Part of the American History & Genealogy Project

New York City Inhabitants with Occupations and Address ~ 1775


Signatures of Some of the New Yorkers Who Received
Muskets Taken From the City Hall in April, 1 775
Manuscript Presented To the Society in 1895 By
Mr. Livingston Rutherfurd

Among the Alexander McDougall manuscripts owned by the Society, there is a thin book dated July 8, 1775, which lists the names, occupations, and street addresses of almost five hundred inhabitants of New York City. The manuscript bears no title, but a study of the contents shows it to be a careful record of those who, in obedience to resolutions of the New York Provincial Congress, returned muskets belonging to the City of New York, which had been seized and distributed eleven weeks before. This list is important source material, for analyzing the occupations of men who were then "well-affected to the freedom of America,"1 or for studying the complexion of particular streets or sections of the city, at the beginning of the American Revolution.

News of the Battle of Lexington reached New York City on Sunday, April 23, 1775. That evening, aroused by the actual outbreak of hostilities with the Mother Country, a number of radical citizens broke into the City Hall, at Wall and William Streets, and seized five hundred and fifty muskets which belonged to the City.2 The firearms were distributed among the inhabitants of the city, four hundred and thirteen of whom signed a receipt for them, on April 25th, promising to return them on demand. The manuscript receipt, with the signatures, is owned by this Society.

There was great commotion in the city during the following days, and uncertainty as to what future relations with Great Britain might be. Citizens walked the streets, carrying the city-owned muskets and other weapons, and an armed band under the radical leader, Isaac Sears, seized the keys of the Custom House. On May first, a Committee of One Hundred succeeded the Committee of Sixty, and delegates were elected to represent the city in a Provincial Congress, to meet on the 22nd.

Handbill Issued By the New York Provincial Congress
Repeating Its Order for The Return
Of The City's Muskets
From The Society's Collection Of Broadsides

These two bodies took over governmental functions from the royal officials in city and province. Even while considering "a plan of accommodation" with the Mother Country, the Provincial Congress made ready for fighting her. In response to the call of the Second Continental Congress for three thousand New York troops, officers of four New York regiments were named in June, and captains were authorized and directed to enlist men. Alexander McDougall was appointed colonel in command of the New York City regiment, designated the First, and recruiting began early in July.3 Then it became necessary to provide arms for the new recruits.

On Tuesday afternoon, July 4, 1775, therefore, the New York Provincial Congress called in the muskets belonging to the City, and taken from the City Hall, and ordered everyone who had them to deliver them to Abraham Vandyck's house, Broadway; and it appointed two of its members, Abraham Walton and Isaac Sears, a committee to receive them. Response was slow, and few guns were turned in immediately, so on Friday, July 7th, the Provincial Congress repeated its order, threatening to treat "as an enemy of his country" anyone possessing a city musket who had not returned it within a week.

The record of each musket returned, identified by the number on it, was carefully kept in the manuscript owned by the Society. It is a folio notebook, with marbled paper covers, and alphabetical index tabs with alternate black and red letters down the outside edge. Inside the front cover is written "New York, 8th July, 1775." Each page is divided by red ink lines into four columns headed respectively: To whom Delivered, Number of Muskets, Occupations, and Places of Abode. The list was evidently based on the signed receipt of April 23rd, and each name and musket number was apparently checked as the arms and accoutrements were returned. A notation was made of failure to return cartridge boxes or bayonets, and "No R" inserted after a name seems to indicate that no receipt was given. Some of the muskets were collected from the inhabitants by officers of McDougall's regiment, and turned in by Captain Richard Varick, Lieutenant John Copp, Lieutenant
James W. Payne, and Lieutenant Ranald Stephen McDougall. Not all the City Hall muskets were accounted for.

On July 24, 1775, the Provincial Congress ordered that, at the next review of Colonel Lasher's militia regiment, in the city, when his troops had grounded arms, the colonel should "cause a strict search to be made for any of the muskets belonging to the corporation of New-York, which may be among the said arms, and cause every such musket to be delivered to Col. McDougall or his order, for the use of his regiment."4 By the end of the first week in August, 1775, enough muskets had been obtained so that four companies of the First Regiment were equipped and ready to embark for Albany, and the Provincial Congress promised Gen. Schuyler that the others would be forwarded as soon as they had arms.5 In all, four hundred and thirty-four of the muskets belonging to the City were supplied to Colonel McDougall's regiment, and the remainder were sent to New Windsor, N. Y., for the use of the Third New York Regiment, commanded by Colonel James Clinton.6

It was not forgotten that these muskets appropriated for the Continental troops were the property of the City of New York. On July 12, 1775, while the muskets were being collected from the citizens, the Committee of Safety (acting during a recess of the Provincial Congress) ordered one of its members to obtain from the Mayor (Whitehead Hicks), an estimate of the value of the arms, which were to be restored to the city or their value accounted for.7 In September 1775, Jacobus Stoutenburg, who had had charge of the arms in the City Hall, made a signed statement that each musket seized was worth, with its accoutrements, £3:58 In the decade following the Revolution, the City made several attempts to obtain reimbursement for its muskets which had been furnished Continental troops, and vouchers and certificates supporting its claim were prepared, but the efforts were unsuccessful.9

On the following pages there begins a copy of the manuscript volume owned by the Society, of the inhabitants of the city who returned city owned muskets in July, 1775, listing their names, the numbers of the muskets, and their occupations and street addresses, in the order and spelling of the original. The few names which were not checked have been indicated, and entries crossed out in the manuscript are included in italics.
Dorothy C. Barck

On the following pages there begins a copy of the manuscript volume owned by the Society, of the inhabitants of the city who returned city owned muskets in July, 1775, listing their names, the numbers of the muskets, and their occupations and street addresses, in the order and spelling of the original.

Apple, Anthony, 833, Baker, Prince Street
Adams, Jonas, 534, Taylor, Beekman Slip
Anderson, Peter, 610, Joiner, William Street
Amon, Harry, 848, Shoemaker, Golden Hill
Ash, Gilbert, 869, 546, Cabinet Maker, William Street
Anthony, John, 847, Tanner, William Street
Ashfield, John, 523, Baker, Division Street
Arden, Francis, 536, Butcher, Georges Street
Abeel, James (No R), 639, Merchant, Maiden Lane
Applegate, Zebulon, 678, Shoe Maker, William Street
Annely, Richard, 786, Gunsmith, Dock Street
Alliner, James, 709
Ash, Wm, 791, Chair Maker, Broadway
Ash, John, 463, Taylor, Georges Street
Anderson, Elias, 870, Wheelwright, Works with Robert Manly
Anderson, Alexander, 659, Cordwainer, Fresh Street
Adams, William, 795, Sergeant, Fly Market
Allen, Prudin, 475, Black Smith, Broad Street [name and number not checked]
Ashton, Joseph (No R), 734, Shoe Maker, Living with Thomas Meredith, Broadway
Anderson, Alexander, 1 Cartridge Box, Joiner, Maiden Lane
Adams, John, 823, Carpenter, St. James Street
Amberson, Simon, run away, 540, Shoemaker, Chapple Street
Anderson, Abm, 673
Aim, George, 580, Taylor, Fair Street
One Musket Returned, 931, No name
One ditto ditto, 951, Ditto
One ditto ditto, 847, Wm: Johnston
One ditto ditto, 984, No name
One ditto, ditto, 469, No name
One ditto, ditto, 724, Ditto
Ash, Thomas, 993
John Blagg, 707, delivered 30 Aug. 1775
One Musket Returned, 886, No Name, by Daniel Gerow [?]
Bell, Robert, 625, Taylor, Next to the City Hall [not checked]
Brinckle, Thomas, 637, Taylor, Peck's Slip
Burns, Robert, 949, Wheelwright, at Mr. Jams Hallitts
Bingham, James, 990, Merchant, William Street
Brown, Daniel, 654, House Carpenter, Cortland's Street [not checked]
Bleecker, Rutger, 857, Inn Holder, Chapple Street
Byers, James, 677, Brass Founder, Wall Street
Benham, James, 902, Shoemaker, William Street
Blockley, Thomas, 767, Brass Founder, Hanover Square
Brown, Thomas, 910, Pilot, Golden Hill
Brown, John, 578, House Carpenter, Cortland Street
Bell, Joseph, 987, Blacksmith, Cherry Street
Barrack, Anty Steen [Steenback] (No R) 480, Shoemaker, Little Queen Street
Baldwin, Triamor, 762, Carpenter, Francford Street
Bicker, Walter, 885, Hatter, Broadway
Bower, Abram, 563, Taylor, Cortland Street
Buckhouse, Peter, 623, Taylor, Water Street
Bertine, John, 854, Carpenter, Barclay Street
Burger, Gerardus, 609, Black Smith, Bayard Street
Burger, Daniel, 930, Blockmaker
Burger, John, 664, Hatter, in The Swamp
Bard, Robert, 862, Wheelwright, Cortland Street
Beaty, Edward, 909, Shoemaker, L. Queen Street
Barwick, Robert, 477, Taylor, St: James Street
Brasher, Baker, 860, Hatter, Dock Street
Brown, William, 585, Chairmaker, Broad Street
Baccus, John, 881, Cordwainer, Near Cuyler's Sugar House
Banta, Weart, 973, House Carpenter, Near the Swamp Church [not checked]
Bates, James, 466, Clark, at Peter Van de Voorts, Queen Street
Brower, Jacob, 506, Hatter, Leary Street
Beekman, John, 929, Butcher, Near Cuyler's Sugar House
Brinckle, Thomas, 704, Taylor, Peck Slip
Bunce, Samuel, 773, Joiner, Ship Yards
Bogart, Jacob, 741, Cartman, Leary Street
Beekman, John, 756, Butcher, Opposite New Goal
Burger, David, 555, Measurer, Partition Street
Burger, John, 900, Goldsmith, Maiden Lane
Betts, Azer, 963, Doctor, St: James Street
Bogart, Nicolas, 590, Doctor, in The Fly
Bushert, Jacob, 718, House Carpenter, Broadway [not checked]
Barclay, David, 856, Peruke Maker, Peck Slip
Broadwell, Henry, 890, Sadler, Bowry Lane
Brevoort, John (No Cartridge) 505, Rutgers Street
Beekman, George, 887, Butcher, at Jacob Hardings
Brevoort, Abraham, 607, Baker, Bowry Lane
Bailey, John, 631, Carman, Ann Street
Brim, Michael, 653, at Mrs. Bankers, Hanover Square [not checked]
Bogart, Henry, 925, at Curtenius's Air Furnace [not checked]
Brevoort, Elias, 599, Black Smith, Bowry Lane
Burlingham, Pardon J., 729, Printer, Fresh Water (no Bayonet)
Bingham, John Jun, 640, Coachmaker, William Street
Brush, Eliphalet, 754, Clark, at James Bowne's Queen Street
Baldwin, Joseph, 511, Tallow Chandler, North River
Brown, Johnathan, 544, Carpenter, Beaver Street
Biniger, Jos, 907, Shoe Maker, William Street
Beekman, Henry W:, 972, Peruke Maker, St: Georges Street
Beck, Jos, 872
Black, Peter, 812
Bonham, James (Error), 902, Shoemaker, Living at Relays [not checked]
Bulgine, John (No R), 920
Broome, Samuel, 473, Merchant, Dock Street
Beckitt, John, 620, Cordwainer
Burress, Benjamin, 743, No C.
Carr, William, 835, Taylor, Beekman Street
Clark, John, 633, 844, Measurer, Near the City Hall
Chapple, Thomas, 676, House Carpenter, John Street with J . Bleak
Clark, Douglas, 569, Coach Harness Maker, Dey Street
Carpenter, Benjamin, 698, House Carpenter, William Street
Class, John, 803, House Carpenter, Nassau Street [not checked]
Conger, Jerimiah, 742, Tanner, Heas [?] Street
Coutant, Henry (No R), 514, Carpenter, St: James Street
Cannon, Peter, 513, Cooper, Cherry Street
Cain, Edward (No R), 691, Taylor, Broadway
Cox, Nicos, 502, Hatter, Nassau Street
Curtis, Benjamin (No R), by Adjutant, 638, Medical Student, at Doctor Treats
Carr, Josiah, 831, Clark to James Morton, Queen Street
Crookshanks, Alexander, 604, Taylor, Little Dock Street
Campble, Thomas, 702, Potter, Great George Street
Carpenter, Jacob, 598, Ship Carpenter, Cherry Street [not checked]
Cannon, John, 481, Near the Powder House
Crane, Rufus, 668, Black Smith, Lumber Street
Campbell, George, 572, Cordwainer, Water Street
Carrow, John, 695, Shoemaker, Chatham Street
Carpenter, Jacob (No R), 943, Ship Carpenter, Cherry Street
Campbell, James, 485, Shoemaker, Queen Street
Carpenter, James, 947, Taylor, Cowfit Hill
Carr, Joseph, 998, Currier, in the Swamp
Cuningham, William, 587, Blacksmith, Broadway
Cockram, Thomas, 593, Carpenter, Leary Street
Cockram, Daniel (No R), 717, Carpenter, Cortland Street
Cannon, Abraham, 985, Shoemaker, Beekman Street
Castburn [sic for Eastburn], John, 528, Boat Builder, James Street
Conrod, Peter, 950, Joyner, Maiden Lane
Campbell, James, 878, Shoemaker, Queen Street [not checked]
Campbell, William, 608, House Carpenter, St: James Street [not checked]
Colegrove, Francis, 642, Carman, Battoe Street
Carter, Vincent, 863, Carman, Nassau Street
Couty, Johnathan, 662, Carpenter, King Street
Couenhoven, Francis, 186, Painter, Scotch Street
Chardvayne, Lewis, 593, Taylor, Fair Street
Cole, Aron, 665
Cutler, John, 570
Child, Peter, 811
Cutler, Henry, 809 [not checked]
One Musket Returned, 189, No name
One Musket Returned, J08, No name
One Musket Returned, 545, No name
Carman, William, 754
One Musket returned, 576, which I rec'd from the Adjutant, & one not returned to me which he rec'd.
One Musket returned, 820, No Name
Duryee, Jacob R., 459, Shop keeper, Peck Slip
De Riemer, Nicolas, 532, Hatter, K: George Street
Dunscomb, James, 825, Cooper, Crown Street
Degrawe, Walter, 616, Joyner, Maiden Lane
Dassingney, Benjamin, 661, Shoemaker, Batteau Street
Davis, Richard, 621, Carver, Wm: Street
Dean, Barnabas, 561, Pot Baker, Living with Jno: Campbell near The Hospital
Durell, Johnathan, 937, 777, Pot Baker, Chatham Street
Delanois, John, 851, Clark, Wm: Street
Denton, Nehemiah, 942, Cooper, Roosvelts Slip
Duyckinck, Christopher, 808, Sailmaker, Crown Street
Damon, Nathaniel, 935, Cooper, North River
Davis. Isaac, 685, Carpenter, Rutgers Street
Deane. Samuel, 645, Coachmaker, Batteau Street
Dubois, Lewis, 979, Carpenter, Ann Street
Dean. Wm, 515, Cooper, St: James Street
Dickson, John, 952, Carpenter, Prince Street
Deforrest, Henry, 939
Demaryee, David, 913, Cartman
Dodds, Thomas, 802, Cordwainer, Wm: Street
One Musket returned, 760, No name, Delivered in from the Guard room
Degray, John, 551
One Musket returned by Lieut. Stephen McDougal, 995
One Musket Returned, 685, No Name
Elsworth, John, (112, Hatter, Golden Hill
Ebert, Barnet, 613, Shoemaker, Ferry Street [not checked]
Easterly, Thomas, Apprentice to Daniel Sickles & Delivered by his order, 843, House Carpenter, Broad Street
Elless, Garrit, Isaac Johnston Security, 483, House Carpenter, Beekman Street
Ervin, Jacob (No R), 958, Cordwainer, Broadway
Elliott, David, 906, Broad Street
English, Hudson, 766, Cordwainer, Chappel Street
Fowler, Isaac, 490, Turner, John Street [not checked]
Ford, James, 945, Carpenter, Feasey [sic for Vesey] Street [not checked]
French, Othnel, 784, Shipwright, Shipyard
Fleming, Samuel, 681, Shoemaker, Hanover Square
Fanool, Christian, 815, Baker, Division Street [not checked]
Fairly, James, 492, Living with Eleazor Miller, Hanover Square
Forbes, Alexander, 469, Taylor, at the Negro Burying Ground
Foucht, George, 712, Shoemaker, at John Lashers
Fenton, Robert, 467, Cooper, Stone Street
Fenton, Thomas (No R), 841, Cordwainer, Division Street
Fisher, George, for Bartholomew Fisher, 568, Baker, Cherry Street (Burn't in the fire)
Forbis, William (No R), 679, Sadler, Broadway
Farrell, John, 855, Taylor, at Benn Douglas's
Foy, Martin, 988, Currier, at N: N: Anthony's
Fisher, John, 936, Sadler, Broadway
Faesh, Michael, 782, Mason, St: George's Street
Forbis, William, 674, Cordwainer
Fream, James, 775
Frazer, Alexander, 651, Heelmaker, Broad Street
Frazer, William, 724 [not checked]
Fordam, Ephraim, on the East end Long Island, 1 Musket which he purchased from some person in Town [not checked]
Garrabrace, Peter, 874, Turner, John Street
Green, Daniel, 790, Shoemaker, Fly Market
Griffin, Jno, 614, Carpenter, Living with Bloodgood
Garmond, William, 761, Cooper, Ferry Street
Glean, Anthony, 954, Son of James Glean, Ship Yards
Guest, William, 895, Blacksmith, Maiden Lane
Grimsley, Charles, 504, 840, Shoemaker, Broadway
Gleen, Oliver, 462, Clark, with Phascal Smith
Gayler, Adam (No R), 537, Chairmaker, Queen Street
Grim [?], George, 896, Taylor, Fair Street [not checked]
Green, James, 830, Taylor, Beekmans Slip
Genevele, Samuel, 858, Taylor, at Mr. Cocks
Green, Edward, 488, Shoemaker, Broadway
Goldsmith, Jeremias, 922, Joiner, Batteau Street
Goldsmith, Daniel, 524, Constable, near the New Sugar House
Garrison, Samuel (no Bayonet, no Cartridge) 731, House Carpenter, Wm: Street
Guion, Isaac (No R), 850, afterwards a receipt from me J: Henry
Garson, Peter, 938, Shopkeeper, Broadway
Gelston, John, 579, House Carpenter, Division Street
Gilbert, John, 752, Queen Street
One Musket Returned, 563, No Name, by Lieut: Copp
Hill, George, 552, House Carpenter, at Mr. Nevins
Hendrick, John, 783, Shoemaker, Fair Street
Harding, Jacob, 512, Butcher, Frankfort Street
Hall, Henry, 491, Cordwainer, Chapel Street
Hullit, Peter (No R), 452, Stay Maker, William Street
Hulick, Peter (Rec'd by Quarter Master) 908, Stay Maker, Wm: Street
Hawk, Jno, 842, Carman, Lakes Wharf
Hanning, Jno: (No R), 451, Baker, Colledge
Hughes, Timothy, 814, Carpenter, Barclay Street
Hartwick, Thomas, 646, Cooper, L: Dock Street
How, Henry, 961, Taylor, Wm: Street
Higgins, Benjamin, 687, Cabinet Maker, Cortland Street
Hurtin, Wm, 644, Watch Maker, Wm: Street
Harrison, Thomas, 694, Coachman, Living with Doctor Jones
Hinshaw, Samuel, 453, Mariner, Wm: Street
Hubble, Josiah (No Bayonet) 879, House Carpenter, at Depeysters Slip (gone to Boston) [not checked]
Halstead, Chrs, 923, Carpenter, William Street
Holmes, Johnathan, 461, Coach Maker, French Church Street
Hughes, Hugh (gone to Boston), 807, 703, School Master, French Church Street
Howes, John, 663, Wheel Wright, at Hallitts in Broadway
Hunt, Joseph, 868, Labourer, Feesey [Vesey] Street
Harper, Robert, 864, Carpenter, Partition Street
Heustis, Charles, 688, Carpenter, Queen Street
Higgins, Patrick (No R), 810, Tavern Keeper, Murray Street
Haning, Jos., 648
Harsin, Arent, 832, Taylor, Princes Street
Hoogland, 546, by Lieut. Copp
Inglish, Wm, 542, Mason, Partition Street
Inglish, James, 794, Taylor, Chappel Street
Jacobs, Abraham (No R), 745, Shoemaker, Feazey [Vesey] Street
Johnson, Robert, 764, Taylor, Broad Street
Johnson, John, Isaac Johnson Sec, 977, House Carpenter, Beekman Street
Jarvis, Arthur, 697 (This Musket Lieut. Gilliland has applied to his own use), Merchant, Queen Street
Johnston, William, 907, Shoe Maker, Wm: Street
Johnston, Robert, 966, Shoe Maker, Peck Slip
Job, John, 919, Shoemaker, Smith Street
Jacobs, Tunus, 613, Carpenter, Crown Street
Johnson, John, 574, Chairmaker, Broadway
One Musket Returned, 905, No Name, By Lieut: Copp, From Capt. Bradford
Kelly, Craig, 701, Shoemaker, Wheeler, Cowfit Hill
Kemper, Jacob, 711, Wheelwright, Old Slip Market
Kelso, John, 527, Chair Maker, Broad Street
Kelly, Anthony (No R), 508, Shoemaker, Coffee House
Kip, Garritt (No Receipt), 479, Measurer, Leary Street
Kip, Henry, 630, Brass Founder, Broadway
King, John, 575, Mason, Barclay Street
Kingsland, Aaron, One Musket Returned the Number rubbed out, which Lieut: Payne brought from said Kingsland
One Musket Returned, 930, No Name
Leycraft, Robert, 959, Baker, Golden Hill
Lockwood, Eliphalet, 451, House Carpenter, New Slip (gone to Boston) [not checked]
Lesslie, Alexander, 649, Shoemaker, Chatham Street [not checked]
Low, Charles (No R), 700, Shoemaker, Broadway
Lenthwait, William, 531, Inn Keeper, Chatham Street [not checked]
Lewis, Foster, 494, Inn Keeper, Dock Street
Low, Peter, Jun., 726, Cabinet Maker, Leary Street
Larzelore, Nicolas, 627, Shoemaker, Batteau Street
Lynsin, Daniel, 516, Weaver, Living Next to Mr. Lispenards [not checked]
Leonard, Jesse, 455, Mariner, Batteau Street [not checked]
Lawrence, Nicolas, 667, Shoemaker, Wm Street
Lister, Thomas, 696, Ship Carpenter, Ship Yards
Lefory, Thomas, 849, Hatter, Cortland Street
Lasher, John, Shoemaker, Broadway, 3 Muskets for his apprentices, 822, 603, 656
Ledyard, Isaac, 732, Medical Student, Broad Street
Lower, John, 624, Baker, Golden Hill
Little, Eleazer, 496, House Carpenter, Hag[u]e Street
Lashear, Abraham, 813, Mason, Moereoit [?] Street
Loshee, Peter, 798, Mason, Partition Street
Lawson, William, 845, Shoe Maker, Beekman Street
Lower, Henry, 994 This Musket returned by Wm Weaver [not checked]
Lowe, Jacob, 547, at Getfield's, Queen Street
McCuen, Malcomb, 518, Plumber, New Burling Slip (No Bayonet)
McDowell, Benjamin, (No R), 768, Shoemaker, Broad Street
Merserherau, Samuel, 941, at Mr. Broome's (No Bayonet returned)
Marschalk, Isaac, 948, 592, Baker, Broad Street (no Cartouch Box)
McKinley, Nathaniel, 827, Taylor, Wall Street
Man, David, 749, Butcher, Bowry Lane
Montanye, Isaac, 564, Hatter, Batteau Street
McAdom, Wm, 853, Shoemaker, Crown Street
Moore, Richard, 581, School Master, Barclay Street
McPherson, Farquar, 730, Barber, Broad Street
Montayne, Benjamin, 474, Black Smith, Queen Street
McCant, Michael, 629, Mason, Bowry Lane [not checked]
McCoy, James, 765, Cordwainer, Chapple Street
Malone, John, 529, Cordwainer, living at Lake Hunts
Manly, Robert, 538, Wheelwright, Gt: George Street
Maxwell, Enoch, 750, Cordwainer, Broadway
Meeks, Edward, 932, Black Smith, Wm Street
McDougal, Duncan, 509, Inn Keeper, Elbow Street
Mills, Jno, 747, Shoemaker, Broadway (Rec'd by Qr. Master)
McClure, James, 787, Shoemaker, Broadway
Meeks, John, 953, Shoemaker, .Hanover Square
Meeks, Joseph, 510, Shoemaker, Wm: Street
Mariner, Joshua, 716, House Carpenter, Baptizt Street (no Cartridge Box Delivered)
Morris, David, 489, House Carpenter, Dey Street
Moore, Jacob, 792, Tobacconist, Fair Street [not checked]
Moore, John, 924, Bricklayer, John Street
Mitchel, Viner, 944, Chair Maker, Opposite St. Pauls.
Montanye, John, 873, Hatter, Broadway
Mandeville, Yellis, 967, Silver Smith, with Jno. Leary, Broadway
Marwick [sic for Maverick], Peter, 543, Silver Smith, Batteau Street [not checked]
Morgan, Joseph, 964, Cutler, Duke Street
McKindley, Samuel, 460, Merchant, Living with Thomas Galbreath near the Fly Market (no Bayonet)
Moore, Michael, 657, Shoemaker, Living with Jno: Anthony in the Swamp
McCoy, Annias, 965, Currier, Ferry Street
Meeks, Joseph, 625, Cordwainer, Maiden Lane
Moore, Nicolas, 453, Mason, Chappel Street
Marschalck, Cornelius, 606, Bolter, Dey Street
Meshet, Peter (No R), 675, Copper Smith, Broadway
McCoy, John, 997, Breeches Maker, Georges Street
Mandevill, Yellows, 615, Shoemaker, Maiden Lane
Myers, Jacobus, 956, Cartman, Nassau Street
McDougal, John, 799, Mariner, Crumelines Wharf
McDougal, Stephen, 829, Crumelines Wharf
McClelan, Hugh S. (No R), 975, Cabinet Maker, William Street
Meads, Samuel, 484, Shoe Maker, at Goforths
Metcalf, William, 846
McClean, Thomas, 598
Morrel, Daniel, 672
Montanye, John T., 772, Hatter, Broadway
One Musket returned, 853, from Berry
One Musket returned, 796, No name, By Mr: Duychinck
Norwood, Andrew, 877, Shoemaker, Broadway
Newcark, Barney, (No R), 828, Shoemaker, Crown Street
Noblet, John (No R), 797, Labourer, Chambers Street
Nicolson, Johnathan, 652, Shoe Maker, at the Coffee House
Needham, William, 577, Cartman, living with Copperthwait, Feesey [Vesey] Street
One Musket returned, 894, No name, By Captain Varick
One Musket Returned, 493, No name, By Lieut: Brasher
One Musket Returned, Vangelders, 557, By Lieut: Copp
One Ditto, 588, No name, By Dionisius Miller
Muskets 670 and 880, returned by Lieut: McDougal
One from Griffiths, 1000, No Bayonet, By Lieut: McDougal
One Musket Returned, W. Smith, 753, By The Adjutant
One ditto, 553, No name, By Captain Lamb
One musket returned, 910, No Name, By Captain Lamb [No. 910 credited to Thomas Brown]
One ditto, 856, No Name, By Captain Lamb [No. 856 credited to David Barclay]
Outenbogart, Gilbert, 721, House Carpenter, Division Street
Outenbogart, Richard (No R), 867, Bricklayer, Division Street
Ogden, John, 940, Hatter, French Church St.
Ogden, Nathaniel, 722, Mason, John Street [not checked]
Oughterson, Andrew, 632, Taylor, Broad Street
Ogden, Henry, 785, 875, 770, Taylor, Broadway
Outenbogart, Abraham, 533, Butcher, Queen Street
O'Farrell, Michael, 636
Ogleve, John, 817
Pattent, Edward, 976, Butcher, Nigh Richard Varrian
Priestly, John, 788, Joiner, Broadway
Pierce, John, 759, Joiner, Maiden Lane
Pell, Philip, 740, Copper Smith, in the Meadows near Widow Pains
Pine, Wm, 635, Painter, Gold Street
Post, Jacob, 486, Chair Maker, Maiden Lane
Portugee, John, 500, Taylor, Chappel Street
Prince, Robert, 883 Musket, 736 Bayonet, Joiner, Wm Street.
Parsel, Thomas, 934, Cordwainer, Fair Street
Parkinson, Martin, 597, Inn Keeper, Irish Street [not checked]
Pratt, Thomas, 886, Clark, L: Queen Street
Patton, James, 655, Tanner at N. N. Anthony
Park, Isaac, 778, Shoemaker, Upper Barracks [not checked]
Phenix, Thomas, 955, Shoemaker, Dey Street
Pelton, Benjamin, 591, Cabinet Maker, Ann Street
Pike, Asher, (No R), 508, Mason, Fair Street
Pelletreau, Elias, 595, Block Maker, Living with Frederick Fine at B: Slip
Prince, Robert, 472, Joiner, Wm: Street
Pool, Jacob, 573, Chairmaker, Broad Street
Peel, Francis (No R), 804, Shoemaker, George Street
Peck, Johnathan, 981, House Carpenter at Depeyster's Slip (No Bayonet)
Peek, William, 520, Mason, Georges Street
Piper, Jacob, 960, Shoemaker, at Merediths, in Broadway
Pelton, Wm, 556, Shoemaker, Dutch Street
Polk, John (No R), 921, Chair Maker, Chatham Street
Philips, Thomas, 986, Lappedary, Golden Hill
Peck, William, 946, Taylor, Wall Street (Bayonet not returned)
Pelton, Daniel (No R), 805, Joiner, Sutch [sic] Street
Pell, Robert (No R), 519
Quackenbos, Peter, 821, Baker, Opposite Livingston S[uga]r House
One Musket Returned, 709, No name, By Lieut. Copp
Ridhout, David, 957, Potter, at Campbells, Potter
Roberts, Ezekiel, 839, Hatter, Gold Street
Robison, Thomas, 891, Taylor, Elbow Lane
Robison, Arthur, 499, Plumer, Dock Street
Rote, Philip, 769, Distiller, St. James Street
Read, Thomas, 976, Clark, lives with Van Vleck & Kip
Rutler, Daniel, 584, Stone Cutter, Cliff Street
Ronold, James, 989, Joyner, George Street
Reynolds, George, 727, Cooper, Henry Street [not checked]
Rigby, Joseph, 539, Cordwainer, L: Queen Street
Reed, Joseph, 706, Shoemaker, Bridge Street
Rose, Nicolas, 715, Wheel Wright, Fresh Water
Roosevelt, John (No R), 781, Merchant, Maiden Lane
Ross, Daniel, 969, Oysterman, Lombart Street
Ross, Levy, 837, Cooper, Battoe Street
Reed, Jacob, Jun, 586, Merchant, at Thomas Pearsalls, Q Street
Richards, Smith, 507, Merchant, Queen Street [not checked]
Robison, Thomas, 720, Hatter.
Sherdevine, Abraham (No R), 549, Carpenter, Cortland Street
Slight, Forrester, 554, Sadler at Stephen Hulls
Snider, Simon, 889, Stone Cutter, at Mr. Suddeker
Smith, William, 739, White Smith, Crown Street
Stiles, James, 618, Planemaker, Barclay Street
Stevenson, John (No R), 550, Shoemaker, Ship Yards
Stuymetz, Frederick, 671, Baker, Nassau Street
Stuymest [sic], Gasper, 647, House Carpenter, Moscite [?] Street
Smith, Michael, 482, Chairmaker, Broad Street
Sinott, Thomas, 668, Cordwainer, Freshwater Street [not checked]
Sumandike, Nicolas, 666, Chairmaker, Bowry Lane
Sitcher, Wm, 497, 671, Black Smith, Maiden Lane
Shepherd, Edward, 684, Barber, John Street
Sandford, John, 892, Bricklayer, Geo: Street
Scutler, Garrit, 526, Glaizer, Wm: Street
Sandford, David, 757, Shoemaker, Moorefield Street
Smith, Moses, 458, Merchant, Burling Slip
Shaver, Jacob, 819, Distiller, at Skinners
Sears, Isaac, 719, Merchant, Queen Street
Seabring, Frederick, 566, Blacksmith, at Fresh Water Next Lispenards
Stakes, Wm:, 928, 643, Butcher, at the Sign Dove
Stakes [sic for Skaats], Barthalemus, 793, Silver Smith, Dey Street
Stillwell, John, 878, House Carpenter, Murray Street [not checked]
Sloan, John, 818, Ship Joiner, Queen Street
Sladdle, John, 686, Currier, Ferry Street
Stackhouse, Stacy, 812, Chair Maker, corner Wall Street, Broadway. (Delivered one of 519, by Robert Pell)
Salter, Daniel, 888, Carman, Spring Garden
Smith, Wm, 753, 582, Block Maker, Wm: Street
Spence, Richard, 660, Boat Builder, Cherry Street
Spranger, Henry, 705, Carpenter, Behind Trinity Church
Smith, Jesse, 894, 737, Merchant, Dock Street [not checked]
Skillon, John, 760, Carrier, Ship yards
Skates, Reynear, 901, Cartman, Dey Street
Stanton, John (No R), 562, Coachmaker, Broadway
Suppler, John (No R), 746.
Simpson, James, (Error) 981, at Mr. Tirlyou. This Musket has been entd to Johnathan Peck [not checked]
Shaden, Lewis, 723, Coachmaker, Broadway
Thew, Tunis Captain, 758, Mariner, Partition Street
Terhune, Stephen, 983, Painter, Crown Street
Tinney, Wm, 622, Shopkeeper, Queen Street
Tomlinson, James, 710, Joiner, Wm: Street
Thorn, Samuel, 763, Taylor, Cherry Street
Thompson, Wm, 594, Shopkeeper, Beekman Slip
Tiebout, Theunis, 903, Carpenter, Golden Hill (no Cartridge box)
Taylor, Moses, 978, Taylor, Leary Street
Thorn, Jno, 698, Tanner, N. N. Anthony
Tucker, Frederick, 558, Carrier, Beekman Street
Taylor, George, 571, Ship Joiner, Queen Street
Thompson, Peter, 501, Bricklayer, Ferry Street
Tyler, John, 861, Sadler, Living with Jams Hallitt
Taylor, James, 535, Ship Joiner, Queen Street
Tallman, Haramanus, 789, 927, Carpenter, Kings Street
Thompson, Andrew, 680, Bricklayer, Fresh Water [not checked]
Thurston, William, 806, Wheel Wright, Broadway
Taylor, Stephen, 669, Shoemaker, at Goforths
Tilyou, John, 974.
Tiebout, Henry (No R), 522
Thompson, Andrew, 733.
Turk, Cornelius, Jun, 683, Baker, Broadway
Thompson, James, 933, 456, Barber, Beekman Slip
Van Kleeck, James, 688, Cartman, Near New Sugar House
Van Kleeck, Peter, 801, Pewterer. Partition Street
Varrian, John (No R), 865, Butcher, Bowery Lane (no Cartridge)
Vanphilt, Christian, 525, Baker, Partition Street
Varian, Richard, 634, Butcher, Bowry Lane
Vander Hoof, Lawrence, 634, Carman, Broadway
Vandyck, John, 876.
Venaler, Cornelius, 774, Chairmaker, Batteau Street
Vandusen, Abraham, 866, Tallow Chandler, John Street
Vanwinkle, John, 725, Bricklayer, Geo: Street
Van Gelder, James, 557, House Carpenter, Division Street
Van Ryper, Herman, 926, Carpenter, Barclay Street
Van Horn, Andrew, 672, Black Smith, L: Queen Street
Van Dueson, Wm, 736, Tallow Chandler, John Street
Varian, Joseph (No R), 834, Butcher, Sotch [sic] Street
Van Antwerp, John, 771, House Carpenter, Quaker Meeting Street
Van Dalsom, John, 530, Pewterer, Cortland Street
Van Winkle, Simeon, 962, Bricklayer, Fresh Water [not checked]
Van Ouden, John, 541, Black Smith, Living with Isaac Van Dueson at the Shipyards
Van Duesen, Andrew, 478, Butcher, Queen Street (No Bayonet)
Verdenburg, Jacob, 465, Barber, Cortland Street
Van Wagner, Garrit J., 116, Doctor, Dock Street
Van Gelder, Walter, 816, Gun Smith, Queen Street
Van Pelt, John, 859
Veagereau [sic for Vergereau], Peter, 689, Gentleman.
Wool, Josiah, 471, Stone Cutter, Gt. George Street
Wiley, John, 735, Taylor, Nassau Street
Wynkoop, Jacobus Captain, 673, Dey Street
Whitlock, Ephraim, 617, House Carpenter, at John Waters
Walsh, Hugh, 838, Tallow Chandler, Broad Street
Waldron, Daniel, 692, Merchant, at Van Vleeck & Son's (no Bayonet)
Webber, Isaac, 619, Joiner, Kings Street
White, John, 802, Shopkeeper, Fly Market, (Returned by Thos: Dodds)
Wessels, John, 991, Turner, Water Street
Whittelsey, Elisha, 999, Clark, lives with Jno. Holt (No R)
Weaver, William, 994, Leather dresser, Chappel Street
Wandle, Abraham, 498, Shoemaker, Queen Street
Wools, Christopher, 896, Shoemaker, Broadway
Wiley, Alexander, 898, Taylor, Wm: Street
Wintwort, Peter, 852, Gentleman, lives with S. Vanhorn
Wolf, David, 503, Gentleman, Fair Street
West, John, 495, Bricklayer, Batteau Street
Williams, Nathaniel, 893, Merchant, Burling Slip
Waldron, Peter, 908, Black Smith, at the Bear Market
Wright, William, 800, Carpenter, St: James Street
Wilson, Joseph, 699, Pewterer, Dock Street
Wheeler, Gilbert, 658, 628, Shoemaker, Water Street (one not returned)
Wilson, Joseph, 992, Constable, Elbow Street
Warner, Charles, 713, Coachmaker, Broadway
Waterbury, James, 602, Shoemaker, at Goforths
Whitney, Justus, 464, Shoemaker, at Goforths
Westerfield, Andrew, 650
Wessells, Samuel, 836
Wheeler, Gilbert, 641, Shoemaker, Water Street
York, Henry, 776, Taylor, Frankfort Street
Young, Saunders, 779, Wheel Wright, Fresh Water
Youn, John, 918, Sadler, Queen Street
Young, Peter, 871
[Penciled note, inside back cover:]
William Livingston at Elizabethtown has a musket No. 450 the maker Wilson London. Query is not this one of the City Arms.

 AHGP New York

1. As Commissary Peter T. Curtenius called them. Mather, ed., N. Y. in the Revolution as Colony and State, Supplement (Albany, 1901), p. 54.
2. Accounts of the seizure of these muskets and of subsequent conditions in the city may be found in the following sources: Penn. Journal, Ap. 26, 1775; Lt. Gov. Colden's report to the Council, on Ap. 24, 1775, and William Smith's manuscript diary, quoted in L N. P. Stoke's Iconography of Manhattan Island, IV, 882, 883; "Col. Marinus Willett's Narrative," in N. Y. City during the American Revolution (N. Y. Merc. Library, N. Y., 1861); Thomas Jones, History of N. Y. during the Revolutionary War, I, 39-41; Min. of Common Council, ly 84-1831, I, 83; N. Y. in the Rev. as Colony and State, Supplement, pp. 54, 188. The muskets seized were probably part of the thousand stands of arms which the Common Council, then apprehensive of a war with France, had imported from England in 1755. Min. of Com. Council, 1675-1776, VI, 20, 22, 51. It will be noted in the list which follows, that the numbers on the muskets taken from the City Hall ran from 451 to 1000 (with three numbered in the one hundreds).
3. Journal of the N. Y. Prov. Cong., 1775-1777 (Albany. 1842), vol. I. The proceedings of the N. Y. Provincial Congress are printed also in Force's American Archives, 4th series, vol. II.
4. Journal N. Y. Prov. Cong., I, 86.
5. Ibid., I, 103.
6. Statement of Peter T. Curtenius. Commissary of the Provincial Congress, in N. Y. in the Rev. as Colony and State, Supplement, p. 54.
7. Jour. X. Y. Prov. Cong., I, 75.
8. Min. Com. Court., 1781-1831, I. 84.
9. Ibid. I. 83-84, 288, 345, 349; II, 60, 79; Jour. Amer. Cong., 1774-1788, IV. 427; statement of Commissary Curtenius, in N. Y. in the Rev. as Colony and State. Supplement, p. 54.

Source: Stories from Early New York History, by Sherman Williams, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906


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