Marshall County Tennessee
Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Chapel Hill, Marshall County, Tennessee


Chapel Hill is located in the northern part of the county.

W. S. Mayfield sold goods there about 1838 or 1840. After him J. B. Fulton did a large business for many years. Other merchants have been E. T. Williams and Williams & Glenn.

At present the merchants are William Branson and W. B. Glenn. John Williams has a drug store.


Chapel Hill Lodge, No. 160, F. & A. M., was chartered in 1848 or 1849, and is now in a good financial condition.

The Odd Fellows once had a lodge.


The village contains three church buildings, owned, respectively, by the Christians, Methodists and Cumberland Presbyterian orders.

The physicians are Drs. Womack, A. B. Robinson and J. W. Morton. Earlier physicians have been J. H. Robinson and J. S. Gentry.

 Marshall County | AHGP Tennessee


Source: History of Tennessee, Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1886


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