Marshall County Tennessee
Part of the American History and Genealogy Project


Marshall County was established by an act of the Legislature passed February 26, 1836. It included fractions of Lincoln, Bedford and Maury Counties, when first organized, and in 1870 a part of Giles County, known as the Cornersville District, was given to Marshall. In establishing the first boundaries the line between Marshall and Maury was placed nearer the county seat of the latter than the law allowed, and it was so changed as to conform to the law. In 1871 the line on the west was again slightly changed to include the farms of John B. Wilkes and John Coffey, in Marshall.

October 3, 1836, at the house of Abner Houston, the first county court was organized by the following justices of the peace:

William McClure
Thomas Ross
William Wilkes
Peter Williams
Thomas Wilson
David McGahey
James Adams
George Cunningham
James L. Ewing
John Field
Adam Miller
Joseph Cleek
Ephraim Hunter
Asa Holland
James Patterson
Jason B. Sheffield
Sherwood Dunnigan
Andrew Laird

William McClure was elected chairman, and David McGahey was appointed secretary pro tem. The court then "adjourned to meet at the camp ground immediately," and upon being again convened the following men were chosen to fill their respective offices: John R. Hill, sheriff; Martin W. Oakley, clerk county court; John W. Record, trustee; John Elliott, register; Joseph McCord, coroner; Isaac H. Williams, ranger, and Hugh McClelland, surveyor. The court then appointed commissioners to lay off the civil districts, and proceeded to the general routine of business, namely, appointing road overseers, etc.

What's New in Marshall County
Early Residents of Marshall County
Growth of the County
Societies and County Officials
Records of the Circut Court
Lawyers and Courts of Marshall County
Lewisburg Make Acacemy
Schools of Marshall County
Churches of Marshall County

Military Resources
Creek and Mexican Wars
Marshall County in the Civil War
World War II - Gold Star Records

Cities, Towns and Villages of Marshall County

Belfast Caney Spring Chapel Hill
Cornersville Farmington Holt's Corner
Lewisburg Mooresville Rich Creek
Silver Greek South Berlin Spring Place
Verona County Stores

 AHGP Tennessee

Source: History of Tennessee, Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1886


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