McCARTY, Agnes |

Agnes McCarty
Mrs. Agnes McCarty, aged 41 years, died at the home of her mother, Mrs. Val Fortman, West Market street, last Saturday morning shortly after eleven o'clock, after laying unconscious since the previous afternoon, her death being due from malignant erysipelas of the face and throat. Deceased was born in this city February 5, 1869, and was a daughter of the late Christopher Desch. Sometime since she underwent an operation at Dayton and had not fully recovered strength when attacked with erysipelas a week previous to her death. A week ago Monday she became worse and a physician was summoned. She lingered without much change in her condition until Friday afternoon, when she became unconscious. She is survived by a ten-year-old son, Duke, one brother, J. W. Desch, of this city; two sisters, Mrs. Frank Bomholt, of St. Rosa; and Mrs. J. B. Pulskamp, of this city; two half brothers, Fred and Philip Fortman, and two half sisters, Mesdames T. A. Weis and Albert Mersman. Funeral services were held at St. Mary's Catholic Church last Monday morning, Rev. George Hindelang saying the funeral mass.
(The Celina Democrat, June 24, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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