Texas Military Forts

Alphabetical list of forts, reservations, blockhouses, named camps, National and State Homes for soldiers, national cemeteries, etc., in Texas from its earliest settlement to date.

Many of the forts and structures named were erected by the early settlers for their own protection, and all vestige of them has now disappeared. The exact locations of many are not positively known at the present day, but reference is made to them in State histories, State papers, etc. Those in bold-faced type are now occupied by troops or are under the control of the War Department.(does not apply) The data available for consultation are known to be incomplete, and may be erroneous in some instances.

Adaes Mission, Fort, Texas, 15 miles west of Nacogdoches.
Alamo, Fort, Texas, At San Antonio.
Anahuac, Fort, Texas in Chambers County.
Arkokisa, Fort, Texas on Trinity River.
Austin Arsenal, Texas, at Austin.

Bahia, Fort, Texas, at Bahia.
Ball, Tom, Camp, Texas, at Houston.
Belknap, Fort, Texas on Red Fork of Brazos River.
Blake, Camp, Texas on Rio San Pedro.
Bliss, Old Fort, Texas on Rio Grande, near Franklin.
Bliss, Fort, Texas. (new) at El Paso.
Bolivar Point, fort at, Texas Now Fort Travis, Galveston Bay.
Bra/os Agency, camp at, Texas
Brazos Island, fort on, Texas Fort Polk.
Brazos River, fort on, Texas Fort Phantom Hill.
Brazos Santiago, fort at, Texas Fort Polk.
Brown, Fort, Texas at Brownsville.
Brownsville National Cemetery, Texas at Brownsville.
Buchanan, Camp, Texas at San Antonio.
Buffalo Springs, Reservation, Texas on Trinity River.
Burbank, Camp, Texas on the Limpia River.
Burwell, Camp, Texas at Eagle Pass.

Casa Bianca, Camp, Texas on the Nueces River.
Chadbourne, Fort, Texas on Oak Creek, Coke County; now town of that name.
Clark, Fort, Texas near Brackettville.
Clear Fork of the Brazos, post of, Texas.
Collins, Camp, Texas at Sherman.
Colorado, Camp, Texas 6 miles north of the Colorado River.
Conception, Camp, Texas at San Antonio.
Concho, Fort, Texas at junction of Main and North Conchos; first named Camp Hatch.
Concordia Camp, Texas near Fort Bliss.
Cooper, Camp, Texas Five miles east of the mouth of Oteys Creek, in Throckmorton County.
Corpus Christi, fort at, Texas Fort Marcy.
Crawford, Camp, Texas Name changed to Fort McIntosh.
Crockett, Fort, Texas at Galveston.
Croghan, Fort, Texas, on Hamilton Creek, 14 miles above its mouth.

Davant, Camp, Texas near Baudere Pass.
Davis, Fort, Texas on Limpia River, Jeff Davis County; now town of that name.
Defiance, Fort, Texas at Goliad
Del Rio, Camp, Texas near Village of Del Rio, Kinney County.
Drum, Camp, Texas on Rio Grande, opposite Guerrero.
Duncan, Fort, Texas at Eagle Pass, on the Rio Grande.

Eagle Pass, fort at, Texas Fort Duncan.
Elliott, Fort, Texas Near head of Sweetwater Creek.
El Paso, fort at, Texas Fort Bliss.
El Pico, Camp, Texas 15 miles northwest of Laredo.
Esperanza, Fort, Texas on Matagorda Island.
Ewell Fort, Texas on Nueces River.

Florilla, Camp, Texas at Medina.
Francois, Fort, Texas also called Fort St. Louis.

Gardenier, Camp, Texas on South Fork of Nueces River.
Gates, Fort Texas on Leon River, 5 miles above Coryells Creek.
Graham, Fort, Texas on Brazos River, Hill County; now town of that name, 14 miles from Hillsboro.
Griffin, Fort, Texas on Clear Fork of Brazos River, Shackelford County; now town of that name; first called Camp Wilson.
Guadalupe River, fort at mouth of, Texas.

Hamilton, Camp, Texas near Fort Brown.
Hancock, Fort, Texas 53 miles east of El Paso; now town of that name; first called Camp Rice.
Harney, Camp, Texas at Belleville, on Rio Grande.
Hatch, Camp, Texas name changed to Fort Concho.
Hawley, Camp, Texas at Galveston.
Holmes, Camp, Texas on Rio Grande, 10 miles above Fort Bliss.
Houston, Sam, Fort, Texas at San Antonio.
Hudson, Camp, Texas on Devils River, 80 miles from Fort Clark.

Inge, Fort, Texas on Leone River, in Uvalde County.
Isabel, Point, fort at, Texas Fort Polk.
Ives, Camp, Texas 4 miles from Camp Verde.

Jackson, Camp, Texas at Rodeo, about 20 miles from Eagle Pass.
Johnston, Camp, Texas on North Concho River.

Kelly, Camp, Texas Name changed to Fort Concho.
Kirby, Fort, Texas on the Charceo Grande del Aqua Dulce.

Le Dout, Fort, Texas on the upper tributaries of the Sabine River.
Lancaster, Fort, Texas near junction of Live Oak Creek with Pecos River.
La Pena, Camp, Texas 40 miles southeast of Fort Duncan.
Laredo, fort at, Texas Fort McIntosh.
Las Laxas, Camp, Texas on Rio Grande, 50 miles above Fort Ringgold.
Lawson, Camp, Texas about 75 miles from Fort Inge.
Lincoln, Fort, Texas on Rio Seco, 50 miles west of San Antonio.
Lopen, Camp, Texas 43 miles from Rio Grande City.
Los Ceritos, Camp, Texas near Laredo.

McIntosh, Fort, Texas on Rio Grande, near Laredo; first called Camp Crawford.
McKavett, Fort, Texas Menard County; now town of that name; on San Saba River, 2 miles from its source.
Marcy, Fort, Texas near Corpus Christi.
Martin Scott, Fort, Texas on a branch of the Colorado, near Fredericksburg.
Mason, Camp, Texas on the Limpia.
Mason, Fort, Texas on Comanche Creek, near the Llano River.
Matagorda Bay, Battery at, Texas on Matagorda Bay.
Matagorda Island, fort on, Texas Fort Esperanza.
Merrill, Fort, Texas on the Nueces River, about 50 miles northwest of Corpus Christi.
Mud, Fort, Texas near mouth of Red River.
Mosby, Camp, Texas at San Antonio.

Nacogdoches, Fort, Texas at town of same name.
Neches, Fort, Texas on River Neches.
Nevills Spring, camp at, Texas near Fort Davis.

Oak Creek, fort on, Texas Fort Chadbourne.
Olmus Camp, Texas near San Antonio.

Palo Alto, Camp, Texas about 5 miles below Brownsville.
Passo Cavallo, fortifications at, Texas.
Pecan Camp, Texas near Colorado River.
Pelican Spit, reservation at, Texas in Galveston Bay.
Pena Colorado, Camp, Texas near Marathon Station, Southern Pacific Railroad.
Phantom Hill, Fort, Texas on Clear Fork of Brazos River.
Phelps, Camp, Texas on Rio Grande, opposite Los Cueras.
Point, Fort, Texas Name changed to Fort San Jacinto.
Point Isabel, fort at, Texas Fort Polk.
Polk, Fort, Texas at Point Isabel, Gulf of Mexico.

Quitman, Fort, Texas on the Rio Grande, 70 miles below El Paso.

Relief, Camp, Texas at Eagle Springs, Cimbria River.
Rice, Camp, Texas name changed to Fort Hancock.
Richardson, Fort, Texas on Lost Creek, near Jacksboro.
Ricketts, Camp, Texas at Edinburg, on Rio Grande.
Riley, Fort, Texas on Las Moras Creek; now Fort Clark.
Ringgold, Fort, Texas near Rio Grande City.

Sabine, Fort, Texas in Sabine Pass, Jefferson County.
St. Bernard Bay, fort on, Texas.
St. John the Baptist, Fort, Texas On the west bank of the Rio Bravo.
St. Louis, Fort, Texas near Matagorda Bay.
St. Louis de Carloretto, Fort, Texas on the Natchitoches River.
Salt Lake, camp at, Texas 85 miles northwest of Fort Brown.
Sam Houston, Fort, Texas at San Antonio.
San Antonio Arsenal, Texas at San Antonio.
San Antonio National Cemetery, Texas at San Antonio.
San Antonio de Valero, Fort, Texas about 1 mile from San Antonio.
San Jacinto, Fort, Texas near Galveston.
Santa Barbara, Fort, Texas.
Santa Maria de Loreto de la Bahia del Espiritu Santo, Fort, Texas. Same as Fort St. Louis.
Scott, Martin, Fort, Texas at Fredericksburg.
Scott, M. J., Camp, Texas Near the Rio Grande, 28 miles northwest of Eagle Pass.
Sherman, Fort, Texas on the Big Cypress, in Titus County.
Spunky, Fort, Texas Hood County; now town of that name.
Stanley, Camp, Texas on Guadalupe River.
Stockton, Fort, Texas Pecos County, at Comanche Springs.

Taylor, Fort, Texas on the Rio Grande; present site of Fort Brown.
Terrett, Fort, Texas East border of Bexar County.
Travis, Fort, Texas at Bolivar Point, Galveston Bay.
Trinidad, Camp, Texas on Lake Trinidad.
Turan, Fort, Texas in Angelina County.

Velasco, Fort, Texas Mouth of the Brazos River.
Verde, Camp, Texas 60 miles northwest of San Antonio.
Virginia Point, battery at, Texas 5 miles from Galveston.

Walker's Fort, Texas on Brazos River.
Washington Fort, Texas at Pass Cavallo.
Wilcox, Camp, Texas on Trinity River.
Wood, Camp, Texas on the Nueces River.
Wood, G. W. F., Camp, Texas 50 miles northwest of Fort Inge.
Worth, Fort, Texas Tarrant County, on Trinity River; now town of that name.

Historic Military Forts

Source: Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, Volume 2, by Francis B. Heitman, Government Printing Office, 1903.


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