Washington Military Forts

Alphabetical list of forts, reservations, blockhouses, named camps, National and State Homes for soldiers, national cemeteries, etc., in Washington from its earliest settlement to date.

Many of the forts and structures named were erected by the early settlers for their own protection, and all vestige of them has now disappeared. The exact locations of many are not positively known at the present day, but reference is made to them in State histories, State papers, etc. Those in bold-faced type are now occupied by troops or are under the control of the War Department.(does not apply) The data available for consultation are known to be incomplete, and may be erroneous in some instances.

Bellingham, Fort, Washington on Bellingham Bay.

Canby, Fort, Washington on Cape Disappointment, mouth of Columbia River.
Canoe Island, Reservation, Washington, in the Haro Archipelago.
Cape Disappointment, fort at, Washington Fort Canby.
Cascades, Fort, Washington near Cascade City.
Casey, Fort, Washington near Port Townsend, in Island County.
Challam Point, reservation, Washington at the entrance to Port Discovery.
Chehalis, Fort, Washington in Chehalis County
Chelan, Fort, Washington near Lake Chelan.
Chinook Point, fort at, Washington Fort Columbia.
Columbia, Fort, Washington at Chinook Point, Pacific County.
Columbia Barracks, Washington Now Vancouver Barracks.
Colville, Fort, Washington in Colville Valley.

Deception Pass North, Reservation, Washington at Two Islands, in Island County.
Deception Pass South, Reservation, Washington at Two Islands, in Island County.
Defence, Fort, Washington on Vancouver Island.
Defiance Point Reservation, Washington at Narrows of Puget Sound.
Discovery, Fort, Reservation, Washington Two military reservations at.
Double Bluff Reservation, Washington Opposite Fairweather Point.

Flagler, Fort, Washington at Marrowstone Point, Puget Sound.
Foulweather Point Reservation, Washington at entrance to Hoods Canal.

Georgian Gulf Reservation, Washington.
Goose Island, Reservation, Washington in the Strait of San Juan de Fuca.

Hancock, Fort, Washington Mouth of Columbia River.
Harney depot, Washington in Colville Valley.
Henrietta, Fort, Washington in Willamette Valley.
Hoods Head, reservation at, Washington Admiralty Inlet.

Jordan Cantonment, Washington In valley of San Francisco Borgia.
Juan de Fuca, Straits of, reservation, Washington.

Lawton, Fort, Washington at Magnolia Bluff, near Seattle.
Lee, Battery, Washington at Fort Flagler.
Lopez Island, Reservation, Washington in San Juan County.

Magnolia Bluff, fort at, Washington Fort Lawton.
Muckleshute, Camp, Washington on Muckleshute Prairie, White River.

Narrowstone Point Reservation, Washington Entrance to Port Townsend.
Neah Bay Reservation, Washington near Cape Flattery.
Nesqually, Fort, Washington on Nesqually River.
New Dungeness Harbor, reservations at, Washington.
Nez Perce, Fort, Washington Now Fort Walla Walla.
Nugen, Fort, Washington on Whidbys Island.

Okanagon, fort, Washington on Columbia River, at its junction with the Okanagon.
Osoyoos, Camp, Washington on Lake Osoyoos, Okinakane.

Penns Cove Reservation, Washington on Whidby Island.
Pickett, Camp, Washington on San Juan Island.
Point Hudson Reservation, Washington near Port Townsend.
Point Roberts Reservation, Washington on Puget Sound.
Point Wilson Reservation, Washington Entrance to Admiralty Inlet.
Port Angeles and Ediz Hook Reservation, Washington. In Clallam County.
Puget Sound Narrows, Reservation, Washington.

Roberts Point Reservation, Washington (See Point Roberts.)

San Juan Island, camp on, Washington Camps Reynolds and Pickett.
Shaw Island Reservation, Washington in the Haro Archipelago.
Simcoe, Fort, Washington Klamath County, in Simcoe Valley, on Yakima Indian Reservation; now town of that name.
Sinyakwateen Depot, Washington at Chunikane Bridge.
Skocham Bay, fortifications in, Washington.
Spokane, Fort, Washington on Spokane River.
Steele, Camp, Washington on San Juan Island.
Steilacoom, Fort, Washington Pierce County, eastern shore of Puget Sound; now town of that name.

Table Point Reservation, Washington On Hoods Canal.
Talla Point, reservation, Washington At entrance to Hoods Canal.
Taylor, Fort, Washington on Snake River, in Walla Walla County.
Three Tree Point Reservation, Washington North bank of Columbia River.
Tilton, Fort, Washington.
Townsend, Fort, Washington near Port Townsend.

Vancouver Arsenal, Washington at Vancouver.
Vancouver, Fort or Barracks, Washington at Vancouver; first named Columbia Barracks.

Waadah Island, Reservation, Washington On east side of Neah Harbor.
Walla Walla, Fort, Washington at Walla Walla.
Washington State Soldiers Home, Orting, Washington.
Whidbys Island, fort on, Washington Fort Nugen.
Wilhelm, Battery, Washington at Fort Flagler.
Wilson Point Reservation, Washington.
Worden, Fort, Washington at Point Wilson, near Port Townsend.
Wright, Fort, Washington near Spokane.

Historic Military Forts

Source: Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, Volume 2, by Francis B. Heitman, Government Printing Office, 1903.


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