Part of the American History & Genealogy Project

List of Farms on New York Island, 1780


The Following list of farms in 1780 on New York Island is contained in a small note book kept by Evert Bancker, Surveyor in New York, and forms part of the Bancker Collection of Manuscripts. Part of the farms have the number of acres listed last.

West side of Bowery lane and Blooming Dale Road

1 James De Lancey
2 Nicholas Bayard
3 Mrs. Tucker
4 Stephen Bayard
5 Elbert Herring, 200
6 Mathew Buys, 8
7 David Provoost, 8
8 David Perry, 8
9 Ann Pero
10 James Lawrence, 6
11 William Williams, 4
12 William Rikeman, 4
13 Andrew Elliot Esq, 40
14 Mrs. Brovoort, 4
15 Jacob Bushart, 4
16 Smiths Heirs
17 John Ousterman, 30
18 Richard Allen, 1
19 Lady Warren
20 John Home, 35

West side Bowry Lane-Northward

21 Benjamin Hugget, 4
22 Isaac Varian, 25
23 William DeWitt, 36
24 D. H. Mallows, 6
25 Mrs. Van Orden, 40
26 Mrs. Van Orden, 140
27 John Lake, 100
28 Metcalf Eaden, 30
29 Mrs. Rees, 30
30 Mrs. Hopper, 90
31 Cozines Heirs, 125
32 James De Lancey, 300
33 Jacob Harsen, 90
34 Cornelius Harsen, 60
35 Tunis Somerendyke, 130
36 Major Bayard, 170
37 John Van Courtland, 10
38 John Orchard, 186
39 Ch. Widow Apthorp Esq, 200
40 Widdow Striker, 40
41 Humphry Jones, 150
42 Ben Hogelands Heirs, 300

East side Bloomingdale Rod Southward

43 Ben Van De Water, 100
44 Aron Webbers}
Jacob Webbers} 10

Great Kills & Greenwich along the North River Southward

45 Mathew Hopper heirs, 90
46 Yellis Mandivele heirs, 35
47 Rem Rapelia, 30
48 John McAdam, 30
49 John M. Scott, 90
50 Mary Clark
51 Yellis Mandiveles heirs, 60
52 John M. Scott, 40
53 Lady Warren
54 Yellis Mandiveles heirs, 4
55 Wm Bayard Esq, 5
56 James Jauncy Esq, 4
57 Anthony Rutgers Heirs, 21
58 John Jay, 3

East side Bowrylane & along the East River Northward

59 Hendrich Rutgers, 80
60 James DeLancey
61 Pero Van Courtland, 14
62 Minthorns Heirs
63 Peter Stivesant, 300
64 John Bebout, 37
65 James Duane, 17
66 John Watts Esq
67 Ann Lake, 7
68 John Vaugh, 26
69 Pegg Kip, 26
70 Cather Taller, 26
71 Samuel Kip, 42
72 John Kip, 42
73 John Van Vlech, 5
74 Lady Warren
75 ____ Van Der Hoof, 8
76 David Devoor, 10
77 James Beckman, 20
78 Peter Clopper, 8

East side Bower Lane &c & Harlem Bounds

79 David Devoor, 25
80 Timothy Hunt, 10
81 Eve Provoost, 20
82 Peter P. Vanzandt, 40
83 Wm Beekmans Heirs, 30
84 John Hardenbrook, 16
85 David Provoost, 90
86 John Devoor, 37
87 Derick Lefferts, 30
88 Nathaniel Marston Heirs, 30
89 Jacob Leroy, 30
90 Jacob Walton
91 Ben Waldron
92 Mrs. Waldron, 30
93 David Waldron, 7
94 Samuel Benson, 120
95 Benjamin Benson, 100
96 Lawrence Benson, 180
97 Andrew Magown, 8
98 Lawrence Kortwright, 65
99 Peter Bushing, 80
100 Lawrence Kortwright, 19
101 Hendrick Van Bramen, 1
102 Law Kortwright, 80
103 Adolph Benson, 130
104 Martines Schoomaker, 40
105 Adolph Meyre 120
106 Mrs. Day, 5
107 John Meyre, 300
108 John DeLancey, 100
109 David Provoost, 14
110 David Falkner, 14
111 Coll Maunsel, 60
112 _____ Watkens, 200
113 Coll Morris
114 John Somerendyke, 70
115 _____ Oblinus, 30
116 Blasie Moore, 100
117 John Cartwright, 20

Near Kings Bridge

118 William Dykeman} 200
119 Jacob Dykeman late}
120 Wm Jn° & Jab Nagel, 250
120 Caleb Heyat, 14

East from the road back to Harlem

121 Aaron Meyer, 140
122 Abraham Meyer, 4
123 John Sickles, 200
124 Lawrence Meyer, 5
125 Aaron Busheng, 200
126 John Livingston, 5
127 Mrs. Meyer, 40
128 Law Benson (before Included)
129 Peter R. Livingston, 1½
130 John Bogert, 70
131 Mrs. Roome, ½

No Location Listed

John Dykeman
John Hardenbrook
Lawrence Benson
George Stanton
Leonard Lespnard
Jacob Nagel
John Nagel
William Nagel

 AHGP New York

Source: The New York Historical Society, Quarterly Bulletin, Volume 1, April 1917.


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