MARTZ, Mrs. Michael | MILLER, John | MILLER, John | MOSIER, Mary | MOTT, Caroline | MURLIN, Mrs. John A. |

Mrs. Michael Martz
Mrs. Michael Martz, aged 31 years died at her home near St. Anthony after brief illness last Saturday night. She is survived by her husband and an infant child. Funeral services were held at the Catholic Church at St Anthony last Tuesday morning.
(The Celina Democrat, July 8, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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John Miller
John Miller, aged 65, a former well known resident of Hopewell township, died at his home on North Mill street, this city, shortly before noon yesterday, after a lingering illness of several years of dread consumption. He is survived by a wife and six children. Funeral services will be conducted from Allbright's church next Sunday, Rev. C. N. Bellman officiating.
(The Celina Democrat, June 3, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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John Miller
John Miller, aged 47 years, for the past six years fireman at the Celina Electric light and water-works plant. died at his home on North Walnut street shortly after eleven o'clock last Saturday morning, never rallying from the paralytic shock which he sustained at Lima last Monday, mention of which was made in last week's Democrat. Deceased was born in this city April 9, 1863. In November, 1888, he was united in marriage to Caroline Simons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Simons and to this union was born three children, Kathryn and Jerome, both employed at the Crown Carriage work, in this city, and Elizabeth, at home, who together with their mother, survive, He was a member of the German Aid Society, the Catholic Knight of Ohio and the St. Joseph Society. Funeral services were held at the St. Mary's Catholic Church last Tuesday morning.
(The Celina Democrat, June 17, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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Mary Mosier
Mrs. Mary Mosier, aged former resident of this city, aged 55 years, was found dead on a bed in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Hayes, at St. Marys, about half past seven o'clock last Friday morning, her death being due to heart failure. She had been staying with her daughter for the past several years and was up and around the house on the morning of her death. The remains were brought to this city, where funeral services were held at the M. E. Church last Sunday afternoon.
(The Celina Democrat, May 13, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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Caroline Mott
Mrs. Caroline Mott, of St. Mary, a sister of Mrs. Gideon LeBlond, of this city, died at the home of her daughter Mrs. John Hawthorne, at Toledo, last Thursday. The remains were taken to St. Marys for burial.
(The Celina Democrat, June 17, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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Mrs. John A. Murlin
Mrs. John A. Murlin, aged 64 years, died about eleven o'clock last Sunday night at her home at Mendon, following an operation for the removal of gall stones. Deceased was a daughter of the late Wm. Hamilton, and was born on the old Hamilton farm, south of Mendon, January 5, 1846. In September, 1866 she was united in marriage to John A. Murlin and to this union were born six children, four of whom survive: Mrs. A. W. Copeland and Mrs. J. W. Langsdon, of Mendon; Prof. J. H. Murlin, of New York City, and Walter Murlin, residing west of Mendon. Funeral services were held from the home last Tuesday afternoon, followed by interment at the Hamilton-Bethel cemetery south of Mendon.
(The Celina Democrat, July 15, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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