KANORR, Nora Leona | KEIFER, Aaron | KOHNA, Philip |

Nora Leona Kanorr
Nora Leona, the 13 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Kanorr, of Liberty Township, died at the home of her parents last Saturday evening, following a lingering Illness of tuberculosis. She is survived by her father, mother, two sisters and six brothers. Funeral services were held at Swamp College last Tuesday morning and interment in the cemetery near by.
(The Celina Democrat, July 22, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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Aaron Keifer
Aaron Keifer was born in Green County, Ohio, June 7, 1832. He grew to manhood in Shelby County, Ohio and learned the cooper trade at Springfield. On the 30th day of March, 1860, be was united in marriage to Miss Eliza Ellis, near Troy, O. A few months later they moved to Celina where he accepted a position with the late Wm. Dickman. In 1884 he moved to a farm in Liberty township, where be remained until three years ago. Feeling the infirmities of age creeping upon him, he, with his aged wife, moved back to Celina where he passed away Thursday, April 28, aged 77 years, 10 month, 21 days. He was the father of seven children three of whom died in infancy. About eight years ago he united with the Society of Friends, at the Friends Home church, west of Celina, and has lived a consistent Christian life. Often at night, while others were asleep, he was heard praying. He leaves an aged and loving wife, one son, 3 daughters 28 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. The children are Mrs. John Woods, Mrs. John Alexander, Mrs. Wm. Hull and Ellis Keifer, of Indianapolis, Ind. Funeral services were held at the Beaver Chapel Church last Sunday afternoon, conducted by Mrs. Elmira Brock.
(The Celina Democrat, May 6, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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Philip Kohna
Philip Kohna, of Clyde, died at the home of his half sister, Mr. John Sudhoff, at Skeels X Road, early last Tuesday morning, following an illness of cancer. He is survived by his mother, Mr. Sophia Meyer, two half sisters, Mesdames John and William Sudhoff, residing In Hopewell Town ship, and two half-brothers, Fred and Joseph Meyer, of Sebastian. Funeral service were held at the Catholic Church at St. Anthony yesterday morning.
(The Celina Democrat, June 17, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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