H-J Surname ~ Directory of Laramie City
Wyoming Territory
Note. The Streets of Laramie City cross
each other at right angles. Those running north and south, or
parallel with the railroad track, on the east side of the same,
being numbered from the track, as 1st, 2d 3d, &c. Those on the
west side of the track being named, to-wit: 1st Front Street, 2d
Cedar Street, 3d Spruce Street, 4th Pine Street The cross
Streets-running east and west, commencing at Center Street,
being lettered North, and South, as follows: North "A," South
"A," and so on through the alphabet.] There is no explanation as
to why some names are capitalized and others not. They do not
explain why the list is not in alphabetical order.
H Surname
Hader Henry, local engineer, residence
on 3d Street, between South A and B.
Haley, Ora, stock-grower, residence on North A Street, between
3d and 4th.
Halloway, Henry, blacksmith, residence 1st Street, between South
F and G.
Ham, G. W., mason, residence 3d Street, between South G and H.
Hamblen, G. H., laborer, residence 2d Street, between South F.
and G.
Hamilton, H. A., cook Frontier Hotel.
Hamilton, Rev. W. E., pastor Presbyterian Church, corner Cedar
and North A Streets.
Hamin, Charles, laborer, residence Spruce Street, between South
D and E.
Hammer, E. D., druggist, boards at Ritter's Restaurant.
Hance, M. A., general business agent, residence corner North B
and 2d Streets.
Hanson, H. M., express man, residence Cedar Street, between
Center and South E.
Hardman, James, machinist, residence corner South G and 1st sts,
Harman, Conrad, laborer, residence Spruce Street, between South
D and E.
Harper Geo., stock-grower, residence on South B between 4th and
5th Streets.
Harrington, Henry, laborer, boards at New York House.
Harris, Charles, (colored) table-waiter, Laramie Hotel.
Harris, Jno. W., local engineer, residence 3d Street, between
North A and B.
Harris, Miss Belle, table-waiter. New York House.
Harris, Wm., farmer, residence suburbs. East Laramie.
Harris, Wm., physician and surgeon, residence corner of 3rd and
North A Streets.
Harrison, Mrs. Elizabeth, residence South B Street, between 4th
and 5th.
Harte, Will H., bookkeeper, boards at corner South A and 4th
Hartman, William, laborer, residence 1st Street, between South E
and F.
Hartwigson, A., laborer, residence south suburbs.
Hayford, J. H., Editor of the Laramie Sentinel, residence corner
of North A and 2d Streets.
Haylon, Mrs. Emma, housekeeper, residence 3d Street, between
South C and D.
Healy, Patrick, blacksmith, residence Pine Street, between South
D and E.
Heath, N. A., railroad conductor, residence corner north A and
3d Streets.
Heath, W. A., painter, residence front Street, between North A
and B.
Heavener, Floyd, superintendent car depot, boards at Worth's
Hedges, Jonas, laborer, residence 2d Street, near the creek.
Heinan, Peter, laborer City Brewery.
Helfreich, A., jeweler, rooms in Vogelsang's block.
Hernandes, E, laborer, residence suburbs, East Laramie.
Herness, Mrs. Julia, house-keeper, residence Cedar Street,
between South A and B.
Herrick, E, A., locomotive engineer, boards at Worth's Hotel.
Hesse, Henry, laborer at Ingersoll's Livery Stable.
Hesse, Jno. F., bartender, residence corner of North B and 1st
Hildreth, G. H., bookkeeper at Clark's Restaurant.
Hill, John, locomotive engineer, rooms in Vogelsang's block.
Hines, Joseph, machinist, residence Spruce Street, between South
D and E.
Hodgeman, Dan., mason, boards at Ritter's Restaurant.
Hodgeman, Henry, railroad conductor, residence corner Cedar and
North A Streets.
Hoffman, H. W., harness maker, corner South B and 3d Streets.
Hogan, William, laborer, boards at Western House.
Holbert, John, miner, boards at Mechanics House.
Holcomb, J. F., tinner, corner South A and 2d Streets.
Holland, Robert, (colored), cook, boards South A Street, between
1st and 2d.
Holliday, William, lumber dealer, residence corner South C and
1st Streets.
Hollingsworth, A., painter, residence on 2d Street, between
Center and South A.
Holt, Peter, merchant, residence suburbs. East Laramie.,
Horn, Thomas, laborer, boards at Frontier Hotel.
Horton, Charles, (colored), barber, boards South A Street,
between 1st and 2d.
House, A. J., guard at Penitentiary, residence South B Street
between 2d and 3d.
Houston, Al., hunter, residence 3d Street, between Center and
North A.
Houston, Chas., railroad conductor, residence corner of Center
and 3d Streets.
Huck, Louis, machinist, residence corner South A and 1st
Hultberg, S. P., tinner, boards at Mechanics House.
Humberg, Albert, mason, residence Mechanics House.
Hunt, Ellen, laundress. Cedar Street.
Hunter, O. F., fireman, residence Front Street, between North A
and B.
Hunter, Wm., J., express man, residence corner of Center and 3d
Hutton, Chas. H., stock grower, residence corner of South A and
3d Streets.
Hyson, William, (colored), waiter Laramie Hotel.
I Surname
Ingersoll, J. M., livery keeper,
residence corner South A and 3d Streets.
Ingraham, Charles, laborer at Rolling Mill House.
Irvin, Matt., (colored), laborer Laramie Hotel.
Ivinson, Edward, banker, residence 2d Street, between South A
and B.
Ivinson, Nelson, butcher, boards at Mechanics House.
J Surname
Jacobs, F. W., shoemaker, boards at
Worth's Hotel.
Jahren, Mons., bar-tender at Mechanics House.
Jail, John, fireman, boards at New York House.
James, Dill H., printer in Sentinel office.
James, Max, miner, boards at Frontier Hotel.
Jameson, W. A., harness maker, residence corner South B and 3d
Jarvis, Mrs. A., housekeeper, residence 2d Street, between South
C and D.
Jennings, M., deputy postmaster, residence corner South A and
6th Streets.
Jepson, Chris., fireman, boards at New York House.
Johnson, A. R., printer in Sentinel office.
Johnson, Alex., car inspector, residence corner Spruce and South
C Streets.
Johnson, Antonia, carpenter, residence 2d Street, between South
D and E.
Johnson, Christian, laborer, residence suburbs southwest.
Johnson, Ed., herder, boards at Western House.
Johnson, Henry, (colored) laborer, residence South B Street,
between 2d and 3d.
Johnson, Henry, locomotive engineer, residence suburbs
Johnson, James, clerk, residence corner South B and Cedar
Johnson, John, lumberman, residence Front Street, between South
A and B.
Johnson, Louis, laborer, residence Spruce Street, between South
D and E.
Johnson, Marion, laborer, residence South C Street, between 1st
and 2d.
Johnson, Mrs. Hattie, laundress at Laramie Hotel.
Johnson, Noah, brakeman, boards at Mechanics House.
Johnson, Oscar, laborer, rooms in car shop.
Johnson, Peter, laborer, residence suburbs southwest.
Jones Simon, salesman at Gregory's meat market.
Jones, C. A., bath house, residence Cedar Street, between South
D and E.
Jones, D. M., brick mason, boards at Mechanics House.
Judd, C. T., carpenter, residence South C Street, between 2d and