Alaska Military Forts

Alphabetical list of forts, reservations, blockhouses, named camps, National and State Homes for soldiers, national cemeteries, etc., in Alaska from its earliest settlement to date.

Many of the forts and structures named were erected by the early settlers for their own protection, and all vestige of them has now disappeared. The exact locations of many are not positively known at the present day, but reference is made to them in State histories, State papers, etc. Those in bold-faced type are now occupied by troops or are under the control of the War Department.(does not apply) The data available for consultation are known to be incomplete, and may be erroneous in some instances.

Adams, Fort, Alaska, on Yukon River.
Alexander, Fort, Alaska on Bristol Bay.
Andreavsky, Fort, Alaska, on Yukon River.
Archangel, Gabriel, Fort, Alaska, on Baranoff Island.
Archangel, Michael, Fort, Alaska, on Baranoff Island.

Cape Nome, Alaska, fort at Fort Davis.
Constantine, Fort, Alaska on Tshugatshian Bay.
Cosmos, Fort, Alaska on Putnam River.

Davis, Fort, Alaska at Nome City.
Dionysius, Fort, Alaska near mouth of Stikeen River.

Egbert, Fort, Alaska at Eagle City.
Eldorado, Camp, Arizona on Colorado River, near the mouth of Eldorado Canyon.
Etches, Fort, Alaska on Henchenbrook Island.

Georgevski, Fort, Alaska on Kenyon Bay.
Gibbon, Fort, Alaska at mouth of Tanana River.

Helen, Fort, Alaska on Tshugatshian Bay.

Kenay, Fort, Alaska on site of old Fort St. Nicholas, on Cook's Inlet.
Kennicott, Fort, Alaska near Fort Nulato.
Koutznou, Fort, Alaska, on Admiralty Island.
Kodiak, Fort, Alaska on Kodiak Island.

Liscum, Fort, Alaska at Port Valdez.
Lukeen's Fort, Alaska Near mouth of Hutituak River.

Michael, Fort, Alaska on Michael Island.

Nicholas, Fort, Alaska on Cook River.
Nulato, Fort, Alaska on Yukon River.

Pavlovski, Fort, Alaska near Kenayan Bay.
Port Valdez, fort at, Alaska Fort Liscum.

Rampart, Camp, Alaska at Rampart City.
Reliance, Fort, Alaska on the Yukon River.
Resurrection, Fort, Alaska On southern coast.

St. Dionysius, Redoubt, Alaska at Fort Wrangell.
St. Michael, Fort, Alaska on St. Michaels Island.
St. Michaels, Redoubt, Alaska on St. Michaels Island.
St. Nicholas, Fort, Alaska Now Fort Kenay.
St. Paul Island, reservation and post on Alaska.
St. Simeons, Fort, Alaska near Cape St. Elias.
Skagway, Alaska near Dyea.
Stikine, Fort, Alaska on Stikine River.

Tongass, Fort, Alaska on Tongass Islands.

Unalaklik, Fort, Alaska Mouth of Unalaklik River.

Yakutat Bay, fort on, Alaska at Yakutat Bay.
Yukon, Fort, Alaska on Yukon River.

Wrangell, Fort, Alaska on Wrangell Island.

Source: Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army

Historic Military Forts

, Volume 2, by Francis B. Heitman, Government Printing Office, 1903.


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