Alphabetical list of forts, reservations, blockhouses, named camps, National and State Homes for soldiers, national cemeteries, etc., in Florida from its earliest settlement to date.
Many of the forts and structures named were erected by the early settlers for their own protection, and all vestige of them has now disappeared. The exact locations of many are not positively known at the present day, but reference is made to them in State histories, State papers, etc. Those in bold-faced type are now occupied by troops or are under the control of the War Department.(does not apply) The data available for consultation are known to be incomplete, and may be erroneous in some instances.
Adair Battery, Florida, at Fort Taylor.
Adams, T. B., Fort, Florida, on Caloosahatchee River.
Advance Towers, Fort, Florida, near Key West.
Alabama, Fort, Florida, on Hillsboro River, 25 miles from Tampa Bay.
Amelia Island, forts on, Florida Forts Clinch and St. George.
Anastasia Island, forts on, Florida, Forts Matanzas and Preston, near St. Augustine.
Anchusa, Fort, Florida, at the entrance of Pensacola Bay.
Andrews, Fort, Florida on Apalachee Bay.
Ann, Fort, Florida, On Indian River.
Annutteeliga, Fort, Florida at Brooksville.
Apalachicola Arsenal, Florida on Apalachicola River.
Apalachicola, Fort, Florida on Apalachicola River.
Arbuckle, Fort, Florida on Lake Ishtopoga.
Armstrong, Fort, Florida at Dade's battle ground.
Armstrong, Fort, Florida on Manatee River.
Arruinado, Fort, Florida at Sarasota.
Arruinado, Fort, Florida, Pensacola Bay.
Atkinson, Fort, Florida, on Suwanee River.
Babbitt Island Reservation, Florida, St. Johns River.
Baker, Fort, Florida, on Esteinhatchee River.
Bankhead, Fort, Florida, Key Biscayne.
Barbour, Fort, Florida on Apalachee River, near Aspalaga.
Barker, Fort, Florida on the Esteinhatchee River.
Barnwell, Fort, Florida near mouth of St. Johns River.
Barrancas, Fort, Florida near Pensacola.
Barrancas National Cemetery, Florida. North side of Pensacola Bay.
Basinger, Fort, Florida Kissimmee River, De Soto County.
Big Cypress Swamp, forts in, Florida at the Everglades.
Bigelow, Battery, Florida at Fort Dade.
Braden, Fort, Florida Ocklockonee River.
Brisbane, Camp, Florida in St. John's County.
Broadnax, Fort, Florida near the Chickuchatty.
Brooke, Fort, Florida, at the head of Tampa Bay.
Brooke, Frank, Fort, Florida on Dead Man's Bay.
Brooks, Fort, Florida on Ocklawaha River.
Brown, Camp, Florida at Fort Pickens.
Brown, Fort, Florida on St. John's River, 10 miles east of Palatka.
Buckeye, Fort, Florida on Esteinhatchee River.
Buena Vista, Fort, Florida on St. Johns River.
Bulowville, fortifications at, Florida. At Tomaku, Musquito County.
Burchsted, Battery, Florida at Fort Dade.
Butler, Fort, Florida opposite Volusia, St. Johns River.
Call, Fort, Florida, at Volusia.
Cameron, Battery, Florida, near Fort Pickens.
Caminada Bay Reservation, Florida.
Cape Sable, fort at, Florida Fort Poinsett.
Capron, Fort, Florida opposite Indian River inlet.
Carlos Barrancas, Fort, Florida near Pensacola.
Caroline, Fort, Florida at St. Johns Bluff, St. Johns River; name changed to Fort San Mateo.
Carroll, Fort, Florida on Pease Creek.
Casey, Fort, Florida in Charlotte Harbor.
Cedar Keys, battery at, Florida
Cedar Keys, reservation at, Florida Cantonment Morgan.
Centre, Battery, Florida at Fort McRee.
Center, Fort, Florida near Lake Okechobee.
Charles, Fort, Florida at Pensacola.
Charlotte Harbor, reservation and defenses of, Florida.
Chattahoochee Arsenal, Florida at Chattahoochee.
Chipola, Fort, Florida Latitude 30 45', longitude 85 3'.
Chokonikla, Fort, Florida on Pease Creek.
Christmas, Fort, Florida near Lake Harney.
Church, Fort, Florida at Fernandina.
Clarke, Fort, Florida on the Ocilla River, in Alachua County.
Clinch (1), Fort, Florida on Amelia Island, at Fernandina.
Clinch (2), Fort, Florida on Lake Locha Popka.
Clinch (3), Fort, Florida on Withlacoochee River.
Clinch (4), Fort, Florida Three miles from Pensacola.
Cooper, Fort, Florida on Withlacoochee River.
Covington, Battery, Florida at Fort Taylor.
Crabbe Fort, Florida on New River.
Crane, Fort, Florida on Lake Pithlochoco.
Crane, Fort, Florida 7 miles north of Micanopy.
Crawford, Fort, Florida, on Manatee River.
Crevecoeur, Fort, Florida St. Josephs Bay.
Crooked Island Reservation, Florida St. Andrews Sound.
Cross, Fort, Florida at Palm Point.
Cross, Fort, Florida, 19 miles northwest of old Fort Bade.
Crum, Fort, Florida Withlacoochee River.
Cuba Libre, Camp, Florida at Jacksonville.
Cullum, Battery, Florida at Fort Pickens.
Cummings, Fort, Florida, Latitude 28 15', longitude 81 55'.
Dabney, Fort, Florida at Suwanee Old Town.
Bade (new), Fort, Florida on Egmont Key, 35 miles from Tampa.
Dade (old), Fort, Florida Withlacoochee River, 13 miles from Dade's Battle Ground.
Dallas, Fort, Florida near mouth of Miami River.
Daniels, Camp, Florida near Fort Myers.
Davenport, Fort, Florida on Reedy Creek, near Big Cypress Swamp.
Dead Mans Bay, fort at, Florida Fort Frank Brooke.
Defiance, Fort, Florida.
De Leon Battery, Florida at Key West.
Denaud, Fort, Florida on Caloosahatchee River, 20 miles above Fort Meyers.
De Soto, Fort, Florida on Mullet Key, 34 miles from Tampa.
Diego, Fort, Florida 25 miles from San Diego.
Dilworth, Battery, Florida at Fort Taylor.
Doane, Fort, Florida near Big Cypress Swamp.
Dog Island, reservation on, Florida at entrance of St. Georges Sound.
Drane, Fort, Florida in Marion County.
Downing, Fort, Florida on the Suwanee River, 10 miles from Micanopy.
Drum, Simon, Fort, Florida near Big Cypress Swamp, in Brevard County; now town of Fort Drum.
Dry Tortugas, fort at, Florida Fort Jefferson.
Dulany, Fort, Florida at Puntarassa.
Du Quesne, Fort, Florida.
Econfinee, Fort, Florida 5 miles above mouth of Econfinee River.
Egmont Key, fort at, Florida Fort Dade.
Espiritu Santo Bay, reservation in, Florida.
Fanning, Fort, Florida on Suwanee River, 18 miles above its mouth.
Fernandina, fort at, Florida Fort Clinch.
Flagg Island, Reservation, Florida at entrance of St. George's Sound.
Florida Arsenal, Florida at Apalachicola.
Foster, Fort, Florida on Hillsboro River.
Foster, Fort, Florida in Big Cypress Swamp.
Fosters Bank, fort on, Florida in Pensacola Bay.
Four, Number, Fort, Florida at Cedar Keys.
Fowle, Fort, Florida on Ocklawha River.
Frank Brooke, Fort, Florida on Esteinhatchee River.
Frazer, Fort, Florida on Pease Creek.
Fulton, Fort, Florida near Big Cypress Swamp.
Gadsden, Fort, Florida on Apalachicola River.
Gaines, Fort, Florida at Gainesville.
Gale, Fort, Florida in Putnam County.
Gait, Camp, Florida near Tampa.
Gamble, Fort, Florida 30 miles southeast of Tallahassee.
Gapron, Fort, Florida in Brevard County.
Gardiner, Battery, Florida at Fort Taylor.
Gardner, Fort, Florida on Kissimmee River, near Cypress Lake.
Gareys Ferry, ordnance depot, Florida on Black Creek, in Duval County.
Gasperville Island, Reservation, Florida at entrance to Charlotte Harbor.
Gates, Fort, Florida on St. Johns River, 4 miles south of mouth of Ocklawaha River.
Gatlin, Fort, Florida on Watermelon Lake.
George, Fort, Florida Mouth of St Johns River, Duval County; now town of that name.
Gillespie, Fort, Florida Latitude 29 W, longitude 82 15'.
Gilliland, Fort, Florida at Newnansville.
Green, Fort, Florida De Soto County, 30 miles east from Tampa Bay; now town of that name.
Great Warsaw Island, battery on, Georgia near Savannah.
Griffin, Fort, Florida on Suwanee River, 8 miles from its mouth.
Halliman, Fort, Florida Latitude 29, longitude 82 45'.
Hamer, Fort, Florida near mouth of the Manatee River.
Hamilton, Fort, Florida in Madison County.
Hanson, Fort, Florida On St. Johns River, 13 miles southwest of St. Augustine.
Harllee, Fort, Florida on Santa Fe River.
Harrell, Fort, Florida at the head of Alcotopa River.
Harriet, Fort, Florida 17 miles northwest of St. Marks.
Harriloliz, Fort, Florida in Leon County.
Harrison, Fort, Florida in Clearwater Harbor, Tampa Bay.
Hartsuff, Fort, Florida on Pease Creek.
Harvie, Fort, Florida on Caloosahatchee River; present site of Fort Myers.
Heileman, Fort, Florida at junction of North and South forks of Black Creek.
Henry, Fort, Florida in the Everglades.
Holmes, Fort, Florida 11 miles from Palatka.
Hook, Fort, Florida 20 miles from Fort King.
Hudson, Fort, Florida near St. Augustine.
Hulbert, Fort, Florida in Taylor County.
Hunter, Fort, Florida on St. Johns River, near Palatka.
Hurricane Island Reservation, Florida in St. Andrews Bay.
Izard, Fort, Florida on Withlacoochee River.
Jefferson, Fort, Florida at Dry Tortugas.
Jennings, Fort, Florida on Wakasassa River, 12 miles above its mouth.
Jones, Fort, Florida on Aucilla River.
Josephine, Fort, Florida.
Jupiter, Fort, Florida 3 miles from Jupiter Inlet.
Keais, Fort, Florida near Big Cypress Swamp.
Keyes, Fort, Florida.
Key West Barracks, Florida at Key West.
Key West, fort at, Florida Fort Taylor.
King, Fort, Florida on Ocklawha River.
Kingsbury, Fort, Florida St. Johns River.
Kissimmee, Fort, Florida on Kissimmee River.
Kneas, Fort, Florida Latitude 26 15', longitude 81 25'.
Laidley, Battery, Florida at Fort Dade.
Lancaster, Fort, Florida in eastern Florida.
Lane, Fort, Florida St. Johns River, near Lake Harney.
Lang Syne, Camp, Florida near Fort Drane.
Lauderdale, Fort, Florida at the head of New River Inlet, Dade County; now town of that name.
Laudonniere's Camp, Florida on St. Marys River.
Lawson, Camp, Florida near Palatka.
Lawson, Camp, Florida between St. Marks and Tallahassee.
Lincoln, Battery, Florida on Santa Rosa Island.
Lloyd, Fort, Florida North of Lake Okechobee.
McClellan, Fort, Florida
McClure, Fort, Florida at Warm Spring, on Withlacoochee River.
McCoy, Fort, Florida Marion County; now town of that name.
McCrabb, Fort, Florida at Suwanee.
McIntosh, Battery, Florida at Fort Dade.
McKay, or Mackay, Fort, Florida on Ocklawaha River.
McLemore, Camp, Florida on Withlacoochee River.
McNeill, Fort, Florida near Lake Poinsett.
Macomb (1), Fort, Florida on Suwanee River, in Lafayette County.
Macomb (2), Fort, Florida St. Marks River, 10 miles north of St. Marks.
McRae, Fort, Florida near Lake Okechobee.
McRee, Fort, Florida Pensacola Bay, opposite Fort Pickens.
Maitland, Fort, Florida near Lake Monroe.
Mantanzas, Fort, Florida on Anastasia Island.
Many, Fort, Florida 16 miles southeast of Tallahassee.
Marianna, fort at, Florida.
Marion, Fort, Florida at St. Augustine; first called Castle of St. Mark.
Martello Tower, Florida at Key West.
Mason, Fort, Florida near St. Johns River, 14 miles southwest of Volusia.
Matheo, Fort, Florida See San Matheo.
Matanzas Inlet, Fort, Florida.
Matthews, Fort, Florida on Oconee River.
Meade, Fort, Florida on Pease Creek, Polk County; now town of that name.
Mellon, Fort, Florida on Lake Monroe.
Micanopy, Fort, Florida at Micanopy.
Mills, Fort, Florida 10 miles from Newnansville.
Mitchell, Fort, Florida Tenhallama River.
Moniac, Fort, Florida at Hogans Ferry, on St. Marys River.
Monroe, Camp, Florida Afterwards Fort Mellon.
Montgomery, Fort, Florida Latitude 30 30', longitude 87 15'.
Moosa, Fort, Florida near St. Augustine.
Moreno Point, reservation, Florida at entrance of Santa Rosa Sound.
Morgan, Cantonment, Florida at Cedar Keys.
Morgan, Camp, Florida at Pensacola.
Morris, Camp, Florida on Lake Topopekaliga.
Mose, Fort, Florida See Fort Moosa.
Moulder, Camp, Florida at Pavillion Keys.
Moultrie, Fort, Florida near St. Augustine.
Negro, Fort, Florida on Apalachicola River.
New Hope, Camp, Florida in east Florida.
Noel, Fort, Florida Latitude 30 W, longitude 83 50; on the road to Tallahassee.
Oakland, Fort, Florida, 5 miles from Fort Doane.
Ocilla, Fort, Florida between Ocilla and Wacissa River.
Ocklawaha, Fort, Florida near Apalachicola.
Ocklockony River, fort on, Florida, 30 miles from the sea.
Ogden, Fort, Florida De Soto County; now town of that name; near Pease River, on Southern Railway.
One, Number, Fort, Florida 11 miles from Indian River.
Osceola Battery, Florida at Key West.
Palatka Ordnance Depot, Florida at Palatka.
Panama Park, Camp, Florida at Jacksonville.
Parker, Fort, Florida at Cooks Hammock.
Pensacola Barracks, Florida at Pensacola.
Pensacola Battery, Florida on Santa Rosa Island, at Fort Pickens.
Pensacola Navy Yard, Florida at Pensacola.
Penton, Fort, Florida 19 miles from Indian River.
Perdido Bay and River, reservation, Florida.
Peyton, Fort, Florida on Moultrie Creek, near Anastasia.
Peyton, Fort, Florida on Anastasia Island, near St. Augustine.
Pickens, Fort, Florida on Santa Rosa Island, Pensacola Harbor.
Pierce, Fort, Florida on St. Lucie Sound, Brevard County; now town of that name.
Pleasant, Fort, Florida on Econfinee River.
Poinsett, Fort, Florida at Cape Sable.
Preston, Fort, Florida on Apalachicola River.
Puntarassa, fort at, Florida Fort Dulany.
Reed, Fort, Florida near Lake Monroe, in Orange County; now town of that name.
Rodgers, Camp, Florida at Ybor City.
Rosa, Fort, Florida Latitude 20 19', longitude 87 14'.
Russell, Fort, Florida on Orange Lake Creek, about 6 miles from Tampa.
St. Augustine, fort at, Florida now Fort Marion.
St. Augustine National Cemetery, Florida St. Augustine.
St. Carlos, Fort, Florida near Fernandina.
St. Bernard, Fort, Florida at Pensacola.
St. Charles or San Carlos, Fort, Florida Now Fort Barrancas.
St. Francis Barracks, Florida at St. Augustine.
St. Francis de Pupa, Fort, Florida on St. Johns River.
St. George, Fort, Florida on Amelia Island.
St. Georges Sound, Reservation, Florida.
St. Johns Bluff, battery at, Florida Mouth of St. Johns River.
St. Josephs, Fort, Florida on St. Josephs Bay.
St. Marks, Fort, Florida on St. Marks River.
St. Mary de Apalachee, Fort, Florida Mouth of Ocklockonnee River.
St. Michael, Fort, Florida at Pensacola.
St. Rose, Fort or Battery, Florida opposite Fort Barrancas.
St. Vincent Island, battery on, Florida.
San Carlos de Barrancas, Fort, Florida Fort Barrancas.
San Diego, Fort, Florida near St. Augustine.
San Juan de Pinos, Fort, Florida at St. Augustine.
San Marco, Castle, Florida at Fort Marion.
San Marco, Fort, Florida at St. Marks.
San Marcos de Apalachee, Fort, Florida Same as St Marks.
San Mateo, or San Matheo, Castle, Florida Same as Fort Caroline.
San Michael, Castle, Florida at St. Augustine.
Sanderson, Fort, Florida near Gareys Ferry, East Florida.
Santa Fe Bridge Castle, Florida at St. Augustine.
Santa Rosa Island, fort on, Florida Fort Pickens.
Scott, Fort, Florida Latitude 30 45', longitude 85.
Searle, Fort, Florida near Picolata.
Seminole Battery, Florida at Key West.
Shackelford, Fort, Florida in Big Cypress Swamp.
Shannon, Fort, Florida at Palatka.
Sherrard, Fort, Florida.
Siguenza, Fort, Florida on Santa Rosa Island.
Simmons, Fort, Florida on Caloosahatchie River.
Simon Drum, Fort, Florida in Monroe County.
Slemmer, Battery, Florida at Fort McRee.
Smith, J. R., Fort, Florida.
Snelling, Fort, Florida.
Soldiers Key, Reservation, Florida.
Stanley, Fort, Florida.
Stansbury, Fort, Florida Wakulla River, 9 miles above St. Marks.
Starke, Fort, Florida Mouth of Manatee River.
Stevens, Camp, Florida at Pensacola.
Sullivan, Fort, Florida Near Hillsboro River, East Florida.
Suwanee River, fort on, Florida Fort Macomb.
Tavern, Fort, Florida In east Florida.
Taylor, Fort, Florida at Key West.
Tampa Bay, fort at, Florida Fort Brooke.
Taylor, Fort, Florida on Lake Winder.
Taylor, Fort, Florida in Hernando County.
Ten, Number, Fort, Florida 10 miles from Palatka.
Thigpens, Station, Florida near New River.
Thompson, Fort, Florida on Caloosahatchie River, near the mouth of Lake Flirt.
Three, Number, Fort, Florida near Fort King.
Tompkins, Fort, Florida 8 miles west of Colerain.
Tonyn, Fort, Florida on St. Marys River.
Tortugas, Dry, fort at, Florida Fort Jefferson.
Two, Number, Fort, Florida Subsequently called Fort Vinton.
Tyler, Fort, Florida in Hernando County.
Van Courtland, Fort, Florida near St. Johns River, at the head of Kingsbys Pond.
Van Swearingen, Battery, Florida At Fort Pickens.
Van Swearingen, Fort, Florida near Lake Okechobee.
Vinton, Fort, Florida 18 miles northwest of Indian River Inlet.
Virginia Key, Reservation, Florida in Key Biscayne Bay.
Vose, Fort, Florida near Aucilla River, 32 miles from Tallahassee.
Wacahoota, Fort, Florida 9 miles southwest of Micanopy.
Wacissa, Fort, Florida at mouth of Wacissa River.
Wade, Fort, Florida
Walbach, Camp, Florida at Fort Myers.
Walker, Fort, Florida West of Orange Lake.
Ward, Fort, Florida near mouth of Olustee Creek.
Wekiwa, Fort, Florida 1 mile above mouth of Spring Creek.
Westcott, Fort, Florida in the Everglades.
Wheadmans, Fort, Florida.
Whipple, Camp, Florida on Pease Creek.
White, Fort, Florida Columbia County, near Santa Fe River.
Wheelock, Fort, Florida on Orange Lake.
Williams, Fort, Florida.
Wool, Fort, Florida on Suwanee River, 10 miles above its mouth.
Worth Battery, Florida at Fort Pickens.
Source: Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, Volume 2, by Francis B. Heitman, Government Printing Office, 1903.
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