List of Pioneers, 1907-8-9 Surnames S-Y
SALISBURY, Orange J. Came to Montana in the '60 's. Died in New
York, June 18, 1908.
SANDERS, Mrs. Wilbur F. (Harriet Peck Fenn) Born in Tallmadge,
Ohio, in 1834. Came to Bannack in 1863. Died in Helena,
September 23, 1909.
SCOTT, Stephen. Came to Montana in the '60 's. Died in North
Dakota, April 17, 1909.
SEE, Benjamin F. Born in Missouri in 1829, Came to Virginia City
in 1864. Occupation, farmer. Died September 21, 1907,
SEYLER, John T. Born in Germany in 1834. Came to Virginia City
in 1865. Occupation, mining. Died March 25, 1908.
SHERENBURGER, Hiram. Came to Montana in the '60's. Died in
Madison County, April 25, 1909.
SHERMAN, Gustavus V. Born in Columbus. Ohio, in 1835. Came to
Virginia City in 1863. Died in Philipsburg, November 7, 1909.
SHERRER, Gottlieb. Born in Germany in 1825. Came to Helena in
the '60 's. Died April 23, 1908.
SHIVELY, Samuel. Born in Pennsylvania, in 1830. Came to Montana
in 1866. Occupation, miner. Died in Philipsburg, February 24,
SLACK, Mrs. Mary. Came to Montana in 1863. Died at Corvallis,
May 17, 1909.
SMITH, J. M. Born in 1833. Came to Montana in the '60 's. Died
at Battle Creek, Michigan, October 6, 1908.
SMITH, Jacob. Came to Montana in 1864. Died March 6, 1907.
SMITH, Joseph. Born in Ohio in 1844. Came to Alder Gulch in
1863. Occupation, express agent. Died at Virginia City, December
19, 1907.
SMITH, Mrs. Mary. Came to Montana in the '60 's. Died in Helena,
March 21, 1909.
SMITH, Thomas. Born in Ireland in 1835. Came to Montana in 1863.
Died at Philipsburg, August 13, 1907.
SMITH, William. Born in Ohio in 1832. Came to Montana in 1866.
Engaged in dairy business. Died in Beaverhead County, October 7,
SMITH, William D. Born in 1834. Came to Last Chance Gulch in the
early '60 's. Died in San Diego, California, June 26, 1907.
SPARBOEOUGH, A. W. Came to Montana in 1864. Died in Madison
County, March 3, 1909.
SPENCEE, Almon. Born in Ontario in 1838. Came to Montana in
1865. Died in California, March 12, 1909.
SPEERY, Andrew J. Born in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1832.
Came to Virginia City in 1863. Engaged in farming and stock
raising. Died at Missoula, January 10, 1908.
STEELE, Joseph G. Came to Montana in 1860. Discovered California
Gulch. Died in Deer Lodge, December 14, 1908.
STEELE, Dr. William L. Born in South Carolina in 1833. Came to
Helena in 1864. Profession, physician. Member Constitutional
Convention, 1866. Member Senate, Third and Fourth Sessions,
1893-95. Treasurer Lewis and Clark County. Died in Helena, May
19, 1909.
STEFFENBERG, Clem. Born in Germany in 1847. Came to Montana in
the '60 's. Died at Red Rock, November 4, 1909.
STEVENS, Alfred J. Came to Montana in 1869. Died at White
Sulphur Springs, May 19, 1909.
STEWARD, J. M. Born in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1844. Came to
Montana in 1862. Located the famous Stewart mine. Died at Eureka
Springs, Arkansas, February 21, 1908.
STEWART, James A. Came to Montana in 1864. Occupation, mining.
Died in Broadwater County, April 23, 1908.
STONE, Mrs. F. L. Born in Vermont in 1824. Came to Montana in
1865. Died August 2, 1907.
STRASBURGER, Mrs. Rachel. Born in 1850. Came to Virginia City in
1865 Died June 23, 1908.
STRICKLAND, Benjamin. Came to Montana in 1864. Died near
Livingston, April 12, 1909.
STUART; Samuel D. Born in Illinois in 1836. Came to Montana in
1866. Died in Butte in June, 1909.
STTJCKEY, Jacob. Born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1839. Came
to Montana in 1865. Engaged in ranching. Died January 25, 1907.
SULLIVAN, Arthur. Born in North Carolina in 1822. Came to
Bannack in 1863. Occupation, mining.
Died at Dillon, February 11, 1908.
SULLIVAN, Neil. Came to Montana in 1865. Built the St. Louis
Hotel in Helena in 1868. Died in Helena, March 9, 1909.
SWEET, Henry J. Came to Montana in 1861. Occupation, freighter.
Died at Dillon, January 28, 1908.
TAFT, Wellington L. Born in Ohio in 1841. Came to Alder Gulch in
1863. Occupation, millman. Died at Pony, August 12, 1907.
TAYLOR, A. B. Born in New York in 1827. Came to Virginia City in
1864. Occupation, carpenter. Died June 14, 1907.
TEMPLE, Fred. Born in Germany in 1840. Came to Montana in the
'60 's. Died in Crow Creek Valley, November 25, 1908.
TEMPLETON, Hezekiah. Born in Ohio in 1839. Came to Virginia City
in 1864. Died at Twin Bridges, June 26, 1909.
TIMBERLAKE, O. B. Born in Missouri in 1843. Came to Alder Gulch
in 1864. Occupation, ranching. Died in September, 1907.
TBACY, William H. Born in Ithaca, New York, in 1838. Came to
Montana in 1863. Aided in laying ont the town of Gallatin City.
Died April 15, 1908.
TEUCHOT, Francois. Born in Paris, France, in 1833. Came to Deer
Lodge in 1859. Died near Choteau, .January 10, 1909.
TUENER, W. H. Born in Missouri. Came to Montana in 1864. Died in
Butte, January 13, 1909.
TUTTLE, Davis W. Born in 1854. Came to Alder Gulch in 1864.
Occupation, mining and ranching. Died in Pomona, California,
December 12, 1907.
ULREY, John. Born in Pennsylvania in 1887. Arrived in Montana in
1866. Died in Philipsburg, November 19, 1909.
VALLEAUX, Narcisse. Born in 1819. Came to Montana in the '60 's.
Died at Fort Benton, December 12, 1909.
VANDERBILT, John. Born in Wayne County, New York, in 1833. Came
to Montana in 1862. Was member of Yellowstone expedition in
1863. Died in Helena, October 20, 1909.
WALDERT, John. Born in 1828. Came to Montana in the '60 's. Died
at Willow Creek, October 13, 1908.
WARREN, T. C. Born in Kentucky in 1824. Came to Bannack in 1863.
Occupation, miner and hotel keeper. Died in 1907.
WASWEILER, F. W. Born in Germany in 1836. Came to Virginia City
in 1864. Occupation, miner and hotel keeper. Died in Helena,
February 16, 1908.
WELLS, John K. Born in Ireland in 1841. Came to Bannack in 1863.
Occupation, placer mining. Died at Deer Lodge, May 11, 1907.
WESTON, Daniel H. Born in Massachusetts in 1833. Came to Bannack
in 1863. Occupation, merchant. Died in Helena. March 2, 1908.
WHALEN, James. Born in 1831. Came to Montana in 1868.
Occupation, mining. Died January 12, 1908.
WHALEY, Henry. Born in Ireland in 1830. Came to Bannack in 1863.
Occupation, farming. Died near Townsend, February 17, 1907.
WICKHAM, George J. Born in New York in 1820. Came to Montana in
1862. Occupation, farming. Died in Stevensville, May, 1907.
WILDMAN, J. H. Born in Maine in 1835. Crossed the plains with
the J. L. Fisk expedition, arriving at Fort Benton in 1862.
Occupation, saddler. Died in Deer Lodge, July 8, 1909.
WILES, Mrs. Fannie E. Born in Tennessee in 1820. Came to Montana
in 1867. Died at Deer Lodge, May 25, 1908.
WILLIAMS, John B. Born in South Wales in 1839. Came to Bannack
in 1863. Occupation, miner. Died October 7, 1908
WILSON, Peter. Born in England. Came to Montana in 1864. Died at
Dillon, July 30, 1907.
WINSLETT, John Wesley. Born in Jasper County, Georgia, in 1821.
Came to Montana in 1863. Was one of the two founders of
Stevensville. Died in Stevensville, October 17, 1909.
WOOD, J. D. Born in Missouri in 1841. Came to Montana in 1864.
Engaged in mining. Died in Salt Lake, Utah, January 18, 1909.
WOOLMAN, Joseph P. Born in New Jersey in 1841. Came to Montana
in 1864. Occupation, stockman. Territorial Auditor, 1879-87.
United States Marshal, 1898. Died September 19, 1908, at
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
WUNDEELIN, William. Born in Pennsylvania, Came to Montana in
1864. Occupation, mining. Died July 2, 1908, near Lewistown.
WYROUCK, Mrs. Jacob. Born in England in 1835. Came to Alder
Gulch in 1864. Died in Madison County, January 16, 1909.
YATES, Mrs. M. Came to Montana in 1864. Died April 26, 1907.
Source: Montana Historical Society
Contributions, Vol. I., 1876
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