American History and Genealogy Project

Boothsville VA to Bracken, County, KY

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Boothsville, p-o., Harrison co., Va., 270 n. W. Richmond, 218 W.

Booton, p-o., Genesee co., Mich., 67 n. n. w. Detroit, 589 W.

Booton's Tan Yard, p-o., Madison co., Va., 92 n. w. Richmond, 104 W.

Bordeaux, p-o., Abbeville dist., S. C, 105 n. by w. Columbia, 553 W.

Bordeaux, p-o., Avoyelles par., La.

Bordentown, p-b., Chesterfield t., Burlington co., N. J., 7 s. E. Trenton, 168 W. Situated on the E. bank of the Delaware r., built on a plain 65 feet above the surface of the r., and has 3 churches— 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist, 1 Friends — 5 stores, 200 dwellings, and about 1,800 inhabitants. The Camden and Amboy railroad passes through the place, by a viaduct beneath its principal streets. Incorporated in 1825. It is a very neat and healthy place. Joseph Bonaparte, (Count de Surveilliers,) chose it as the place of his residence while in the United States, and erected a splendid mansion, surrounded by extensive and highly ornamented grounds. This place is a favorite resort of the people of Philadelphia in the summer season. The outlet of the Delaware and Raritan canal is in front of the v.

Borden Spring, p-o., Lowndes co., Miss., 158 N. E. Jackson, 873 W.

Bordley, p-v., Union co., Ky., 224 s. of w. Frankfort, 765 W.

Borgne, lake or bay, connects with the Gulf of 3Iexico by Pascagoula sound, and on the n. w. with Lake Pontchartrain by two passes. It is about 40 ms. long and 15 broad.

Borodino, p-o., Spafford t., Onondaga co., N. Y., 150 w. by n. Albany, 339 W.

Borodino, p-o., Wayne co., Mich., 29 s. Detroit, 533 W.

Boscawen, p-t., Merrimac co., N. H., 9 n. w. Concord, 490 W. It is situated on the w. side of Merrimac r. Blackwater r. passes through the t., and affords fine mill seats. The surface is generally level, and the soil very fertile. Incorporated 1760. It has 5 stores, cap. $12,300; 1 fulling m., 3 tanneries, 3 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $13,350. 16 sch. 514 scholars. Pop. 1,965.

Bostwick's Mills, p-o., Richmond co., N. C, 122 s. w. by w. Raleigh, 396 W.

Boston City Mass

Boston, p-t., Erie co., N. Y., 18 s. w. Buffalo, 299 w. Albany, 362 W. The surface is undulating, and the soil clay and gravelly loam. Drained by Cauquaga cr. The v. is situated on Cauquaga cr., and has 1 Presbyterian and 1 Baptist church, 2 stores, 2 grist m., 2 saw m., 1 carding machine and clothier's works. Pop. of the v. 500, of the t. 1,745.

Boston, p-o., Culpepper co., Va.

Boston, p-t., Summit co., O., 139 n. e. Columbus, 343 W. Situated on the Ohio canal, 24 s. of Cleveland, by the course of the canal. The Cuyahoga r. passes through it, and affords mill seats. The soil is fertile, covered chiefly with a heavy growth of white oak. At the p-o. of the same name is a village, with 1 grist m., 1 saw m., 1 store, and 15 or 20 houses. At the centre of the town is another v., called Boston Centre or Peninsula, where are 1 Episcopal church, 2 stores, 2 saw m., 1 flouring m., and about 25 dwellings. The Presbyterians and Methodists have here places of worship. The Ohio canal here crosses the Cuyahoga r. in an aqueduct. There are in the t. 5 sch. 165 scholars. Pop. 815.

Boston, p-t., Ionia co., Mich., 146 n. w. Detroit, 621 W. Situated on Grand r. It has 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,500. Pop. 85.

Boston, p-t., Nelson co., Ky., 66 s. w. Frankfort, 608 W.

Boston, p-o., Marengo co., Ala., 70 & by. w. Tuscaloosa, 882 W.

Boston Corner, p-o., Berkshire co., Mass., 160 w. Boston, 338 W.

Boston, t., Franklin co., Ark. Pop. 224.

Bost's Mills, p-o., Cabarras co., N. C, 153 w. s. w. Raleigh, 392 W.

Botetourt, County, Va., s. of the middle of the state, w. of the Blue Ridge, contains 1,000 sq. ms. The surface is elevated, and in some parts mountainous. Drained by tributaries of James r. Capital, Fincastle. There were in 1840, neat cattle 9,231, sheep 13,254, swine 20,458; wheat 197,282 bush, produced, rye 21,971, Ind. corn 298,707, buckwheat 2,921, oats 185,016, potatoes 18,544, tobacco 707,885 pounds; 21 stores, cap. $151,900; 2 furnaces, 9 tanneries, 7 distilleries, 10 flouring m., 26 grist m., 33 saw m., 3 oil m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $22,650. Pop. 1830, 16,354; 1840, whites 8,357, slaves 2,925, free col'd 377: total, 11,679.

Botetourt Springs, p-v., Roanoke co., Va., 186 w. by s. Richmond, 238 W.

Bottle Hill, v., Chatham l, Morns co., N. J., 57 n. by e. Trenton, 223 W. It has 3 stores, 1 Presbyterian church, an academy, and 40 dwellings.

Bouche Saline, p-o., Cole co., Mo., 48 w. Jefferson city, 984 W.

Bouckville, p-o., Madison t., Madison co., N. Y., 97 w. Albany, 363 W.

Bourbon, County, Ky., toward the n. e. part of the state, contains 225 sq. ms. Drained by the S. Fork of Licking r. The soil is very fertile. Capital, Paris. There were in 1840, neat cattle 16,748, sheep 23,719, swine 43,148; wheat 90,099 bushels produced, rye 121,817, Ind. corn 1,256,436, oats 157,822, potatoes 15,485, tobacco 4,361 pounds, sugar 37,159; 34 stores, cap. $338,550; 1 fulling m., 3 woollen fac, 1 cotton fac. 1,320 sp., 13 distilleries, 6 rope fac, 1 flouring m., 8 grist m., 7 saw m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $112,120. 6 acad. 201 students, 26 sch. 709 scholars. Pop. 1830, 18,436; 1840, whites 7,845, slaves 6,325, free col'd 308; total, 14,478.

Bound Brook, p-v., Bridgewater t, Somerset co., N. J., 33 n. by e. Trenton, 200 W. It has 1 Presbyterian church, an academy, 4 stores, 1 grist m., and about 50 dwellings. The Delaware and Raritan canal passes near the village. Bounty Land, p-o., Pickens district, S. C. Bourbon, t., Calloway co., Mo. It has 3 sch. 65 scholars. Pop. 1,100.

Bourneville, p-v., Twin t., Ross CO., O., 63 s. Columbus, 413 W.

Bournsburgh, p-v., Randolph co., Mo., 75 n. by w. Jefferson city, 964 W.

Bovey, t., St. Genevieve co., Mo. 1 acad. 20 students, 1 sch. 20 scholars. Pop. 462.

Bovina, p-t., Delaware co., N. Y., 10 e. Delhi, 76 s. s. w. Albany, 350 W. The surface is hilly, and the soil well adapted to grazing. Drained by Little Delaware r. It has 4 stores, cap. $10,800; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 3 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,250. 13 sch. 478 scholars. Pop. 1,403.

Bovina, p-o. Warren co., Miss., 34 w. Jackson, 1,044 W.

Bovina Centre, p-o., Bovina t., Delaware co., N. Y., 76 s. s. w. Albany, 350 W.

Bow, p-t., Merrimac co., N. H., 7 s. Concord, 477 W. It lies w. of Merrimac r. The soil is uneven and hard, but fertile with good cultivation. Drained by Turkey r., which here enters the Merrimac. Bow canal along Bow falls, in the Merrimac, is I of a mile long, with 4 locks, which overcome a fall of 25 feet, finished in 1812, and cost $25,000. There are in the t., 1 store, cap. $500; 1 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $7,600. 12 sch. 262 scholars. Pop. 1,001.

Bowdoin, p-t, Lincoln co., Me., 17 w. Wiscasset, 18 s. s. w. Augusta, 577 W. Incorporated 1788. It has 3 stores, cap. $2,000; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 3 grist m. Cap. in manufac. $4,165. 18 sch. 849 scholars. Pop. 2,073.

Bowdoinham, p-t., Lincoln co., Me., 21 s. by w. Augusta, 12 n. Bath, 579 W. It lies on the w. side of Kennebec r. It carries on the lumber trade and ship building to a considerable extent. Incorporated in 1762. It has several com. houses, cap. $61,476; 14 ret. stores, cap. $52,000; 1 grist (con't)

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m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $57,975. 18 sch. 976 scholars. Pop. 2,402.

Bowen, t., Madison co., Ark. Pop. 453.

Bowers, p-o., Southampton co., Va., 78 s. by K. Richmond, 197 W.

Bowers Store, p-o., Ashe co., N. C.

Bowersville, p-v., Franklin co., Ga., 124 N. Milledgeville, 595 W.

Bowers, p-o., Fluvanna co., Va.

Bowles, t., Franklin co., Mo. It has 5 sch. 90 scholars. Pop. 1,449.

Bowling Green, p-o., Plain t., Wood co., O., 115 n. n. w. Columbus, 469 W.

Bowling Green, p-v., capital of Caroline co., Va., 40 n. Richmond, 80 W. It is built round a beautiful green, ornamented with trees and shrub- bery. It has a neat court house, and other county buildings, 1 Episcopal and 1 Reformed Baptist church, about 40 dwellings, and 250 inhabitants,

Bowling Green, p-v., capital of Warren co., Ky., 144 s. w. Frankfort, 668 W. Situated on Big Barren r., a branch of Green r., at the head of slack-water navigation, accessible by steamboats of 200 tons, throughout the year. It is 180 ms. from the Ohio, by the course of the r. It has a large brick court house, a college, a female seminary, 3 churches — 1 Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist — 12 or 14 stores, and many mechanic shops. It has considerable trade, and the principal article of export is tobacco. Pop. 1,400. Bowling Green, t., Licking co., O. It has 1 sch. 25 scholars. Pop. 1,464.

Bowling Green, p-v., capital of Clay co., In., 60 s. by w. Indianapolis, 631 W. It is situated on Eel r., a branch of White r. It has a court house, several stores and dwellings. In the t. there are 7 stores, cap. $29,750; 2 tanneries, 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. 9,755. 1 acad. 45 students, 2 sch. 105 scholars. Pop. 235.

Bowling Green, t., Pettis co., Mo. Pop. 410.

Bowling Green, p-o., Fayette co., Ill., 80 s. s. e. Springfield, 742 W.

Bowling Green, p-v., Oglethorpe co., Ga., 63 n. n. e. Milledgeville, 596 W.

Bowling Green, t., Marion co., O., on the s. side of Scioto r. It contains 2 sch. 60 scholars. Pop. 324.

Bowling Green, p-o., Pike co., Mo., 76 n. e. Jefferson city, 880 W.

Bowman's Creek, p-o., Luzerne co., Pa., 139 N. N. e. Harrisburg, 248 W.

Bowman's Mills, p-o., Rockingham co., Va., 144 n. w. Richmond, 127 W.

Bowmansville, p-o., Lancaster co., Pa.

Bowshersville, p-o., Crawford co., O., 61 n. Columbus, 424 W.

Boxborough, p-t., Middlesex co., Ms., 28 n. w. by w. Boston, 476 W. Incorporated, 1783. Situated between Concord and Nashua rivers. It has some manufactures of shoes, palm-leaf hats, and straw bonnets. Hops are extensively cultivated. It contains 1 Congregational church.

Boxford, p-t., Essex co., Ms., 29 n. by e. Boston, 13 s. w. Newburyport, 469 W. The surface is uneven, and the soil indifferent, but well cultivated. It has 1 Congregationalist and 1 Unitarian church. It has 3 stores, cap. $1,600; 1 cotton fac. 488 sp., 1 tannery, 4 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $9,800. 6 sch. 205 scholars. Pop. 942.

Boxley, p-o., Hamilton co., In., 40 n. by e. Indianapolis, 578 W.

Boxville, p-v., Montgomery co., Ga., 129 s.s. E. Milledgeville, 740 W,

Boyd's, p-o., Columbiana co., O., 150 n. e. Columbus, 294 w.

Boyd's, p-o., Henry co., In.

Boyd's Creek, p-o., Sevier co., Tenn., 225 e. by s. Nashville, 502 w.

Boyd's Stork, p-o., Polk co., Mo., 145 s. w. Jefferson city, 1,081 W.

Boyd's Tavern, p-o., Albemarle co., Va., 74 w. n. w. Richmond, 123 W.

Boydstown, p-t., Penobscot co., Me., 101 n. e. Augusta, 696 W.

Boydsville, p-o., Weakly co., Tenn., 118 w. by n. Nashville, 804 W.

Boydton, p-v., capital of Mecklenburg co., Va., 109 s. s. w. Richmond, 222 W. It contains a court house and other co. buildings, 2 churches — 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist — 4 stores, various mechanic shops, and 80 or 90 dwellings. Randolph Macon College, chiefly under the direction of the Methodists, is situated 1 m. w. It was founded in 1832, has a president, and 5 professors or other instructors, and 98 students. The commencement is on the 3d Wednesday in June.

Boyerstown, p-o., Berks co., Pa., 69 e. by N. Harrisburg, 162 W.

Boykin's Depot, p-o., Southampton co., Va., 84 s. by e. Richmond, 203 W.

Boyle, County, Ky. Taken principally from Mercer co. in 1842. Situated in the central part of the state, and contains 175 sq. ms. Drained by head branches of Salt r., and by branches of Dick's r. The soil is very fertile. Capital, Danville. Boylston, p-t., Worcester co., Ms., 39 w. Boston, 408 W. Watered by Nashua r. Incorporated, 1786. It has some manufactures, and 5 sch. 264 scholars. Pop. 797.

Boylston, t., Oswego co., N. Y., 140 n. w. Albany. The surface is hilly and rough; soil, fertile gravelly loam. Drained by Little Sandy and Trout crs. It has 1 saw m., 6 sch. 150 scholars. Pop. 481.

Boyle's Store, p-o., Stokes co., N. C, 142 w. n. w. Raleigh, 313 W.

Bozrah, p-t., New London co., Ct., 33 e. s. e. Hartford, 359 W. Watered by Yantic r., which affords water power. The soil is a fertile gravelly loam. In July, 1799, a terrible hail storm passed over it, destroying the crops, and demolishing the glass in houses. Some of the stones measured 6 inches in circumference. It has 2 flourishing manufacturing villages. It contains 1 Congregational, 1 Baptist, and 1 Methodist church, and has 4 stores, cap. $2,000; 2 cotton fac. 5,484 sp., 2 tanneries, 3 grist m., 4 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $81,700. 6 schools, 288 scholars. Pop. 1,067.

Bozrahville, p-v., Bozrah t., New London co., Ct., 31 e. s. E. Hartford, 355 W.

Braceville, p-t., Trumbull co., O., 164 n. e. Columbus, 310 W. It is a good grazing town, and has some fine dairies.

Brackabeen, p-v., Fulton t., Schoharie co., N. Y., 45 w. Albany, 381 W. It has 1 Dutch Reformed church, 3 stores, 2 grist m., 1 saw m., 1 tannery, and 12 or 15 dwellings.

Bracken, County, Ky ., in the n. e. part of the state, on the Ohio r., contains 220 sq. ms. Drained on the s. by the n. branch of Licking r. The surface is broken, but the soil productive. Capital, Augusta. There were in 1840, neat cattle 4,953, sheep 7,963, swine 13,865; wheat 183,569 bush, produced, rye 8,531, Ind. corn 282,018, barley 1,335, oats 76,425, potatoes 6,121, tobacco 343,485 pounds, sugar 4,466; 13 stores, capital $86,200; llumber yard, cap. $1,200; 1 woollen fac, 4 tanneries, 3 distilleries, 4 flouring mills, 7 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $32,390.

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Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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