga., Ill n.
Milledgeville, 585 W. Situated on Stephen's creek, and contains
a court house, which cost $4,600, a jail, an academy, and 5 or 6
stores. Founded in 1798.
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Caroline, County, Md., in the e. part of the
state, contains 240 sq. miles. It has the state of Delaware on
the e., and the w. branch of Choptank river on the w. The e.
branch of the Choptank River passes through the co. Capital,
Denton. There were in 1840, neat cattle 5,678, sheep 5,112,
swine 9,379; wheat 24,844 bushels produced, rye 19,271, Indian
com 269,375, oats 53,725, potatoes, 13,897; 50 stores, cap.
$128,550; 1 tannery, 10 grist m., 13 saw m., 1 printing office,
1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $ 7,050. 23 sch. 444
scholars. Pop. 1830, 9,070; 1840, whites 5,334, slaves 752, free
col'd 2,551; total, 7,806.
Caroline, County, Va., in the e. part of the
state, bounded n. by Rappahannock r. It contains 600 square
miles. The surface is hilly and broken, and the soil various.
Drained by Rappahannock and Pamunky rivers on its borders, and
Mattapony r., through its centre. Produce, grain and tobacco.
Capital, Bowling Green. There were in 1840, neat cattle 10,359,
sheep 9,349, swine 19,372; wheat 80,938 bushels produced, rye
13,117, Ind. corn 575,685, oats 119,986, potatoes 18,766,
tobacco 773,745 pounds, cotton 20,005; 18 stores, cap. $132,100;
4 tanneries, 24 grist m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4.750. 17
acad. 370 students, 13 sch. 219 scholars. Pop. 1830, 17,774;
1840, whites 6,725, slaves 9,314, free col'd 774; total, 17,813.
Caroline, p-o., Haywood co., Tenn., 174 w. s. w. Nashville, 857
Caroline, p-t., Tompkins co., N. Y., 12 s. e. Ithaca, 150 w. by
s. Albany, 331 W. The surface is hilly; soil, gravelly and
calcareous loam. Drained by W. Oswego and Six Mile creeks; the
former emptying into the Susquehanna r., and the latter into the
Cayuga Lake. It has 12 stores, cap. $41,500; 2 fulling m., 3
tanneries, 4 grist m., 37 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. ha manufac.
$52,450. 13 sch. 861 scholars. Pop. 2,457.
Caroline Centre, p-o., Caroline t., Tompkins county, N. Y., 173
w. by s. Albany, 330 W.
Caroline Furnace, p-o., Perry co., Pa., 23 w. Harrisburg, 133 W.
Carondelet, p-v., St. Louis co., Mo., 134 e. Jefferson city, 814
W. It is situated on the w. bank of Mississippi r., 5 miles
below St. Louis. There are in the t., 2 acad. 24 students, 1
sch. 20 scholars. Pop. 2,093.
Carpenter's Landing, p-v., Greenwich t, Gloucester co., N. J.,
40 s. w. Trenton, 151 W. Situated at the head of sloop
navigation, on Mantua cr., 7 miles above its entrance into the
Delaware r. It contains a Methodist church, 2 stores, and over
30 dwellings. It has considerable trade in lumber and wood. Pop.
about 250.
Carpenter's Mills, p-o., Allen co., Ky., 155 s. w. Frankfort,
678 W.
Carrick, p-o., Franklin co., Pa., 63 w. s. w. Harrisburg, 111 W.
Carritunk,p-v., Somerset co., Md., 75 s. s e. Annapolis, 70 W.
Carroll, County, N. H., situated in the e. part
of the state. It has Winnipiseogee lake on its s. w. border.
Ossipee Lake and a part of Squam Lake, and several large ponds
are within it. It has also Ossipee Mountain and other elevated
summits. Capital, Ossipee. This comity formed a part of
Strafford co., at the time when the census was taken. For
statistics, see the towns of which it was composed.
Carroll, County, Md., situated in the n. part
of the state, and contains 500 sq. miles. Drained by Patapsco
and Monococy rs. It is a fertile and wealthy co. Capital,
Westminster. There were in 1840, neat cattle 11,012, sheep
12,565, swine 23,311; wheat 180,818 bushels produced, rye
72,091, Ind. corn 251,384, buckwheat 6,060, oats 209,230,
potatoes 1 12,171, tobacco 238,560 pounds; 54 stores, cap.
$95,825; 7 fulling m., 2 woolen fac, 2 cotton fac. 2,032 sp., 1
rope fac, 26 tanneries, 28 distilleries, 1 brewery, 6 potteries,
31 flouring m., 37 grist m., 61 saw m., 3 oil m., 4 paper fac, 2
printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac.
$207,472. 2 acad. 39 students, 14 schools, 334 scholars. Pop.
whites 15,221, slaves 1,122, free col'd 898; total, 17,241.
Carroll, County, Ga., toward the n. w. part of
the state, having Chattahoochee river on the s. e. It contains
800 square miles. The surface is elevated and broken. Drained by
the branches of the Tallapoosa r. This county was ceded to the
United States, by the Cherokees, in 1825, at the Treaty of the
Indian Springs. Capital, Carrollton. There were in 1840, neat
cattle 9,572, sheep 2,345, swine 15,172; wheat 24,552 bushels
produced, Ind. corn 366,840, oats 14,439, potatoes 6,950,
tobacco 14,456 pounds, cotton 354,089; 14 stores, cap. $40,165;
value of gold produced $17,370; 13 smelting houses, 4 furnaces,
4 cotton fac. 54 sp., 4 tanneries, 13 distilleries, 1 flouring
m., 16 grist m., 10 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $32,430. 2 acad. 36
students, 20 sch. 441 scholars. Pop. 1830, 3,419; 1840, whites
4,725, slaves 522, free col'd 5; total, 5,252.
Carroll, County, Miss., situated a little n. w.
of the centre of the state, bounded by Yazoo r. on the w., and
Big Black r. on the s. e., and drained by their branches. It
contains 950 sq. ms. Capital, Carrollton. There were in 1840,
neat cattle 16,651, sheep 4,137, swine 21,937; wheat 6,028
bushels produced, rye 80, Ind. corn 455,205, oats 10,340,
potatoes 35,743, cotton 3,542,051 pounds; 17 stores, cap.
$127,500; 17 tanneries, 2 flouring m., 22 grist m., 8 saw m., 1
printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. 113,800. 1
college, 60 students, 3 acad. 165 students, 11 sch. 267
scholars. Pop. whites 5,136, slaves 5,344, free col'd 1; total,
Carroll, Parish, La., situated in the n. e.
part of the state. Drained by Bayou Bartholomew, Bayou Beouff,
Bayou Macon, and Tensas r. It has the Mississippi river on the
e. Capital, Providence. There were in 1840, neat cattle 5,670,
sheep 180, swine 10,414; Ind. corn 168,890 bush, prod., potatoes
12,971, cotton 8,476,800 pounds, 1 saw m., 1 sch. 18 scholars.
Pop. whites 1,146, slaves 3,082, free col'd 9; total, 4,237.
Carroll, County, Tenn., situated in the w. part
of the state. It contains 960 sq. ms. It forms the height of
land between the Tennessee and Mississippi rivers, toward both
of which its streams flow. Capital, Huntingdon. There were in
1840, neat cattle 47,163, sheep 30,635, swine 65,349; wheat
684,691 bushels produced, Ind. corn 692,340, oats 74,079,
potatoes 34,320, tobacco 868,664 pounds, cotton 215,383; 13
stores, cap. 43,800; 9 tanneries, 8 distilleries, 3 flouring m.,
17 grist m., 12 saw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper.
Cap. in manufac. $40,027. 35 sch. 923 scholars. Pop. 1830,
9,397; 1840, whites 10,114, slaves 2,218, free col'd 30; total,
Carroll, County Ky., situated, centrally, in
the n. part of the state, on Ohio r., and contains 140 sq. ms.
Drained by Kentucky r. Surface, level; soil, very fertile.
Capital, Carrollton. There were in 1840, neat cattle 4,392,
sheep 5,944, swine 11,125; wheat 31,888 bushels produced, rye
1,895, Ind. com 196,229, oats 18,030, potatoes 5,636, tobacco
255,080 pounds; 11 stores, cap. $42,300; 3 tanneries, 3 grist
m., 5 saw in. Cap. in manufac. $17,600. 6 sch. 314 scholars.
Pop. whites 3,212, slaves 731, free colored 23; total, 3,966.
Table of Contents
Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,
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