Utah Biographies ~ MacVichie to McIntyre
MacVickie, Duncan
Prominent among the successful mining men, and one who, by his
own efforts, has risen to a position of importance in the mining
world, is the subject of this sketch, Duncan MacVichie, who is
consulting engineer for the Bingham Mining Company's properties
of Utah, which properties are among the largest and most
productive in the inter-mountain region.
Duncan MacVichie was born September 20, 1858, at Lancaster,
Glengarry County, Canada, and is the son of Peter and Margrette
MacGregor MacVichie. His father was a farmer in moderate
circumstances. Dun-can was educated at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin,
and arrived there in 1877. His first mining experience, which he
was naturally adapted to, was in the Lake Superior region, where
he remained for several years acquiring a practical knowledge of
every detail of mining work, which he decided to follow. He came
to Utah in 1897, and his record here has been one of continual
advances and successes. In July of the same year he was given
charge of the De Lamar Mercur mines, where he remained until
1901, and since that date has done as much as any man in the
mining business towards developing the great mineral resources
of this country. He has equipped a number of mining properties
in Utah, Idaho, Montana, and California, and his important
connection with the Bingham Consolidated Mining Company is an
evidence of his invaluable worth as a mining expert and as
managing director of these immense properties. He is recognized
as one of the foremost mining authorities in the inter-mountain
country. Still in the prime of life and great usefulness, Mr.
MacVichie may well feel satisfied with the career in which he
has attained pronounced success.
Mr. MacVichie was married in Michigan in 1893, and is the father
of two children, Helen C. and Bell D. MacVichie. His residence
is at 702 East South Temple Street, Salt Lake City.
Mr. MacVichie is also interested in other mining, banking, and
stock raising companies, with which his time and attention are
well taken up. He is a member of the Alta and Commercial clubs
of Salt Lake City.
Madsen, Peter W.
Peter W. Madsen, one of the representative merchants,
financiers, and public-spirited citizens of Salt Lake City,
Utah, is a native of Denmark, where he was born November 4,
1852. His early education was obtained at the public schools in
Denmark, and at Kiel, Germany. He is a son of Hanz Madsen, who
was a cabinetmaker, and of Louisa Tatner Madsen.
P. W. Madsen arrived in Salt Lake City, July 23, 1875, and on
August 2, 1875, he was married to Elsie C. Larsen. To them have
been born eight children, namely: Richard W., Emil W., Louise
C., Laura M., Viggo R., Harry H., Florence C. and Peter W.
The business interests of Mr. Madsen are many and important. He
is president of the Western Loan and Savings Company, one of the
leading financial institutions of Salt Lake City. This company
was incorporated in 1892, with Prank Armstrong as president, by
Mr. Madsen, and has a capital of $100,000 and a surplus of
$22,000, with an authorized capital of $5,000,000, of which
$4,000,000 has been issued. The company has paid ten per cent,
on its capital from its beginning, and has been instrumental in
the building of thousands of homes in Utah and Idaho for its
members, who would not own their homes to-day were it not for
the company's easy terms. The Western Loan and Savings Company
is at present earning for its stockholders from six per cent, to
twelve per cent. Mr. Madsen gives his entire time to this
company, his furniture business being practically managed by his
sons. Associated with Mr. Madsen in the Western Loan and Savings
Company are the following well-known men of Salt Lake City: Dr.
John T. White, secretary; Captain Samuel G. Paul, director; R.
W. Madsen, vice-president; James Engebretsen, attorney; and H.
M. II. Lund, assistant secretary.
Mr. Madsen is also a director in the Utah Commercial and Savings
Bank, president of the Salt Lake Livery and Transfer Company,
president of the Century Gold Mining and Milling Company,
president of the Utah Stove and Hardware Company, and is a
charter member of the Commercial Club, and one of the first
fifty to cooperate upon its organization.
Mr. Madsen first started in the furniture business at 18 South
Main Street, then at 42 South Main Street, and in 1884 built the
present store. Mr. Madsen was one of the original organizers of
the Utah Commercial and Savings Bank, and has been identified
with its interests ever since. He was also one of the organizers
of the Lehi Commercial Bank, of which he was a director for many
years. He was also an organizer of the Springville Banking
Company, of which he is now a director. He was also organizer of
Mt. Pleasant Commercial and Savings Bank, one of the organizers
of the Western Shoe and Dry Goods Company, and the Utah Mattress
Manufacturing Company. The furniture company of P. W. Madsen
carries one of the largest stocks of any house west of Denver.
The highest standard of excellence is consistently maintained by
Mr. Madsen, who does all his own buying, and twice a year visits
the furniture manufacturing centers for that purpose.
Marcy, Frank E.
Frank E. Marcy was born at Newfane, Vermont, June 11th, 1872.
His father was Rodney Marcy and his mother Rosette Wellman
The young man was educated in the district schools of his native
State and later attended the University of Kansas, from which
institution he in due time graduated. At an early age he gave
promise of marked ability along engineering lines and from the
time he first formed a connection with the Amalgamated Copper
Company of Butte, in 1900, his rise has been steady and rapid.
During the time he was with this company he held many important
engineering posts and along certain lines achieved a splendid
reputation for resourcefulness and ability as an engineer. In
1905 he joined the Allis-Chalmers Company, for which concern he
is at present manager of the Salt Lake and Spokane offices. The
territory includes the States of Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Montana,
eastern Oregon, Washington, and a part of Wyoming. For the past
few years he has maintained his headquarters at Salt Lake City.
The wonderful record of the Allis-Chalmers Company in the West
is generally admitted to be due, to a large extent, to the
indefatigable efforts of Mr. Marcy. Always well known, the
company has built up a business throughout the Western States
which, comparatively speaking, is little short of remarkable.
Always interested in the mechanical side of his profession, Mr.
Marcy has worked early and late for the company which he
represents and the result achieved is not out of proportion to
the effort put forth.
The Allis-Chalmers Company maintains a heavy stock of machinery
in Salt Lake and has traveling and other representatives
constantly in the field. Through close application and strict
attention to business as well as equitable dealing and
business-like methods, the company has established a reputation
for its goods which goes far to account for its successful
record in the West. It is known and regarded as one of the
prominent business institutions of Salt Lake and as such has
always occupied a foremost place in the business life of the
Mr. Marcy is a member of the Alta Club and of the American
Institute of Engineers, and has always been foremost in every
movement looking to the up-building of his chosen city. He has
done much to improve his company's products, and some of the
most desirable lines of machinery were invented and designed by
Well educated, well read, and of a pleasing personality, Mr.
Marcy is a business man of high order and ability. His success
in life so far has been entirely due to his own efforts and
those who know him do not hesitate to predict a still more
brilliant future
McCornick, William S.
William S. McCornick, banker, mining magnate, promoter of
railroads, and builder of great enterprises, is one of the
stalwart figures of the great State of Utah, and one of the
foremost and best known men of the inter-mountain country. He
was born near Picton, Ontario, Canada, September 14, 1837. His
parents were George and Mary McCornick, and his mother's maiden
name was Vance. They were farmers, and Mr. McCornick spent his
early days at hard manual labor, doing what fell to his lot to
assist his parents. His education was obtained at the public
schools, but, as he was a boy of more than ordinary
intelligence, he determined to succeed, and educated himself in
a practical manner. He remained at home until twenty-one, when
he decided to make his own way in life. Being lured by the
golden opportunities that California then offered, he went there
and lived for two years as a rancher near Marysville. Early in
the sixties the fame of the great Comstock Lode drew him to
Nevada, where he spent the next eleven years, engaged in
lumbering and mining, and here laid the foundation of the great
fortune now credited to him. He lived a year in Virginia City,
seven in Austin, two in Hamilton, and one in Belmont. He then
turned to Salt Lake City, arriving on May 5, 1873. In June of
the same year he established the banking business which has
grown with the city, and which today, under the name of
McCornick & Company, is beyond question the largest financial
institution of its kind between the Missouri River and the
Pacific Ocean.
Mr. McCornick 's experience as a mining man in Nevada gave
foretaste for larger operations in the same line in Utah.
Recognizing early the wonderful mineral resources and
possibilities of Utah, and prudently investing much of his
wealth in mines, he is to-day a large owner in some of the most
valuable mining properties in the west, notably the Silver King,
Daly "West, Centennial-Eureka, and Grand Central, all of them
among the heaviest dividend-payers in the region. He is also
interested in the American Smelting and Refining Company, and an
officer and director in many of the most important industrial,
mining, and financial concerns in the inter-mountain country.
The calm, farseeing judgment of Mr. McCornick has not only
resulted in his financial eminence, but has redounded to the
advantage of the State at large. An almost unerring gift for
distinguishing between men who are born to succeed, and those
seemingly destined to fail, backed by money accumulated through
recognized ability, has enabled him to foster both public and
individual enterprises that have inured to the lasting advantage
of Salt Lake City and the State of Utah, and in many cases,
public and private, the timely help of this man, and a keen
foresight of the issues, has saved many from personal failure,
and allied business interests from financial disaster.
Mr. McCornick, while not a politician, has always taken a deep
interest in public affairs, and has worked zealously to better
conditions and to help the State. In 1888 Mr. McCornick was
elected to the common council of Salt Lake City. Some years
later he was again elected and served the city as President of
the Council. For almost twenty years he was president of the
Board of Trustees of the State Agricultural College, which has
grown into a great institution, and that largely through his
progressive management. He takes a deep interest in education.
He was the first president of the Alta Club, is a lover of fine
horses, and has possessed a stable containing some of the
swiftest roadsters in Utah.
Mr. McCornick was married in January, 1867, to Miss Hannah Keogh
of Bellville, Ontario, a union which resulted in the birth of
ten children: William (deceased), Emma, Henry A., Harry
(deceased), Clarence K., Willis S., Lewis B., Anna, Albert V.,
and Genevieve. Every advantage that education and travel offer
has been accorded their children, and largely shared by Mr. and
Mrs. McCornick.
McIntyre, Samuel
Many a tale of frontier life in the
Great West can Samuel McIntyre tell, when he will, and his is a
life that is typical of the successful pioneer. As stock raiser
and mining man, Mr. McIntyre has won success through untiring
personal effort, and with a breadth of view characteristic of
the man who spends much time in stock-raising regions, he has
not been slow to branch out into other pursuits as the
development of the inter-mountain empire warranted.
Samuel McIntyre was born December 16, 1845, in Grimes County,
Texas, of Scotch-Irish descent. His father was William McIntyre,
a native of Louisiana, who later became a farmer and land dealer
in the Lone Star State. His mother was Margaret Anglin McIntyre.
When the boy was seven years old, the family came west, and Mr.
McIntyre is a pioneer of 1853. He received his education in the
public schools of Salt Lake City, and for a time in his early
manhood was engaged in the "freighting" business, as it was then
called. In this capacity the young man made trips in the early
days to Montana and California, along the trails of the
pioneers, thus acquiring an experience and an education which no
amount of school learning could ever give him. The sturdy
self-dependence which he acquired at that time has accompanied
him throughout a career already both long and useful, though no
one who knows him would call Mr. McIntyre an old man yet.
In 1867, or when he was but twenty-two years old, Mr. McIntyre
made his first start for himself in the cattle business. Even
now it is a life of freedom, and not without its hardships; and
in those early days it was even more so. In 1870 Mr. McIntyre
drove cattle into Utah from Texas, and in 1872 he went to Kansas
and back on a similar errand.
Energy such as this, amid the opportunities presented in the
Western field, could not but be rewarded, and Mr. McIntyre is
still known throughout the West as one of its most successful
stockmen. He is the owner of extensive ranches at Halleck, Nev.,
and at Tintic and Lemington, Utah, carrying in all about 10,000
head of both cattle and horses. Mr. McIntyre still personally
sells most of this stock at the ranches.
His interest in the stock, however, does not cease with raising
the animal and preparing it for market. He is also interested in
the Inter-mountain Packing Company, which does an extensive
export business in meats.
With horses, too, Mr. McIntyre has not confined himself to
raising stock, but he has also done much in the way of improving
the breeds grown in Utah. In this, too, he has been successful,
and Crabapple, the famous pacer with a mark of 2:08, was raised
and bred on a McIntyre ranch.
With the development of the West in other lines, this pioneer
stockman has also kept pace. He is, as has been mentioned,
interested in the packing industry, and also in mining,
financial and real-estate enterprises. He is president of the
Mammoth Mining Company, with properties in Nevada, and a
director of the Melcher Mine, of Idaho. He is director of the
Utah Commercial Savings Bank, and has extensive real-estate
interests in Salt Lake City.
Mr. McIntyre lives in a fashionable quarter of the city, at 130
Fifth East Street. His wife was Mary Alexander, and he married
her in 1872, on Independence Day. They have had eight children,
namely: Robt. Alexander (deceased), Samuel G., William LeRoy
(deceased), Frank, Stella, Lapere, Earl Lester and LeRoy.
Source: Sketches of the Inter-Mountain
States, Utah, Idaho and Nevada, Published by The Salt Lake
Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1909