Armstrong PA to Atlantic, County, N J
Armstrong, t., Indiana county, Pa. The
surface is level; soil, clay and gravel. Drained by Crooked cr.
It contains 3 stores, cap. $4,500; 3 tanneries, 3 distilleries,
3 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $13,260. 2 sch. 76 schol.
Pop. 1,054.
Armstrong, p-o., Wabash co., Ill., 176 s. e. Springfield, 708 W.
Armstrong's Mills, p-o., Belmont co., Ohio, 131 e. Columbus, 292
Armutchee, p-o., Floyd co., Ga., 174 n. w. Milledgeville, 659 W.
Arneytown, p-v., Hanover t, Burlington co., N. J., 15 s. E.
Trenton, 176 W. It contains a large Friends' meeting-house, 1
store, and 15 dwellings.
Arnheim, p-o., Brown co., Ohio, 97 s. s. w. Columbus, 464 W.
Arnoldsburgh, p-o., Kanawha co., Va., 352 w. N. w. Richmond, 320
Arnoldtown, p-v., Campbell co., Va., 138 w. by s. Richmond, 213
Aroostook, co., Me., in the n. e. part of the state, is a long
co., extending to the Canada line, and unsettled in its n. part.
Watered by Madawaska r., Aroostook r., and Matawamkeag r., and
branches. Its waters flow partly into St. John's r., and partly
into the Penobscot. There were in 1840, neat cattle 6,109, sheep
9,905, swine 4,303; wheat 41,982 bush, produced, oats 36,518,
buckwheat 21,912, potatoes 108,554; 20 stores, cap. $13,029; 2
tanneries, 2 flouring m., 13 grist m., 13 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $12,800. 28 sch. 1,150 scholars. Pop. 9,413.
Aroostook r., Me., rises in the e. part of Piscataquis co.,
separated by high lands from the head waters of the Penobscot,
which are not more than 20 miles distant. Several ponds connect
with its head waters; its course is circuitous, to the n. e. and
e. until it falls into the St. John's in New Brunswick. A road
passes from Bangor to Fort Fairfield on this river, near the E.
boundary of the United States. The lands on this r. are very
fertile, and are said to equal the best lands in the state of
N.Y. for the culture of wheat.
Arrow Rock, p-v., Saline co., Mo., 72 n.w. Jefferson city, 986
W. It is situated on the s. side of the Missouri r., on a high
bluff, with a good landing. Here is a ferry across the Missouri
r. It is surrounded by a fertile country.
Arthursburg, p-o., La Grange t., Dutchess co., N. Y., 83 s.
Albany, 310 W.
Asbury, p-v., Mansfield t., Warren co., N. J., 42 n. Trenton,
202 W. It has 1 Methodist church. 2 grist m., 1 saw m., 1 oil
m., 1 woollen factory, 3 stores, and about 30 dwellings.
Asbury, p-o., Perry co., O., 46 E. s. e. Columbus, 357 W.
Asbury, p-o., Fayette co., Ala., 52 n. w. Tuscaloosa, 854 W.
Ascension, parish, La., in the middle of the s E. part of the
state, on both sides of the Mississippi r. The surface is level,
and is overflowed in the annual inundation of the river, the
banks of which constitute the highest land in the parish. The La
Fourche, one of the outlets of the Mississippi, passes off at
Donaldsonville, in this parish The principal settlement is on
the borders of the river, where the land is also best for
cultivation, which is chiefly devoted to sugar and cotton. It
also produces oranges, figs, peaches, plums, &c. in abundance.
Capital, Donaldsonville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 3,815,
sheep 3,845, swine 1,082, Ind. corn 280,725 bush, produced,
potatoes 750, cotton 1,028,050 pounds, sumir 13,568,000; 20 for.
and commission houses, cap. $280,000; 78 ret. stores, cap
$50,000; 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $50,000. 3 acad. 56 students,
2 com. sch. 69 scholars. Pop. 1830, 5,426; 1840, whites 2,255,
slaves 4,553, free colored 143; total, 6,951.
Ascutney mountain, Windsor co., Vt., lies between Windsor and
Weathersfield. It is elevated above Connecticut r., at Windsor,
2,903 feet, and 3,320 feet above the level of the ocean. Its
basis is granite, and it has but little vegetation. It is 5
miles w. of Connecticut r., and 5 s. w. Windsor v. The prospect
from the summit is very extensive and beautiful.
Ash, t., Monroe co., Mich. Pop. 949.
Ashborough, p-o., Randolph co., N. C, 72 w. Raleigh, 329 W.
Ashburnham, p-t., Worcester co., Mass., 53 N. w. Boston, 426 W.
It is watered by the head branches of Miller's, Nashua, and
Souhegan rs., issuing from ponds. Miller's river flows into the
Connecticut, and the others into the Merrimac. The surface is
uneven, the soil fertile, particularly in grass, and the forest
trees are large. Great and Little Wetatick mts. are in the town,
the former in the n. e., the latter s. w. of them. It contains 5
stores, cap. $11,700; 1 cotton fac. 784 sp., value of manufac.
articles $16,000; 3 tanneries, 3 grist m., 18 saw m. Cap. in
manufac. $48,250; 10 sch. 549 scholars. Pop. 1,652.
Ashby, p-t., Middlesex co., Ms., 47 n. n. w Boston, 443 W. It
borders on the line of N. H. Surface moderately uneven, and the
soil is good, particularly for grazing. A head branch of Nashua
r. furnishes good water power. It has 4 stores, cap. $5,000; 1
tannery, 2 grist m., 7 saw m. Cap in manufac. $2,100. 1 acad. 50
students, 9 sch. 375 scholars. Pop. 1,246.
Ashe, county, N. C, in the n. w. part of the state. It is an
elevated table land, between Bald mt. and Blue Ridge. It has an
area of 840 sq. miles, and is drained by the head waters of
Great Kenawha and Holston rivers. The surface is rough, and the
soil moderately good. Capital, Jeffersonton. There were in 1840,
neat cattle, 13,611, sheep 16,522, swine 24,071; wheat 10,836
bushels produced, rye 17,805, Ind. corn 150,279, oats 108,505,
potatoes 57,982, sugar 16,193 pounds, wool 22,202; 8 stores,
capital $48,000 : 3 tanneries, 97 distill., 57 grist m., 20 saw
m., 2 sch. 58 schools. Pop. 1830,6,991; 1840, whites 6,911,
slaves 497, free colored 59; total, 7,467.
Ashfield, p t., Franklin county, Ms., 108 w. Boston, 403 W. The
land is elevated, and drained by branches of Deerfield and
Westfield rivers. Incorporated in 1764. It has 4 stores, capital
$18,300; 3 fulling m., 2 woollen fac, 2 tanneries, 1 grist m.,
10 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $7,000, 13 sch. 366 scholars. Pop.
Ashford, p-t., Windham co., Ct., 32 E. Hartford, 368 W. The
surface is rough and stony, but well adapted to grazing. Several
small streams afford good water power. Incorporated in 1714. It
contains 12 stores, cap. $20,250; 2 woollen fac, 1 tannery, 2
grist m., 8 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $84,400. 1 acad. 32
students, 18 sch. 817 scholars. Pop. 2,651. ^ t w one
Ashford, p-t., Cattaraugus co., N. Y., 295 w. by s. Albany, 345
W. The surface is undulating, the soil clay loam; and it is
drained by Cattaraugus cr. and its tributaries. It has 1 store,
cap $2,000. 1 fulling m., 1 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap in manufac.
$4,000. It has 10 sch. 346 scholars. Pop. 1,469.
Page 40
Ashland, p-o., Bertie co., N. C. Ashland, p-o., Union co., Ky.,
224 w. s. w. Frankfort, 765 W.
Ashland, p-v., Richland co., O., 79 n. w. Columbus, 368 W. It
has 6 stores, 2 churches, 1 Methodist and 1 Presbyterian, and 70
dwellings. Pop. about 500.
Ashland, p-o., Wayne co., Tenn., 88 s. w. Nashville, 765 W.
Ashley, p-o., Pike co., Mo., 69 n. e. Jefferson city, 887 W.
Ashleysville, p-o., Hampden co., Ms., 97 w. Boston, 367 W.
Ashport, p-v., Lauderdale co., Tenn. It is on the E. side of the
Mississippi, near the lower end of the Canadadian reach. It has
several warehouses, and a steam mill. Pop. about 200.
Ashtabula, county, O., in the n. w. part of the state, on Lake
Erie. It is drained by Grand and Ashtabula rs., and Conneaut
cr., which enter Lake Erie, and by the head waters of Chenango
cr., which enters Big Beaver r. and passes into the Ohio. It
must therefore occupy the height of land between Lake Erie and
the Ohio. The soil is generally good. It was organized in 1811.
Capital, Jefferson. There were in 1840, neat cattle 30,019,
sheep 39,633, swine 13,143; wheat 105,693 bush, produced, rye
4,229, Ind. corn 171,576, buckwheat 4,495, oats 142,256,
potatoes 156,395, tobacco 53,975 pounds, sugar 148,563, silk
cocoons 260; 6 com. mer. houses, cap. $6,000; 66 ret. stores,
cap. $122,500; 16 fulling m., 4 woollen fac, 4 furnaces, 29
tanneries, 4 distilleries, 34 grist m., 72 saw m., 1 oil m., 2
printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac.
$151,600. 4 acad, 421 students, 133 sch. 5,769 scholars. Pop.
Ashtabula, v., is in the n. e. part of Ashtabula co., on the
Ashtabula r., near its entrance into Lake Erie, 191 n. e.
Columbus. There are 2 churches and 10 stores.
Ashville, C. H., p-v., and capital of Buncombe co., N. C, 256 w.
Raleigh, 486 W. It is situated on French Broad r. Contains a
court house and several stores and dwellings.
Ashville, C. H., p-v., and capital of St. Clair co., Ala., 90 n.
e. Tuscaloosa. Situated on the s. e. side of Canoe cr. It
contains a court house and several dwellings.
Ashuelot, r., Cheshire co., N. H. It enters the Connecticut a
little above the Ms. line.
Ashwood, p-o., Maury co., Tenn.
Aspalaga, v., Gadsden co., Flor., 35 w. Tallahassee.
Aspen Grove, p-o., Pittsylvania co., Va., 148 s. w. Richmond,
235 W.
Aspen Wall, p-o., Charlotte co., Va.
Assumption, parish, La., in the middle of the s. E. part of the
state. It has the Mississippi on the N. e., and the Bayou La
Fourche passes through it. It produces cotton, and sugar, and
some oranges. Capital, Assumption C. H. There were in 1840, neat
cattle 6,647, sheep 1,590, swine 6,340; Ind. corn 265,650 bush,
produced, potatoes 34,600, cotton 2,106,700 pounds, sugar
6,520,000; 13 stores, cap. $30,000; 1 saw m.; 1 college, 44
students. Pop. 1830, 5,669; 1840, whites 4,103, slaves 2,938,
free col'd 50; total, 7,141.
Assumption, C. H., p-v., Assumption parish, La., 89 w. N.
Orleans, 1,261 W. Situated on w. side of Bayou La Fourche. It
contains a court house and several dwellings.
Aston, t., Delaware co., Pa. It contains 4 stores, cap. $9,500;
5 cotton fac. 7,120 sp., 1 tannery, 6 grist m. 4 saw mills. Cap.
in manufac, $108,700. 3 sch. 70 scholars. Pop. 1,469.
Astoria, p-v. Newton, Queens co., N. Y., situated at Hallett's
cove, just below Hell Gate, East r., 6 n. e. of the city of New
York. It contains 4 churches, 1 Dutch Reformed, 1 Episcopal, 1
Methodist, and 1 Roman Catholic, a female seminary, 2 stores, a
turpentine fac, a carpet fac, and hat fac. It has about 100
dwellings and 600 inhabitants. It is connected with N. York by a
steam ferry.
Astoria, p-o., Butler co., O.
Astoria, p-o., Fulton co., Ill., 72 n. n. w. Springfield, 850 W.
Astoria, a trading post 8 ms. from the mouth of the Columbia r.,
on the s. side, near the Pacific It was established by the
enterprising gentleman from whom it was named, in 1811, as a
depot of the fur trade, in which he was largely engaged, but is
now occupied by the Hudson's Bay Company, and called Fort
Asylum, p-t., Bradford co., Pa., 145 n. Harrisburg, 255 W. The
surface is hilly; soil, gravelly loam. The Susquehanna r. runs
on its n. and n. e. border. Drained by Duval's, Sugar, and
Towanda crs. Wyalusing rapids or falls in the Susquehanna r. are
in this t. It has 6 sch. 196 scholars. Pop. 947.
Atchafalaya, an outlet of the Mississippi r., which it leaves a
little over a mile below the mouth of the Red r. It flows by a
winding course, 147 ms., and enters a bay of the same name, 25
ms. long, which sets up from the Gulf of Mexico. It receives, in
its course, the Placquemine, another outlet of the Mississippi.
It forms the w. boundary of what is called the delta of the
Missisippi. Its navigation is prevented by rafts, formed by
trees floated down by the Mississippi. The Red r. has recently
altered its channel, by which it flows into the Atchafalaya,
shortly before it enters the Mississippi, though the deeper
channel is probably into the latter.
Athens, p-t., Somerset co., Me., 49 n. Augusta, 644 W.
Incorporated in 1803. It is drained by a tributary of the
Kennebec r., and contains 4 stores, cap. $8,500; 1 fulling m., 1
tannery, 7 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $6,575. It has 10
sch. 603 scholars. Pop. 1,427.
Athens, p-t., Windham co., Vt., 109 s. Montpelier, 447 W.
Settled in 1780. The surface is uneven, but it is a good grazing
town, and has a small mill stream. It contains 1 tannery, 1 saw
m. Cap. in manufac. $2,200. 3 sch. 119 scholars. Pop. 378.
Athens, p-t., Greene co., N. Y., 5 n. Catskill, 29 s. Albany,
341 W. It is situated on the w. side of Hudson r., opposite the
city of Hudson. The surface is hilly on the w., but less so near
the Hudson. The soil is generally fertile. Graywacke slate is
found in the t., from which flagging stones are exported. The
village on the Hudson contains 1 Episcopal, 1 Dutch Reformed, 1
Lutheran, and 1 Baptist church, and a Friends' meeting-house,
and 200 dwellings. Incorporated 1805. In the t. are 18 stores,
cap. $35,610; 1 tannery, 1 distillery, 1 flouring m. Cap. in
manufac. $98,650. 3 sch. 80 scholars. Pop. 2,387. From 20 to 25
sloops are employed in the trade with N. York city. A steam
ferryboat connects this place with Hudson.
Athens, p-b., Bradford co., Pa., 152 n. by e» Harrisburg, 262 W.
It was formerly called Tioga Point, and is situated at the
junction of Chemung r. with the Susquehanna. It is beautifully
situated on an undulating plain, environed by mountains. It has
1 Presbyterian church, an acad.; 11 stores, cap. $29,450; and 60
dwellings. Pop. about 400. The North Branch canal, of
Pennsylvania, terminates here, and will be connected by a
railroad, 4 ms., with the New York (con't)
Page 41
and Erie railroad. Its advantages promise to make it a place of
importance. The t. contains 2 fulling m., 1 woollen fee., 2
grist m., 14 saw m. 5 sch. 275 scholars. Pop. 1,532.
Athens, t., Crawford co., Pa. It has 1 grist m., 5 saw m. Cap.
in manufac. $4,300.
Athens, county, O., is in the s. E. part of the state, on the
Ohio r. It contains an area of 740 sq. ms. The Hockhocking r.
runs in a s. E. direction through the co., and several of its
branches furnish good mill sites. There are also several other
small rivers, among which is Raccoon cr., in the w. part of the
co. Two townships in this co., containing 46,030 acres, were
granted by the United States congress to the Ohio Company, for
the use of a university. The surface is broken and hilly, but
the soil is productive, and adapted alike to grain and to
grazing. Lime and freestone, and clay for brick, are abundant,
and furnish great facilities for building. Bituminous coal is
plenty, iron ore is found in many places, and several wells have
been sunk, from which salt of an excellent quality is
manufactured. There were in 1840, neat cattle 15,871, sheep
29,590, swine 24,459; wheat 175,894 bush, produced, Ind. corn
387,077, oats 152,346, potatoes 63,740, tobacco 108,878 pounds,
sugar 69,202, salt 92,800 bush., bituminous coal 84,200; 54
stores, cap. $64,700; 6 tanneries, 1 distillery, 18 grist m., 52
saw m., 3 oil m., 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Can. in
manufac. $105,850. 1 university, and 1 acad., 88 sch. 2,083
scholars. Pop. 19,109.
Athens, p-v., and capital of Athens co., Ohio. 72 s. e.
Columbus, 339 W. It is beautifully situated on a peninsula,
formed by a bend in the Hockhocking r. It is in the northernmost
of 2 townships, granted by congress for the support of a
university. The houses are generally built of brick, and are
large and commodious; and the whole appearance of the village is
picturesque and beautiful. It contains over 100 dwellings and
710 inhabitants. The public buildings are a Presbyterian and
Methodist church, a college, and an academy, a court house,
public offices, a jail, &c. The Ohio University was founded in
1821, has a president, 5 professors, or other instructors, 145
alumni, of whom 34 have been clergymen 165 students, and 2,500
volumes in its libraries. The commencement is on the first
Wednesday in August. Its funds yield about $5,000. Connected
with it is an academy, with a building 2 stories high,
containing 40 students. The college edifice including a stone
basement, is 4 stories high, on a slight eminence in the s. part
of the town, with a beautiful green of several acres in front.
It is one of the most respectable institutions of the kind in
the state. There are in the v. 13 stores, cap. 26,600; 2
tanneries, 3 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $24,900. 3
schools, 120 scholars. Athens t., in which the above village is
situated has, exclusive of the village, 2 saw m., 6 grist m., 9
sch., 208 scholars. Pop. 1,593.
Athens, p t., Calhoun co., Mich., 126 w. Detroit, 584 W. It
contains 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,000. 2 sch. 45 scholars.
Pop. 134.
Athens, t., Harrison co., O. It has 7 sch. 242 scholars. Pop.
Athens, p-o., Caroline co., Va.
Athens, p-v., and capital of Clarke co., Ga., 75 n. by w.
Milledgeville, 610 W. It is on the w. bank of the Oconee r. It
is the seat of the Georgia University, which was founded in
1785. It has a president and 8 professors, or other instructors,
433 alumni, 116 students, and 11,000 volumes in its libraries.
The commencement is on the first Wednesday in August. It has a
fund of $100,000 in bank stock, and 50,000 acres of land. It has
a line philosphiral apparatus, which cost $12,000. It has 2
large buildings, 120 by 45 feet, a chapel, &c. There are 3
churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist, and 1 Baptist, in the
place. Pop. about 1,200.
Athens, p-v., and capital Limestone co., Ala., 25 n. w.
Huntsville, 154 n. by B. Tuscaloosa, 733 W. Situated 1 m. w. of
Swan cr. It contains a court house, jail, several stores and
Athens, p-v., Monroe co., Miss., 175 n. w. Jackson, 906 W.
Situated on a small stream, 5 miles e. of the Tombigbee r.
Athens, p-v., capital of McMinn co., Tenn., 154 s. e. NasHville,
555 W. On Eastanalla cr., 15 ms. from its entrance into the
Tennessee. It has 3 churches, 2 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist, 3
academies, 2 male and 1 female, a court house, 2 banks, 13
stores, 1 flouring m., 1 saw m., 2 printing offices. Pop. 1,000.
Athens, p-o., Fayette co., Ky., 34 s. e. Frankfort, 532 W.
Situated on a small branch of Kentucky r.
Athens, p-v., Sangamon co., Ill., 14 n. Springfield, 794 W.
Situated 4 ms. from Sangamon r. It has several stores, and one
steam mill for sawing and flouring. It has timber of the
Sangamon on the w., and prairies e., with a flourishing country
around it.
Athens, p-o., Clark co., Mo.
Athens, p-v., capital of Izard co., Ark., on the north bank of
White r.
Athensville,p-o., Greene co., Ill., 52 s. w. Springfield, 833 W.
Athol, p-t., Worcester co., Mass., 69 w. n. w Boston, 410 W.
Incorporated 1762. It is watered by Miller's r., which affords
an extensive water power. The surface is uneven, and the soil
good It has 5 stores, cap. $20,000; 1 furnace, 2 tanneries, 3
grist m., 9 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $48,625. 13 sch. 412
scholars. Pop. 1,591.
Athol, p-t., Warren co., N. Y., 12 w. Caldwell, 74 n. by w.
Albany, 443 W. It is watered by the Hudson r., and has 2 stores,
cap. $3000, 2 grist m., 13 saw m. Pop. 1,210.
Atkinson, p-t., Piscatiquis co., Me., 35 n. n. e. Bangor, 90 n.
e. Augusta, 687 W. Incorporated 1819. It has 2 stores, cap.
$600; 1 tannery, 2 grist m., 2 saw m., 6 com. sch. 280 scholars.
Pop. 704.
Atkinson, p-t., Rockingham co., N. H., 33 s. e. Concord, 466 W.
The surface is uneven, but the soil good, and well cultivated.
Incorporated 1767. An academy here was incorporated in 1791, and
is one of the most respectable in the state. An island of 7 or 8
acres in a meadow, sometimes overflowed by means of an
artificial dam, rises with the water, sometimes to the height of
6 feet, and also settles as the water subsides. This is a
wonderful fact, stated on the authority of Dr. Belknap. It has 1
store, cap. $500; 2 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,600.
1 acad. 120 students, 6 sch. 181 scholars. Pop. 557.
Atkinson's Mills, p-o., Mifflin co., Pa., 73 n. w. Harrisburg,
149 W.
Atlantic, County, N. J., situated in the south part of the
state, and contains 550 square miles. Watered by Great Egg
Harbor r. and its branches. Little Egg Harbor r. bounds it on
the n. e., and receives various branches from the county. The
Atlantic lies on its s. E. border, and has along its shore
numerous bays and islands, and extensive marshes. The soil is
generally light and sandy. Capital, May's Landing. There were in
1840, neat cattle 4,668, sheep 2,413, swine 2,959; wheat 2,099
bush, prod., rye 1,661, Ind. corn 60,370, potatoes 15,932, oats
8,750; 43 stores, cap. $68,800; 2 class houses, 12 grist m., 33
saw m. Cap. in manufac $112,50. 35 sch. 2,520 scholars. Pop.
Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And
Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel
Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith,

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