North Dakota
was admitted as a State in 1889. It has a land area of 70,795
square miles. Its extreme breadth is 360 miles and length 210
miles. The surface is a rolling prairie, interspersed with
uplands which are especially adapted to grazing. The soil is
very productive for the cereals and all agricultural products.
Lignite coal is found in abundance. Population 182,719.
Since the issuance of our preceding
edition there has been the usual number of newspaper changes in
this and other States mentioned in this work. The several
industries throughout the State have largely increased, and in
every branch and direction show unusual prosperity.
We give a brief description in the
following pages of the several counties, with a tabulated list
of the newspapers published in each.
By County
North Dakota Index |
Pacific States Newspaper Index
Source: Pacific States Newspaper
Directory, Sixth Edition, Palmer & Rey Type Foundry, San
Francisco, 1894
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