American History and Genealogy Project

Blackwater NH to Blue Sulphur Springs, VA

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Blackwater, r., Merrimac co., N. H., enters the Contoocook in Hopkinton.

Blackwater, r., Va., rises in Prince George county, and after a course of about 70 ms. enters the Nottaway r. nearly on the boundary between Va. and N. C.

Blackwater, t., Pettis co., Mo. Pop. 197.

Blackwater, p-o., Kemper co., Miss., 224 w. N. w. Jackson, 858 W.

Blackwater, p-o., Johnston county, Mo., 110 Jefferson city, 1,046 W.

Blackwells, p-o., Caswell co., N. C, 94 n. w. Raleigh, 270 W.

Blackwell's Island, in the East river, opposite New York. It is the seat of the city penitentiary. There is a lunatic asylum on the n. end.

Bladen, county, N. C, is in the s. part of the state, and contains 1,200 sq. miles. Drained by Cape Fear r. It has South r., a branch of Cape Fear r., on its n. e. boundary. Capital, Elizabeth. There were in 1840, neat cattle 9,789, sheep 5,855, swine 21,668; wheat 1,549 bushels produced, Indian corn 180,705, oats 4,954, potatoes 55,141, rice 74,787 pounds, cotton 53,193, tar, pitch, &c. 14,281 barrels; 11 stores, cap. $29,600; 18 distilleries, 83 grist m., 21 saw m. 1 acad. 11 students, 23 sch. 384 scholars. Pop. 1830, 7,801; 1810, whites 4,317, slaves 3,413, free col'd 292; total, 8,022.

Bladensburg, p-v., Prince George co., Md., 6 n. e., Washington, a little s. of the railroad to Baltimore, 34 w. Annapolis. It has 3 churches — 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Methodist — an academy, 8 stores, 60 dwellings, 1 flouring m., 1 grist m. Pop. 400. There is a mineral spring in the village. The country around is fertile, producing tobacco, Indian corn, &c

Bladensburg, p-o., Knox county, Ohio, 61 n. e. Columbus, 362 W.

Blandford, t, Hampden co., Ms., 114 w. Boston. Incorporated in 1741. Branches of Westfield r. produce water power. It has 2 stores, cap. $3,000; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 2 tanneries, 1 paper fac, 1 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $26,200. 7 sch. 236 scholars. Pop. 1,427.

Blaine, p-o., Lawrence co., Ky., 139 e. Frankfort, 455 W.

Blaine's Cross Roads, p-o., Granger county, Tenn., 202 e. Nashville, 480 W.

Blair's Ferry, p-o., Roane county, Tenn., 165 E. Nashville, 582 W.

Blairstown, p-o., Warren co., N. J., 74 n. by w. Trenton, 229 W.

Blairsville, p-b., Indiana co., Pa., 171 w. by N. Harrisburg, 199 W. Incorporated in 1825 It is on Kiskiminitas r., at the junction of Black Lick cr., and on the line of the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal. It has some substantial brick and stone buildings, 5 churches — 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist, 1 German Lutheran, and 1 Roman Catholic; 14 stores, cap. $45,900; 1 furnace, 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 3 tanneries, 1 flouring m., 3 grist m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $17,500; 1 school, 255 scholars. Pop. 990.

Blairsville, p-o., York dist., S. C, 83 n. Columbia, 440 W.

Blairsville, p-v., capital of Union co., Ga., 118 n. n. w. Milledgeville, 617 W.

Blairsville, p-v., Posey co., In., 183 &. w. Indianapolis, 741 W.

Blakeley, p-t., Luzerne co., Pa., 150 n. e. Harrisburg 254 W. Watered by Lackawanock r. It has 2 stores, cap. $3,:!()0; 2 llouring m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac $8,300. 4 sch. 100 scholars. Pop. 570.

Blakely, p-o., Stokes co., N. C, 127 N. w. Raleigh, 307 W.

Blakely, p-v., capital of Early co., Ga., 203 s. w. Milledgeville, 850 W. It contains a court house, jail, an academy, and 8 dwellings.

Blakely, p-v., port of entry, and cap. of Baldwin co., Ala., situated on the e. side of the Tensaw r., the e. outlet of Mobile r., opposite to Mobile. The harbor admits vessels drawing 11 feet of water. The town stands on a healthy and pleasant spot, and is well supplied with good water. It contains a court house, 10 stores, and many neat dwellings.

Blanchard, p-t., Piscatiquis co., Me., 73 n. by E. Augusta, 668 W.

Blanchard's Fork, the e. branch of Auglaize r., Ohio.

Blanchard's Bridge, p-v., Blanchard t., Hancock county, O., 80 n. by w. Columbus, 451 W. Tha village contains 71 inhabitants. In the t. are 4 sch. 215 scholars. Pop. 629.

Blanchard, t., Hardin co., O. Drained by Blanchard's Fork of Auglaize river, and has 1 saw m. Pop. 241.

Blanchard, t., Putnam co., O. Pop. 688.

Blanchard, t., Hancock co., O. Pop. 74.

Blanchkster, p-o., Marion t., Clinton county, O., 80 n. by w. Augusta, 663 W.

Bland's Mills, p-o., Ohio co., Ky., 149 s. w. Frankfort, 691 W.

Blaney, p-o., Bradford co., Pa, 155 n. Harrisburg, 266 W.

Blanford, p-t., Hampden co., Ms., 110 w. by s. Boston, 370 W. Watered by branches of Westfield r., which afford good water power. The surface is uneven and the soil fertile. It has 2 stores, cap. $3,000; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 2 tanneries, 1 paper fac, 1 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $36,200. 7 sch. 236 scholars. Pop. 1,427.

Blauveltville, p-v., Orangetown t., Rockland co., N. Y., 131 s. Albany, 259 W.

Blawenburg, p-o., Somerset co., N. J., 15 n. by e. Trenton, 187 W.

Bledsoe, county, Tenn., in the s. e. part of the state, contains about 500 sq. miles. Drained principally by Sequatchie r. Surface uneven — in some parts mountainous. Capital, Pikeville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 7,798, sheep 3,802, swine 27,709; wheat 22,932 bushels produced, rye 2,357, Indian corn 341,014, oats 64,739, potatoes 7,622, tobacco 7,241 pounds, cotton 8,028; 14 stores, cap. $33,000; 6 tanneries, 14 distilleries, 15 grist m., 10 saw m. Cap. in manufac $2,350. 1 acad. 30 students, 8 sch. 215 scholars. Pop. 1830,4,648; 1840, whites 5,010, slaves 538, free col'd 128; total, 5,676.

Bleeker, p-t., Fulton co., N. Y. The surface is hilly and mountainous, and but little cultivated. Drained by Caroga cr., and some tributaries of Sacondaga r. It has 1 tannery, 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $7,475. 4 sch. 72 scholars. Pop. 346.

Blendon, p-t., Franklin co., O., 11 n. Columbus, 404 W. Incorporated in 1815, by the name of Harrison; changed in 1824. Drained by Alum and Big Walnut creeks, which furnish mill seats. It constituted a part of the United States military lands. It has 1 acad. 50 students, 2 sch. 188 scholars. Pop. 972.

Blenden Institute, p-v., Franklin co., O.

Blenham, Schoharie co., N. Y. 4 stores, cap. $3,500; 2 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 3 tanneries, (con't)

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18 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $35,900. 1 lead. 25 students, 19 sch. 728 scholars. Pop. 2,725.

Blissfield, p-v., Blissfield t., Lenawee co., Mich., 71 s. w. Detroit, 489 W Situated on the n. bank of the Raisin r., on the Erie and Kalamazoo railroad, and has 4 stores and 60 dwellings. It has 4 sch. 141 scholars. Pop. 778.

Blissville, p-o., Jefferson co Ill.

Block Island, constitutes the township of Newshoreham, Newport co., R. I. It lies in the Atlantic ocean, 14 s. s. w. Point Judith. It is 8 miles long, and from 2 to 4 broad. The surface is uneven, and some parts of it elevated; the soil is sandy and gravelly loam, and fertile. There are several ponds on the island, the people are chiefly employed in fishing, though the island was formerly celebrated for its cattle and its dairies. It has no harbor. Incorporated in 1672.

Blockley, t, Philadelphia co., Pa. The surface is gently inclined; soil, sandy loam. Watered by Mill and Cobb creeks. It has elegant country seats on the Schuylkill r. It contains the county almshouse; 2 foreign commission stores, cap. $3,500; 16 ret. stores, cap. $15,700; 3 fulling m., 4 woollen fac, 3 cotton fac. 728 sp., 3 dyeing and printing estab., 1 ropewalk, 1 flouring m., 2 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $116,600. 1 acad. 14 students, 6 schools, 370 scholars. Pop. 3,318. Bloody Run, p-v., Providence t., Bedford co., Pa., 95 w. by s. Harrisburg, 121 W. Situated on the s. side of Roystown branch of Juniata r., and contains 1 Methodist church, of stone, 2 stores, and 25 or 30 dwellings.

Bloom, p-t., Seneca co., O., 86 n. Columbus, 420 W. Watered by Honey cr. It has 1 store, cap. $100; 2 grist m., 6 saw m., 8 sch. 127 scholars. Pop. 1,168.

Bloom, t., Columbia co., Pa., 10 N. E. Danville. Watered by Susquehanna r. and Fishing cr. Surface level, and soil sandy and calcareous loam. The v. is on Fishing cr. It has 10 stores, cap. $50,000; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 2 tanneries, I distillery, 1 pottery, 1 flouring m., 2 grist m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $37,160. 1 acad. 20 students, 6 sch. 260 scholars. Pop. 1,774. Bloom, t., Morgan co., O., on the Muskingum r. It has 2 stores, cap. $1,957; 3 saw m., 7 sch. 250 scholars. Pop. 1,388.

Bloom, t, Sciota county, O. It has 6 sch. 96 scholars. Pop. 913.

Bloom, t, Fairfield co., O. Pop. 2,301. Bloom, t., Wood co., Ohio. It has 2 sch.

Bloomfield, p-t., Essex co., N. J., 54 n. e. Trenton, 4 n. Newark, 224 W. The village has 3 churches— 1 Presbyterian and 2 Methodist— 12 stores, an academy, 2 woollen fac, 1 mahogany saw m., 1 cotton fac, 1 calico printing works, 2 saw m., 1 paper m., 1 grist m., and 300 dwellings. Pop. about 1,800. There are in the town, one fulling m., 1 dyeing and printing estab., 1 tannery, 1 distillery, 3 paper fac. Cap. in manufac $111,000. 2 acad. 60 students, 8 schools, 255 scholars. Pop. 2,528.

Bloomfield, p-v., Bloomfield t, Crawford co., Pa., 243 n. w. Harrisburg, 324 W. It has 1 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $35,400. 4 sch. 76 scholars. Pop. 564.

Bloomfield, v., capital Juniata t, Perry co., Pa. It has 1 acad. 20 students, 1 school, 116 scholars. Pop. 412. (See New Bloomfield.)

Bloomfield, p-v., Loudon county, Va., 135 N. Richmond, 54 W.

Bloomfield, p-v., Nelson county, Ky., 43 s. w. Frankfort, 585 W.

Bloomfield, p-t., Knox co., O., 46 N. N. E. Columbus, 391 W. Pop. 1,251.

Bloomfield, t., La Grange co., In. It has 3 saw m., 2 sch. 37 scholars. Pop. 307.

Bloomfield, p-v., capital of Greene co., In., 74 s. w. Indianapolis, 641 W. Situated on the e. side of the w. branch of White river. It contains a court house, 2 churches, 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist, a seminary, and 6 stores. Pop. 700. Bloomfield, p-v., Edgar co., Ill., 128 e. by s. Springfield, 662 W.

Bloomfield, p-v., capital of Stoddard co., Mo., 233 s. e. Jefferson city, 957 W. It contains a court house and several dwellings.

Bloomfield, p-t., Somerset co., Me., 35 n. Augusta, 630 W. It lies on the Kennebec river. Incorporated in 1814, and is an excellent township of land. It has 1 store, cap. $6,000; 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufactures $14,800. 1 acad. 50 students, 8 sch. 442 scholars. Pop. 1,093.

Bloomfield, p-t, Essex county, Vt., 90 n. e. Montpelier, 587 W. It lies on the w. side of ' Connecticut r., and is watered by branches of Nulhegan r. It has 1 saw m., 2 sch. 62 scholars. Pop. 179.

Bloomfield, p-t., Hartford co., Ct., 7 n. w. Hartford, 343 W. Incorporated 1835. Formed from Farmington, Windsor, and Simsbury, and formerly known as a parish of the former, by the name of Wintonbury. Drained by Wood river, which unites with Mill r., and enters the Connecticut, in the city of Hartford. The soil is fertile and well cultivated. It contains 1 Congregationalist and 1 Baptist church; 2 stores, cap. $9,000; 1 woollen fac, 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $9,400. 5 sch. 123 scholars. Pop. 986.

Bloomfield, t., Oakland co., Mich. Drained by the n. branch of Rouge r. It has 3 stores, cap. $6,000; 1 fulling m., 2 distilleries, 3 flouring m., 3 grist m„ 1 saw m. Cap. in manufactures $58,180. 8 sch. 500 scholars. Pop. 1,508.

Bloomfield, t., Trumbull co., O., 15 n. Warren, 175 n. e. Columbus. Pop. 554.

Bloomfield, t., Richland county, O., 15 s. E. Mansfield, 60 n. e. Columbus. Pop. 1,294.

Bloomfield, t., Logan co., Ohio. Pop. 565.

Bloomfield, t., Jackson co., O. Drained by branch of Racoon cr. It has 2 saw m., 1 sch. 15 scholars. Pop. 721.

Bloomingburg, p-v., Mamakating t, Sullivan county, N. Y., 23 w. Newburgh, 100 s. w. by s. Albany, 285 W. Incorporated in 1833. It has 1 Dutch Reformed and 1 Associate Reformed church, 5 stores, 80 dwellings, and 500 inhabitants. It is surrounded by a fertile country, and is a pleasant village.

Bloomingburg, p-v., Paint t., Fayette co., O., 45 s. s. w. Columbus, 246 W.

Bloomingdale, p-o., Jefferson co., O., 124 E. n. e. Columbus, 279 W.

Bloomingdale, p-o., Dupage co., Ill., 211 n. n. e. Springfield, 740 W.

Blooming Grove, p-t., Orange county, N. Y., 94 s. Albany, 285 W. The post office is in the village of Washingtonville. The surface of the t. is undulating, hilly or mountainous. Scunnemunk mt., a part of the Highlands, occupies the s. e. part. Drained by Murderer's cr. The soil is clay and sandy loam, and very productive. It has 10 sch. 484 scholars. Pop. 2,396.

Blooming Grove, p-o., Montgomery county, Tenn.

Blooming Grove, p-o., Franklin co., In., 79 s. e. Indianapolis, 525 w.

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Bloomington, p-v., capital of Monroe co., In., 49 s. w. Indianapolis, 616 W. The village contains the county buildings, 5 churches — 1 Associate Reformed, 1 Presbyterian, 1 New School Covenanters, 1 Methodist, and 1 Christian — the buildings of the Indiana University, a county female academy, 330 dwellings, and 1,550 inhabitants. The Indiana University was founded in 1827. It has a president and 4 professors, or other instructors, 50 students, and over 1,700 vols, in its libraries. Commencement, last Wednesday in September.

Bloomington, p-v., McLean co., Ill., 73 n. n. e. Springfield, 744 W. It is beautifully situated on the margin of a fine prairie, has 12 stores, a handsome academy, 2 churches — 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist. The surrounding country is delightful.

Bloomington, p-v., capital of Muscatine co., Iowa, 910 W. 320 above St. Louis. It is pleasantly situated on the w. bank of the Mississippi. Established in 1836. It has a courthouse which cost $13,000, a jail, 10 stores, 2 churches— 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist — and several mechanic shops. Pop. about 600.

Bloomington, p-v., capital of Macon co., Mo., 106 n. Jefferson city, 989 W. 6 e. Chariton river, and 2 w. of the e. fork of Chariton r. It has a court house and several dwellings.

Bloomington, p-o., Van Buren co., Ark., 110 N. Little Rock, 1,100 W.

Bloomington, t., Buchanan co., Mo. It has 1 school, 25 scholars. Pop. 922.

Blooming Valley, p-o., Crawford co., Pa., 240 N. w. Harrisburg, 313 W.

Bloomingville, p-v., Oxford t., Erie co., O., 121 n. by e. Columbus, 431 W. ,

Bloomsburg, p-v., Columbia co., Pa., 87 N. by E. Harrisburg, 197 W. It is pleasantly situated on the w. side of the e. or main branch of Susquehanna r. Pop. 600.

Bloomsburgh, p-v., Halifax co., Va., 140 s. w. by w. Richmond, 227 W.

Bloomsbury, p-v., Warren co., N. J., 43 n. n. w. Trenton, 202 W. It is pleasantly situated on both sides of Musconetcong cr., and lies partly in Hunterdon co. It contains a cotton fac, 1 oil m., several grist m., and 50 dwellings.

Bloomville, p-v., Delaware co., N. Y., 74 s. w. Albany, 344 W. It is on the w. branch of the Delaware r., and contains 1 Methodist church, 2 stores, 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 25 dwellings, and 150 inhabitants.

Bloomsville, p-o., Seneca co., O., 86 n. Columbus, 412 W.

Blossburg, p-v., Tioga county, Pa., 133 N. n. w. Harrisburg, 243 W. In its vicinity is the celebrated Blossburg coal mine, (bituminous.) A railroad connects this place with Corning, N. Y., whence there is a continuous lake and canal navigation to Albany.

Blount, county, Ala., in the middle of the n. part of the state, contains 1,650 sq. miles. Watered by the head waters of the Black Warrior r. The surface is uneven, and the soil indifferent. Capital, Blountsville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 8,045, sheep 2,040, swine 18,316; wheat 15,014 bushels produced, Ind. corn 249,631, oats 20,213, potatoes 6,824, tobacco 5,633 pounds, cotton 169,949; 11 stores, cap. 13,330; 5 tanneries, 8 distilleries, 8 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufactures $7,235. 8 sch. 154 scholars. Pop. 1830, 4,233; 1840, whites 5,225, slaves 344, free col'd 1; total, 5,570.

Blount, county, Tenn., in the e. part of the state, bordering on N. Carolina. It contains 900 sq. miles. The surface is broken, but the soil is fertile. Capital, Marysville. There were in 1810, neat cattle 11,053, sheep 11,068, swine 82,439; wheat, 95,239 bust), produced, Ind. corn 540,337, oats 131,465, potatoes 12,829, tobacco 10,059 pounds, cotton 27,23.), 9 stores, cap. 142,600; 2 forges, 1 cotton be. 204 sp., 13 tanneries, 13 distilleries, 14 flouring m., 14 grist m., 18 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $65,775. 1 college, 40 students. 1 acad, 25 students, 12 sch. 262 scholars. Pop. 1830, 11,028, whites 10,664, slaves 945, free col'd 136; total, 11,745.

Blount Springs, p-o., Blount co., Ala., 88 n. e. Tuscaloosa, 740 W.

Blountsville, p-o., Jones co., Ga., 16 w Milled geville, 661 W.

Blountsville, p-v., capital of Blount co., Ala., 104 n. e. Tuscaloosa, 734 W. Situated on the w. side of the Locust Fork of Black Warrior r. It contains 1 Methodist church, 1 academy, 2 stores, 25 dwellings, and about 400 inhabitants.

Blountsville, p-v., capital of Sullivan co., Tenn., 284 e. by n. Nashville, 3Ji W. It contains a court house and several dwellings.

Blountsville, p-v., Henry co., In., 72 e. by N. Indianapolis, 535 W .

Blue Ball, p-o., Lancaster co., Pa., 47 s. e. Harrisburg, 125 W.

Blue Ball, p-o , Cecil co., Md., 81 n. e. Annapolis, 91 W.

Blue Bell, p-o., Montgomery co., Pa., 95 e. Harrisburg, 158 W.

Blue Grass, p-o., Scott co., Iowa.

Blue Hill, p-t., Hancock co., Me., 75 e. Augusta, 12 e. by n. Castine, 671 W. The v. is situated on a bay, from which, between Burntcoat, Deer, and other islands and the main land, is a passage into the Penobscot bay. From a hill near the v. a beautiful view is presented of the surrounding country. It has 10 stores, cap. $13,050; 1 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 3 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $29,956. 1 acad. 72 students, 17 sch. 731 scholars. Pop. 1,891.

Blue House, p-o., Colleton dist., S. C, 111 s. by e. Columbia, 600 W.

Blue Island, p-o., Cook co., Ill., 200 n. n. e. Springfield, 735 W.

Blue Lick, p-o., Clarke co., In., 112 s. by E. Indianapolis, 613 W.

Blue Mountain, t., Izard co., Ark. Pop. 301.

Blue Ridge, or South Mountains, the eastern range of the Alleghany mountains, branching off from the main range in N. Carolina, crossing the state of Virginia, and extending to the Highlands on the Hudson r., N. Y. The peaks of Otter, the most elevated summits, are in Bedford co., Va., and the altitude of the eastern peak, measured from its base, is nearly 4,000 feet, 30 ms. w. by N. Lynchburg.

Blue Ridge, p-o., Botetourt co., Va.

Blue River, t., Hancock co., In. It has 1 store, cap. $2,000; 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 1 sch. 20 scholars. Pop. 731.

Blue River, p-o., Iowa co., Wis., 72 s. s. w. Madison, 904 W.

Blue River, t., Harrison co., In. It has 1 flouring m., 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Pop. 1,429.

Blue Rock, p-t., Muskingum co., O., 65 e. Columbus, 346 W. It lies on both sides of Muskingum r. It has 10 or 12 salt fac. Pop. 1,083.

Blue Spring, p-o., Stewart co., Tenn., 61 w. n. w. Nashville, 746 W.

Blue Spring Grove, p-o., Barren co., Ky., 110 s. s. w. Frankfort, 633 W.

Blue Stone, p-o., Tazewell co., Va., 279 w. by s. Richmond, 325 W.

Blue Sulphur Springs, p-o., Green Brier co., Va., 227 n. by w. Richmond, 264 W. These springs are much resorted to as a watering place They are 22 ms. w. of the White Sulphur Springs, which ore still more frequented. The buildings are of brick, pleasantly ranged round a square, and are sufficient to entertain very commodiously 400 persons. It occupies a valley, and is surrounded on 3 sides by mountains, presenting wild and picturesque scenery. There is no village, and only 3 families reside here. There is 1 store, and a Presbyterian church. These springs are useful in those complaints to which sulphurous waters are applicable.

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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