Newspapers of Washington Territory
As the
Americans began that march across the continent, that westward
movement, which developed into the greatest colonizing
experience of modern history, the newspaper not only helped to
point the way but also sent out numerous brave children to help
in the struggle and to encourage the pioneer home builders,
keeping pace with the frontier as soon as the new homes
clustered into village or town.
As Washington
Territory was one of the last of the American frontiers, it is
natural that the frontier newspaper service should be found here
in the fullness of flower in the two-score years from 1850 to
1890. Some men live longer and serve their fellows longer than
do others. So has it been with the newspapers. Every publisher
who launched a new paper had hope and ambition for his
enterprise. Some of those papers were pitifully young at the
time of their deaths or absorption by a stronger rival. Still it
is comforting to believe that, in the surging of the great human
tide, each of them rendered service during its day, be that day
brief or long.
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Washington AHGP

Source: Washington Historical Quarterly,
Volume 13-14, 1923