Marshall County Tennessee
Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Societies and County Officals


The Marshall County Agricultural and Mechanical Society was organized July 7, 1856. Its first officers were as follows: E. A. Wilson, president; W. L. McClelland, vice-president; A. B. Ewing, secretary; James V. Ewing, treasurer. The board of managers were Major G. L. Allman, John W. Hutton, Esq., Col. John R. Hill, Gen. Levi Cochran, S V. Chrisman and Thomas McKnight. Before the war fairs were held every year, the first one being October 30 and 31, 1856. Fairs were also held from 1868 to 1873, and liter this the colored people held three annual meetings under this charter. The society owned seven and a quarter acres of land and had constructed the necessary buildings, such as an amphitheater, halls, stables, etc., which were all destroyed by the war.

Medical Society

The Marshall County Medical Society held its first meeting in August, 1877. The first members were. There are now eighteen members.

Drs. J. S. Nowlin
J. S. Howlett
T. E. Reed
S. T. Hardison
B. F. Smith
R. A. Orr
T. B. Leonard
Z. W. Neil
J. O. Nowlin
J. C. Crunk
J. W. Huddleston
T. J. Kennedy
W. S. McLean
J. D. Johnson
J. M. Patterson
L. L. Murray
C. A. Abernathy
F. Ferguson
J. W. Percy
J. B. Neil
W. M. Allison
C. C. Neil
A. Jones
L. C. Hill
R. C. McCordy
W. C. Ransom.
J. S. Nowlin
S. T. Hardison
J. M. Patterson
A. Jones
F. Ferguson


John R. Hill, 1836
Solomon Meadows, 1842
John Laws, 1844
W. B. Holden, 1848
Thomas F. Brooks, 1854
John B. Wilkes, 1856
W. F. Collins, 1860
A. Duncan, 1862
Levi Cochran, 1863
James R. Nei___, 1864
Stephen Tally, 1868
John W. Champ, 1870
Scott D. Davis, 1874
W. T. Jones. 1878
R. S. Walker, 1882
W. T. Jones, 1886


John W. Record, 1836
James V. Ewing, 1838
James Brown, 1846
James Ross, 1847
Wesley A. Giles, 1850
James B. Chadwell, 1854
Samuel Davis, 1865
Alfred Hobson, 1870
W. G. Massey, 1872
James Y. Ewing, 1874
Samuel Orr, 1876
A. V. Stillwell. 1880
N. J. Smiley, 1884


William McClure, 1836
John Hatchett, 1838
Benjamin Williams, 1839
Burgess Hardin, 1842
W. P. Davis, 1846
James V. Ewing, 1846
Burgess Hardin, 1848
James Y. Ewing, 1849
J. A. Yowell, 1855
David McGahey*
David McGahey, 1858
Samuel Davis, 1860
W. A. Houston, 1864
W. H. McConnell, 1866
Moses C. West, 1869
J. J. S. Gill, 1871
J. W. Calahan, 1873
J. McBride, 1876
John T. Street, 1877
James D. Cook, 1879
A. M. Davis, 1880
J. F. Brittain, 1883
W. C. McGregor 1885
W. C. McGregor**
W. J. Leonard***

*County judge, 1855-58, **County judge, April, 1885, ***County judge, 1886

Clerks County Court

Martin W. Oakley, 1836
John Elliott, 1846
Stephen Tally 1854
R. L. Adams, 1862
W. P. Bullock, 1874
J. McBride, 1882

Clerks Circuit Court

David McGahey, 1836
Thomas McKnight, 1846
William P Fisher, 1865
Thomas McKnight, 1868
L. B. Collins, 1870
W. G. Loyd, 1878
E. M. Miller, 1886

Clerks Chancery Court

Gideon B. Black, 1836
R. K. Kercheval, 1846
R. G. McClure, 1865
Stephen Tally, 1870
H. N. Cowden, 1872
R. L. Adams, 1876


John Elliott, 1836
J. J. Elliott, 1846
W. N. Cowden. 1856
J. N. Waters, 1862
J A. Yarbrough, 1874


Joseph McCord, 1836
Joseph Cloud, 1846
P. G. W. Goodwin, 1849:
F. K Rambo, 1855
W. C. Stephenson, 1858
Levi Cochran, 1859
John Ramsey, 1864
William Calton, 1865
Alfred Hobson, 1869
John A. Bills, 1870
H. K. Moss, 1870
L. Cochran, 1872
H. K Moss, 1875
R. F. McCrary, 1876
John Leonard, 1878
E. F. Williams, 1885


Hugh McClelland, 1836
Samuel Elliott, 1838
W. H. McConnell. 1843
Stephen Tally, 1845
E. I. Hunter, 1852
Ephraim Hunter, 1857
H. B. Allen, 1858
S. Tally, 1863
H. B. Allen, 1864
J. P. Dysart, 1866
James Hendricks, 1870
Joel A. Morris 1878
James Hendricks, 1886


Isaac H. Williams, 1837
G. W. Moore, 1840
J. M. Yowell, 1845
J. P. Smith, 1857
J. L. Reed, 1864
M. C. West, 1865
Jonathan Bills, 1865
W. D. Hawkins, 1875
L. Cunningham, 1875
H. K. Moss, 1878
J. M. McKee, 1885
H. K. Moss, 1886

State Senators

Wilson P. Davis, 1843
Richard Warner, 1845
Thomas Dean, 1847
Wilson P. Davis, 1849
J. J. Jones, 1853
Wilson P. Davis, 1857
J. M. Johnson. 1859
W. H. Wisener, 1865
J. M. Patterson, 1871
J. D. Tillman, 1873
E. A. Wilson, 1875
Jesse Aldridge, 1877
W. P. Tolley, 1879
D. S. McCullough, 1881
D. J. McCullough, 1883
C. R. Berry, 1885


T. C. H. Miller, 1843
Benjamin Williams, 1847
W. F. McGregor, 1849
Thomas H. Hardin, 1851
E. A. Wilson, 1855
H. N. Cowden, 1859
A. A. Steele, 1865
A. F. Lillard, 1867
A. H. Steele, 1869
A. Jones, 1871
J. L. Orr, 1873
W. N. Cowden, 1877
Richard Warner, 1879
Ernest Pillow, 1881
W. P. Bullock, 1885

 Marshall County| AHGP Tennessee

Source: History of Tennessee, Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1886


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