Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Inter-Mountain States, Utah, Idaho & Nevada

The purpose of this volume, primarily, is to lay before the leading newspaper publishers of the United States some facts concerning many of the leading men who are, or have been, active in the work of developing the States of Utah, Idaho and Nevada. It is believed that the material herewith will be highly valuable to every newspaper of consequence in the United States, and that the value thereof will increase with each succeeding year.

Copies will also be placed in the library cars of limited trains that are used in Western traffic as a guide to those who seek investment or who contemplate a change of residence. The leading boards of trade and public libraries will also be supplied with copies, as will a number of great commercial agencies in the United States, England and France.

A special effort has been made to eliminate any and all matter in reference to the peculiar local contentions, and it is for this reason that the publishers have refrained from presenting even the briefest sketch of the State of Utah, which, as is generally known, has been a storm center for the entire inter-mountain region.

The Publishers

Source: Sketches of the Inter-Mountain States, Utah, Idaho and Nevada, Published by The Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1909 



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