American History and Genealogy Project

Summerville, GA to Sutton, VT

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Summerville, p-v., capital of Chatooga co., Ga., 181 n. w. Milledgeville, 652 W. Situated on the w. side of Challooga r., a branch of Coosa r. It contains a court house, jail, and about 175 inhabitants.

Summerville, p-v., Cass co., Mich., 177 w. by s. Detroit, 629 W. Situated on Dowagiake r., and contains 1 store and 1 saw m.

Summersville, p-v., Greene co., Ky., 5 N. w. Greensburg, 95 s. s. w. Frankfort, 629 W.

Summit, County, O. Situated toward the n. e. part of the state, and contains 422 sq. ms. The surface is moderately uneven; soil, generally fertile. Drained by Cuyahoga r. and Little Cuyahoga r., which afford extensive water power, and the head waters of Tuscarawas r. The Ohio canal passes through its centre from n. to s., and affords great conveniences for transportation. Capital, Akron. There were in 1840, neat cattle 21,762, sheep 41,054, swine 25,501; wheat 317,462 bush, produced, rye 23,070, Ind. corn 209,600, buckwheat 9,054, barley 5,475, oats 188,463, potatoes 157,455, sugar 107,998 pounds; 6 commission houses, cap. $39,500; 83 stores, capital $239,194; 6 furnaces, 1 forge, 19 fulling m., 11 woolen fac, 16 tanneries, 8 distilleries, 1 brewery, 1 powder m., 5 potteries, 8 flouring m., 26 grist m., 59 saw m., 2 oil m., 2 paper fac, 4 print-ing offices, 1 bindery, 5 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $543,019. 1 college, 112 students, 6 acad. 217 students, 114 sch. 3,860 scholars. Pop. 22,560.

Summit, p-t., Schoharie co., N. Y., 16 s. w. Schoharie, 52 w. Albany, 378 W. The surface is elevated and hilly; soil, sandy loam, well adapted to grass. Drained by Charlotte r., and by tributaries of Schoharie cr. It has 4 stores, cap. $9,000; 2 fulling m., 1 tannery, 3 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,000. 18 sch. 892 scholars. Pop. 2,010.

Summit, p-v., Washington t., Cambria co., Pa., 129 w. by n. Harrisburg, 172 W. Situated on a head branch of Kiskiminetas r., and contains about 200 inhabitants.

Summit, p-o., Northampton co., N. C.

Summit, p-o., Shelby co., O., 90 w. n. w. Columbus, 484 W.

Summit, p-o., Oakland co., Mich., 34 n. w. Detroit, 540 W.

Summit, p-t., Milwaukie co., Wis., 50 e. by s. Madison, 835 W. It has 1 store, cap. $1,500; 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $5,050. Pop. 335.

Summit, p-v., Cook co., Ill., 191 n. e. Springfield, 730 W. Situated at the "Point of Oaks," on the canal, 13 ms. s. w. from Chicago.

Summit Bridge, p-v., Newcastle co., Del., 41 n. Dover, 117 W. It contains about 75 inhabitants.

Summit Hill, p-v., Northampton co., Pa., 84 n. e. by e. Harrisburg, 194 W.

Summit Point, p-o., Jefferson co., Va., 161 n. by w. Richmond, 71 W.

Summitsville, p-v., Wayne co., Pa., 185 n. e. Harrisburg, 279 W.

Summum, p-o., Fulton co., Ill., 67 n. w. Springfield, 845 W.

Sumner, County, Tenn. Situated in the n. part of the state, and contains 640 sq. ms. Cumberland r. runs on its s. border, by branches of which it is drained, and by branches of Big Barren r. The surface is rolling; soil, very fertile. Capital, Gallatin. There were in 1840, neat cattle 18,865, sheep 28,801, swine 71,356; wheat 124,482 bush, produced, rye 12,780, Ind. corn 1,800,955, oats 498,248, potatoes 351,083; tobacco 2,615,100 pounds, cotton 161,379, sugar 1,500; 30 stores, cap. $273,850; 9 tanneries, 18 distilleries, 1 brewery, 62 grist m., 27 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $259,735. 5 acad. 336 students, 15 sch. 473 scholars. Pop. whites 14,891, slaves 7,286, free col'd 268; total, 22,445.

Sumner, p-t., Oxford co., Me., 8 n. Paris, 40 w. Augusta, 606 W. The soil is fertile, adapted to grain. Incorporated in 1798. Drained by branches of Androscoggin r. It has a pond in its w. part, flowing into one of these branches. It has 8 tanneries, 3 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $2,440. 9 sch. 48 scholars. Pop. 1,269.

Sumneytown, p-v., Montgomery co., Pa., 20 N. E. Norristown, 182 k. Harrisburg, 173 W. Situated on the line of Upper Salford and Marlborough townships, and contains 2 stores, and about 15 dwellings. There are 3 powder m. in the vicinity.

Sumpter, District, S. C. Situated a little s. e. of the centre of the state, and contains 1,240 sq. ms. Santee r. runs on its w. border, and Lynch's cr. on its n. e. boundary. Drained by Black r. and its branches, and by branches of Santee r. Capital, Sumpterville. There were in 1840, neat cattle 32,961, sheep 8,655, swine 47,260; wheat 7,125 bush, produced, rye 1,533, Ind. corn 681,977, oats 54,230, potatoes 263,711, rice 363,505 pounds, cotton 2,298,712; 35 stores, cap. $66,500; 5 tanneries, 50 grist m., 30 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $143,295. 7 acad. 145 students, 40 sch. 693 scholars. Pop. whites 8,644, slaves 18,875, free col'd 373; total, 27,892.

Sumpter, County, Ala. Situated in the w. part of the state, and contains 1,203 sq. ms. Bounded on the n. e. and e. by Tombigbee r., by the w. fork of which, and smaller branches, it is drained. It has 3 acad. 159 students, 16 sch. 382 scholars. Pop. 29,937. Capital, Livingston.

Sumpter, County, Ga. Situated toward the s. w. part of the state, and contains 675 sq. ms. Flint r. bounds it on the e., by branches of which it is drained. Capital, Americus. There were in 1840, neat cattle 19,218, sheep 2,352, swine 23,472; wheat 10,864 bush, produced, rye 1,800, Ind. corn 231,870, oats 6,240, potatoes 23,400, tobacco 740 pounds, cotton 980,000; 13 stores, cap. $24,000; 1 distillery, 7 grist m., 10 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $32,500. 8 sch. 234 scholars. Pop. whites 4,115, slaves 1,643, free col'd 1; total, 5,759.

Sumpter, t., Wayne co., Mich. Drained by Huron r. It has 2 sch. 58 scholars. Pop. 193.

Sumpterville, p-v., capital of Sumpterville dist., S. C., 63 e. Columbia, 499 W. Situated between the branches of Black r., and contains a courthouse, jail, 3 churches, 10 stores, and about 400 inhabitants.

Sumpterville, p-v., Lee co., Ga.

Sumpterville, p-v., Sumpter co., Ala., 64 s. w. Tuscaloosa, 832 W. Situated on w. side of Tombigbee r., and contains several large ware-houses, and about 300 inhabitants.

Sunapee, lake, Sullivan and Merrimac cos., N. H., is 9 ms. long, and about 1 and a half wide. The surface is elevated 820 feet above the level of Connecticut and Merrimac rivers. Its outlet flows into Sugar r.

Sunbury, p-b., Augusta t., capital of Northumberland co., Pa., 58 n. by e. Harrisburg, 168 W. Beautifully situated on the e. side of Susquehanna r., 2 ms. below the confluence of the n. and w. branches, at Northumberland, below the Shamokin dam, which is 2,783 feet long, erected for the passage of the Pennsylvania canal. It contains a court house and county offices of brick, a jail of stone, 3 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 German Reformed, and 1 Methodist, 15 stores, and about 300 dwellings. A mile above the t., a bridge was erected in 1814, across the n. branch of the Susquehanna, connecting the t. with Northumberland. It is in 2 parts, crossing Shamokin island, and cost $90,000. It is 1,825 feet long, 32 feet wide, 41 feet above ordinary water in the r., resting on 8 stone piers. The arches are of wood, protected by a roof. It has 9 stores, cap. $23,900; 3 tanneries, 1 distillery, 1 pottery, 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $20,760. 4 sch. 257 scholars. Pop. 1,108.

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Sunbury, p-v., Gates co., N. C, 224 e. n. e. Raleigh, 243 W. It contains about 75 inhabitants.

Sunbury, p-v., Berkshire t., Delaware co., O., 25 n. Columbus, 395 W. It has 2 stores, several mechanic shops, and a number of dwellings.

Sunbury, t., Monroe co., O. It has 5 sch. 135 scholars. Pop. 1,157.

Sunbury, p-v., Livingston co., Ill., 121 n. e. Springfield, 748 W.

Sunbury, p-v., port of entry, Liberty co., Ga., 40 s. by w. Savannah, 212 s. s. e. Milledgeville, 702 W. Situated on the s. side of Medway r., at the head of St. Catharine's sound. It contains an academy, 1 Baptist church, 2 or 3 stores, 30 dwellings, and about 200 inhabitants. It has an elevated sandy situation, and was built in 1758; and for several years was a formidable rival of Savannah, but its prosperity was broken by the revolutionary war. It is resorted to for health during the sickly season.

Suncook, r., N. H., rises in a pond near the top of one of the Suncook mountains, 900 feet above tidewater, and passing through several ponds, and receiving tributaries from others, it enters the Merrimac r., between Allenstown and Pembroke.

Suncook, p-o., Merrimac co., N. H., 7 e. Concord, 478 W.

Sunday Creek Cross Roads, p-o., Perry co., O., 62 e. by s. Columbus, 361 W.

Sunderland, p-t., Bennington co., Vt., 15 n. e. Bennington, 98 s. s. w. Montpelier, 425 W. The surface is uneven, with fine alluvial flats; soil, alluvion, loam, and marl. Drained by Battenkill r., and by Roaring brook, which issues from ponds in the e. part, and affords water power. Chartered in 1761; first settled in 1765, organized in 1769. It contains a Congregational and a Methodist church. It has 1 store, cap. $4,000; 1 fulling m., 1 woolen fee, 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $5,250. 4 sch. 136 scholars. Pod. 438.

Sunderland, p-t., Franklin co., Mass., 9 s. by e. Greenfield, 80 w. Boston, 392 W. Connecticut r. bounds it on the w., on which are fine alluvial meadows, but in other parts the surface is mountainous. The central v. is built chiefly on one street, three fourths of a m. long, parallel with the r., and contains a Congregational church, and about 50 dwellings, many of them handsome. A bridge here crosses Connecticut r., 858 feet long, built in 1832, at an expense of $20,000. It contains 2 other small villages. There are in the t. 2 stores, cap. $3,500; 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,602. 6 sch. 436 scholars. Pop. 719.

Sunderland, p-v., Calvert co., Md., 37 s. s. w. Annapolis, 67 W.

Sunfish, p-o., Clarington v., Salem t., Monroe co., O., 131 e. Columbus, 281 W.

Sunfish, t., Pike co., O. It has 1 saw m., 2 sch. 68 scholars. Pop. 318.

Sunflower, p-o., Lancaster co., Pa., 52 e. s. e. Harrisburg, 116 W.

Sunkhaze, p-o., Penobscot co., Me., 85 e. Augusta, 680 W.

Sunman, p-o., Ripley co., Ia., 73 s. e. Indianapolis, 533 W.

Sunset, p-o., Walker co., Ga., 192 n. w. Milledgeville, 677 W.

Superior, t., Williams co., O. It has 1 sch. 17 scholars. Pop. 166.

Superior, p-t., Washtenaw co., Mich., 31 w. Detroit, 523 W. It has 2 stores, cap. $1,400; 2 grist m., 6 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $10,300. Pop. 1,398.

Superior, lake, the largest in North America, and supposed to be the largest body of fresh water in the world. It is about 380 ms. long and 130 wide, and about 1,200 or 1,500 in circumference. The boundary line between the United States and Canada passes through its central part. It is surrounded mostly by a rocky and uneven coast, and contains many considerable islands, one of the largest of which, Isle Royal, is about 100 ms. long and 40 ms. broad. It abounds with fish, particularly trout, sturgeon, and white-fish, which are caught at all seasons, and in large quantities. Of these the trout, weighing from 12 to 50 pounds, and the whitefish, weighing often over 20 pounds, are, perhaps, the most important. The storms on this lake are equal to those on the Atlantic; the waves run as high, and its navigation is as difficult. Its surface is elevated 625 feet above the level of the sea, and its mean depth is 900 feet. Its waters are remarkably clear and transparent. It receives more than 30 rivers, and discharges its waters into Lake Huron, by the straits or r. of St. Mary. The rapids or falls here prevent vessels from passing into it, from Lake Huron. The pictured rocks on its s. shore, toward its e. end, are a great curiosity. They form a perpendicular wall, 300 feet high, extending about 12 ms. They have caves which receive the waves with a tremendous roar. At one place a considerable stream is thrown from them into the lake, by a single leap, from the height of 70 feet, and boats can pass dry between it and the rocky shore. At another place 4 rocky pillars support a stratum or entablature of stone, covered with soil, on which trees of spruce and pine grow, some of which are 50 or 60 feet high. This is called the Doric Rock or Arch, and appears like a work of art, though it is the work of nature.

Surgeon's Hall, p-o., Alleghany co., Pa., 201 w. by n. Harrisburg, 228 W.

Surrency, p-o., Tatnall co., Ga., 162 s. E. Milledgeville, 773 W.

Surry, County, Va. Situated toward the s e. part of the state, and contains 324 square ms. James r. runs on its n. e. border, and Blackwater r. on its s. w., by small branches of which it is drained. Capital, Surry C. H. There were in 1840, neat cattle 4,136, sheep 3,676, swine 12,595 , wheat 9,317 bush, produced, Indian corn 185,040, oats 35,900, potatoes 33,659, tobacco 4,692 pounds, cotton 63,954; 12 stores, cap. $47,300; 1 cotton fee. 240 sp., 166 distilleries, 1 flouring m., 21 grist m. Cap. in manufac. $6,850. 8 sch. 186 scholars. Pop. whites 2,557, slaves 2,853, free col'd 1,070; total, 6,480.

Surry, County, N. C. Situated in the n. toward the w. part of the state, and contains 726 sq. ms. The surface is mountainous and broken; soil, fertile. Drained by Yadkin river and its branches. Capital, Rockford. There were in 1840, neat cattle 12,609, sheep 12,128, swine 33,168; wheat 48,804 bush, produced, rye 20,542, Indian corn 484,976, oats 115,018, potatoes 23,866, tobacco 83,070 pounds, cotton 67,228; 19 stores, cap. $63,600; 10 forges, 1 cotton fac. 400 sp., 15 tanneries, 225 distilleries, 1 powder m., 3 potteries, 52 grist m., 27 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $74,012. 14 schools 335 scholars. Pop. whites 13,093, slaves 1,778, free col'd 208; total, 15,079.

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Surry, p-t., Hancock co., Me., 83 e. by n. Augusta, 677 W. Bounded by Union r. and bay on the e. It contains several large ponds, and has inexhaustible beds of shell marl, by the use of which the fertility of the soil is increased. Incorporated in 1803. It has 2 stores, cap. $4,000; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 2 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $4,000. 7 sch. 312 scholars. Pop. 857.

Surry, p-t., Cheshire co., N. H., 55 s. w. Concord, 441 W. Watered by Ashuelot r., on the margin of which is a fine intervale. The surface is in some parts uneven. On the summit of a mountain is a pond of 3 acres, 25 feet deep. Incorporated in 1769; first settled in 1764. It has 1 tannery, 1 grist m., 1 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $3,427. 6 sch. 171 scholars. Pop. 481.

Surry, C. H., p-v., capital of Surry co., Va., 55 s. e. Richmond, 178 W. It contains a court house, jail, 2 stores, an arsenal, and about 50 inhabitants.

Susquehanna, r., the largest river in Pa., and one of the largest in the U. S., is formed by 2 main branches, the Eastern and the Western. The Eastern branch rises in Otsego co., N. Y., and one of its sources in Otsego lake. It receives the Chenango, a considerable river from the n., at Binghamton, and proceeding w. and turning s., it crosses into Pa., soon after which it is joined by the Western branch, called the Tioga or Chemung river, 3 ms. below the Pennsylvania line. It then flows s. e., and then s. w., until it receives the Western branch, its largest tributary, at Northumberland, after which its course is first s., 40 ms., until it receives the Juniata from the w., and then s. e. until it falls into the Chesapeake bay, near the n. e. corner of Maryland. It is navigable for sloops 5 miles from its mouth to Port Deposit, at the head of the tide. Above that, for nearly 50 miles, the river is obstructed by a continued succession of rapids, which render navigation in boats up the stream impossible; but in high water, a vast amount of lumber and produce comes down the river, in rafts, arks, &c. In the upper parts of the river the obstructions to boat navigation are not great, and might be easily overcome. The importance of a river depends much upon its capacity for navigation. In this view, the Susquehanna has less importance than many others in the U. S., which drain a less extent of surface, and carry a less volume of water. It is a mile and a quarter wide at its entrance into Chesapeake bay. Canals are extensively constructed along its banks, for which it affords great facilities. Its whole length is about 450 miles.

Susquehanna, County, Pa. Situated in the n. e. part of the state, and contains 875 sq. miles. The surface is hilly and broken; soil, fertile. Susquehanna r. passes into the n. part of the co., and returns into N. Y. Drained by branches of Susquehanna r. Capital, Montrose. There were in 1840, neat cattle 29,275, sheep 72,157, swine 16,840; wheat 60,828 bush, produced, rye 17,332, Ind. corn 83,659, buckwheat 44,222, barley 1,830, oats 237,185, potatoes 362,218, sugar 252,137 pounds; 53 stores, cap. $227,600; 8 fulling m., 3 woolen fac, 18 tanneries, 1 distillery, 1 paper fac, 3 printing offices, 1 bindery, 1 weekly newspaper, 24 grist m., 90 saw m., 1 oil m. Cap. in manufac. $174,705. 5 acad. 104 students, 173 sch. 5,074 scholars. Pop. 21,195.
Susquehanna, p-o., Colesville t., Broome co., N. Y., 122 w. s. w. Albany, 304 W.

Susquehanna, t., Dauphin co., Pa. The surface generally is moderately uneven; soil, alluvion and gravel. Blue mountain crosses its n. part. Watered by Paxton cr. Harrisburg lies partly in this t. It has 1 store, cap. $800; 1 fulling m., 1 distillery, 1 flouring m., 1 grist m., 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,750. 2 schools 33 scholars. Pop. 1,452.

Susquehanna, t., Lycoming co., Pa. It has 3 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $1,200. 1 school 40 scholars. Pop. 271.

Susquehanna, t., Cambria co., Pa. The surface is rolling; soil, clay and loam. It has 4 grist m., 11 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $900. 3 sch. 60 scholars. Pop. 361.

Sussex, County, N. J. Situated in the n. part of the state, and contains 415 sq. ms. The surface is hilly and mountainous; soil, well adapted to grazing. Drained by Wallkill, Pequannock, Pequest, and Paulenskill crs. Hopatcong pond, which supplies the summit level of Morris canal, lies on its s. e. border. Capital, Newton. There were in 1840, neat cattle 26,346, sheep 23,983, swine 30,236; wheat 64,400 bush, produced, rye 228,316, Indian corn 319,618, buckwheat 147,067, oats 217,196, potatoes 201,090; 56 stores, capital $253,220; 4 lumber yards, cap. $3,770; 5 furnaces, 13 forges, 5 fulling m., 15 tanneries, 24 distilleries, 47 grist m., 57 saw m., 2 printing offices, 2 weekly newspapers. Cap. in manufac. $416,825. 5 acad. 172 students, 121 schools 3,369 scholars. Pop. 21,770.

Sussex, County, Del. Situated in the s. part of the state, and contains 860 sq. ms. The surface is level, and partly marshy. It is bounded e. by Delaware bay and the Atlantic. Drained by Nanticoke r. and its branches, and by Marshy Hope r., which flow into Chesapeake bay, and by Indian r., and Mispillion, Jones, and other small creeks, flowing into Delaware bay. Capital, Georgetown. There were in 1840, neat cattle 18,956, sheep 17,996, swine 33,054; wheat 38,099 bushels produced, rye 8,644, Indian corn 872,817, potatoes 48,189; 111 stores, capital $252,560; 10 tanneries, 2 printing offices, 54 grist m., 78 saw m. Capital in manufac. $98,455. 6 acad. $220 students, 46 sch. 1,309 scholars. Pop 25,093.

Sussex, County, Va. Situated in the s. e. part of the state, and contains 465 sq. miles. Drained by Nottoway r. and its branches. Capital, Sussex C. H. There were in 1840, neat cattle 8,831, sheep 8,030, swine 23,957; wheat 18,777 bushels produced, Ind. corn 404,793, oats 103,916, tobacco 175,672 pounds, cotton 477,043; 18 stores, cap. $36,250; 1 tannery, 21 grist m. Cap. in manufac. $6,300. 7 acad. 165 students, 10 schools 198 scholars. Pop. whites 3,584, slaves 6,384, free col'd 811; total, 11,229.

Sussex, C. H., p-v., capital of Sussex co., Va., 48 s. s. e. Richmond, 167 W. It contains a court house and jail, and about 75 inhabitants.

Sutton, p-t., Merrimac co., N. H., 26 w. n. w. Concord, 480 W. The surface is uneven and rough. Keasearge mountain lies on its e. border. Soil, various, and fertile on the streams. Drained by branches of Warner r., which afford water power. Chartered in 1749; first settled in 1767. It has 4 stores, cap. $8,700; 2 tanneries, 1 grist m., 5 saw m. Capital in manufac. $7,300. 13 sch. 337 scholars. Pop. 1,362.

Sutton, p-t., Caledonia co., Vt., 53 n. n. e. Montpelier, 564 W. The surface is level, and some of it so low and wet as to be incapable of cultivation. Watered by branches of Pasumpsic r. A pond in the n. w. corner covers 200 acres, and flows n. into Barton r. It has 2 stores, cap. $7,000; 1 fulling m., 1 tannery, I grist m., 5 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $5,400. 11 sch. 379 scholars. Pop. 1,068.

Table of Contents

Source: A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843

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