Wyoming AHGP
Part of the American History and Genealogy Project


K-M Surname ~ Directory of Laramie City Wyoming Territory

Note. The Streets of Laramie City cross each other at right angles. Those running north and south, or parallel with the railroad track, on the east side of the same, being numbered from the track, as 1st, 2d 3d, &c. Those on the west side of the track being named, to-wit: 1st Front Street, 2d Cedar Street, 3d Spruce Street, 4th Pine Street The cross Streets-running east and west, commencing at Center Street, being lettered North, and South, as follows: North "A," South "A," and so on through the alphabet.] There is no explanation as to why some names are capitalized and others not. They do not explain why the list is not in alphabetical order.

K Surname

Kane, Charles, fireman, boards at Miss Cay's boarding house.
Kassner, Frank, locomotive engineer, residence corner North B and Front Streets.
Keefer, Henry, lumberman, boards New York House.
Keene, John, farmer, residence suburbs East Laramie.
Keene, Patrick, laborer, residence 1st street, between South D and E.
Keil, Mrs. Fanny, music-teacher, residence corner South C and 5th Streets.
Keller, Dugan, miner, boards New York House.
Kellet, John, brakeman, rooms in Fischer's Block.
Kellet, Thos. J., brakeman, rooms in Fischer's Block.
Kellogg, John, farmer, residence 3d Street, suburbs south.
Kelly, Michael, laborer, corner South T) and 3d Streets.
Kelsey S., carpenter, residence South C Street between 1st and 2d.
Kemmis, Thos., laborer, residence South D Street, between 1st and 2d,
Kendall, Warren, teamster, residence 3d Street, between South F and G.
Kennedy, I. V. B., road master U. P. R. R., residence corner South B and Front Streets.
Kennedy, John, laborer, corner South D and 3d Streets.
Kerfoot, Lee, machinist, residence corner Cedar and South D Streets.
Kerns, Edward, brick-maker, boards New York House.
Ketteler, Wm., salesman, with M. G. Fonn.
King, James, locomotive engineer, residence corner 1st and South G Streets. ,
Kingman, J. W., attorney-at-law, residence corner Center and 4th Streets.
Kirby, Thomas, laborer, residence 1st Street, between South D and E.
Klingerman, Chas., contractor and builder, residence corner South B and 3d Streets.
Knabe, Mrs. Mary, seamstress, residence 1st Street, between South C and E.
Knaddler, Morgan, water-works, residence 3d Street, between South D and E.
Knox, Alex, machinist, residence 1st Street, between South F and G.
Korb, Charles H., teamster, boards Mechanics House.
Korty, W. H., boot-maker, residence South A Street, between 1st and 2d.
Kregor, Augustus, barber, residence 3d Street, between South C and D.
Kuster, Charles, liquor merchant, residence South A Street, between 1st and 2d.

L Surname

Labalda, John, laborer, suburbs East Laramie.
Labonta, D. F., farmer, residence suburbs North Laramie.
Lacy, Michael, boarding house, South B Street, between 2d and 3d.
Lafever, John, lumberman, boards New York House.
Laith, George, machinist, residence South D Street, between 1st and 2d.
Lamphere, F. M., carpenter, residence 2d Street, between North B and C.
Lancaster, G. W., harness-maker, residence corner South B and 3d Streets.
Langdon, W. G., train dispatcher U. P. R. R., residence corner North A and 1st Streets.
Larsen, Erick, laborer, works in car shops.
Lauck, J. B., railroad conductor, residence 2d Street, between Center and North A.
Lehman, E. J., merchant, boards Laramie Hotel.
Lemmon, James, miner, home at Worth's Hotel.
Lepper, F. M., salesman, at Hellman's.
Leroy, O. R., hardware merchant, corner South A and 2d Streets.
Lewis Wm., miner, home at Worth's Hotel.
Lewis, Henry M., laborer, residence 2d Street, between South F and G.
Lilly, John, laborer, boards Rolling Mill House.
Little, George, trader, resides suburbs East Laramie.
Lloyd, Wesley, laborer, residence 2d Street, between South D and E.
Loenhardt, Wm., butcher, residence 2d Street, between South A
Logan, Terry, boiler-maker, residence Pine Street, between South D
Lonargan, David, laborer, residence 1st Street, between South and D.
Long, John, laborer, residence 4th Street, between South B and C.
Long, Mrs. M. M., seamstress, residence 4th Street, between South B
Lorenz, Alex, butcher, residence 2d Street, between South A and B
Lousan, F. machinist, boards New York House.
Lovett, Wm., painter, boards Lacy's boarding house.
Lowman. H. L., capitalist, office corner South A and 2d Streets
Lumbard. Miss Minnie, hair-dresser, corner 2d and South B Streets.

M Surname

Machinter, Chris, teamster, residence 2d Street, near the creek
Madson, C, carpenter, residence 1st Street, between Center and North A.
Madson, M., brick-layer, residence 1st Street, between Center and North A.
Madson, Paul, laborer, residence 1st Street, between Center and North A.
Malloy, L., brakeman, boards Mechanics Hotel.
Manasse, Wm., merchant, 2d Street, between South A and B.
Mandel, Phillip, stock-grower, residence corner South C and 4th
Mandigo, Chas., laborer, boards Frontier Hotel.
Maple, Louise, residence 2d Street, between South F and G.
Marchion, John, butcher, boards Fuhr's Restaurant.
Marquette, Geo., miner, boards New York House.
Marsh, Robert, clerk car depot, residence corner Front and North A Streets.
Martin Thos., machinist, residence corner South G and 1st Streets.
Martin, John H., laborer, boards Frontier Hotel.
Martin, Peter, machinist, residence South C Street, between
Marvin, Mrs. J. E., dress-maker, residence 4th Street between South C and D Street
Matthison, James, carpenter, residence corner South E and 1st Streets.
Medley, J. J., wheelwright, boards Western House.
Meldrum, J. W., county clerk, residence corner South A and 7th Streets.
Mercier, Isadore, manufacturer soda water. South A Street, between 1st and 2d.
Merrell, Homer, attorney-at-law, residence South B Street, between 4th and 5th.
Merrill, M. N., jeweler, boards Fuhr's Restaurant.
Merrill, O., brakeman, boards Miss Cay's boarding house.
Merritt, H. N., gunsmith, boards Frontier Hotel.
Mertins, Henry, bar-tender, at Tivoli Hall.
Metcalf, A. J., book-keeper, residence 3d Street, between Center and North A.
Metcalf, John, carpenter, residence 2d Street, between Center South A.
Metcalf, Thos., laborer, boards Frontier Hotel.
Methfessel, Chris., tailor, residence 2d Street, between South B and C.
Metz, Charles, baker, residence Front Street, between South A and B.
Miller, Chas., fireman, residence suburbs south.
Miller, Louis, jeweler, residence corner North B and 2d Streets.
Miller, Wm. C, lumberman, residence Cedar Street, between South A and B.
Mills, M. H., telegraph operator, boards at Laramie Hotel.
Mills, S. L., Superintendent's clerk, U. P. R. R., residence on corner of North A and 2d Streets.
Mills, T. C. miner, boards at Worth's Hotel.
Mills, W. A., railroad conductor, boards at Laramie Hotel,
Mitchell, Chas., engineer, residence Pine Street suburbs.
Mitchell, John, mason, residence 4th Street, between North C and D.
Moir, Frank, machinist, residence on corner of North C and 7th Streets.
Montgomery, Mrs. Sarah, residence on corner of South A and 2d Streets.
Moody, Thos. B., hunter, boards at Frontier Hotel
Moore, D. G., machinist, residence on corner of North C and 2d Streets.
Moresy, John, painter, boards at Mechanics House.
Moritz, John, cook, New York House.
Morris, M. P., porter, New York House.
Morrison, Chas., brakeman, boards at Mechanics House.
Morrison, John, stone-mason, residence on South B Street, near rail-road track.
Morse, J. G., telegraph repairer, boards at Laramie Hotel
Mosby, Henry, (colored) cook, Laramie Hotel.
Mulholland, J. H., jeweler, rooms in Vogelsang's Block.
Muncy, E. W., bartender, boards at Fuhr's Restaurant.
Murphy, J. L., carpenter, residence on corner of South C and 3d Streets.
Murphy, M. H., saloon-keeper, residence on corner of South B and 1st Streets.
Murphy, Miss Hannah, proprietress of Western House.
Murphy, P. G., farmer and contractor, residence on 2d Street, between North A and B.
Murphy, Wm. L., Jr., brass finisher, residence on corner of South E and 3d Streets.
Murphy, Wm. L., Sen., coppersmith, residence on corner of South E and 3d Streets.
Myers, John, saloon-keeper, residence on corner of South E and 2d Streets.


Source: History and Directory of Laramie City, Wyoming Territory, By J. H. Triggs, Laramie City: Daily Sentinel Print, 1875.

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