O'LEARY, Dan | OBRINGER, Lawrence |

Dan O'Leary
Probate Judge Dugan last Friday received the delayed news of the death of Dan O'Leary, which occurred at the Toledo State hospital on June 6. Mr. O'Leary will be well remembered in this city, where for a number or years he resided before he was taken to Toledo in September 1908, after being adjudged insane in the Probate Court here. He was one of the county's greatest horsemen.
(The Celina Democrat, June 24, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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Lawrence Obringer
Lawrence Obringer, aged 50 years, a resident of Butler Township, died suddenly on the 30th ult. at the home of his brother, Joseph Obringer, at Fremont, where he had been visiting for the past several weeks. He did not answer when he was called several times Thursday morning and when his brother went to his room he found him lying lifeless on the bed. His death was due to heart trouble. He is survived by two brothers, Joseph, at whose home he died, and Andrew, living two miles north-west of Coldwater, and three sisters, Mesdames Mary Handfield, of Cincinnati; H. Miller, of Muncie, Ind.; and H. Kallmeyer, of Coldwater. The remains were shipped to the home of his brother, Andrew, near Coldwater, last Friday.
(The Celina Democrat, July 8, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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