Thurston County Newspapers
Enterprise, established in November, 1889, by R.
F. Pattison and J. W. Julian and its publication continued until
1894 when it suspended and the plant was moved to Cosmopolis.
(J. C. Rathbun, History of Thurston County, page 118.) No files
have been located.
in 1886, J. N. Gale, a former publisher of the Transcript and,
later, of the Echo, established the New Transcript, as a weekly
temperance paper. The failing health of the publisher prevented
success and in 1888 he sold the paper to H. W. Bessac. He
changed its name to Review and in 1889 sold it to J. C. Rathbun,
who, in 1890, sold it to B. M. Price. Mr. Price changed the name
to Capital and for a few months issued an afternoon edition.
From Mr. Bessac's ownership, the paper had been Republican, but
in 1892 it became an advocate of the People's Party. (J. C.
Rathbun, History of Thurston County, pages 117-118.)
Columbian, the
first newspaper published in the northern half of the old Oregon
Territory, issued its first number on September 11, 1852. The
people north of the Columbia River were agitating the
organization of a new Territory to be known as the Territory of
Columbia. That was one reason for establishing the paper and was
also the reason for choosing the name Columbian. The equipment
for the paper was brought from Portland in the schooner Mary
Taylor in the summer of 1852. The press was an old Ramage, so
called because it was constructed by Adam Ramage, who went to
Philadelphia in 1790 and is believed to have been the first
builder of presses in America. This particular press has had a
remarkable history. It was used in Mexica for the printing of
pronuncimientos until 1834, when it was moved to Monterey,
California, for a similar service. In 1846, it was moved to San
Francisco, where the Star and, later, the Alto California were
printed on it. When Thomas J. Dryer established the Portland
Oregonian, this same old press printed the first issue on
December 4, 1850. After serving the Columbian, it printed the
first paper in Seattle and pioneered in other towns. It is now a
prized relic in the University of Washington museum. (George PI.
Himes, in the Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society, Volume
IV., page 375, note; and Clinton A. Snowden: History of
Washington, Volume III., page 147.) The men who established the
Columbian were James W. Wiley and Thornton F. McElroy. The first
issue announced that it would be published every Saturday at "$5
per year by mail or taken at the office." Another announcement
declared: "Neutral in Politics. Devoted to the interests of
Oregon, and the Territory north of the Columbia River in
particular." Agents for the paper were announced as follows:
"Isaac N. Ebey, Whidby's Island; Henry C. Wilson, Port Townsend;
Balch & Palmer, Steilacoom; W. W. Miller, Nisqually; E. D.
Warbass, Cowlitz Farms; S. S. Ford, Sen., Chickeeles; Chas. C.
Terry &; Co., New York [first name of Seattle]; D. F.
Brownfield, New Dungeness; F. S. Holland, Oregon City." The
reading matter in that first issue includes: an article of two
columns by W. D. Porter, taken from the National Intelligencer;
an adventure story entitled "Misfortunes of Jack Beckler." "The
Battle of Platsburg," one column; and five columns were devoted
to the printing of the oration by D, R. Bigelow, delivered in
Olympia on the previous Fourth of July. There were forty-two
advertisements in the issue and several of them were illustrated
with symbols such as house, tree, cow, ship, shoe, horse and
steamboat. In the third issue there is an article headed, "To
the Residents of Northern Oregon," advocating the election of
delegates to a convention to petition for the organization of
the proposed new Territory of Columbia. This cause was followed
up vigorously in the following issues. In March, 1853, Mr. Wiley
retired from the paper. Of course, it could not have been known
in Olympia that on the second day of that very month the new
Territory had been created, but with the name changed from
Columbia to Washington. Mr. Wiley was succeeded by J. J. Beebe,
who remained in the firm for four months, retiring on July 13.
On September 17, Mr. McElroy retired and Matt. K. Smith took
charge of the paper. On December 3, J. W. Wiley and A. M. Berry
appear as publishers with Mr. Wiley as editor. The name of the
paper was then changed to Washington Pioneer and soon afterwards
to Pioneer and Democrat. (H. H. Bancroft, Works, Volume XXXI,
pages 77 and 377.) The subsequent record will be traced under
the title of Pioneer and Democrat. Complete files of the
Columbian are in the possession of Harry B. McElroy, of Olympia;
the University of Washington Library, and the State Library at
Age, given by former writers as the predecessor of the Courier.
Mr. C. B. Bagley says that is not true. Instead it was the
lineal successor of the Territorial Republican. Both those
papers were founded and conducted in the interest of Selucius
Garfielde in his campaigns for Delegate to Congress. After his
second election Commercial Age discontinued. (Interview with
Victor J. Farrar in April, 1921.) The Seattle Intelligencer for
July 18, 1870, quoting the Olympia Tribune, said: "The
Commercial Age printing material was sold last evening (11th
inst.) to Messrs L. G. Abbott and R. H. Hewitt for the sum of
$2,800. The purchasers finish the public printing and continue
the publication of the temperance paper. The Age is a thing of
the past."
Courier, the
second paper published in Washington Territory was the Puget
Sound Courier, established at Steilacoom on May 19, 1855, by
William B. Affleck and E. T. Gunn. The paper continued only
about a year, but the name was revived for a publication in
Olympia. Mr. Gunn was a capable newspaper man. When a serious
bolt was made from the Republican Party in 1867, he began in
Olympia a paper called the Transcript, which he continued until
his death in 1883. With the influence of this paper and others a
fusion was effected between the bolting Republicans and the
Democrats, resulting in the election of Judge O. B. McFadden to
Congress over Selucius Garfielde, the Republican nominee. This
aroused the Republicans who organized the Puget Sound Printing
Company, including Surveyor General (afterwards Governor) Elisha
P. Ferry and E. P. Beach. They purchased a plant in Port
Townsend and on January 1, 1872, they published in Olympia the
first issue of the Puget Sound Daily Courier. In announcing the
event, the Seattle Intelligencer on January 8, 1872, said the
new paper would support Republican measures and men and it would
be under the editorial charge of Mr. E. V. Leveridge, who was
then on his way to assume those duties. He did not remain in
Olympia long and Mr. Beach took active charge of the paper.
Henry G. Struve, then a lawyer in Olympia, did much editorial
work. While the paper was started as a daily, a weekly edition
was also published. In December, 1872, Clarence B. Bagley became
business manager and city editor. On June 1, 1873, he and John
R. Harned purchased the plant and the newspaper. In that year,
1873, Mr. Bagley secured the office of Territorial Printer,
which position he held for ten years. On November 1, 1873, the
publishing firm was styled C. B. Bagley & Co., and two years
later it was just C. B. Bagley. Mr. Bagley's early manhood was
devoted to printing and newspaper work. There is an interesting
reason for his entering that field. Soon after the Civil War,
while holding a minor political position he conceived the idea
of getting onto the market a deck of playing cards after the
style of those used in the popular game of authors. Instead of
the names of writers and titles of their works, he used the
names of Union Generals and the battles they had fought. He took
his cards to be printed in the office of Mr. Randall H. Hewitt
of the Echo. Superintending that job, led him to determine to
become a printer. As soon as his political employment ended he
went into the Echo shop and he says he became a competent
journeyman in three months. A financial venture by his father
drew him to Seattle and he forgot the printing plan until his
friends Garfielde and associates had encountered financial
difficulties and sent for Mr. Bagley to come to the aid of the
Courier. This he did as related above. In December, 1874, the
Puget Sound Daily Courier suspended, though the weekly edition
continued. Early in 1877 a coalition was made with a paper
called Olympian and the Daily Courier was issued for a short
time. In 1884, Mr. Bagley sold the newspaper and plant to W. H.
Roberts and F. A. Dunham, who continued the Weekly Courier and
for a time issued also the Daily Critic. In 1885, the paper was
sold to Thomas H. Cavanaugh who, on December 5, 1885, changed
the name to Partisan. (Clarence B. Bagley, "Pioneer Papers of
Puget Sound," in the Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society,
Volume IV., pages 380-381; J. C. Rathbun, History of Thurston
County, page 116; H. H. Bancroft, Works, Volume XXXI., page
377.) There are partial files of the Courier in the Seattle
Public Library and in the Library of the University of
Daily Critic,
issued for a short time by W. H. Roberts and F. A. Dunham from
the office of the Courier. No files have been reported.
Daily Olympian,
not to be confused with the Evening Olympian mentioned below. In
1871, there came to the Territory, Francis H. Cook, a young but
skillful and experienced newspaper man. He got employment in the
Courier office and in a few weeks became its foreman. In 1874,
he bought the Echo, a paper started in 1868 by Randall H.
Hewitt. Evidently the vigor of Mr. Cook disturbed the unstable
newspaper equilibrium in Olympia. A combination was made between
Clarence B. Bagley, of the Republican Courier, and John Miller
Murphy, of the Democratic Standard. Together they would publish
the Olympian, ostensibly for boom purposes, but really to freeze
out Cook's Echo. The Olympian was to be strictly non-partisan.
Mr. Bagley and Mr. Murphy were each to have charge of alternate
issues of the paper. Mr. Cook promptly accepted the challenge
and for a few weeks devoted his columns to a "History of the
Combination," to which the Olympian made almost daily reply. The
harmony between Mr. Bagley and Mr. Murphy continued until the
fall campaigning approached. On August 31, 1876, they frankly
announced their inability to longer pull together. The paper
passed into the hands of Mr. Bagley on September 2. He issued it
from the Courier office as an out-and-out Republican journal,
supporting his faction of the party. After the campaign, on
November 21, 1876, he sold the Olympian to Mark Dobrin, who
edited it until February 7, 1877, when it was suspended. The
battle against Mr. Cook was apparently successful as he moved to
Tacoma in 1877 and resumed a newspaper career in the "Terminus
City." There is a file nearly complete in the Seattle Public
Library. It begins with Volume I., Number 1, February 28, 1876.
(J. C. Rathbun, History of Thurston County, page 117; Clarence
B. Bagley, "Pioneer Newspapers of Puget Sound," in the Quarterly
of the Oregon Historical Society, Volume IV., pages 381-382;
Julian Hawthorne, History of Washington, Volume I., pages
Echo, the
Seattle Intelligencer on August 17, 1868,
made this announcement: "We have received the prospectus of the
Temperance Echo, a paper to be devoted to temperance and
education. It it to be published in Olympia, under the control
of a committee designated by the temperance organization of the
Territory." The first number appeared on October 1, 1868. At the
end of the first year the plant was bought by L. G. Abbott and
C. B. Bagley, but Mr. Bagley soon sold his interest to J. H.
Munson. In October, 1870, Mr. Munson became sole owner. The
Olympia Transcript on February 18, 1871, announced: "Mr. R. H.
Hewitt has again become publisher of the Temperance Echo, of
which Mr. L. P. Vernon is editor and Mr. J. H. Munson
proprietor." In November, 1873, the paper was acquired by James
N. Gale, who sold it during the next year to Francis H. Cook. He
changed it to a political paper. This brought about the
successful coalition against him the results of which are told
in the sketch of the Daily Olympian (Charles Prosche, Washington
Press Association Proceedings, 1887-1890, page 26; J. C. Rathbun,
History of Thurston County, page 116.) There are incomplete
files of both the weekly and daily issues in the Seattle Public
Evening Olympian,
begun in the latter part of February, 1889, by John Miller
Murphy, publisher of the Standard. This venture was in
compliance with a contract with real estate men for a period oi
six months. At the expiration of the contract the city was
facing an election as to the retention or removal of the capital
for the new Slate. The Board of Trade then helped the little
paper to publish until after the election. (J. C. Rathbun,
History of Thurston County, page 118.) No files have been
Far West, in
1865, E. W. Foster issued this monthly magazine devoted to
morals, religion, health, education, and agriculture.
Competition in that line from older communities was too keen and
the magazine was short lived. (H. H, Bancroft, Works, Volume
XXXI., page 379.) No files have been reported.
New Transcript, begun in 1886 by J. N. Gale, who
sold the plant to H. W. Bessac in 1888. Subsequent sales and
changes of name resulted in the Capital See Capital.
Northwest Democrat,
see Pioneer and Democrat. Northwest Teacher, a monthly, devoted
to the interests of education, was founded by E. E. Follansbee,
principal of the public schools, and continued publication until
1890. (J. C. Rathbun, History of Thurston County, page 117.) No
files have been reported.
North-Western Farmer,
a short lived paper beginning on January 2, 1875. The Seattle
Intelligencer of January 9, 1875, thus announced the new
arrival: "The new Grange paper has just issued its first number.
It is a seven column sheet, and is published by R. H. Hewitt,
Esq. at Olympia." The paper suspended on December 11, 1875, when
it was merged with the Temperance Echo. Incomplete files are in
the Seattle Public Library and the University of Washington
Overland Press,
a paper with a brief but rather spectacular career, was founded
on July 29, 1861, by Alonzo M. Poe. He was the Olympia agent for
the Victoria, B. C., Press. That paper had a rival in Victoria,
called the Colonist. Of course there was great interest in news
of the Civil War. The steamer Eliza Anderson left Olympia for
Victoria every Monday morning. The Colonist put on a special
reporter who gathered all the war news received in Olympia
during the week and edited the items on the voyage to Victoria,
thus "scooping" the rival Press. To overcome this advantage, Mr.
Poe arranged with John Miller Murphy of the Washington
Standard, to put the collected war news into type
and run off a supplement to be used by the Press as soon as the
steamer arrived in Victoria. The brilliant scheme was so
successful that Mr. Poe conceived the idea of a newspaper,
featuring the war news. The plant of the Pioneer and Democrat,
including the Ramage press used by J. W. Wiley and T. F. McElroy
in publishing the Columbian, was for sale. Mr. Poe bought it and
began the Overland Press. It is an error to say that this
enlivened interest was the result of war news received in
Olympia by telegraph. Governor William Pickering on September 5,
1864, sent to President Lincoln a greeting which began:
"Washington Territory this day sends her first Telegraphic
Dispatch," and the next day the President replied briefly.
However, the pony express had been put on between the Missouri
River and Sacramento, reducing the time of transporting news to
ten or twelve days. The war news then reached Olympia only three
weeks old, when, before that, it had been six or more weeks old.
The pony express also probably suggested the name of Overland
Press. In commenting on this achievement, in 1889, Charles
Prosch said: "Poe was wide awake and enterprising and succeeded
in making his paper popular both on Puget Sound and in Victoria,
obtaining in the latter place a larger patronage than any
journal on this side of the boundary ever before or since that
period acquired." (Washington Press Association Proceedings,
1887-1890, page 24.) Mr. Poe associated with himself J. W.
Watson. Later the paper passed into the hands of Wilson & Head
and still later was acquired by Bion F. Kendall. This brilliant
young lawyer had been Prosecuting Attorney for the Central
District, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives for two
sessions, Librarian of the Territorial Library and
Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Washington Territory. When
he acquired the newspaper he frequently contributed to its
columns. He was attorney for the Puget Sound Agricultural
Company, a subsidiary of the Hudson's Bay Company, in a bitter
contest. One of the buildings of the company was burned and the
Overland Press intimated that Horace Howe was responsible for
the conflagration. Howe, on meeting Kendall, struck him with a
switch and Kendall opened fire with a revolver, wounding Howe.
He then published his version of the controversy. On January 7,
1863, Horace Howe, Junior, visited the office of the Overland
Press and fatally shot Kendall, saying he did so in
self-defense. On being admitted to bail, young Howe disappeared.
On January 12, 1863, the Overland Press appeared with "turned
rules" of mourning and carrying a strong editorial on the life
and character of B. F. Kendall. G. Abbott and J. W. Watson,
employees of Mr. Kendall, bought the paper. In 1863, Mr. Watson
sold his interest to R. H. Hewitt and moved to Seattle. Abbott &
Hewitt continued the publication, but they changed the paper's
name to Pacific Tribune. (Clarence B. Bagley, "Pioneer Papers of
Puget Sound," in the Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society,
Volume IV., pages 373-374; J. C. Rathbun, History of Thurston
County, pages 115-116; Washington Historical Quarterly, Volume
X., page 236; Clinton A. Snowden, History of Washington, Volume
IV., pages 189-190.)
Pacific Tribune,
as Bancroft points out, this paper had a longer lease of life
than many of its predecessors. (H. H. Bancroft, Works, Volume
XXXI., page 378.) In 1863, L. G. Abbott and R. H. Hewitt became
owners of the Overland Press and changed its name to Pacific
Tribune. In 1866, Mr. Hewitt was in charge but he sold out to
Charles Prosch, formerly of Steilacoom, in 1867. During a
session of the Legislature that year the paper appeared as a
daily the first daily in Washington Territory, but the weekly
was continued also as the more durable form. Under the Prosch
ownership, the firm name changed frequently; in 1867, it was
Charles Prosch & Company; in 1868, Charles Prosch; and later,
Charles Prosch k Sons; in 1870, Charles Prosch & Son; in 1872,
Charles Prosch, and later, Thomas W. Prosch. On October 4, 1869,
the daily edition was resumed. Three volumes containing partial
files of the paper are in the University of Washington Library.
The Seattle Intelligencer on September 9, 1872, announced the
sale by Charles Prosch to his son, Thomas W. Prosch, as of
September 4, and said that the Pacific Tribune made a neat
appearance in a new dress of type. The same Seattle paper
announced on August 9, 1873, that the Pacific Tribune had been
moved to Tacoma. Its history will be resumed in the record of
the Tacoma papers. (Charles Prosch, Washington Press Association
Proceedings, 1887-1890, page 25. Mr. Randall H. Hewitt, who was
associated with this paper during its first four years under the
name of Pacific Tribune, gave evidence for the United States in
the case against the Puget Sound Agricultural Company on
November 20, 1866. In his deposition he said he was about
twenty-seven years old; that he was a printer and editor and
publisher of the Pacific Tribune. In 1863. Mr. Hewitt published
from the press of the Washington Standard a pamphlet of
fifty-eight pages entitled, "Notes by the Way; Memoranda of a
Journey Across the Plains from Dundee, Illinois, to Olympia,
Washington Territory, May 7 to November 3, 1862." In his older
years he published a large book on the same theme. In 1876, he
removed with his family to Los Angeles, California. His son,
Leslie R. Hewitt, a native of Olympia, is now (1922) a Judge of
the Superior Court at Los Angeles.
Partisan, when Thomas H. Cavanaugh bought the
Courier in 1885, he changed its name to Partisan. He continued
its publication until December, 1889, when the paper was sold to
the State Printing & Publishing Company, with O. C. White, then
Territorial Secretary, as manager. While Mr. Cavanaugh published
the Partisan he also did the Territorial printing. Mr. White
became State Printer during the first session of the State
Legislature and soon afterwards his company sold the Partisan to
J. W. Robinson, a lawyer, who placed in charge C. M. Barton and
H. L. Gill, both of Tacoma, as editor and business manager,
respectively. He also changed the name of the paper to Tribune,
which was continued as an afternoon daily until the spring of
1893. (J. C. Rathbun, History of Thurston County, page 116.)
Pioneer and Democrat,
the third and last name of Washington's first newspaper. While
the Columbian was advocating the creation of the new "Territory
of Columbia," it was non-partisan, that, too, at a time when
Whigs and Democrats were in bitter opposition. News reached
Olympia that the new Territory had been created on March 2,
1853, but with the name changed to Washington. The publisher did
not change the name of his paper to any such title as
"Washingtonian" but continued under the old name until December
3, 1853. At that time there was a complete reorganization. J. W.
Wiley came back as half owner with A. M. Berry, and these new
proprietors gave the paper its second name, Washington Pioneer.
The nonpartisan veil was promptly thrown aside as may be seen by
the following notice under the head of "A Fresh Start," in the
issue of December 3, 1853 : "In presenting the present number of
this paper to the public, we have the satisfaction of saying
that the Columbian has become the Washington Pioneer that it has
been purchased 'body and boots' from Whig influence and
interest, has been paid for, that the present editor is half
owner of the establishment and as long as he continues as such
that the paper will continue to be a straight out, radical
Democratic journal, an uncompromising political opponent to
everything that bears the garb or assumes the form of Whiggery,
'soft-shellism,' faction, and in short all things opposed to the
true interest of the people, or the Democratic Party." In that
same number there appeared the prospectus of another journal to
be published by N. H. Doyle under the name of Northwest
Democrat. Mr. Doyle was induced to abandon his own plan and to
join with Mr. Wiley and Mr. Berry, whereupon the paper received
its third name, Pioneer and Democrat, on February 4, 1854. The
paper received the contract to do the Territorial printing and
Mr. Berry went east to secure materials. There he died of
malignant smallpox at his old home in Greenland, New Hampshire,
in August, 1854. George B. Goudy became associated with the
publishers on December 16, 1854, and in the following August
became sole proprietor, although Mr. Wiley remained as editor.
Mr. Goudy retired in August, 1856, and was succeeded by Edward
Furste, who conducted the paper with Mr. Wiley. Soon after that,
Mr. Wiley withdrew and Mr. Furste joined the editorial staff,
becoming sole editor and proprietor in May, 1858. Mr. Furste is
said to have cleared $10,000, largely from the Territorial
printing contract. In November, 1860, he sold the paper to James
Lodge. The paper was suspended in the spring of 1861, after the
inauguration of the first Republican administration. This paper
skipped an issue during the Indian war and on November 9, 1855,
explains it by saying: "the hands in the office were either
acting as volunteers or were engaged in the work of fortifying
Olympia." H. H. Bancroft, the Pacific Coast historian, pays the
paper this compliment: "Historically, the Pioneer and Democrat
is of more importance than any other journal or journals."
Complete files of the paper are in the University of Washington
Library and the private library of Harry B. McElroy, of Olympia.
(H. H. Bancroft, Works, Volume XXXI, pages 77 and 377 ; Charles
Prosch, Washington Press Association Proceedings, 1887-1890,
page 24; J. C. Rathbun, History of Thurston County, page 115.)
Republican, in
1885, Mr. P. P. Carroll established a weekly paper with this
name, but it was short lived. Edwin N. Fuller says the firm name
was Carroll & Son. (Washington Press Association Proceedings,
1887-1890, page 83.)
Review, the
name of a paper from 1888 to 1889, during its transition from
the New Transcript to the Capital. See Capital.
Territorial Republican,
established by J. R. Watson on August 10, 1868. Its birth was
announced by the Seattle Intelligencer on August 17, 1868. The
Olympia Transcript on August 21, 1869, had this notice: "Dead -
The Republican of last Monday announces the demise of that
paper. The effects of the establishment go into the hands of a
company that proposes the starting of a new paper." See
Commercial Age, where Mr. C. B. Bagley states that the paper was
the successor of the Territorial Republican. Incomplete files of
the paper are in the University of Washington Library.
issued first on November 30, 1867. S. D. Howe and Marshall
Blinn, leaders of a bolting wing of the Republican Party, bought
materials for a newspaper and placed them in the hands of J. N.
Gale and E. T. Gunn. The independent Republican paper was
spirited, newsy, and attractive. It soon acquired much
influence. When it helped a successful fusion with the Democrats
the Courier was brought into existence to save the day for the
regular Republican organization. See Courier. In 1868, T. F.
McElroy was associated with Mr. Howe in the ownership but in
1870 it passed into the hands of Mr. Gunn, who continued its
publication until his death in 1885. Mr. C. B. Bagley, who was
of the opposite wing of the Republican party at that time, says
that E. T. Gunn was one of the most widely known and popular of
the old-time newspaper men and that his Transcript was the
neatest and best printed of all the early papers, and for many
years exerted much influence in political affairs. The paper
ceased on the death of its editor. Partial files are in the
University of Washington Library. (C. B. Bagley, in the
Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society, Volume IV., page
380; Charles Prosch, Washington Press Association Proceedings,
1887-1890, page 25; H. H. Bancroft, Works, Volume XXXI., page
Union Guard, a few of the first copies of this
short-lived triweekly of 1866 are in the University of
Washington Library, The publishers were J. N. Gale & Co. ''for
the Union Publishing Club." It is a small sheet, intensely
partisan for the "Union" side in those reconstruction times.
Most of its shafts are aimed at John Miller Murphy who was then
supporting the administration of President Andrew Johnson.
Unitarian Advocate,
the United States census of 1880 says monthly magazine was
suspended in March, 1880. No other facts have been found nor
have any copies been located.
Washington Democrat, founded in November, 1864, by
Urban E. Hicks. The Democratic papers had ceased and this was an
effort to give that party an organ. The Republicans were in
power and there was no public patronage for the paper. It
suspended in July, 1865. (J. C. Rathbun, History of Thurston
County, page 116.)
Washington Pioneer,
see Pioneer and Democrat.
Washington Standard,
established by John Miller Murphy on November 17, 1860, this
paper achieved the distinction of being the oldest continuous
publication in the Territory and State of Washington. The time
was most propitious for the founding of this paper. In that very
month, Lincoln had been elected. Soon after the inauguration of
the first Republication administration the Pioneer and Democrat
ceased publication. Of course, the Washington Standard got all
the public patronage. Mr. Murphy espoused the Union cause
throughout the Civil War. However, he defended President Johnson
during the reconstruction difficulties and, in 1868, he went
permanently into the Democratic camp. Thereafter he enjoyed the
profits of public printing only at such times as his party was
successful. Publishing the Washington Standard was Mr. Miller's
life work. In addition, he printed many pamphlets and
occasionally he printed other papers as Daily Olympian (with
Clarence B. Bagley) and Evening Olympian. Mr. Bagley was a
contemporary publisher, once an associate but mostly an
opponent. In 1903, he wrote sympathetically about the Washington
Standard and its venerable publisher, as follows: "Its first
number was largely written, set up and printed by its founder,
John Miller Murphy, and now, almost forty-three years later, it
is his proud boast that it has never missed an issue, has never
changed its name and that not a single one of its weekly issues
has failed to have more or less editorial matter from his pen."
(In the Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society, Volume IV.,
page 374.) Mr. Murphy was the guest of honor at a banquet in
Olympia held on November 19, 1910, to celebrate the fiftieth
anniversary of the founding of his paper. On July 31, 1912,
after exceeding his half century in newspaper harness, Mr.
Murphy sold his paper to Messrs. J. H. Brown, Eagle Freshwater
and J. De K. Brown. On December 20, 1916, the veteran editor
died. In early life there was little promise of the success Mr.
Murphy was to achieve in later years. He was born in Federdam,
near Fort Wayne, Indiana, on November 3, 1839, the son of John
and Susan (Miller) Murphy. His father was an Irish immigrant, a
millwright by calling, and his mother was of Pennsylvania Dutch
extraction. At the age of seven years, being left an orphan, he
was given to the care of his sister, Mrs. George A. Barnes, of
Cincinnati. In 1850, he accompanied the sister's family across
the plains to Portland, Oregon, where Mr. Barnes became a
merchant. Here the lad attended school and in his odd hours was
at work in the store, thus early acquiring that intimacy with
human nature so valuable to the journalist. The family moved to
Puget Sound in 1851 and Mr. Barnes's new store was the second
one to be established in Olympia. Mr. Murphy later said that he
felt he could not get very far working for relatives and decided
to seek his fortune on his own account. He apprenticed himself
in 1856 to learn the printer's trade in the Oregon Weekly Times,
John H. Waterman, editor. Carter & Austin, owners. He carried
the first news route for the newly established Portland
Oregonian and later became that paper's dramatic critic. He
worked for a short time on the Argus in Oregon City, and in 1860
he decided to become a publisher. In July, of that year, he
established, with E. V. Coon, the Vancouver, Washington,
Chronicle. Within a few months he decided to return to Olympia,
where he established the Washington Standard, as already
related. At the time of the "golden jubilee" celebration and
later, at the time of his death, the newspapers were lavish in
their praise of his long sustained industry and enterprise. It
was recalled that he had served many good causes and had held
many offices. On the domestic side it was recalled that he was
survived by his second wife and by three of his ten children.
His surviving children were Mrs. Stella Carroll, of Seattle;
Frank Murphy, of Olympia; and Charles B. Murphy, of Tacoma. Two
complete files of the Washington Standard are in existence, one
at the office of publication, and one in the private library of
Harry B. McElroy, of Olympia. There are also partial files in
the University of Washington Library and in the State Library,
at Olympia. (J. C. Rathbun, History of Thurston County, page
115; Charles Prosch, Washington Press Association Proceedings,
1887-1890, page 25; issues of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer in
1910, 1912 and 1910.)
Washington AHGP |
County Newspapers
Source: Washington Historical Quarterly,
Volume 13-14, 1923