A-C Surname ~ Directory of Laramie City
Wyoming Territory
Note. The Streets of Laramie City cross
each other at right angles. Those running north and south, or
parallel with the railroad track, on the east side of the same,
being numbered from the track, as 1st, 2d 3d, &c. Those on the
west side of the track being named, to-wit: 1st Front Street, 2d
Cedar Street, 3d Spruce Street, 4th Pine Street The cross
Streets-running east and west, commencing at Center Street,
being lettered North, and South, as follows: North "A," South
"A," and so on through the alphabet.] There is no explanation as
to why some names are capitalized and others not. They do not
explain why the list is not in alphabetical order.
A Surname
Abbott, T. D., merchant and P. M.,
residence corner South A and 4th sts.
Abbott, William, stationer and book store, residence 4th Street,
bet. Center and North A.
Abrams, L., proprietor New York House, 1st Street, between South
A and B.
Adams, James, builder, residence corner 2d and South A sts.
Adamson, David, machinist, residence corner 1st and South C sts.
Albright, H. C, stock-grower, residence corner South C and 4th
Allen William P., farmer, boards Frontier Hotel.
Allen, William T., locomotive engineer, residence Front St.,
between South A and B.
Allen, William, locomotive engineer, residence 1st Street.,
between South F and G.
Alsop, Thomas, stock-grower, residence Laramie River.
Alterfer, Henry, laborer, residence Cedar Street, between North
A and B.
Alwes, August, laborer, residence South C St., between 1st and
Anderson, H. C, laborer, residence south suburbs.
Anderson, James R., Clark's Restaurant, 1st Street, between
Center and South A.
Anderson, James, proprietor Mechanics House, South B Street,
bet. 1st and 2d.
Andrew, John, carpenter, boards Rolling Mill House.
Andrews, A., bricklayer, residence 1st st., between South D and
Andrews, N. L., Insurance Agent, residence South A Street, bet.
2d and 3d.
Appleton, Albert, clerk, residence Cedar Street, between South B
and C.
Archardt, John, locomotive dispatcher, residence Cedar St.,
between South A and B.
Archardt, William, watchman R. R., residence Cedar Street,
between South A and B.
Ashton, L. H. brakeman R, R., residence corner 4th and South C
Austin, Eugene, switchman R. R., residence Front Street, between
North A and B.
Austin, Fred., farmer, residence northeast suburbs, near the
Babcock, Mrs., doctoress, residence
corner North C and 4th Streets.
Backus, Mrs. A. H., house-keeper, residence corner south G and
1st Streets.
Baird, John, merchant tailor, residence 2d Street, between South
A and B.
Baker, V,, auction and commission merchant, residence 2d Street
between south A and B.
Bales, Simon, plasterer, residence 1st Street, between North A
and B.
Ball, J. R., laborer. Western House.
Ball, Orville, painter, residence 2d Street, between South C and
Bamforth, Fred., proprietor Rolling Mill House, corner North B
and 1st Streets.
Bannon, James, bookkeeper, residence corner North B and 4th
Barbero, Joseph, laborer, boards Mechanics House.
Barker, Louis, (colored,) laborer, residence 3d Street, between
South B and C.
Barnett, Henry, saloon keeper, residence corner 3d and South C
Barron, Samuel, machinist, corner 1st and South E Streets.
Barry, Jacob, plasterer, residence 1st Street, between North A
and B. 9
Bath, Fred, brewer, residence suburbs, Laramie River.
Bath, Henry, stock-grower, residence corner South E and 4th
Bath, Herman, capitalist, residence 2d Street, between South B
and C.
Bath, Wm., saloon-keeper, residence 2d Street, between South B
and C.
Baxter, Robt., messenger U. P. R. R., boards Ritter's
Bear, Charles W., brakeman, room 3d Street, between South C and
Beardsley, H. L., pastor M. E. Church, residence Center Street,
between 2d and 3d.
Beardsley, J. E., lime burner, residence 2d Street, between
South E and F.
Beaudouin, John, carpenter, residence 3d Street, between North A
and B.
Beck, Albert, laborer, rooms New York House.
Becker, W. P., bar-keeper. Western House.
Beers, Charles, laborer, residence South C Street, between 1st
and 2d^
Behan, John, laborer, residence corner Center and 6th Streets.
Beiswinger, Charles, shoemaker, boards New York House.
Beller, Jacob, painter, residence 2d Street, between Center and
South A.
Bemer, Phillip, mason, residence 3d Street, near the creek.
Benedict, L. O., bookkeeper, residence corner South C and 4th
Bennett, Osric, laborer. South C Street, between 1st and 2d.
Berns, J. N., blacksmith, residence 3d Street, between North A
and B.
Bird, George, baker, at Eagle Bakery.
Bischoff, H., merchant, residence 2d Street, between South A and
Bishop, Ed. B., carpenter, residence 4th Street, between South C
and D.
Bishop, Frank, laborer, residence corner South C and 3d Streets.
Blackburn, A. S., carpenter, residence corner South C and 5th
Blake, F. A., carpenter, residence corner South A and 4th
Blake, Wesley, bookkeeper, residence corner South A and 4th
Bloom, Oscar, coppersmith, residence Cedar Street, between South
B and C.
Boax, James J., machinist, residence 3d Street, between South B
and C.
Boberg, Gabriel, laborer, residence Spruce Street, between South
D and E.
Boise, Jeremiah, furniture dealer, residence corner Center and
2d Streets.
Bolles, William, laborer at Clark's Restaurant.
Bory, Paul, laborer in U. P. car shops.
Boswell, N. K., City Marshal, residence 2d Street between South
A and B.
Bottom, Perry, locomotive engineer, residence corner North B and
8d Streets.
Bougmyer, Henry, blacksmith, residence 1st Street between South
B and C.
Bower, George, miner, boards New York House.
Bowman, Jacob, farmer, residence Cedar Street, between North A
and B.
Boyd, Stephen, machinist, residence 3d Street, between south B
and C.
Bramel, Charles W., attorney-at-law, residence 4th Street,
between South C and D.
Bramel, W. S., trader, residence corner South A and 8th Streets.
Brandis, Wm. L., laborer, residence corner North C and 2d
Brandt, M. L., miner, residence corner 3d and North B Streets.
Brannon, James laborer, rooms South D Street, between 1st and
Brawner, David, carpenter, boards Frontier Hotel.
Brees, D. H., locomotive engineer, rooms South B Street, between
2d and 3d.
Briggs, Louis, locomotive engineer, residence Cedar Street,
between South D and E.
Brigham, Lewis, laborer, residence South D Street, suburbs.
Bristol, B. J., sash manufacturer, rooms corner South A and 2d
Brophy, JOHN R., Sheriff Albany
Brophy, Phillip, brakeman, rooms at Court House.
Brossins, Charles, painter, residence Cedar Street, between
South A and B.
Brown, Charles, fireman, boards Mechanics House.
Brown, G. P., salesman, residence 1st Street, between North A
and B.
Brown, J. A., locomotive engineer, boards Clark's Restaurant.
Brown, J. W., Express man, residence 3d Street, between South C
and D.
Brown, Jackson, farmer, residence suburbs, southeast.
Brown, John, laborer, Ingersoll's livery stable.
Brown, M. C, attorney-at-law, residence corner South A and 7th
Brown, P. J., locomotive engineer, residence corner South A and
1st Streets.
Brown, Simeon, laborer. Frontier Hotel.
Brown, Thomas, machinist, corner South E and 2d Streets.
Brown, W. S., laborer, residence 4th Street, between South B and
Brown, Walker, (colored), table-waiter Laramie Hotel.
Bruce, James, laborer, boards Western House.
Brunkce, Henry, bar-keeper, New York House.
Buch, C, wheelwright, boards Mechanics House.
Bunker, C. A., auctioneer, residence corner South C and 4th
Bunker, J. Rodney, carpenter, residence corner South C and 4th
Burbank, J. K., bookkeeper, residence 1st Street, between South
B and C.
Burgess, Frank, carpenter, boards Ritter's Restaurant.
Burke, John, timber man, boards Lacy's boarding house.
Burns, George, blacksmith, residence Cedar Street, between South
E and F.
Burns, Hugh, laborer, boards Western House.
Burns, William, blacksmith, shop South A Street, between 2d and
Burton, Albert, bridge-builder, railroad, corner South B and 7th
Bussard, C. H., contractor, residence South C Street, between 2d
and 3d.
Bussard, F. R. sash manufacturer, residence corner South B and
3d Streets.
Byurns, John, carpenter, boards Ritter's Restaurant.
C Surname
Carroll, Michael, contractor, residence
west side, near the bridge.
Carroll, James, brakeman, residence Front Street, between North
A and B.
Carroll, Patrick, blacksmith, residence Pine Street, between
South E and F.
Cordiner, William, merchant, residence South B Street, between
1st and 2d.
Christy, E. A., carpenter, residence Spruce Street, between
South D and E.
Christy, John, laborer, residence corner 3d and North B Streets.
Christy, John F., painter, residence South C Street, between 1st
and 2d.
Campbell, Fletcher, express man, residence corner North A and 3d
Campbell, William, carpenter, residence 1st Street, between
South F and G.
Campbell, George, well-digger, residence corner South E and 3d
Cook, S. M., plasterer, residence South B Street, between 3d and
Cook, A. M., laborer, residence South B Street, between 3d and
Conrad, J. M , laborer, residence South B Street, between 3d and
Colford, John, butcher, residence 3d Street, near the creek.
Crout, William, proprietor Frontier Hotel, corner 2d and South C
Crout, Edwin, carpenter, residence South D, between 1st and 2d
Cuppy, James, laborer, boards Frontier Hotel.
Clark, T. J. Y., real estate agent, residence 2d Street, near
the creek.
Clark, Alexander, laborer at Western House.
Clark, Mrs. S. C, proprietress Clark's Restaurant, 1st Street.
Cameron, Donald, railroad conductor, residence 4th Street,
between South C and D.
Coult, George, laborer, residence corner South C and 5th
Collins, J. W., stock-grower, residence corner 2d and South D
Collins, E. P., laborer, residence corner 5th and South D
Cusson, Rev. E., pastor Roman Catholic Church, residence corner
4th and South B Streets.
Connard, J. B., painter, residence 5th Street, between Center
and North A.
Conner, J. W., liquor merchant, residence 2d Street, between
South A and B.
Cowans, Joseph, (colored), laborer at Laramie Hotel.
Cox, Riley, (colored), laborer at Laramie Hotel.
Cay, Miss Alma, proprietress boarding house corner 2d and South
C Streets.
Chatterton, Charles, painter, boards with Miss Cay.
Chatterton, Frank, express man, boards with Miss Cay.
Cockfield, Joseph, merchant, residence Cedar Street, between
Center and South A.
Carroll, Thomas, laborer, boards at Western House.
Cooper, William, speculator, boards at New York House.
Comer, James, (colored), barber, residence 2d Street, between
South A and B.
Cleveland, Egbert, butcher, boards at Ritter's Restaurant.
Cochran, F. S., book-keeper, boards corner South B and 2d
Collson, M. E., carpenter, boards Clark's Restaurant,
Chaplin, L. S., painter, boards Ritter's Restaurant.
Ceander, O. A., tailor, boards Mechanics House.
Ceylander P. P., tailor, boards Mechanics House.
Crawford, A. B., Sen., railroad bridge watchman, residence, the
rail-road bridge.
Crawford, A. B., Jun., shoemaker, boards New York House.
Cavanaugh, Pat., speculator, boards New York House.
Corban, Jude, laborer, boards New York House.
Clausen, Louis, laborer, boards New York House.
Cavanaugh, Miss Fanny, table waiter. New York House.
Coykendall, Ed., clerk, Holliday's lumber yard.
Costello, James, stone mason, residence corner 1st and South D
Canoy, Joseph, laborer, residence corner 2d and South F Streets.
Cutter, A. C, engineer, residence corner 1st and South E
Clark, J. J., dentist, residence South A Street between 1st and
Clark, Daniel, barkeeper, at Rolling Mill House.
Chapline, Ben. A., fireman, residence 2d Street between Center
and North A.
Cavanaugh, John, blacksmith, boards Rolling Mill House.
Cook, H., merchant tailor, in Worth's Block.
Chambers, Henry, (colored,) laborer, Laramie Hotel.
Clark, Charles, engineer, residence Pine Street, between South D
and E.
Clark, Charles, freight clerk, railroad, residence Pine Street
near the creek.
Colby, D. W., farmer, residence Front Street, between Center and
South A.
Cook, Jabez, laborer, residence Cedar Street, between South A
and B.
Connors, Charles, laborer, residence Spruce Street, between
South D and E.
Cardwell, laborer, residence Front Street, between Center and
South A.
Craven, Edward, laborer, residence north section house.
Cobleigh, E. A., laborer, residence north section house.
