American History and Genealogy Project

Beaver County, PA to Belleview AL

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Beaver, County, Pa., in the w. part of the state, contains an area of 648 sq. ms. The surface is uneven, but the soil is fertile. Watered by the Ohio and Beaver rs. Capital, Beaver. There were in 1840, neat cattle 21,028, sheep 74,176, swine 33,355; wheat 326,663 bush, produced, rye 53,141, Ind. com 233,735, buckwheat 75,336, oats 515,985, potatoes 203,137, sugar 35,718 pounds, 436,915 bush, bituminous coal; 90 stores, cap. $201,870; 4 furnaces, 8 fulling m., 8 woollen fac, 2 cotton fac. 2,800 sp., 30 tanneries, 13 distilleries, 4 breweries, 5 potteries, 12 flouring ms., 60 grist m., 73 saw m., 3 oil m., 2 paper fac, 3 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers, 1 periodical. Cap. in manufac. $724,958. 5 acad. 154 students, 110 sch. 3,998 scholars. Pop. 1830, 24,206; 1840, 29,368.

Beaver, t., Crawford co., Pa., has 2 grist m., 3 saw m., 2 sch. 40 scholars. Pop. 734.

Beaver, p-b., capital of Beaver co., Pa., on the n. bank of Ohio r., at the mouth of Big Beaver r., 30 ms. below Pittsburg, by the course of the r., 227 n. by w. Harrisburg, 253 W. It is situated on a plain 3 ms. in length by 1 in breadth, and contains, around a public square, a court house, jail, 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist church, 1 acad. 28 students, 1 sch. 90 scholars. Pop. 551.

Beaver, t., Venango co., Pa., has 2 stores, cap. $7,000; 3 furnaces, 3 tanneries, 5 grist m., 9 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $16,300. 1 sch. 15 scholars. Pop. 1,611.

Beaver, t., Beaver co., Pa., has 22 stores, cap. $60,950; 2 furnaces, 3 tanneries, 2 breweries, 2 potteries, 1 grist m., 2 saw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $50,761. 1 sch. 90 scholars. Pop. 445.

Beaver, p-t., Pike co., O., 73 s. Columbus, 389 W. It is somewhat broken and hilly, but contains good farms. It has 2 stores, cap. $1,260; 1 grist m., 2 saw m., 6 sch. 108 scholars. Pop. 1,099.

Beaver, t., Union co., Pa., has 5 stores, cap. $14,000; 2 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 4 distilleries, 2 potteries, 6 grist m., 13 saw m. Pop. 2,609. Beaver, t., Columbiana co., O. It is a rich agricultural t., situated on the s. line of the co. 5 sch. 103 scholars. Pop. 1,973.

Beaver, t., Guernsey co., O. It is a wealthy township. Pop. 1,842.

Beaver, t., Boone co., Ill., has 3 sch. 37 scholars. Pop. 236.

Beaver Brook, p-o., Sullivan co., N. Y., 132 s. s. w. Albany, 292 W.

Beaver Creek, t., Green co., O., on the Little Miami. 2 stores, cap. $3,000; 1 woollen fac, 2 distilleries, 3 flouring m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $37,400. Pop. 1,767.

Beaver Creek, p-o., Washington co., Md., 103 n. w. Annapolis, 71 W.

Beaver Creek, p-o., Henry co., O., 139 n. w. Columbus, 484 W.

Beaver Creek, p-o., Surry co., N. C, 155 w. N. w.Raleigh, 343 W.

Beaver Creek, p-o., Anderson co., Ky., 27 s. w. Frankfort, 569 W.

Beaver Creek, p-o., Bond co., Ill., 84 s. Springfield, 768 W.

Beaver Dam. p-o., Ann Arundel co., Md., 18 Annapolis, 35 W.

Beaver Dam, p-o., Goochland co., Va., 24 w Richmond, 136 W.

Beaver Dam, p-o., Anson co., N.C., 161 s. w. Raleigh, 430 W.

Beaver Dam, t, Erie co., Pa., has 7 saw m Cap. in manufac. $2,700. 10 sch. 400 scholars. Pop. 1,081.

Beaver Dam, p-o., Union dist, S. C, 58 N. N. w. Columbia, 476 W.

Beaver Dam, p-o., Randolph co., Ala., 172 e. Tuscaloosa, 770 W.

Beaver Dam Depot, p-o., Hanover co., Va., 36 n. Richmond, 105 W.

Beaver Dam Forks, p-o. t Tipton co., Tenn., 176 w. s. w. Nashville, 879 W.

Beaver Islands, a group of 5 or 6 in number, in Lake Michigan. The largest, Big Beaver, contains 40 sq. ms.

Beaver Kill, p-o., Rockland t., Sullivan co., N. Y., 97 s. s. w. Albany, 326 W.

Beaver Meadow, p-o., Lausanne t., Northampton co., Pa., 102 n. E. Harrisburg, 210 W. This place furnishes excellent anthracite coal.

Beaver Ridge, p-o., Knox co., Tenn., 176 e. by s. Nashville, 521 W.

Beaver Town, p-v., Union co., Pa., 83 n. by w. Harrisburg, 174 W.

Beaver Valley, p-o., Columbia co., Pa., 92 N. by E. Harrisburg, 202 W.

Beccaria, t., Clearfield co., Pa. Pop. 309.

Beckarnsville, p-o., Chester dist., S. C, 52 n. by w. Columbia, 455 W.

Becket, p-t., Berkshire co., Ms., 118 w. Boston, 377 W. It is on high land, in the Green mountain range, suited to grazing. Incorporated, 1765. Several ponds in the t. have outlets, which flow into the Housatonic, Westfield, and Farmington rs. It has 3 stores, cap. $6,000; 1 fulling m., 2 grist m., 12 saw m. Cap. in manufactures $1,712. 9 sch. 335 scholars. Pop. 1,3-12.

Beckley, p-o., Fayette co., Va., 288 w. by n. Richmond, 325 W.

Beddington, t., Washington co., Me., has 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. 2,445. Lumber produced, $8,177. 2 sch. 40 scholars. Pop. 164.

Beddington, p-o., Berkley co., Va., 175 n. by w. Richmond, 83 W.

Bedford, county, Pa., in the s. part of the state, contains 1,612 sq. ms. It is a mountainous region, with fertile valleys. Watered by the branches of the Juniata and Potomac rs. It exports grain, live stock, and salted provisions. It also yields iron, and bituminous coal. Capital, Bedford. There were in 1840, neat cattle 53,213, sheep 82,055, swine 95,716; wheat 347,704 bush, produced, rye 295,051, Ind. corn 329,956, buckwheat 52,851, oats 591,371, potatoes 284,222; 40 stores, cap. $120,900; 9 furnaces, 11 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 22 tanneries, 9 distilleries, 1 powder in., 12 potteries, 19 flouring m., 12 grist m., 43 saw m., 2 printing offices. Cap. in manufac. $192,039. 3 acad. 99 students, 40 sch. 1,320 scholars. Pop. 1820, 20,248; 1830, 25,536; 1840, 29,335.

Bedford, county, Va., in the s. part of the state, contains 600 sq. ms. It occupies a high position on the e. of the Alleghany mountain range, having the peaks of Otter on the n. w. and James r. on the n. e. It is drained by Staunton river, Goose cr. and Otter cr., head branches of Roanoke r. The soil is very fertile, producing tobacco, Ind. corn, oats, &c, abundantly. Capital, Liberty. There were in 1840, neat cattle 16,200, sheep 14,793, swine 30,520; wheat 206,064 bush, produced, rye 7,358, Ind. corn 536,832, oats 285, 172, potatoes 22,364, hemp and flax 498 tons, tobacco 3,442,433 pounds, cotton 3,498; 9 stores, cap. $69,800; 6 tanneries, 13 distilleries, 4 flouring m., 20 grist m., 24 saw m. Cap in manufac. $10,550. 1 academy, 30 students, 8 schools, 167 scholars. Pop. 1830, 20,253; 1840, whites 11,016, slaves 8,864, free col'd 323; total, 20,203.

Bedford, county, Tenn., in the central part of (con't)

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the state, contains 600 sq. ms. Drained by Duck r. and branches. Surface undulating, soil fertile. Capital, Shelbyville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 18,920, sheep 20,953, swine 84,685; wheat 94 631 bush, produced, rye 5,754, Ind. corn 1,248,965, oats 153,513, potatoes 9,837, tobacco 171,339 pounds, cotton 174,733; 24 stores, cap. $184,550; 10 tanneries, 64 distilleries, 2 rope fac, 7 flouring m., 25 grist m., 20 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $87,865. 4 acad. 215 students, 34 sch. 1,398 scholars. Pop. 1830, 30,396; 1840, whites 16,192, slaves 4,295, free col'd 59; total, 20,546.

Bedford, p-t., Hillsboro co., N. H., 21 s. by e. Concord, 460 W. Watered by the Merrimac and Piscataquoag rs. Incorporated, 1750. The t. has some rich land on its streams. Its mineral productions are very various, and some iron ore is found. A considerable brook falls 200 feet in 100 yds., and is a curiosity. It has 4 stores, cap. 7,500; 2 tanneries, 5 grist m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $22,152. 13 sch. 541 scholars. Pop. 1,555.

Bedford, p-t., Middlesex co., Ms., 15 n. w. Boston, 455 W. Shawsheen r. rises here, and furnishes mill seats. Incorporated in 1729, as a part of Concord and Billerica. It has 3 stores, cap. $5,500; 5 forges, 2 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $14,700. 5 sch. 297 scholars. Pop. 929. Bedford, p-v., and capital, with White Plains, of Westchester co., N. Y., 125 s. Albany, 270 W. In the v. are a court house, 2 churches, a female seminary, 3 stores, and 40 dwellings. Pop. 250. In the t. are 7 stores, cap. $21,000; 2 fulling m., 7 grist m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $27,230. 3 acad. 80 students, 17 sch. 788 scholars. Pop. 2,822.

Bedford, p-t., Cuyahoga co., O., 12 s. e. Cleveland, 149 n. w. Columbus, 347 W. Situated on Tinkers cr. The chief article of export is lumber. It has 3 stores, cap. $7,200; 1 flouring m., 1 grist m., 6 saw m., 10 sch. 469 scholars. Pop. 1,244.

Bedford, p-t., Calhoun co., Mich., 124 w. Detroit, 589 W. On the Kalamazoo r. It has 2 saw m., 2 sch. 44 scholars. Pop. 220.

Bedford, p-b., Bedford t., capital of Bedford co., Pa., 200 w. Philadelphia, 103 s. w. by w. Harrisburg, 129 W. It was organized in 1771. It stands on the site of an old fort, and has a pleasant situation, on a rise of land, in the midst of a mountain valley. It is celebrated for its mineral springs, which contain carbonic acid, magnesia, sulphate of lime, muriate of soda, carbonate of iron, lime, &c, useful in chronic dis eases, and possess laxative and sudorific powers. They are much resorted to, and respectable accommodations are provided for visiters. It has 3 sch. 21 scholars. Pop. 1,022.

Bedford, t., Bedford co., Pa. Watered by Roystown branch of Juniata r., and several crs. Bedford springs are a celebrated watering place. It has 1 store, cap. $4,000; .1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 1 distillery, 1 pottery, 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $7,150. 1 acad. 40 students, 2 sch. 50 scholars. Pop. 1,721.

Bedford, p-v., and capital of Trimble co., Ky., 41 s. w. by w. Frankfort, 572 W. It has a court house, academy, and Methodist church. Pop. 148. One mile from the village is a mineral spring, charged with Epsom salts and sulphur, and respectable accommodations are provided for visiters, who are numerous.

Bedford, p-v., and capital of Lawrence co., In., 71 s. w. Indianapolis, 621 W. Situated 3 ms. n. of the e. fork of White river. It has a court house and several dwellings.

Bedford, p-o., Warren co., Ill., 103 n. w. Springfield, 860 W

Bedford, p-o., Assumption par., La., 98 w. N. Orleans, 1,270 W.

Bedford, t., Monroe co., Mich. It has 1 store, 1 grist m., 3 saw m., 2 sch. 67 scholars. Pop. 499.

Bedford, t., Coshocton co., O., 60 n. e. Columbus. It has 2 stores, cap. $2,000; 1 saw m. Pop. 1,141.

Bedford, t., Meigs co., O. Watered by Shade r. Soil, indifferent. 8 sch. 158 scholars. Pop. 567.

Bedminster, t., Somerset co., N. J., 8 n. w. Somerville. Surface hilly; soil lime, clay, and red shale, well cultivated and fertile. It has 1 Dutch Reformed church, 6 stores, cap. $21,000; 5 saw m., 6 grist m., 2 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 9 schools, 254 scholars. Pop. 1830, 1,453; 1840, 1,589.

Bedminster, t., Bucks co., Pa. It has the Tohicton cr. on the northern boundary, and contains 3 stores, cap. $9,500; 2 tanneries, 3 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,500. Pop. 1,640.

Beech Bluff, p-o., Marion co., Ill., 166 s. by e. Springfield, 772 W.

Beech Grove, p-o., Marshall co., Ala., 127 n. e. Tuscaloosa, 711 W.

Beech Grove, p-o., Coffee co., Tenn., 55 s. e. Nashville, 665 W.

Beech Grove, p-o., Rush co., In., 33 s. E. Indianapolis, 545 W.

Beech Hill, p-o., Livingston par., La., 87 n. w. N. Orleans, 1,174 W.

Beech Park, p-o., Gallatin co., Ky., 44 n. Frankfort, 542 W.

Beech River, p-o., Perry co., Tenn., 103 w. s. w. Nashville, 787 W.

Beechy Mire, p-o., Preble co., O., 107 w. by s. Columbus, 500 W.

Bee Creek Mills, p-o., Platte co., Mo.

Beekman, p-t., Dutchess co., N. Y., 14 s. e. Poughkeepsie, 87 s. Albany, 307 W. Surface hilly; soil, rich gravelly loam. Drained by Fishkill r. and its branches. It has 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist church, and 1 Friends' meeting house. Great Pond covers 300 acres, and flows into Fishkill r. It has 6 stores, cap. $23,000; 1 fulling m., 1 furnace, 1 tannery, 3 flouring m., 3 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $32,600. 1 sch. 52 scholars. Pop. 1,400.

Beekman's Mills, p-o., Somerset co., N. J., 26 n. by e. Trenton, 196 W.

Beekmantown, p-t., Clinton co., N. Y., 8 n. Plattsburg, 169 n. Albany, 544 W. It extends 37 ms. across the co. Chazy and Chateaugay lakes, from which flow streams constituting the head waters of rivers of the same name, lie in the w. part of the t. It has 1 store, cap. $2,000; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac, 1 furnace, 4 tanneries, 4 grist m., 14 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $41,350. 11 sch. 320 scholars. Pop. 2,769.

Beelersville, v., Carroll county, Ark., near Crooked cr. 5 ms. s. are White Sulphur Springs, valued for their medicinal properties.

Beeler's Station, p-o., Marshall co., Va., 12 Wheeling, 351 n. w. by w. Richmond, 256 W.

Beemerville, p-o., Sussex county, N. J., 84 n. Trenton, 253 W.

Beeson's Store, p-o., Highland co., O., 69 s. w. Columbus, 442 W.

Belair, p-v., and capital of Harford co., Md., 22 Baltimore, 53 n. by e. Annapolis, 63 W. It has a court house, jail, and Methodist church, an academy and a female seminary, and 150 inhabitants.

Belair, p-v., Lancaster dist., S. C, 90 n. by e. Columbia, 416 W.

Belair, p-o., Richmond co., Ga., 85 e. by n. Milledgeville, 586 W.

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Belchertown, p-t., Hampshire co., Mass., 11 E. Northampton, 78 w. Boston, 382 W. Incorporated 1761. It has a good soil, and is well cultivated. The v. contains 3 churches — 2 Congregational, and 1 Baptist — 40 dwellings, and several stores. There are in the t. 5 stores, cap. $11,000; 5 grist m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $36,700. 1 acad. 41 students, 17 sch. 763 scholars. Pop. 2,554.

Belew's Creek, p-o., Stokes co., N. C, 102 N. w. Raleigh, 305 W.

Belfast, p-t., seaport, port of entry, and capital of Waldo co., Me., 43 e. Augusta, 637 W. It is beautifully situated at the head of Belfast Bay, on the w. side of Penobscot river, 30 miles from the ocean. Incorporated in 1773. A small river passes near the centre of the town, over which is an extensive bridge. It has a spacious and safe harbor, rarely obstructed by ice, and sufficiently deep for vessels of the largest class. It is extensively engaged in foreign and coasting trade, in the fisheries and in ship building. Its principal exports are lumber and fish. Its tonnage in 1840, was 38,218. As the river above it freezes, Belfast forms the principal mart of the winter trade of Penobscot r. It has 42 stores, cap. $110,000; 2 fulling m., 4 tanneries, 2 grist m., 5 saw m., 1 printing office, and 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $32,300. 1 academy, 40 students, 21 schools, 1,217 scholars. Pop. 1810, 1,259; 1820,2,026; 1830,3,077; 1840,4,186.

Belfast, t., Bedford co., Pa. It has 2 stores, cap. $S00; 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,915. Pop. 720.

Belfast, p-t., Alleghany co., N. Y., 268 w. Albany, 341 W. The surface is rolling; soil, sandy loam. Watered by Genesee river and its tributaries. The Genesee Valley canal here leaves the river, and passes in a s. w. direction up the valley of Black cr. It has 6 stores, cap. $6,450; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 1 ropewalk, 2 grist m., 13 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $14,850. 2 sch. 144 scholars. Pop. 1,646.

Belfast, p-o., Northampton co., Pa., 112 n. e. Harrisburg, 205 W.

Belfast, p-o., Clermont co., O., 105 e. Columbus, 476 W.

Belfast, p-o., Marshall co., Tenn., 61 s. Nashville, 703 W.

Belford, p-v., Nashville county, N. C, 51 e. Raleigh, 247 W.

Belfort, p-o., Crogan t., Lewis co., N. Y., 150 N. w. Albany, 449 W.

Belgrade, p-t., Kennebec county, Me., 11 N. Augusta, 606 W. On the borders of this t. are 3 large and beautiful ponds or lakes, connected together, the outlet of which enters the Kennebec at Waterville. Incorporated 17%. It has 4 stores, cap. $6,000; 1 tannery, 3 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,000. 1 acad. 20 students, 19 sch. 845 scholars. Pop. 1,748.

Belgrade Mills, p-v., Kennebec co., Me., 17 n. Augusta, 610 W., is a flourishing village in Belgrade t.

Belham, p-o., Goochland co., Va., 35 w. by n. Richmond, 125 W.

Belknap, county, N. H., in the s. E. part of the state, contains 8 townships., It has Winnipisseogee Lake, on its n. e. border, and Squam Lake on its n. boundary. Pemigewasset river runs on its w. boundary. Capital, Ossipee. Organized since the census of 1840. (Taken from Strafford county.)

Bell, t., Clearfield co., Pa. Pop. 301.

Bell Air, p-o., Belmont co., Ohio.

Bell Air, depot, 10 w. Augusta, on the Georgia railroad.

Bell Brook, p-o., Greene co., O. 70 s. w. Columbus, 463

Bellefontaine, p-v., Lake t., and capital of Logan co., O., 18 n. Urbanna, 69 n. w. Columbus, 456 W. Incorporated in 1890. It has a court house, jail, 2 brick churches, 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist; 5 stores, 3 tanneries, 1 pottery, 1 printing office, which issues a weekly newspaper, and over 50 dwellings.

Bellefontaine, v., St. Louis county, Mo., on the s. bank of Missouri r., near its junction with the Mississippi.

Bellefontaine, p-o., Choctaw county, Miss., 120 n. n. e. Jackson, 935 W.

Bellefonte, p-b., and capital of Centre co., Pa., 85 n. w. Harrisburg, 117 W. Situated on Spring cr., a branch of Bald Eagle r. It is the centre of an extensive iron trade. Bald Eagle and Spring Creek canal connects it with West Branch canal. It contains 4 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist, 1 Roman Catholic, 1 Moravian, an academy, and 130 dwellings; 8 stores, cap. $29,250; 1 fulling m., 1 woollen fac., 2 tanneries, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $16,900. 1 acad. 25 students, 4 sch. 120 scholars. Pop. 1830, 698; 1840, 1,032.

Bellefonte, p-v., capital of Jackson co., Ala., 166 n. e. Tuscaloosa, 667 W. On Paint Rock r. 2 ms. w. of Tennessee r. It has 2 churches, 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist, 2 academies, 12 stores, 50 dwellings, and 400 inhabitants.

Bellefonte, p-o., Pulaski co., Mo., 81 s. Jefferson city, 996 W.

Bellehaven, p-o., Accomack co., Va., 175 e. by n. Richmond, 215 W.

Belle Isle, p-v., Camillus t., Onondaga co., N. Y., 137 w. by n. Albany, 354 W. It has 1 store and about 20 dwellings.

Bellemonte, p-v., Fayette co., Tenn., 195 s. w. Nashville, 884 W. It has 1 store and about 75 inhabitants.

Bellepoint, p-o., Delaware co., O., 32 n. Columbus, 416 W.

Bellerica, t., Washington co., Mo. Pop. 1,227.

Belle River, p-o., St. Clair co., Mick, 55 n. by e. Detroit, 579 W.

Belle, r., a small river of Lapeer and St. Clair cos., Mich., after a course of over 50 miles, enters St. Clair r. Navigable for batteaux, a short distance from its mouth.

Bellevernon, p-o., Fayette co., Pa., 197 w. s. w. Harrisburg, 219 W.

Belleview, p-o., Talbot co., Ga., 97 w. s. w. Milledgeville, 719 W.

Belleview, p-o., Christian co., Ky., 214 s. w. Frankfort, 741 W.

Belleview, p-v., Calhoun co., Ill., 85 s. w. Springfield, 859 W. Situated on a beautiful prairie, 6 miles long, and three fourths of a mile wide. It contains 1 sen. 21 scholars. Pop. 173.

Belleview, t., Washington co., Mo. Pop. 1,227.

Belleview, p-o., Lauderdale co., Ala., 124 n. Tuscaloosa, 763 W. Belleville, p-v., Ellisburgh t., Jefferson co., N. Y., 173 Albany, 403 W. It has a church, an academy, 4 stores, 1 grist m., 2 saw m., 1 clothier's works, and 50 dwellings. Pop. about 300. Belleville, p-v., Belleville t., Essex co., N. J., 31 n. E. Newark, 69 n. e. Trenton, 234 W. It is beautifully situated on the w. side of Passaic r. It extends 3 ms. along the river, and has 1 Dutch Reformed, 1 Methodist, and 1 Episcopal church, a boarding school and 200 dwellings. It has fine mill streams, and various mills and manufactories. The t. has 12 stores, cap. $22,250; 4 fulling m., 2 woollen fac, 1 cotton fee, 1,000 sp., 1 dyeing and printing estab., 1 paper fee, 2 flouring ms., 1 grist m. Cap. in manufac. $179,450. 7 schools, 316 scholars. Pop. 2,466

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Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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