New York History and Genealogy Project
Part of the American History & Genealogy Project

Welcome to the New York History & Genealogy Project, my name is Dennis N. Partridge and I am the new SC for New York AHGP.  This website features genealogy and history articles to assist you in your research of your New York ancestors. Along with the articles, you'll find cemeteries, census, directories, and other genealogy records here.

AHGP is an unincorporated network of independent Web Sites devoted to History and Genealogy and covering North American Countries and Territories. Anyone with a genealogy, history or related project or topic sites are welcome to join. Tor more information about our group, including how you can join us, please see our About Page. After reading what were about and you you feel a State or County page is more than you would want to do, take a look at our Volunteer Projects.


New York, the most northern of the middle United States, and the most populous state in the Union, is bounded north by Lake Ontario, the River St. Lawrence, and Lower Canada; east by Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut; south by the Atlantic, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; and west by Pennsylvania, Lake Erie, and Niagara River. It lies between 39° 45' and 45° north latitude, and between 73° and 79° 55' west longitude, and between 2° 51' west, and 5° east longitude, from West. It is about 316 miles long, and 314 broad; containing 46,000 square miles, or 11,040,000 acres. The population in 1790, was 340,120; in 1800, 586,050; in 1810, 959,049; in 1820, 1,372,812; in 1830, 1,913,508; in 1840, 2,428,921. Of these, 853,929 were white males, 816,276 white females; 6,435 free colored males, 6,428 free colored females. Employed in mining, 1,898; in agriculture, 455,954; in commerce, 28,468; manufactures and trades, 173,193; navigating the ocean, 5,511; navigating lakes and canals, 10,167; learned professions, 14,111. A Complete Descriptive And Statistical Gazetteer Of The United States Of America, By Daniel Haskel, A. M and J. Calvin Smith, Published By Sherman & Smith, 1843, New York.

County Selection Table

What's New in New York
Jefferson County, New York <New>
Southampton, Suffolk County
Clinton, Franklin, Suffolk
New York Men Enlisting from Iowa ~ Civil War <New>

Cities, Towns and Villages
Southampton, Suffolk, Long Island

New York AHGP Site Directory

Archives Bible Records Biographies Cemeteries
Census Records Church Records Court Records Directories
Land/Maps Libraries Mailing Lists Newspapers
Indian Tribes Obituaries Societies/ Museums Surnames

Featured New York Genealogy and History

New York Marriage Licenses, 1860<New>
New York Indian Names<New>

Historical Old New York, Many Images
Laight Street Baptist Church Marriages 1841-1850
New York City Inhabitants with Occupations and Address ~ 1775
New York Military Forts
The Battery, 1822
Through The Mohawk Valley
West Point And The Lower Hudson

List of Farms on New York Island, 1780
Revolutionary Officers In The New York State Line
Baptisms ~ French Church at New Rochelle, New York 1702 ~ 1712
Marriages ~ French Church at New Rochelle, New York
1703 ~ 1711
Baptisms of the First Presbyterian Church, New York, City 1780- 1809

Sites we Visit

Village of Afton
Village of Sherburne
Orange County New York
History of Afton, Chenango County
Biographies of Ontario County, New York

Pages to Make us Laugh

An Early Mention Of Golf In America
New Amsterdam Funeral Customs<New>


New York Neighbors

Pennsylvania ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ USGenWeb ~ ALHN
New Jersey ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ USGenWeb ~ ALHN
Massachusetts ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ USGenWeb ~ ALHN
Connecticut ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ USGenWeb ~ ALHN
Vermont ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ USGenWeb ~ ALHN
Ontario Canada ~ AHGP
Quebec Canada ~


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