South Dakota, Pacific States Newspapers Directory, 1894


South Dakota became a State in 1889. It has a land area of upwards of 78,000 square miles. Its extreme breadth is 380 miles and length 245 miles. The State has a diversified surface, there being portions well adapted to wheat and corn growing, others for grazing, and still others for timber. It is also rich in mineral wealth, principally gold, silver, copper, iron, etc. Its population is increasing rapidly and at the last census reached 328,808.

Since the issuance of our preceding edition there has been the usual number of newspaper changes in this and other States mentioned in this work. The several industries throughout the State have largely increased, and in every branch and direction show unusual prosperity.

We give a brief description in the following pages of the several counties, with a tabulated list of the newspapers published in each.

By County


South Dakota Index| Pacific States Newspaper Index

Source: Pacific States Newspaper Directory, Sixth Edition, Palmer & Rey Type Foundry, San Francisco, 1894

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