LATIMER, Emily | LeBUF, John | LINN, Catherine |

Emily Latimer
Mrs. Emily Latimer, aged 66 years widow of the late John Latimer, and well known In the north part of the county, died suddenly last Wednesday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Morrison, southwest of Rockford. While in declining health for some time she seemed as well as usual on the day of her death. She is survived by three children, one son and two daughters. Funeral services take place this morning from Bethel Church.
(The Celina Democrat, July 15, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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John LeBuf
John LeBuf, aged about 34 years Canadian by birth, who was taken to the County Infirmary several weeks ago, when he was found suffering with inflammation of the bowels, died at that Institution a week ago last night. He would not state where his parents were living. He drifted into this city a number of weeks ago, and for several weeks done the cleaning up around the Brunswick restaurant. He finally began to drink heavily and after a continued drunken debauch he was taken to the Infirmary. Funeral services were held at the Catholic Church last Saturday morning and interment had in the Catholic cemetery.
(The Celina Democrat, July 8, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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Catherine Linn
Mrs. Catherine Linn, aged 35 years, widow of the late George Linn, died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr. John Hiller, in Liberty township, last Saturday afternoon, after a lingering illness, of tuberculosis. She is survived by two children. Funeral services were held at the Lutheran church at Chattanooga last Tuesday morning.
(The Celina Democrat, May 27, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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