PUMPHREY, John S. | PURDY, Oran | PUTHOFF, Ruth Anna |

John S. Pumphrey
John S. Pumphrey, an aged and well known resident of this city, died at his home on the Frahm pike, just beyond the city limits, at 5:30 o'clock yesterday morning. He bad been in declining health for some time and his death was due to a complication of diseases. Mr. Pumphrey was an Englishman by birth, and was but a small child when his parents came to this country. He was wedded to Sarah McCrosky in 1861, and they came to Celina four years later. The wife and ten children survive him. The latter are John Samuel and Leonard, of this city; Mrs. Wm. Worthington, of Dayton; Mrs. Chas. Franks, of Ft. Wayne; Mesdames Erastus May, Wm. Miller and John Lincoln, of Celina, and Lester Pumphrey, a member of the regular army, stationed at Portland, Me. The funeral will occur from his late home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with interment at North Grove.
(The Celina Democrat, June 10, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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Oran Purdy
Oran Purdy, aged 66 years, a well known resident of the north part of the county, died at his home seven miles south west of Rockford last Sunday morning of blood poison, which set in several weeks ago following a slight scratch of his left hand with a rusty nail. He was born in this county and is survived by his father, wife and several children. Funeral services were held last Tuesday morning at Bethel.
(The Celina Democrat, July 1, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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Ruth Anna Puthoff
Ruth Anna, the twelve-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Puthoff, West Logan street, died last Sunday morning shortly before ten o'clock following an operation for appendicitis last Friday. The young girl took sick only a week previous, but the appendix was found to be in a very bad condition and she never rallied from the operation. Funeral services were held at St. Mary's Church last Wednesday morning. A sad incident in connection with the death, was the fact that her older sister was receiving her first holy communion with the big communion class last Sunday morning when the death occurred.
(The Celina Democrat, May 20, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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